Friday, 2022-12-09

*** akekane is now known as abhishekk05:07
opendevreviewHiroki Narukawa proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: retry libvirt connection on live_migration_monitor
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/nova master: doc: soft delete and shadow tables
kgubesean-k-mooney, sorry for pinging, but have you had a chance to look at this yet?
kgubesean-k-mooney, whoami-rajat said he would like to avoid investing time in reviewing the cinder spec if it isn't clear that that the new direction of the change is acceptable for Nova08:52
kgubesean-k-mooney, but cinder has spec freeze in a week so there is not alot of time left08:54
whoami-rajatkgube, sean-k-mooney yeah, we already had reviewed the original spec several times and it was close to approval until the direction changed from nova side, it would be good to know if the new spec is the correct way forward09:32
elendryskgube: After several tests the enhanced code is present only in Zed (Ussuri here), and backporting it does not quite work either because the map/resize functions awaits either for the multipath name or the device mapper location, and the wwn is passed as argument09:43
elendrysmy conclusion may be that I should use an older version of multipathd, i'll see if someone reply on the list09:44
kgubeelendrys, it looks like multipathd is called with the wrong arguments in the os-brick code10:29
kgubeit's called like this: `self._execute('multipathd', 'resize', 'map', mpath_id, ...)`10:30
kgubebut it seems that the command should be one argument: multipathd -k"resize map multipath_device"10:31
kgubeaccording to this:
kgubeand the man page10:31
elendrysthis doc is quite old (RHEL 6), the wwid is not supported on my os10:33
elendrysmultipathd[1661]: 3624a9370cebbf98ad4534b81000386de: invalid map name. cannot resize10:33
kgubeok, yeah that information seems to be outdated10:34
zigoHi there! I've started a new project, using oslo.config. It works super well, however, I haven't find out (even reading the oslo.config doc...) how to select the default path for the config file. Does anyone know?10:41
zigoAlso, could anyone have a look into please?10:44
sean-k-mooneywhoami-rajat: well we had also reviewd it several times we will try and review it again we have a spec review day on wednesday11:09
whoami-rajatsean-k-mooney, yes and we can save review bandwidth (both on nova and cinder side) with proper discussion about the path forward, that is my intent11:11
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gibibauzas: we should probably start thinking about vancouver forum sessions as it has the same CFP deadline as the summit presentations (10th of Jan)14:55
bauzasgibi: yup, I started to create three sessions for the summit15:00
bauzasone is for the nova new features15:00
gibibauzas: cool15:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/victoria: Fix unplugging VIF when migrate/resize VM
stephenfingibi: I got 5 patches into the series. I'll pick it up again Monday. They're a tough review :)17:17
gibistephenfin: thanks you very much for the effort17:18
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: yep they are detailed17:30
sean-k-mooneyim hoping to finish reviewing the serise next week too17:30
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Enable new defaults and scope checks by default
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