Wednesday, 2022-04-27

damian___Hi! I'm considering (with two of my colleagues) joining the Ops Meetup after the Summit, although we are hosting quite a big private cloud, we haven't been involved in the Ops community. Do you guys have some agenda for the meeting? Or at least some agendas from the previous on-site meetings, so we can check what we can expect there?15:56
NilsMagnus[m]sure, hold on a second:15:57
NilsMagnus[m]This is our combined FAQ/info/planning page. Please feel free to add extra topics to the topic list or to +1 items you like. There is no fixed agenda yet, everything is a bit in the flow. :)15:59
damian___thanks! that looks good, so most probably see you there :)16:02
damian___I'll discuss with the team and add some topics or just +1 16:02

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