Friday, 2024-10-11

opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: WIP trait, filter, request spec
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opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/nova master: Imported Translations from Zanata
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: have you tought about a new api to deiscover which iamge backend are supproted on a give cloud, also i woudl expect to want to be able to also set ad default image backed in the falvor or image12:03
sean-k-mooneydoing it via the bdms is fine for advanced users but im not sure how good the ux is in general12:04
sean-k-mooneyi have a few other tought on "nice to have" capablity that could be part of this work like adding "on_shared_storage=True/false" to server show or maping strage backends to placment aggreates to  ensure we can schdule to the same storage pool when an isntnace is on shared storage12:07
sean-k-mooneyim not sure if you have tought about any of those elements in
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dansmithsean-k-mooney: yeah I don't love using BDMs for that either, but it's probably the vehicle we need for being able to express that we want to be root-on-shared and ephemeral-on-local13:57
dansmithI think probably the reason I don't like it is because I don't like BDMs in the first place13:57
dansmiththey're just obscure and opaque and I have to look up how to use them every time I need to13:57
sean-k-mooneywell having this in the bdm makes sense. havign that as the only wya ot express it is another matter13:57
sean-k-mooneyi was more or less thinking of having the ablity to default it via the flavor or image and if you want diffent backends per disk then overried with bdm13:58
sean-k-mooneyi.e. hw:root_image_backed=rbd hw:ephmeral_image_backend=lvm13:58
sean-k-mooneyand if you need something more complex only then go to bdm13:59
dansmithyeah I read what you said.. and maybe, but the user really shouldn't even know that lvm or rbd are in use13:59
sean-k-mooneywell it may be approaty if we have an api for listing the types.13:59
sean-k-mooneybut without that i agree14:00
sean-k-mooneywe could also have an abstration i.e. hw:root_image_backed=local|shared_storage14:00
sean-k-mooneythat would be more cloudy14:00
sean-k-mooneyand offten that asll you care about14:00
dansmithyeah, I think enumerated types (like volume types) is the thing we need.. shared/local isn't enough, IMHO14:01
dansmithbecause if someone wants local cheap slow file-on-disk, faster lvm, shared rbd, shared iscsi box, etc14:01
jlejeunehello, do you know where can I find the mysql/mariadb compatible versions depending on the openstack releases ? is there a compatibility matrix somewhere ?14:46
jlejeunebecause I have issue when I want to upgrade from bobcat to caracal, when 'nova-manage db sync' tries to create nova_cell0.share_mapping table on mariadb 11.5.214:50
jlejeuneit seems to be related to the charset15:30
jlejeunethe utf-8 charset has been removed on mariadb > 10.615:38
sean-k-mooneydansmith: ya i like the idea of having storage_classes as an opace api constrcut defiend by the admin that a user then just selct form like volume types15:40
sean-k-mooneyjlejeune: for better or worse nova does not define the charater type to use in our schema15:40
sean-k-mooneybut yes there were chagnes to the charset and utf-8 specifically there is a replacement you can use15:41
sean-k-mooneyi think its utf8mb415:41
jlejeuneindeed it's utf8mb315:42
sean-k-mooney utf8mb4 is the replacement15:42
jlejeunebut the charset utf8 is hardcoded in migrations scripts15:42
sean-k-mooneyi dont think its is in nova15:43
sean-k-mooneybut it may be in your installer15:43
sean-k-mooneythat a bug15:44
jlejeunehé hé15:45
sean-k-mooneythat should be utf8mb415:45
amorinthere are some latin1 as well15:46
sean-k-mooneyi guess depending on your release there may be an alias for that15:46
sean-k-mooneyyes so we had a discussion about if nova can move to perscifbeing a charset to use a long time ago and i tought we agrreed no15:46
sean-k-mooneythis was incontext to maigin to a case sensitive coalation type15:47
sean-k-mooneywhich is a slictly diffent topic15:47
sean-k-mooneylooking at and 9.015:47
sean-k-mooneyutf8mb4 shoudl be viable for a wide range of release15:48
sean-k-mooneyutf8 exists in 5.7 but not in 8.0+15:48
sean-k-mooneyim not sure when it was removed15:48
sean-k-mooneyjlejeune: can you file a but for this.15:49
jlejeuneI can for sure, but it will wait for monday :)15:49
jlejeuneI have to go15:50
sean-k-mooneyno worries15:50
jlejeunesee you15:50
sean-k-mooneyo/ 15:50
sean-k-mooneylooks like we have 3 migration that are affected. 2 in the main/cell db an 1 in the api db15:51
sean-k-mooneythat is the deprecation notice15:52
sean-k-mooneyso its an alias for utf8mb3 and it was remvoed in 8.015:52
sean-k-mooneyutf8mb3 is also deprecated15:52
sean-k-mooneyso if we should move to utf8mb4 for all tables if we are goign to specify one15:53
sean-k-mooneyidealaly using utf8mb4_unicode_ci or utf8mb4_bin coralation type15:54
sean-k-mooney i would prefer utf8mb4_bin but there are some upgrade concerns with that15:54
sean-k-mooneybauzas: i know your done for the weekend but  ^ might need to be a ptg topic again15:56
sean-k-mooneygibi: pci in placement still allow sriov networkign today right16:55
sean-k-mooneythe neutron sriov vf are just not tracked in placment16:56
sean-k-mooneyi tore down my home cloud a few weeks ago to do some hardware mantance and im debating if im going to redpeloy it at the weekend16:56
sean-k-mooneyif i do im condiering going sriov only or mainly sriov for my netorking to keep ti simple. and fast16:57
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