Wednesday, 2024-01-24

fkrgood morning07:57
fkrat 0800 UTC the publiccloud sig starts. We'll be over here:
*** LarsErik1 is now known as LarsErikP08:35
puckFor the next publiccloud-sig meeting I'll have a different location. But I won't spoil that surprise till then. :)09:22
*** freyes_ is now known as freyes14:01
ttx #startmeeting large_scale_sig16:00
ttxhmm not sure we have the bot today16:01
fricklerttx: doesn't work with leadin space16:01
ttxhaha lol16:01
ttx#startmeeting large_scale_sig16:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jan 24 16:01:43 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'large_scale_sig'16:01
ttxcopypaste matrix fail16:01
ttx#topic Rollcall16:01
ttxAnyone here for the Large Scale SIG meeting?16:02
ttxBelmiro! Happy new year, man16:02
belmoreirahi everyone16:02
ttxHow are things going in space?16:02
ttxamorin: hi!16:03
belmoreiraHappy New Year! Finally stars aligned and I don't have a conflicting meeting in this slot16:03
belmoreirastill on earth... :)16:03
ttx#topic 2024 Large Scale SIG activities16:03
ttxOur agenda is at
ttxWanted to start with a discussion of what we should plan to do this year16:04
ttxAny goals, ideas?16:05
ttxfelix.huettner: o/16:05
belmoreiraThe "live" episodes are always a very good media for discussion16:06
belmoreirais there some ideas for 2024?16:06
ttxRegarding OpenInfra Live, I'm not sure how aggressively the Foundation will pursue future episodes, so we could consider a change in format (make it podcast rather than webcast, make it not live, etc.)16:06
felixhuettner[m]i also realy like the discussions there16:07
ttxIt feels like teh "live" audience has been dwindling a bit16:07
felixhuettner[m]but not sure if find more guests16:07
ttxbut if you think those are great we can definitely continue them16:07
amorinmake sense to change the format in my opinion16:07
belmoreiraThe format that is there now is already +/- "podcast" like16:08
felixhuettner[m]does it maybe make sense to add topic based discussions instead of company based?16:08
felixhuettner[m]allthough i have nothing specific in mind there16:08
ttxbelmoreira: yes, we just have a bunch of extra constraints (live means it's at a given predictable time in the day, etc)16:08
belmoreiratrue, actually my main constrain 16:09
ttxmaking it not-live could open up to more guests, but we'd lose the live questions component16:09
ttxmaking it not-video would reduce production constraints, but we'd lose the possibility to show slides in corner cases16:10
felixhuettner[m]and while there is not too much, i think they help the discussion16:10
amorinI am not sure a podcast would work, are people ready to listen to large scale stuff without visual things ?16:10
ttxfelix.huettner: topic-based discussion usually means a bit more work to gather "adequate" speakers16:10
belmoreira"podcast" sound only it would be a new format for us... the distribution channels would be different 16:11
ttxI'm fine with continuing the current format, we just might need help securing future guests 16:11
belmoreiranot sure if we would like to add that complexity ("podcast sound"). Also, then we need to attract a different type of listener/participant16:12
ttxIf you want an episode on a topic-based discussion and you secure the guests, I'll gladly help set it up16:12
belmoreiraIn the current format we have that flexibility... actually we did it several times in the past16:13
belmoreira(upgrades as an example)16:13
ttxMaybe we can continue on the "live" format, but encourage people to come with a topic and a bunch of interested guests (can be around a company deployment or around a specific operational topic)16:13
ttxthat removes the weird intermediary step where someone no teh Foundation side takes the guest suggestions and goes to secure them16:14
ttx"on the Foundation side"16:14
felixhuettner[m]would also be interesting16:14
felixhuettner[m]just to figure out what people want to share16:14
fkrI can see wether I can actively 'recruit' speakers/topics from the Public Cloud SIG or from among the operators within the scs ecosystem16:14
ttxso we'd rely on a community "producer" to propose an episode, complete with guests... and we'd make it happen on the live platform16:15
ttx(we = foundation staff)16:15
fkrevery now and then topics come up in the Lean Operator coffee we have at SCS that I think, would be a good fit for the live format. will see about pursueing that.16:16
ttxrather than centralize everything16:16
ttxI mean, centralizing worked well, but it's better to crowdsource ideas and guest connections16:16
felixhuettner[m]then i would ask around in the ovn community session, maybe someone would like to share something16:16
belmoreiraI'm OK with it. We need to see if it works out. How we gonna pass the message to the community?16:17
ttxInstead of trying to force an episode now and then, the Foundation would organize them upon request, after the Large Scale SIG vets the proposal16:18
ttxWe can say "the Large Scale SIG looks for ideas for future live webcasts -- if you are interested ..."16:18
ttxThat said I expect most of the ideas / episode proposals to come from this group16:19
belmoreirasounds good16:19
ttxthe main difference is that we would not commit to a cadence as much as we did in the past. No proposal, no episode, that's ok16:19
ttxI'd rather wait for a good one that run one half-baked (there was one last year that felt very half-baked :) )16:20
ttx#agreed Large Scale OpenStack show will continue in a live webcast format in 2024, but episodes will be suggested (complete with willing guests) by the community and approved during Large Scale SIG meetings16:22
ttx#agreed No predefined cadence -- no proposal, no episode, that's ok16:22
ttx#action ttx to send an email to the openstack-discuss list asking for ideas16:23
ttxAnything else on the topic of our 2024 activities? I guess we'll continue to slow-roll updates to the doc16:23
belmoreiranot form me16:24
ttx#topic Large scale doc16:25
ttxon the topic of doc... I haven't seen anything recently but if you did let me know16:25
felixhuettner[m]yep, nothing from me yet16:25
ttx#topic Next meeting(s)16:26
amorinnothing here, but I wish I will find time to explain something about rabbitmq streams and quorum, it was merged last week, so we will be able to explain it16:26
belmoreirait was great to catch up with you, again.16:26
belmoreirahopefully will be able to join other meetings16:26
ttxamorin: keep us posted!16:26
amorinyes, nice to see you belmoreira!16:26
belmoreiraneed to leave now.16:26
ttx#info Next EU+APAC IRC meeting Feb. 7, 9utc16:27
ttxbelmoreira: bye!16:27
ttx#info Next EU+US IRC meeting Feb 21, 16utc16:27
ttx#topic Open discussion16:27
ttxAnything else to mention?16:27
ttxor discuss?16:28
amorinnothing here16:28
ttxAlright then...16:29
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jan 24 16:29:14 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:29
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
ttxWill post summary to the list16:29
amorinthanks, see you!16:32

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