Monday, 2015-08-31

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mfischgfa_: we were not smart and didnt use a DNS entry for the mons14:16
mfischso we pay the price now14:16
mfischa nova reboot is needed or a migration14:16
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klindgren_mfisch, are you guys using anything locally to cache dns responses?16:14
mfischclayton setup caching dns that we run on our haproxy boxes16:16
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klindgren_kk - been nailed by the before16:35
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klindgren_if you weren't I was going to suggest that you add it :-016:36
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klindgren_we have had good luck with nscd16:36
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PietWe posted a draft version of the cloud personas to invision.19:27
PietFeel free to comment -
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klindgren_<slight rant>20:16
klindgren_the fact that deleting a project still orphans stuff inside openstack - 3 years later is "kinda" not acceptable.  (I want to use other words here)20:17
klindgren_</end slight rant>20:17
jlkyeah, that just gets into a huge hairy discussion20:19
jlkwhat's appropriate to delete, who has delete rights over those things, who tracks the task to delete all of the things, what if it fails part way through, etc..20:19
jlkthere is no real good "whole cloud wide" task manager, with ultimate rights across the board to delete resources, nor would it know the appropriate order in which to delete the things20:20
klindgren_the result of which always seems to be "We should talk about this at the next summit" x6 times20:20
klindgren_but yea - I totally get it, it falls squarely in no-ones project, but everyones project all at the same time20:21
serverascodeI tried out the ospurge utility last week, works pretty good in a couple small tests20:24
jlkyeah that's the other answer20:30
jlk"This is a site administrator concern, not a project level concern"20:30
jlk"we emit notices, admins can consume them and act accordingly"20:30
klindgren_So it seemed like that only works when you know the projectID/name of stuff you want to clean up?  But it will not tell you that you have orphaned projects to beging with?  Or do the doc's need updated?  We use our own scripts at the moment to find stuff20:30
klindgren_I have no problem working on making that a "big tent" solution, to listen on (I assume) for the project deletion stuff and call in as admin to other projects to clean up the cruft20:32
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klindgren_seems like ospruge is close to that solution - minus the listen to events and act stuff20:34
klindgren_or closer - than say a set of bash scripts :-)20:34
serverascodeyeah os purge works before you delete the tenant, afaik, or at least that was my experience20:40
serverascodeI tried the other way the first time, lol20:41
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serverascodewhat we need is a project to delete projects20:44
serverascodeit would be fun to name at least20:44
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serverascode"scorch -a" would delete all projects and resources in the cloud20:50
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jlkother sites argue that they need to archive resources for a period of time before deletion, and then policy gets discussed, and blah.20:51
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klindgren_jlk - thats fine, imho.  Should be able to save the action for pending delete and wait until deletion date + (days) ,however - they have the same problems with users deleting vm's, images, ip's and stuff before removing a project now21:54
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