Thursday, 2024-03-21

bauzaselodilles: I did a couple of single-core approvals for the reno unmaintenained patches but please ping me if you find that I forgot some patch for other nova repos10:01
fricklerbauzas: osc-placement is also nova team, isn't it? etc.10:06
bauzasthat's correct, I'll do my duty then10:07
bauzasI wish we could have some flag in gerrit query to say 'flag:nova-related' instead of 'project:<something> OR project:somethingelse> :)10:09
bauzasI just don't know how other services that have like 50 repos do this :)10:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-vif master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/xena
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-vif master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/wallaby
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-vif master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/victoria
elodillesbauzas: ACK, thanks (i added review-priority+1 for them)10:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-novaclient master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/wallaby
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-novaclient master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/victoria
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-novaclient master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/xena
bauzaswe gotta get a pile of them ^ :)10:13
elodilles(well, sorry, i was talking about this ones: 'Update master for stable/2024.1')10:13
opendevreviewMerged openstack/osc-placement master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/victoria
opendevreviewMerged openstack/osc-placement master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/xena
opendevreviewMerged openstack/osc-placement master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/wallaby
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/xena
opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: Update min support for Dalmatian
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/victoria
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: reno: Update master for unmaintained/wallaby
sean-k-mooney[m]bauzas:  you can create a dashboard in gerrit 12:23
bauzassure, I already use two of them12:24
bauzasbut OK, maybe I should create some dashboard for all the nova repos12:24
bauzas(at least for the release bot ones :)12:25
bauzasdansmith: gmann: I don't know what's the plan with grenade now we branched 2024.1 but I proposed
bauzasoh, frickler gave me a procedural -2, cool13:40
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/2023.2: pwr mgmt: make API into a per-driver object
sean-k-mooneybauzas: that greneade patch looks correct to me13:45
sean-k-mooneyso ya once grenade is branched we shoudl be good13:45
bauzasdansmith: sean-k-mooney: while you're here, something procedural again about rolling-upgrades now we've branched 2024.1 :
dansmithneeds a recheck?13:48
bauzasbecause of multicell yeah13:48
bauzasprobably a guest kernel panic again, but haven't looked yet13:49
dansmithssh timeout13:49
bauzaseither way, grenade skip-level is happy so do I13:49
dansmithno crash13:49
bauzas(but skiplevels are actually setting the hack option, so meh)13:49
bauzasdansmith: ack13:50 proposed openstack/nova master: do not use str(url) to stringify a URL for subsequent use
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/2023.2: Reproducer test for live migration with power management
melwittsean-k-mooney: in case you missed it, I replied to your comment re: live migration with encryption a few days ago after I did some testing with cinder volume encryption
sean-k-mooney i did ill read it now17:30
sean-k-mooneyah so we do pull the key form barbican for cinder17:31
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: ill comment on the bug but ya we could copy the libvirt secret with either in the  migration_data object or via ssh17:32
sean-k-mooneyim actully wonderign if we can tell libvirt to transfer the libivrt secret17:32
sean-k-mooneyi dont think it a teribly uncommon usecasue to have a domain and a secret related to that domain so i wonder if they have a native metond to copy such info17:33
sean-k-mooneyespically when in this case its a secret passed to qemu to decrypt the disks17:34
melwittI tend to think sending it over RPC wouldn't be good from a security perspective17:34
sean-k-mooneyi have been thinking about a solution for that for a diffent usecase but i agree unecypted it would be not good17:35
sean-k-mooneyi assumed that is why we dont do it today by the way17:35
melwittand I guess I also don't really see why we should not be able to require that barbican be available when live migrating. we expect all other services to be up (like keystone)17:37
sean-k-mooneythats fair. the reans we need the other is we need to update there state to refect the move17:38
sean-k-mooneywe dont need to do that for barbaican swiift or glance17:38
sean-k-mooneywhich keyston neutron cinder and placement yes17:39
sean-k-mooneythat a reasonable reason to pull form barbican i just was not expecting it17:39
melwittbut keystone is "are you authorized to perform this action" and barbican is "are you allowed to access secrets for this encrypted server". should someone who isn't allowed to access the barbican secret for an encrypted server be able to move it?17:40
dansmithmaybe the answer to that is the admin should give themselves access to the secret in order to move it,17:43
dansmithso it's in the audit log as such17:43
dansmithand if they're an admin on nova and not barbican, then yeah maybe they shouldn't be able to move it17:44
melwittyeah, that's how it would work today17:44
sean-k-mooneyim fine with saying for now lets keep it consitent with the ux of encypted volumes17:49
sean-k-mooneyi think there is a better ux that we coudl deliver but i dont want to expand scope on this point17:49
melwittyeah, I was thinking if we want to do something different maybe that should be its own spec to change them both in the same manner17:50
sean-k-mooneyyep makes sense to me17:51

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