Wednesday, 2022-11-23

FelixKronlage-Dammers[m]hey ho. i’m traveling and will not be able to attend in any practical way.08:00
tobberydbergThanks for the information and safe travels to you :-) 08:01
FelixKronlage-Dammers[m]tobberydberg: i took the contents of the pad to discuss with the scs people, and will have results next week.08:01
tobberydbergI didn't send out a reminder yesterday, so lets see if people turn up08:01
tobberydbergThanks FelixKronlage-Dammers[m] ... will be interesting to see the result of that08:02
FelixKronlage-Dammers[m]one item i quickly wanted to bring up: once per month we have an interactive jitsi call at SCS called “Lean SCS Operator coffee” and i wanted to reach out to invite ops from this round. where best to post infos on that?08:03
FelixKronlage-Dammers[m]it is an hour of exchange regarding operational issues, experiences etc in a lean coffee format08:03
tobberydbergI would say that this meeting is a good start, but even better would be to shoot an email to the mailing list I would say08:05
gtemamissing reminder email is really causing me to forget08:14
gtemaalso winter time slot is not so great08:15
tobberydbergReminder is on me, but a recommendation is to put it in the calendar ;-) 08:17
tobberydbergFor me personally winter time or summer time doesn't matter, not really sure how it would affect others though08:17
gtemaI placed it into calendar and it is now an entry for 10:00 - that's my issue08:19
tobberydbergaha, not time zone aware...08:19
gtemaI needed to place it into my outlook (work email/calendar) and it is just not having anything for that08:23
tobberydbergOk. Well, maybe wait for next meeting and I'll make sure to send a reminder since its just us here...08:29
fricklerI've also been wondering whether a change of topic might help. at least for me this standardization isn't too interesting, I think originally there was also some talk about refstack, maybe that would attract more participation?08:30
tobberydbergOne thought I want to leave here is to start thinking about Forum sessions for Vancouver. I know it is early CFP deadline, January 1008:33
tobberydbergIn my world frickler the current topic was a little bit of a pre-req to get in place to then start the refstack parts. But I'm happy to have more topics on the agenda as well and the refstack bit interests me as well08:35
gtemaso what about starting discussing of replacing refstack with SDK based functional tests being executed from the foundation side and not uploaded by clouds themselves?08:38
tobberydbergTotally agree with that approach, would make a lot more sense 08:39
gtemaI think I am a bit closer to having things done in SDK for that, but not finished08:40
gtemafrickler - do you have any change to ask/push on the change to introduce post-review pipeline?08:41
gtema and
fricklergtema: I must admin I didn't look at those yet, I can do it now08:42
gtemawould appreciate, thanks08:42
gtemathat would be a prerequisite to having tests running on real clouds08:42
gtemaso far this only happens manually08:42
tobberydbergClouds to hand out credentials for an account/tenant to "foundation" or what runs the tests08:44
tobberydbergNon-admin API calls only08:45
tobberydbergWhich isn't really a pre-req, but a limitation of what is tested08:45
gtemahow many clouds have a concept of domain admin?08:45
gtemaI mean having possibility inside customer domain to manage users is so much sensible, but I see it is not implemented in OS as default08:46
tobberydbergWould assume not two many, but I might be wrong. We don't at this point08:46
gtemaI know08:46
tobberydbergNot sure when that will be in place either in our end... I'm trying to push for it to happen08:47
gtemathis fact on it's own is having impact on SDK/CLI (since in most cases it tries to list projects/users to find a match). Having tests running on real clouds is beneficial to everybody 08:47
tobberydbergOne start could be to limit to functional testing "inside a project"08:49
tobberydbergLeaves out quite a bit of useful tests, but is better than nothing08:50
gtemasure, exactly therefore I started restructuring func tests in sdk to "regular-user" and "admin-user"08:51
gtemaso that we will have 2 (or more) suits expecting different credentials/privileges08:52
fricklergtema: commented on both patches, if you want to amend, I can carry over clark's +2 and approve. I can also approve as-is if you prefer08:52
gtemahmm, don't know what's better. I remember clark and fungi were already involved in the discussion about naming, so maybe it is better now to reopen it again ;-) what do you think08:54
gtemaI already wait for that quite long08:54
fricklero.k., let's proceed with the current state, should still be possible to change later if needed. I'm not sure how this will work at all, so let's look and see08:56
gtemacool, thanks.08:57
gtemaafterwards I will start adding creds as zuul secrets in sdk project and create dedicated "real-cloud" jobs08:57
tobberydbergSounds great! You did get creds from me, right?08:58
gtemayes, thanks a lot08:58
gtemathose work and as I wrote you they already helped me to find few bugs in SDK08:58
tobberydbergCool! Yea, remember, I'm just so old now days so need to be reminded ;-) 09:01
gtemayeah, seems a common problem to lot here (pointing to myself)09:01
tobberydberg:-) 09:02
tobberydbergOn that topic, realised that I forgot to start the meeting here...09:02
gtemawe can start again (on the summer time)09:04
tobberydbergI'm happy to, but I have conflicting meeting so can't be really available...09:05
gtemaI need to work also09:06
tobberydbergSo lets continue in two weeks ... will set a reminder to send out a reminder ;-) 09:06
NilsMagnus[m]This is the real work09:06
NilsMagnus[m]Okay :)09:07
gtemasounds great. Have a nice day09:07
tobberydbergYou got a point there.... I LOVE it! ;-) 09:07
tobberydbergHave a great day you too!09:08
ttx#startmeeting large_scale_sig15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov 23 15:00:01 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'large_scale_sig'15:00
ttx#topic Rollcall15:00
ttxWho is here for the Large Scale SIG meeting?15:00
ttxHi Kristin and Arnaud!15:00
ttxfull crew today!15:01
ttxOur agenda for today is at:15:01
ttx#topic Ops Deep Dive Episode on Dec 815:01
ttxAlright... so on the guest front I invited Florian Leduc from Societe Generale but despite my attempts they haven't confirmed yet15:02
ttxSo yesterday I also reached out to Benjamin Fuhrmann at Ubisoft as a backup plan.15:02
ttxI hope to get the confirmation this week... because time is running out15:02
ttxOn the host side, we have amorin and mnaser confirmed...15:02
ttxbelmoreira: can you join us?15:02
belmoreirayes, I can join15:03
ttxthey did not strap you onto a rocket yet15:03
ttxWe'll start a thread around content as soon as I get the guests lined up.15:03
ttx#action ttx to confirm guest and start thread on content15:04
ttxnot much we can do until then15:04
amorinthat's an ops deep dive anyway, we dont usually have that much work to do on our side15:04
ttxany question/comment re:
amorinexcept starting an etherpad with few questions15:04
ttxI feel like the pre-discussion helps though so I would rather start it sooner than later15:04
belmoreirait would be a great show, with Ubisoft or Societe Generale15:05
ttxI told Ubisoft they will be next if Societe Generale gets back to us after all15:05
ttx#topic Large Scale doc15:06
ttxAnything new to report here?15:06
amorinsorry, no, nothing new, but15:06
ttxI see landed15:06
amorinI'd like to start a discussion /doc around the database connection15:07
amorinfine tuning the number of connections needed per service15:07
amorinnumber of green threads15:07
amorinnumber of max_pool_size, etc.15:07
ttxhmm, yeah that would be good15:07
amorinI am currently trying to formalize this downstream15:07
ttxiirc there is some guidance but not too much15:07
amorinas soon as I have something I can share, I will create a patchset15:08
felixhuettner[m]then we can compare what everyone has set and try to learn something from it :)15:08
amorinbut if you folks arlready have more than what is on the doc, that would be nice15:08
amorinyes, I still have your numbers felixhuettner[m], from a discussion we had few weeks ago15:08
amorinI also started a thread on mailing list, but no body answered15:09
felixhuettner[m]i can always dig for more if you are interested15:09
amorinexcept you belmoreira  :)15:09
amorinour public endpoints are heavily used (neutron api mostly)15:09
ttxsomnetimes posting another answer puts it back on top of everyone's inboxes15:09
amorinso we have a lot of workers to handle that15:09
amorinbut we reach the max number of connection multiple times15:10
amorinso there is for sure some tuning to do there, and some guideline to provide15:10
amorinor at least, some explanation on how the parameters act on the deployment15:10
ttxlooking forward to your patchset15:11
ttxanything else on that topic?15:11
amorinyup, me too :)15:11
belmoreiraamorin, I replied to you regrading this topic. The approach that we followed was to increase the number of connections in the DB side and keep the defaults for the services. 15:11
belmoreirabut it would be great to dive in those params15:12
ttxok, moving on...15:13
amorinthat's my objective, I will let you know15:13
ttx#topic Next meetings15:13
ttxSo in two weeks we'll have our Openinfra Live episode (if I can get the guests to confirm!)15:13
ttxAfter that we should probably do a break over the holidays, and be back in January15:13
ttxDoes that work for everyone?15:13
felixhuettner[m]sounds good15:13
kbarrientos[m]yep! 15:14
belmoreirawhen should we expect the next openinfra live?15:14
ttxprobably end of january or so15:14
amoringood to me15:14
ttxIdeally we'll have Ubisoft or Societe Generale lined up15:14
ttxso the lengthy part (booking a guest) should be done15:15
ttx#info OpenInfra Live on Dec 815:15
ttx#info Next IRC meeting on January 415:15
ttx#topic Open discussion15:15
ttxThere is a meetup around Large Scale OpenStack in Paris Tuesday next week, for those who are around15:15
ttx(in Ubisoft offices)15:15
amorinI'll be there15:15
ttxFlorian and Benjamin are speaking there so in the worst case scenario i should get one of them to sign up on that day15:16
belmoreirahave fun there15:16
ttxamorin: great!15:16
ttxAnything else, anyone?15:16
belmoreirait would be great if the talks can be shared15:16
belmoreiralooks a great content for this group15:17
ttxMy talk is pretty generic intro, but yes, would be good to grab the slides for the others15:17
ttxlikely in French15:17
amorinI think, they will try to record it15:17
amorinlive stream will be hard, but record is possible IIRC15:17
belmoreiralet me know if they get published15:18
amorinbut the talks are goiing to be in french15:18
amorinsorry, ttx already mentionned it :)15:18
belmoreira:) it's fine 15:18
belmoreira(I'm missing french)15:18
ttxalright, no other topic for discussion? going once...15:19
ttxgoing twice...15:19
ttxThanks everyone!15:20
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov 23 15:20:16 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:20
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
kbarrientos[m]thanks ttx!! :)15:20
amorinthanks, see you15:20
belmoreiraThank you15:20
felixhuettner[m]see you15:20
ttxamorin: I did mention your thread in the meeting summary I just posted, hopefully that will trigger new answers15:25
amorinNice, thanks ttx!15:41

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