Friday, 2016-03-18

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haukebrunomorning klindgren_ (:02:45
klindgren_well its night time here - but 15 minutes early for the ldt meeting02:46
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klindgrenanyone else alive or do I just have a stale meeting03:00
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haukebrunoklindgren, what is the ldt meeting? :)04:05
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klindgrenhaukebruno, Large deployment team14:28
haukebrunoklindgren, ah. sounds also interesting. what means "large" in that case?14:29
klindgrenup to the operator to define it14:29
klindgrenlarge, number of installs, large number of compute nodes, large number of customers, large amount of data14:30
klindgrenif you feel like you are large14:30
klindgrentpyically dealing with issues at scale14:30
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haukebrunoklindgren, dunno. for now I would say no, but things will change the next weeks/months14:42
klindgrenif you think you are going to be large soon14:42
klindgrenaka the name is "large" - but we take anyone - barier to entry is you run openstack - ha14:43
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haukebrunoklindgren, i see15:08
haukebrunoklindgren, 700 compute nodes just waiting for us :p15:09
klindgrenare you planning on running that all under one openstack install?15:09
haukebrunoklindgren, it depends. but for the beginning yes (using regions or cells maybe (if cells v2 become prod-ready))15:10
admin0use regions :)15:11
haukebrunoadmin0, for what I read about cells so far, regions is the preferred one ;)15:12
admin0well AZ are not true az on the neutron side, so as soon as you cross 200+ compute nodes, you might get some issues ..15:13
haukebrunoadmin0, while using cells or regions?15:14
admin0not using cells yet15:14
admin0use regions .. it keeps your deployment compact, local,15:14
admin0plus also you can do regional updates, maintenance etc15:14
admin0customers can setup stuff in 2 regions for ha15:14
admin0if you dont’ like ansible .. or suddenly you need a certified platfrom for sales, you can have one region on something else (like OS )15:15
klindgrenwe use cellsv1 in a dc, and regions for different dc's15:15
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haukebrunoregions share keystone and horizon, right?15:16
admin0and swift (if you use swift )15:16
haukebrunoso the keystone cluster needs to be big15:16
dmsimardkeystone is usually "global"15:17
dmsimardbut you can have as many horizon instances as you want, it's just a web interface that talks to the APIs.15:17
klindgrenactaull I take that back15:17
haukebrunowhat about DB stuff? do I need a db cluster for keystone and 1 per region for the other services?15:17
klindgrenwe dont use regions per say15:17
klindgrenwe dont share keystones per dc15:18
klindgrenour keystone is backed by ad, which is in all dc's15:18
klindgrenso we dont have to worry about creating users/groups in every keystone15:18
admin0normally our case is multiple regions .. shared keystone, horizon and swift .. swift because then customers can use it among all datacenters, makes migrations easier15:19
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gsteinmullerhey there, could someone help with something about metada-agent?17:54
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