Wednesday, 2025-02-05

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opendevreviewRajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova master: Add support for showing image properties in server show response
mikalmelwitt: I only just saw your comments on -- I'll work through them tomorrow.09:15
andrewbonneyMorning. If anyone has time I'd appreciate a review of the bug fix in
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: direct SPICE console object changes
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: direct SPICE console database changes
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: allow direct SPICE connections to qemu
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra spec for sound device.
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra specs for USB redirection.
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: Protect older compute managers from sound model requests.
mikalsean-k-mooney: is a first attempt at the compute service version bump thing as discussed this morning.10:03
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opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Bump InstanceNUMACell version after data migration
gibisean-k-mooney: dansmith: add the extra tests cases and extended the logic to handle the half migrated cases ^^14:25
MengyangZhang[m]<sean-k-mooney> "Mengyang Zhang: i suspect the..." <- Since Libvirt introduced these burst parameters in 2.4.0, which was released in 2016, do we still have to worry about this? Nova needs to support n-2 versions, but all versions should already support this burst feature.14:35
dansmithgibi: personally I'd prefer that as two patches, even though I know it's more backport work, but I'll defer to the others14:39
gibiOK I can split it14:42
dansmithgibi: wait for the others to opine, I'm just saying that's _my_ opinion14:48
sean-k-mooneyMengyangZhang[m]: its not about the libvirt verion. its about the nova compute version deployed on each host14:48
sean-k-mooneyMengyangZhang[m]:in 2025.1 we need to supprot a mix of comptue with (2024.1, 2024.2 and 2025.1) because its a skip level upgrade release14:49
sean-k-mooneyin 2025.2 we only need to suprot a mix of 2025.1 and 2025.2 nova computes14:49
sean-k-mooneywe need to make sure cold/live migration works acorss those mixed versions14:49
sean-k-mooneyso we need a min compute service version check to prevent using the feature until the cloud is fully upgraded or explcit schduler supprot to make sure the isntance only get deploy to the upgraded nodes14:50
MengyangZhang[m]understood, make sense14:57
gibidansmith: understood14:58
sean-k-mooneythe min compute service check is simpler todo, in either case cinder need to be prepared for nova to reject the attachment of a volume with brust qos if the compute node is too old. i belive that is already the case however so that does not really change the existing workflow14:59
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opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: Add a new ImagePropertiesWeigher
gmannbauzas: this is ready, rbac job cleanup we talked yesterday
gibithere is an easy review (just adding more spice to the nova-next job)
bauzasgibi: gmann: reviewing your meats17:11
gibithanks folks17:15
gmanngibi: if you are around, please chekc this
gmanngibi: bauzas and very trivial typo one
gibidone and done :)17:48
gmannthanks guys17:50
mikalsean-k-mooney: I'm taking a look at tempest just now based on melwitt's comments on Is it just me or are there now SPICE tempest tests at all?
melwittmikal: there are not and when I looked it looked like they were removed in the past I don't know if it18:49
mikalHmmm, I wonder why the test cases were removed.18:50
melwitt*if it's realistic and/or reasonable to test spice there but it was something I was curious about18:50
dansmithyeah, the justification for removal in those seems weird, although I'm not sure if they were testing spice itself or just that we could get a spice url from the api18:51
mikalsean-k-mooney and I have have gone back and forth on this a bit. I would like to add tempest tests, but its hard to test much meaningfully there right now -- we'd be basically testing if a TCP port was open I think.18:51
dansmithwe have (or used to have?) a VNC test that would at least try to connect and get the RFB00 banner from the socket to make sure it was at least plausibly running18:51
mikalI think I could write meaningful tests by having a simple python spice client, but I haven't managed to find the time to do that yet and it would take longer than I have before the feature freeze this cycle.18:51
melwittyeah I was thinking of vnc as well, for example
mikalYeah, it seems a bit websockety, but it is checking for a header:
sean-k-mooneydansmith: ya that still exits as shown above ^18:54
sean-k-mooneywe dont currently have spice in any of our nova jobs btu we could add it to any of them18:54
sean-k-mooneythe issue woudl be testing with kerbside really18:55
mikalWhere are the tempest config options set? Somewhere in the nova repo?18:55
dansmithI think the benefit of such a test should not be understated.. there's a lot of plumbing that is verified by merely confirming that banner string18:55
sean-k-mooneymy understainding is mikal  has developed kolla-ansible supprot18:55
sean-k-mooneybut we dont have devstack support18:55
mikalYeah, I have a prototype deployer for kolla-ansible (prototype because I am fairly sure I got HA wrong but I don't have enough machines in the lab to test right now).18:56
sean-k-mooneydansmith: that testing is really testing the nova-spiceproxy18:56
sean-k-mooneywhich is unused with spice direct18:56
sean-k-mooneythat siad i guess we coudl write the test to conenct directly to spice18:56
sean-k-mooneylike kerbside would18:56
dansmith...I mean, there's still spice at the other end right?18:56
sean-k-mooneythat woudl confirm the data we include in teh api is correct18:56
melwittwould spice direct not present a html login page or something like vnc does or?18:56
mikalI can give that a go, but I'd probably need some hand holding.18:56
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: the kerbside proxy might18:57
sean-k-mooneybut nothign in nova will18:57
mikalmelwitt: no, spice-direct just gives you connection details to the TCP ports on the hypervisor. There is then a proxy which sits in front which is not currently proposed in openstack land.18:57
melwittok, i see what you're saying now18:57
gmannwe do have devstack support ? but it is not tested anywhere i think
sean-k-mooneyso we can test that those conenction detail are right as an admin/service user in tempest18:58
mikalspice-direct by itself meets's needs (I hope), and then I have a whole bunch of other bits to propose later once this first bit lands.18:58
sean-k-mooneygmann: that only for spice with nova-spiceproxy18:58
sean-k-mooneyits enouch to test part of it18:58
sean-k-mooneyjsut not the kerbside part wich is probaly ok18:58
sean-k-mooneymikal: can actully work with the nova-spiceproxy too18:59
sean-k-mooneythey dont actully need spice-dicret they want teh sound and usb supprot your adding at the end18:59
sean-k-mooneythey need the usb ports to do rediectoin so gaming periferals to the vm which works over the nova websocket proxy19:00
sean-k-mooneythey have there own custom spice client that can work with that19:00
sean-k-mooneyspice-direct is proably faster so they might move to that in the future, they currently deploy one nova-spice proxy per compute node to keep latency down19:01
mikalWell, I'll go spelunking in tempest today and see what I can work out.19:03
mikalsean-k-mooney: I'm a bit confused about your comments on the sound model patch. I am not sure if I should read them as saying that isn't actually needed any more.19:04
sean-k-mooneyanyway i think that off topic. the minium useful tempets test would use the new api microverion to get the connecction info kerbside would use adn then check the banner19:04
sean-k-mooneyit looks like i didt push my late set of comemtns one sec19:04
sean-k-mooneyok i ment to push them this morning19:05
sean-k-mooneymikal: that is still needed19:05
sean-k-mooneyit shoudl be merged into the previous change19:05
sean-k-mooneybut the comptue service bump is needed19:05
mikalYeah, I split it out so it was easier to see what was happening. I can squash it back into the sound patch. It seems you're largely happy, you just want that helper used?19:07
sean-k-mooneyyep that was my main ask19:07
mikalOk, so I'll do that and take a look at tempest today then.19:08
sean-k-mooneyreuse the helper btu the rest looks ok19:08
sean-k-mooneyits unrelate but you ahve a nice performance improment in that too by only doing the min verison check once19:09
mikalHonestly fixing that and the affected unit tests was by far the slowest bit, but I didn't like how we looked up the version over and over.19:10
sean-k-mooneyim debating if that should be its own patch because its a ligit performance bug19:10
sean-k-mooneyyour new check for the sound modle whoudl be with the patch that intoduced it. the refactor of the single lookup could be its own patch but im not going to ask you to split it now. other might but i think its ok to incoperate in a signel patch19:12
mikalThat wouldn't be hard to do, but it would nicer if it was before the sound patch. I could split the series into two series? objects-db-impl for spice-direct, and then performance-sound-usb?19:13
mikalThat would also make a cherry pick cleaner for if they were that way inclined.19:14
mikalBut honestly right now you were right yesterday -- I am mostly focussed on getting those API changes landed, because rebasing them is a huge pain.19:15
sean-k-mooneyya it woudl be nice ot put the perfomance improment as a sepreate patch before the sound patch19:15
sean-k-mooneyits up to you19:16
mikalOk. Well, I am going to focus on the tempest thing and we'll see how far I get and if I have time to rearrange the later patches today or not.19:16
mikalWhere are those tempest flags set for a nova gate run? I can't see that in the nova repo. Is there a third repo involved or something?19:16
sean-k-mooneywe do not have a job in nova ath uses spice as far as i recall19:19
sean-k-mooneyso we need to chose one. add the devstack/tempest flag to use spice and have that depend on the tempest change that adds the new test19:20
sean-k-mooneyso one patch to tempest to add the new test, and either update patch 3 (the api patch) or add a dedicated ci patch to the nova series19:21
mikalOh I hadn't thought of that. So if we turn on SPICE we have to turn off VNC and therefore wouldn't be testing that.19:21
sean-k-mooneyi think i would be ok with a testing patch at the end of the serise if melwitt and dansmith are ok with that19:21
sean-k-mooneymikal: ya but we have several jobs19:21
sean-k-mooneyso we can change it in one of the many jobs teh nova-ovs-hybrid-plug job19:22
dansmithyeah a test at the end is good to me.. even if we can't land it with the rest, being able to see it working (or almost working or whatever) is data for review19:22
sean-k-mooneymikal: i would modify this
melwittmikal: tempest config are set in for example19:23
mikalOk, so the moving parts are: add a test to tempest; add plumbing in devstack to enable that test; fiddle with nova gate jobs to use a devstack with the spice test turned on?19:23
sean-k-mooneywe use it to mainly test with ml2/ovs but its a good candiate for non standard configs19:23
sean-k-mooneyya i might be able to help by putting up a poc patch of just enabling spice in that job19:24
sean-k-mooneyyou coudl modify it and make it depend on your tempest patch when that is ready19:25
mikalOk, well I'll take a swing at this today but its sounding like more than I'll get done in a single day to be honest.19:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: [Trivial] Fix the typo error
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: Disable the heal instance info cache periodic task
sean-k-mooneybauzas: i did a spell check pass on ^ otherwise it the same as the last version19:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Cleanup RBAC jobs in check/gate pipeline
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova master: [WIP] move nova0ovs-hybrid-plug to deploy with spice
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/nova stable/2024.2: ironic: Fix ConflictException when deleting server
sean-k-mooneymikal: might work but i expect it to fail, if it does i think might fix it. im going to finish for today but if you want to rebase those patches, addign a depend on and setting NOVA_SPICE_ENABLED later feel free.21:02
sean-k-mooneydoing a quick search with hound i dont think we have any job anywhere that enables spice so i dont know if there is anything else broken21:03
sean-k-mooneys/any job/any devstack job/21:04
mikalsean-k-mooney: thanks, I'll take a look soon.22:10

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