Friday, 2024-11-29

opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: direct SPICE console object changes
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: direct SPICE console database changes
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: allow direct SPICE connections to qemu
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra spec for sound device.
opendevreviewMichael Still proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add extra specs for USB redirection.
r-taketnHello. We are planning to contribute a new feature for building Arm-Confidential Computing Architecture(CCA)-enabled instances. Could you please review the following e-mail?  (sorry, mail title is bad) I'm not sure it is acceptable for OpenStack because Arm-CCA enabled hardware is not yet available to our knowledge.10:35
r-taketnYour feedback on the acceptance of this contribution would be greatly appreciated.10:35
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Add helper methods to rescue/unrescue shares
kevkoHi folks, trying to snapshot whole instance (which will produce 0 bytes glance image with metadata + cinder volume snapshot) ...i am using ceph, when i want to rebuild the server with openstack server rebuild --reimage-boot-volume --image ${server_snapshot} --os-compute-api-version 2.93  ${server_id} it is failing with something like this 14:50
kevkoany help please ? 14:51
kevkoI can see that it's trying to process 0 bytes image from glance ...14:51
kevkowhat i am doing bad ? 14:51
kevkosome ceph settings ? copy on write ? what :( ? 14:51
kevkocan anybody help ? thank you very much 14:51
sean-k-mooneykevko: this is a boot form volume instance correct14:54
sean-k-mooneythe boot form volume image rebuild was mainly implemeted for rebuilding form a normal image not a snapshot14:56
sean-k-mooneynot both shoudl be supprotable14:56
sean-k-mooneybut im not sure how well tested this is and if it works today.14:56
sean-k-mooneyim not sure if would adress this or not14:58
kevkosean-k-mooney: this is my script to test 14:58
sean-k-mooneyok so you takign the server create form precreated volume flow14:59
sean-k-mooneywhich is one of the two boot form volume workflows15:00
sean-k-mooneythen your creating a normla snapshot and then rebuildign to that15:00
kevkosean-k-mooney: yeah, that should work no ? 15:00
kevkoit's kinda a new feature to rebuild with cinder backed volume ...from 2.93 microversion 15:01
kevkoI will be very grateful if you help me :)15:01
sean-k-mooneyso the reason im hesitating is i dont know if that supprot the special optimiation that we do when cinder and glance share the same storage backend15:02
sean-k-mooneycidner and glance need to be configured in a spefic way in general to allwo them to do thing snaphosts when creatign new voluems form an image/snapshot for example15:04
sean-k-mooneythe main testing around i belive was done with out ceph15:04
sean-k-mooneyso glance on file/swirft and cidner on lvm15:05
kevkosean-k-mooney: i was able to catch incoming files with rsync in infinity loop15:05
kevkosean-k-mooney: so i was wondering if there is some bug maybe ? because there is a 0 bytes image and also bigger one (cirros)15:05
sean-k-mooneyso what the cinder backend shoudl be doing in this case is the volume snapshot shoudl be creating a snapshot in ceph15:06
sean-k-mooneyand hten the rebuidl on the cider driver side should be just askign ceph to restore it15:07
sean-k-mooneythere should be no data trasfer in either code path in this case15:07
kevko << attempt to import 0 bytes image into volumes pool 15:07
sean-k-mooneyyep which impleis that you have an issue in how you have configred cinder an glance to tlak to each other15:08
sean-k-mooneyyou are using the same ceph cluster for glance and cinder correct?15:08
kevkosean-k-mooney: sure,  I'm not an expert ... but at least I'm trying to follow the threads and I'm getting further and further ... and it's strange that internal Ceph isn't used ... and that the data is being copied... That also seemed strange to me.15:09
kevkosean-k-mooney: yes, same cluster ...15:09
kevkosean-k-mooney: what do you think how i configured glance<->cinder to talk each other ? 15:10
sean-k-mooneyhave you confiugred glance ot supprot volume backed images15:10
sean-k-mooneykevko: this is really not a nova issue by the way the error is on the cinder side15:10
sean-k-mooneyi belvie you need to configure that for to work15:12
kevkosean-k-mooney: this is my conf
sean-k-mooneypart of me hopes SECRET_OMMITED is the acutal password and your are just trolling peopel :P15:14
kevko:D 15:14
kevkothat's not my pass :P 15:14
sean-k-mooneyit would make me sad if it was becasue now you woudl have to change it15:15
kevkosean-k-mooney: i know what i am doing :) 15:15
kevkoonly this snapshots i am debuggign 2 days and dont' know what else i can try 15:15
sean-k-mooneyso im not an expert ofn this but looking at your config, glance is not configured to show "show_multiple_locations"15:15
sean-k-mooneywhich mean that cidner cant detect that its the same ceph cluster15:16
sean-k-mooneyand it can jsut ask ceph to do the restore15:16
sean-k-mooneythe issue with show_multiple_locations is that it has security implciations15:16
sean-k-mooneyit makes the ceph storage url "rbd://..." visable n the responce to a normal user15:17
kevkosean-k-mooney: oh god, please say to me that i just made a mistake and kolla is somehow merging those two files in bad way :D 15:18
kevkosean-k-mooney: yeah i know what is the option ..i had it ...15:18
kevkosean-k-mooney: but add raw formats to another file wondering if it is not owervwiting 15:18
sean-k-mooneyi have a backup of my kolla config somewher let me see where i set that15:19
sean-k-mooneymy most recent install currently does not have cinder for reasons15:19
kevkolet me reconfigure and test 15:23
sean-k-mooneyoh the host with that backup is currently booted inot windows 15:23
sean-k-mooneyi think /etc/kolla/config/glance-api.conf is correct15:23
kevkosean-k-mooney: yeah, but you can also store into /etc/kolla/config/glance.conf15:24
kevkothen it's applied to all glance configs15:24
sean-k-mooneyright i was going to check the precedence15:24
kevkoand i don't have cache doesn't matter where it is ..15:24
kevkoyes 15:24
kevkothis is btw disabled in kolla by default ..because then the locations are visible for users ..which is not good 15:25
kevkoi need to implement the fix 15:25
sean-k-mooneyits looking for "{{ node_custom_config }}/glance/glance-api.conf"15:26
sean-k-mooneynot /etc/kolla/config/glance-api.conf15:26
kevkoyeah i know :) 15:26
kevkothat's the reason why I ve said oh god :D 15:26
kevkoi've spotted it 15:26
kevkomy test is running now 15:27
sean-k-mooneyi have done that before...15:27
sean-k-mooneyforgot to create the service folder15:27
sean-k-mooneyone of the things i like most about kolla is its config system15:28
sean-k-mooneybut i woudl be lying if i said i never put the file in the worng place15:28
kevkosean-k-mooney: yeah i like it also, but i've also find some bugs in past ... especially with merge ini files15:29
* kevko is eagerly waiting and quickly goes for a cigarette.15:29
sean-k-mooneythe ini merging was there before i got invovled but the yaml merging is my fault :) although i did take insperation form the ini version15:32
kevkosean-k-mooney: error :) 15:44
kevkosean-k-mooney: same error 15:44
opendevreviewIldiko Vancsa proposed openstack/nova master: Update contributor process documentation
ildikovsean-k-mooney: bauzas: I created the patch to update the contributor docs ^^15:55
sean-k-mooneykevko: with a newly created vm15:55
sean-k-mooneyildikov: yep i just saw eamil notificaton come in, thansk for takign the time to start on that15:56
sean-k-mooneyill be finishing soso but ill try and take a look before i leave for today15:56
ildikovsean-k-mooney: bauzas: I deleted the parts we said are outdated, but I don't know how people are supposed to find the tracking etherpad and interact with it, so I wasn't able to write that part myself15:56
ildikovsean-k-mooney: no rush, thank you for adding it to your todo list15:56
sean-k-mooneyildikov: the delete look correct but ya we shoudl add a short paragah on how to use the etherpad15:57
ildikovsean-k-mooney: great! And yes, I'm hoping to rely on you and bauzas to type up that paragraph.15:58
sean-k-mooneyits basiclly add you reivw by addign a new bullet under the correct section with a link to the bug/bluepirnt in lanchpad then under that add either a  link to the gerrit topic or each patch15:58
sean-k-mooneyyou can also addd a short note like needs second +2 or simlar15:59
sean-k-mooneywe dont actully have a copypaste template to use but we proably can add one15:59
sean-k-mooneythe last thing i woudl suggest peopel do is ping use on irc (via matrix bride if that is easier) to let us know but lests see what bauzas things16:00
ildikov'copypaste template' to easily add a new entry you mean?16:00
sean-k-mooneyildikov: yep16:01
ildikovok, cool16:01
sean-k-mooneyyou can see that each itme is basiclly just this16:01
sean-k-mooney    awaiting reviews16:01
sean-k-mooneyi.e. the lauchpad tarcker, followed by a gerrit link and then a note16:02
ildikovoh yeah, that can make sense to template16:02
ildikovhow can people find the etherpad?16:03
sean-k-mooneyi tend to also add teh title after the bug link in teh case of a bug so you know what it is before you click16:03
ildikovif we add the link to the doc, then it needs to be updated at the beginning of every release cycle16:03
sean-k-mooneyildikov: so we can add a link to the current release16:03
sean-k-mooneyalso i might be going senile in my mid 30s but i tought it used to be in the topic or the irc channel16:04
sean-k-mooneywhen we used runways it definatlly was16:04
sean-k-mooneybut i think when we moved form freenode to oftc we lost the ablity to have per channel topics in the same way16:05
sean-k-mooneyso i would like to add it to the channel topic if we can i just dont know where/host to do that16:05
ildikovyeah, that would be great to have it in the IRC channel header as well16:06
sean-k-mooneyi dont have op here but maybe we can ask infra about htat16:07
sean-k-mooneybasically somethign liek "This channel is for Nova development For support of Nova deployments, please use #openstack"16:07
sean-k-mooneyor "This channel is for Nova development | development-planning:"16:08
ildikovI'll try to figure that out16:16
ildikovapparently you don't need op to make that change, but I wasn't able to16:16
ildikovI think my nick name is not registered anymore, which might be the issue16:17
sean-k-mooneyi had the same issue but my nic is defintly registered16:39
sean-k-mooneyi get "#openstack-nova: You're not channel operator"16:41
sean-k-mooneywhen i try16:41
sean-k-mooneybybe we need to message ChanServ to do this instead of using /topic16:45
ildikovcould be16:52
ildikovcan check with OpenDev folks next week16:52
sean-k-mooneyi tried setting it via chanserve and the TOPIC comamnd is not availbale16:53
ildikovyeah, I got to that point too16:56
sean-k-mooneywe do not have autoop enabled iether but most of the infra folks are listed as channle masters so we can always ask them to change it16:56
sean-k-mooneybut ya let leave them enjoy there break16:57
ildikov+1 :)16:57
sean-k-mooney#topic "This channel is for Nova development | development-planning:"17:00
ildikovI have an appointment, I'll add the paragraph we talked about to the docs patch afterward17:01
sean-k-mooney:( i was wondering if meetbot was listing outside of meeting but i guess i cant hack the system tyat way17:01
sean-k-mooneyack no rush thanks for doing this o/17:01
ildikovgood try though! :)17:01
ildikovsure thing, happy to help!17:02
ildikovif you're not around by the time I'm back, have a nice weekend!17:02
*** ChanServ changes topic to "This channel is for Nova development | development-planning:"18:03
*** ChanServ changes topic to "This channel is for Nova development | development-planning: | this channel is logged at"18:06
fricklersean-k-mooney: ildikov: ^^ like that?18:10
ildikovfrickler: Thank you for the update!18:27
ildikovThere was one note about using the #openstack channel, prolly for ops questions. Not sure if the team wants to keep that over logs.18:28
ildikovOther than that the change looks good to me18:29
gmannsean-k-mooney: ildikov I think instead of cycle specific etherpad in topic, we should add this page
gmannand etherpad of every cycle can be updated in this page. The main goal of this page is to 'have everything what new contributors need or current status of Nova processs/tasks'19:32
opendevreviewIldiko Vancsa proposed openstack/nova master: Update contributor process documentation
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova-specs master: WIP: vTPM live migration
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova-specs master: WIP: vTPM live migration
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova-specs master: WIP: vTPM live migration
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Add current release task tracking etherpad in contributing.html
gmannsean-k-mooney: ildikov ^^ something like this and then add this page in channel Topic as a single place to get all information
sean-k-mooney[m]gmann: the spec repo supprts redirect so maybe we could have a short like or something to the current on19:57
gmannsean-k-mooney[m]: did not get. you mean some short url in Topic?19:58
sean-k-mooney[m]in the topic or docs like with the reqirment redirects19:59
ildikovgmann: I'm ok with your link placement, but the process still needs to be outlined19:59
gmannsean-k-mooney[m]: cinder channel use to short the url but I am not sure if that is good idea and how long can hold/support url19:59
gmannildikov: we do have that right, I mean all detail doc can be linked from contributing.html20:00
gmanncontributing.html is also shown as first page on github repo20:00
ildikovsure, that works20:01
sean-k-mooney[m]im fine with just updating it in the doc each release too20:01
sean-k-mooney[m]so we dont have to make it fancy20:01
gmannyeah and this way it can be referred from non-IRC users also20:01
opendevreviewIldiko Vancsa proposed openstack/nova master: Update contributor process documentation
gmann channel topic as "This channel is for Nova development | development process, planning: | this channel is logged at "20:03
gmannsean-k-mooney[m]: ildikov ^^ like this?20:03
sean-k-mooney[m]if we are going to update the topic then a direct link is beter20:04
gmanncontributing.html is more consistent across all the openstack projects so it will be easy to have i fill/link with all required info20:05
sean-k-mooney[m]i.e. lets not send them to the docs just to send them else where20:05
sean-k-mooney[m]i would personally would be annoyed by that but that just me20:05
gmannsean-k-mooney[m]: but etherpad as direct link is just a one information to them but to know complete process of team/contact detail/how to merge patch etc are in contributing.html20:06
sean-k-mooney[m]we can see what others think next week in the team meeting \20:06
ildikovit depends on whether the assumption is that most people who got to this channel already know some of the basics and would benefit from the direct link to development planning20:06
sean-k-mooney[m]well the ehterpad as i said is not required20:07
ildikovor if we expect more people popping up here still being in need of the top-level doc for how to contribute20:07
sean-k-mooney[m]its just an extra place to help the core reviews to organise some things20:07
sean-k-mooney[m]itis somethign i personally dont partically like20:07
sean-k-mooney[m]but it helps sylvain so we have it20:08
gmannfor me, Topic users are more of new people, anyone already know Nova ask core or in meeting20:08
gmannFor example, how many of us who are active in IRC/project read the Topic. I have not for many channel I am active in20:09
sean-k-mooney[m]i normally only look at it for the link to the ehterpad20:09
gmannthis is more of new people who want to join this channel can know about what this channel is for and how to get involved 20:09
sean-k-mooney[m]i.e. form when it used to have the runway etherpad link20:10
gmanni see20:10
sean-k-mooney[m]but thats just mucel memory becuase it used ot be there when we were on freenode20:10
sean-k-mooney[m]most probaly dont20:10
sean-k-mooney[m]the other thing i check it for is is there a meeting currently20:10
sean-k-mooney[m]i.e when joining a  differnt channle before talking20:11
sean-k-mooney[m]but ya im not sure new commers would do that20:11
ildikovgetting into this channel is not trivial for a newcomer, so my assumption is that they probably already got through some contributor documentation before getting here20:11
sean-k-mooney[m]its funny becuase this was actully one of the eaiser things to get invovled in when i first stated20:13
sean-k-mooney[m]i had nver used irc before working on openstack and i remember that being one of the eaiser things to get set up20:13
ildikovI loved IRC when I joined the community, I used it a little bit in high school20:14
ildikovbut I joined OpenStack over a decade now...20:14
ildikovcrazy to think about it20:14
sean-k-mooney[m]getting my company to approve the icla, removing the email fotter on all company emails or allow code submition took months20:15
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova-specs master: WIP: vTPM live migration
ildikovand the chat tool landscape only got crazier since then20:15
sean-k-mooney[m]no joke when i first started working on openstack intel required me to email a set of virus scan reulst to a qe person before ei could submit a patch to gerrit….20:17
ildikovoh wow20:17
ildikovI had a few chats with lawyers, but it still wasn't *that* bad20:18
sean-k-mooney[m]it took 6 months to explain why that was entirly unworkable. at the time they site i was working on didnt really have  expirnce with doing code contibutions to upstream and condierd each a release as if we were putting the contibution on to download20:19
ildikovyeah, I can see how it's hard when there's an internal process that someone could map to code contribution20:20
sean-k-mooney[m]we had to do the full secure software development lifecyle review and get leagal sign off on the licene and icla terms ecta. so  anyway thats all in the past20:21
sean-k-mooney[m]a lot has changed since 201320:21
sean-k-mooney[m]it might be worth puthing the link to the contibutor page in the readme of the git repo too20:22
sean-k-mooney[m]honestly that always the first thing i read for any project20:23
sean-k-mooney[m]we kind of do i guess but CONTRIBUTING.rst is not a link to the doc20:24
ildikovone thing to keep in mind though is that the link needs to be updated periodically20:38
ildikovso the more places it appears, the harder the maintenance gets20:39
gmannildikov: maybe but not 100% true. In upstream training we used to tell this is IRC and how you can join it but that does not mean they know about team, its process and details20:43
gmanngetting into the ML, IRC is very minimum effort to get in but knowing details about team, contribution etc is not20:44
ildikovI did not mean to say that it is harder to get into IRC than all the other things people need to contribute code, docs, etc20:46
ildikovwhat meant was, if someone got into the IRC channel, that likely means that they found the contributors documentation20:47
ildikovwhether they found Nova's specific docs or the overall contributor guide, that's still an open question20:48
ildikovbut, they likely found where some of the how-to-contribute docs lives and can use those to get into the process side of things20:49
gmannThis is nova specific guide not general how-to-contribute docs
gmanncontributing.html in all project is project specific process guide21:55
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Support rescuing an instance with shares

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