Friday, 2024-10-25

opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Update gate jobs as per the 2025.1 cycle testing runtime
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Update gate jobs as per the 2025.1 cycle testing runtime
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Stop asking bug report to upstream
tkajinam^^^ I wonder if can consider this switch now03:26
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Use native DictOpt for disk_cachemode
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Validate valid cache mode at config input layer
bauzastkajinam: gibi: fwiw, the i18n team will have a session at 7am UTC related to the documentation translation, I'll be there06:16
bauzastkajinam: sure about the launchpad bug, but I have some concern 06:18
tkajinambauzas, thx. I need to attend an internal meeting soon but if that finishes early then I'll join it06:25
tkajinamwe used to have number of people here in Japan who lead the translation work but most of these already left. that's a sad part of the discussion :-(06:26
tkajinambauzas, yeah there would be a tradeoffs but as we see more case where a reporter says " I was asked to report a bug so I did it" I think setting a better expectation might be helpful for both sides06:27
bauzastkajinam: yup indeed a tradeoff, I'll try to review your patch this morning my time 06:31
* bauzas takes his first coffee of the day06:55
bauzasI wonder how many I'll have06:56
* bauzas goes now into the havana room for i18n
bauzaspeople can chime in if they want07:00
gibibauzas: sorry but that was a late notice for me08:13
bauzasgibi: no worries at all08:13
bauzasgiven the weekdays we have, that's abolutely normal to take some break08:14
bauzasone day we will have physical PTGs and that won't longer be a problem (half kidding)08:14
bauzasanyway, the most important bit for nova to know is that translation patches to the doc would have a specific gerrit policy where language moderators would have a gerrit label08:16
bauzasso a single core approval could be done based on the label08:16
bauzasnothing harder than the current model we have with .pot files08:17
gibiack, thanks for the summary08:19
r-taketnHi, I want to use MIG(multi-instance GPU) on OpenStack VM by using NVIDIA A100. Must I install NVIDIA vGPU driver to use MIG on OpenStack VM? I cannot see /sys/class/mdev_bus, so I cannot use vGPU method . And I cannot see mig device by lspci so I cannot use pci-passthrough.08:53
pas-ha[m]r-taketn: you must install latest NVIDIA AI Enterprise drivers on the compute node, and then switch the card to the MIG mode. Then partition it to MIGs.09:05
pas-ha[m]the vGPU drivers no longer support A100 (for about a year already), everything that is MIG-capable requires installation of NVIDIA AI Enterprise09:07
r-taketnpas-ha[m]: Thank you for reply. I read AI Enterprise driver manual. I only installed free nvidia-driver, but it looks like I could partition a GPU device to MIGs by using `nvidia-smi -i 1 -mig 1` and  `nvidia-smi mig -i 0 -cgi 2g.20gb -C`. Is it just hardware-level partitioning?  So must I install not-free AI Enterprise driver to use MIG on VMs or applications?09:36
pas-ha[m]honestly not sure how would that work with 'free' driver. did you actually tried to perform those commands? the command may be there (nvidia-smi is installed even by the desktop GPU drivers), but does it do anything? anyway, you must switch the card to the SR-IOV mode first for it to work in the MIG mode `/usr/lib/nvidia/sriov-manage -e <PCI-ADDRESS-OF-NVIDIA-CARD>`09:39
pas-ha[m]then you will get 16 extra PCI devices for this card, those are VFs for SR-IOV, you will create the MIGs on them and pass these VF PCI devices to the VMs.09:41
bauzasr-taketn: sorrry was in a meeting 09:52
bauzasMIG-mode is somehow doable with Nova09:52
bauzasbut you need to pre-create the GIs09:52
bauzasas pas-ha[m] said, you also need to pre-create the VFs09:53
bauzasonce you create the graphical instances, you should be able to use the related mdevs09:53
bauzasplease read for how to enable VFs and GIs09:55
bauzasfor MIG, this is a bit later in the nvidia doc :
r-taketnpas-ha[m], bauzas: I already created GIs. Sorry, I didn't understand mdev types and VFs. So I try to enable SR-IOV and create the VFs. Thanks.10:00
r-taketnbauzas, pas-ha: I cannot find /usr/lib/nvidia/sriov-manage on my environment. shows that Use only the custom script sriov-manage provided by NVIDIA AI Enterprise for the purpose. 10:32
pas-ha[m]yes, as I said, to properly use MIG you need AI Enterprise drivers...10:33
r-taketnI got it. thank you for good advices10:35
fricklersean-k-mooney: tested your eventlet fix and now it seems to hang somewhere, but I'm not sure which test is actually getting stuck
fricklerat least the functional job is passing now10:39
sean-k-mooneyso thats the unit test job10:39
sean-k-mooneyand i only changed form assert_called_once to assert_called10:39
sean-k-mooneyso that not related to the change its somethign deeper10:39
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: lookign at the logs the tests were still running and passing form what i can see10:40
sean-k-mooneyand we just hit the timeout10:40
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: im not seing anything hang in the logs or even tak a large amoutn of time10:43
sean-k-mooneyit took about 3 mins to get to the poitn of runnign tox which does not seem exceeive 4.5 total to run the first test10:46
sean-k-mooneyoh i see10:47
sean-k-mooneythe absence of logs it just stopped making progress10:47
sean-k-mooneyi could just turn off os monkey patching as well10:48
sean-k-mooneywhat im most concerned about by the way is this breaking oru syncronise decorator10:48
sean-k-mooneyor something like that10:49
sean-k-mooneybauzas: so last firday, contractors were ment to come and do a solar site survay, they called in sick and it was reschduled for the top of the hour today. so i might miss part of the start of the ptg sessions12:20
bauzassean-k-mooney: ack np, we're already mostly done with the agenda :)12:26
sean-k-mooneyi have already left most of my feedback anyway12:26
sean-k-mooneybut i was actully expecting use to get throught he adgenda yesterday12:26
sean-k-mooneyhopefully that mean we can wrap up nova before the tc sessions12:27
bauzasyup :)12:27
bauzasI also need to attend the TC sessions :)12:27
sean-k-mooneyi do not need too but it would be nice ot have the option 12:28
bauzasstephenfin: do you want to join us in the PTG for your topic ?13:01
bauzaswe will discuss it around the next hour13:01
MengyangZhang[m]<tkajinam> "you can put your topic at the..." <- so my topic was already discussed yesterday? I thought it would be discussed on Friday. 13:29
tkajinamMengyangZhang[m], we had cross project session between nova and cinder and that topic was raised during that discussion. nova team asked cinder team to double check if the proposal is valid or not from cinder's PoV13:30
tkajinamMengyangZhang[m], if you have anything else you want to specifically discuss then you can re-add it to the topic for today, probably13:30
tkajinambauzas, ^^^13:30
tkajinamsorry I'm now in oceanbase discussion. I didn't plan it but noone form oslo was there13:31
MengyangZhang[m]tkajinam: then I guess we are all good. If you need anything from me, please let me know13:32
MengyangZhang[m]MengyangZhang[m]: I also have the implementation ready if it helps the community understand the scope of the problem. 13:35
sean-k-mooneyMengyangZhang[m]: the main opens we have is jsut are all the qos polices you want to enabel already valid and part of cinder14:02
sean-k-mooneyMengyangZhang[m]: nova cant enabel any front end qos for cinder voluems unless the cinder team has already enabled support for it in there api14:02
sean-k-mooneyif its not supported on the cinder side today you need to first enabel it there and then in nova14:03
tkajinamre-reviewing the spec it says that we register these specs in cinder but actually applies the limit in nova. I don't think that's something already done14:05
tkajinamwe have quota:disk_write_bytes_sec but it's set for nova flavor14:05
tkajinamI probably have to check if cinder exposes any qos elements in connection info14:09
artomComing late because of baby's doctor appointment - is PTG finished?14:13
artomSounds like we ended with the OpenAPI topic14:13
tkajinamso I reminded bauzas of taking a team photo this afternoon but missed the chance to be part of it X-(14:19
tkajinam(hoping he took one14:19
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gibitkajinam: at least he did not take it openly:)14:34
gibiartom: yepp we finished with the nova agenda. There is two tc sessions left 14:35
stephenfinbauzas: sean-k-mooney: fyi, the spec has already been re-proposed and merged :)
stephenfinsorry, I wasn't checking IRC :(14:56
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opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: DNM: Test with latest oslo.utils
tkajinamlong day, long week17:01
sean-k-mooneybut productive i think17:03
sean-k-mooneyless so then in person but still we used the time well i think17:03
tkajinamyeah I think we have adopted a lot to the current vPTG style17:04
gibiI agree, we had good discussions with actionable outcomes17:04
sean-k-mooneyone of my friends remined me its a public holiday in ireland on monday. so im looking forward to the long weekend17:04
sean-k-mooneygibi: by the wya im hoping ti finish reviewing the igb series before i finish today17:04
gibisean-k-mooney: if not, it is not a problem at all17:05
sean-k-mooneyim on the second last change so that and the docs one17:06
sean-k-mooneysofar looks good to me17:06
tkajinamleaving now. have a good weekend17:07
gibitkajinam: same to you 17:07
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