Tuesday, 2022-11-22

opendevreviewxielijie proposed openstack/nova master: Persist connection_info to bdm table  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86521401:19
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opendevreviewJorhson Deng proposed openstack/nova master: Use the page's memory not host_cell.memory for small pagesize  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86481202:22
opendevreviewJorhson Deng proposed openstack/nova master: Use the page's memory not host_cell.memory for small pagesize  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86481203:05
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opendevreviewAlexey Stupnikov proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: [stable-only] Use os-brick from source in wallaby  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86513406:30
opendevreviewAlexey Stupnikov proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Cleanup old resize instances dir before resize  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86469106:31
opendevreviewJorhson Deng proposed openstack/nova master: Use the page's memory not host_cell.memory for small pagesize  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86481207:52
han-guangyuhi, when i use vnc to access a instance with GUI10:21
han-guangyuThe operation is clunky and sometimes disconnects10:22
han-guangyuI would like to ask what configuration can I do to improve this problem10:22
han-guangyuwhen instance without GUI, it is normal10:23
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sean-k-mooneyhan-guangyu: the default video model is cirros. using virtio-gpu or vga video model will improve performance of a gui in the vm signifcatly11:20
sean-k-mooneysee hw_video_model in https://docs.openstack.org/glance/latest/admin/useful-image-properties.html11:21
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Remove double mocking  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86493411:54
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Remove double mocking... again  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86493511:54
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Add compute restart capability for libvirt func tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86493611:54
sean-k-mooneyok finally ^ should hopefully pass the unit and functional tests now11:54
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: enable blocked VDPA move operations  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86493711:55
sean-k-mooneythe backprot to xena was not terrible in the end but we have some functional test coverage in those patches for feature that done exist there like the lightos volume driver and nova manage imageproty migrtion commands11:56
sean-k-mooneyfortuently fixing that is just deleting the test file in both cases11:57
han-guangyusean-k-mooney: Thank you, i will try it12:05
han-guangyusean-k-mooney: sorry to bother again, Is there any configuration that nova-novncproxy can optimize12:11
sean-k-mooneyelodilles: just an fyi https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/7ab233fe2c604e3babf27e1a1fb704b8/log/job-output.txt#3412 some of our train jobs seam to have moved to focal12:11
han-guangyuwhen I want to acces a vm with GUI in horizon12:11
sean-k-mooneyform bionic i assume this is related to the cahnge to jammy on master12:11
han-guangyujust a confirm, if not, I just the hw_video_model12:12
sean-k-mooneyhan-guangyu: no we currently dont have any optimizations on the proxy12:19
han-guangyuhi, ok12:20
han-guangyuthank you very much12:20
elodillessean-k-mooney: thanks, i'll look into it to figure out why it is on focal12:45
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-vif stable/xena: Move mtu update request into ovsdb transaction  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-vif/+/86399514:40
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bauzasreminder : nova meeting in 29 mins15:31
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/nova stable/ussuri: DNM: test nova-multi-cell job  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86530115:45
elodillesbauzas: may i do a last minute edit on the stable section or do you still editing the Agenda?15:46
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/nova stable/train: DNM: test nova-multi-cell job  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86530215:46
bauzaselodilles: I haven't yet updated it, so do it15:46
elodillesbauzas: thx, done15:47
bauzaselodilles: kk, doing it now15:48
bauzas#startmeeting nova16:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Nov 22 16:01:01 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:01
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'nova'16:01
bauzassorry folks, forgot we had an internal meeting at the same time16:02
bauzasnot sure we'll have a lot of folks around16:02
jsanemethello o/16:03
bauzasok, let's start then16:03
bauzasactually, I forgot to provide my PTG notes for the internal meeting :D16:04
bauzasso I won't need to discuss :)16:04
bauzas#topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 16:04
bauzas#info No Critical bug16:04
bauzas#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 11 new untriaged bugs (+4 since the last meeting)16:04
bauzas#info Add yourself in the team bug roster if you want to help https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bug-triage-roster16:04
bauzassean-k-mooney: can you use the bug baton for next week ?16:05
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova stable/train: Reproduce bug 1896463 in func env  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/84128816:05
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova stable/train: Set instance host and drop migration under lock  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/84144416:05
sean-k-mooneyi guess but its likely the last round i can do this year16:05
bauzasall cool16:05
bauzas#info bug baton is being passed to sean-k-mooney16:07
bauzasany bug to discuss or do we move on ?16:07
bauzas(please say the latter :) )16:07
bauzask, moving on16:08
bauzas#topic Gate status 16:09
bauzas#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure Nova gate bugs 16:09
bauzas#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Fnova&project=openstack%2Fplacement&pipeline=periodic-weekly Nova&Placement periodic jobs status16:09
bauzashuzzah, the periodics are back \o/16:09
bauzas#info Please look at the gate failures and file a bug report with the gate-failure tag.16:09
bauzas#info STOP DOING BLIND RECHECKS aka. 'recheck' https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/testing.html#how-to-handle-test-failures16:09
bauzasanything to discuss about gate ?16:10
sean-k-mooneyjust a note16:11
sean-k-mooneythe gate should now be jammy/22.0416:11
bauzashave we merged the changes ?16:12
sean-k-mooneythe base jobs changed at m116:12
bauzassorry, was a bit off the IRC channel during those two days16:12
sean-k-mooneyso i belive they merged last week16:12
sean-k-mooneyanywya just keep an eye out and see if there are any new issues16:13
sean-k-mooneythats all i wanted to raise16:13
bauzasso the base jobs seem to have been merged indeed, but not our jobs16:13
sean-k-mooneyactully that patch is keeping one job on focal16:14
bauzasgmann: can you help us by explaining what we do atm ?16:14
bauzasyes, like 2 years ago16:14
sean-k-mooneyalthough i woudl argue grenade shoudl be that job16:14
bauzaswe keep an old job16:14
sean-k-mooneyi dont think we need a new one16:14
bauzasand then we run all the other tempest jobs with the latest ubuntu version16:14
bauzasyeah so16:15
sean-k-mooneythis cycle the grenade jobs shoudl be on focal which shoudl provide enough test coverage16:15
bauzas#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs/+/861116 Base jobs are migrated to Jammy16:15
sean-k-mooneyill comment on the review16:16
bauzas#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/861111 Nova specific jobs migration to Jammy need to be reviewed16:16
bauzassean-k-mooney: me too16:16
bauzasok, anything else ?16:16
sean-k-mooneynot from me16:16
bauzasmoving on16:17
bauzas#topic Release Planning 16:18
bauzas#link https://releases.openstack.org/antelope/schedule.html16:18
bauzas#info Antelope-1 was last week16:18
bauzas#info Spec review day had 6 specs merged and more than 10 others being discussed.16:18
bauzaskudos to the reviewers who worked on it16:18
bauzasas a reminder, we will get another spec review day in a couple of weeks before milestone-216:19
bauzaswe should also plan some implementation review day around between a-1 and a-216:19
bauzasvoilĂ , anything to discuss about either the spec review day or antelope-1 ?16:20
bauzasfwiw, we merged a release for novaclient https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/86136016:21
bauzasand ditto for os-vif https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/86452716:21
bauzasif no questions, let's move on16:22
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bauzassorry, I'm being dragged in a meeting, can someone continue ?16:26
bauzasgibi: ?16:26
gibisure I will try16:27
gibi#topic Review priorities 16:27
gibi#link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+(project:openstack/nova+OR+project:openstack/placement+OR+project:openstack/os-traits+OR+project:openstack/os-resource-classes+OR+project:openstack/os-vif+OR+project:openstack/python-novaclient+OR+project:openstack/osc-placement)+(label:Review-Priority%252B1+OR+label:Review-Priority%252B2)16:27
gibi#info As a reminder, cores eager to review changes can +1 to indicate their interest, +2 for committing to the review16:27
gibiis there anything we need to discuss on these priorities?16:27
gibi#topic Stable Branches 16:28
gibielodilles: your turn :)16:28
gibiI have a quetion on stable/train16:29
elodilles#info wallaby is blocked due to failing nova-ceph-multistore, workaround: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86513416:29
elodillesthis is an interesting one, stable cores, please review if possible ^^^16:29
elodilles#info ussuri and train is blocked due to nova-multi-cell job, possible fix: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/86530016:29
elodilles^^^ thanks sean-k-mooney for calling my attention to the issue :)16:30
elodilles#info rest of the stable branches should be OK16:30
elodilles#info stable branch status / gate failures tracking etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-stable-branch-ci16:30
sean-k-mooney i appoved the first one addign os-brick to requried project will also make depends on work16:30
elodillesand that's it from my side16:30
gibielodilles: do you know about any issues on stable/train16:31
bauzasok, I'm back16:31
gibiI see multiple job failing with16:31
elodillessean-k-mooney: thanks. i think that is the most straightforward workaround for the situation16:31
gibirsync: [sender] link_stat "/var/lib/zuul/builds/eacfbbe59b6a4297a4aebb16cc7d2140/work/ca-bundle.pem" failed: No such file or directory (2)16:31
gibirsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1333) [sender=3.2.3]16:31
gibiie https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/841444/416:31
elodillesgibi: rsync problem usually happened due to infra issues, but those usually temporary / intermittent issues16:32
elodillesgibi: train is blocked, see above :)16:33
gibiI got it mutliple times. I did a rebase at the start of the meeting if that hits the same I will ping the team again as that will mean it is blocked16:33
bauzas#chair gibi16:33
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: bauzas gibi16:33
bauzas(just added gibi for chair, not sure the bot will correctly set the topics)16:33
gibielodilles: aaah,16:33
gibisorry it is a bit hard to be on two meetings in parallel16:33
gibiso we know that train is broken16:33
gibithen I have no other question :)16:33
elodillesgibi: yepp, but not with the rsync error16:34
elodillesso that's a new thing if it is a permanent problem :(16:34
bauzaswe should name the train bug "sncf" as train is always broken :)16:34
gibianyhow I will report back if the same failure happens in the recent rebase too16:34
elodillesgibi: ack, thx16:34
gibiI thank you :)16:35
gibiany other topics on stable?16:35
bauzaslooks not16:35
bauzasmoving on ?16:35
bauzasI'll need to speak in a little16:36
gibi#topic Open discussion 16:36
gibi(jsanemet) Improve usage of privsep on Nova:16:36
gibiBug ticket: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1996213 Proposal: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-privsep-review Does the change deserve a spec?16:36
bauzasyeah so16:36
gibijsanemet: on the spec question. Do you feel you have open question that would need upfront decision from the core team?16:37
bauzasI discussed with jsanemet about his efforts and I proposed him to present himself and discuss about how we could paper the privsep effort during the meeting16:37
bauzasthe spec thing was more a wonder we had 16:37
bauzasI don't honestly feel it requires one spec16:37
bauzasbut we tho need to consider documenting the new context usages16:38
bauzashence the etherpad16:38
bauzasI don't see any upgrade impact, or any other impact which would require us to accept a spedc16:38
bauzasanyone disagree with that plan ?16:39
dansmithwhat is the effort? just finishing some things?16:40
dansmithor something more complex?16:40
bauzasdansmith: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-privsep-review16:40
bauzasdansmith: this is about fine-graining the privsep context to the right callers16:40
sean-k-mooneythere are several16:40
sean-k-mooneythis looks like the first low haning fruit16:40
dansmithyeah so splitting into different contexts?16:40
bauzasas a first step yes16:41
dansmithI dunno, I think that's going to be a bunch of review of which calls need which contexts  right?16:41
bauzasthat's my concern16:41
dansmithsome things might seem simple but require both net and sys, etc16:41
bauzasI don't think we need a spec16:41
dansmithI guess I'm not sure why no spec16:42
bauzasI'd appreciate if we would agree on the contexts and the callers not exacly by reviewing the patches16:42
dansmiththis etherpad is half a spec already16:42
sean-k-mooneythere proably should be a spec to define the scope16:42
bauzasthere, we have our answer16:42
bauzaswe can use the spec format to agree on the split16:42
bauzasjsanemet: you're ok with the outcome ?16:43
bauzasI can help you on the process-y thingie16:43
jsanemetthen, i will translate the etherpad into a spec and we can discuss it further16:44
jsanemetseems good to me16:44
bauzasfrom a paperwork pov, you may also need to supersede the rfe bug by creating a launchpad blueprint16:44
bauzasbut that's an easy peasy16:44
bauzasanyway, looks like we have the direction16:45
jsanemetyes, i am a little green regarding what documentation is required so any help will be appreciated16:45
bauzasjsanemet: as a reminder, you have a spec template https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/2023.1/template.html16:45
bauzasI guess that's it for today16:46
jsanemetall right, i will save that16:46
jsanemetthanks a lot16:46
bauzasok, folks, any other item to raise before we call the wrap ?16:46
bauzaslooks not16:46
bauzasperfect timing16:47
bauzasthanks all16:47
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Nov 22 16:47:08 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)16:47
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2022/nova.2022-11-22-16.01.html16:47
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2022/nova.2022-11-22-16.01.txt16:47
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2022/nova.2022-11-22-16.01.log.html16:47
elodillesthanks bauzas o/16:47
gibithanks folks16:47
jsanemetthanks o/16:47
gmannsean-k-mooney: bauzas: replied on focal new job https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/861111/5/.zuul.yaml#65317:36
gmannbasically grenade job run only smoke test not all the tests. having a integrated job running on focal cover it well17:36
sean-k-mooneygmann: im not sure we want full coverage since we are only supprotign it for upgrade but we could i guess17:37
sean-k-mooneywe run more then smoke in the multinode grenade job by the way17:38
sean-k-mooneyliek cold/live migration17:38
gmannthat was point there in PTG, to make sure we run the complete tests17:38
sean-k-mooneythat kind fo feels like overkill to me17:38
gmannthat is why we added Focal i testing runtime too https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/runtimes/2023.1.html17:38
sean-k-mooneywe never did that for moving form 18.04->20.04 did we17:38
gmannsean-k-mooney: this is new change we discussed in TC17:39
sean-k-mooneyok but if its just for upgrade im not sure we shoudl do more then run multinode grenade17:39
gmannmultinode grenade does not run complete tests, if testing runtime have requirement of testing Focal I feel we should run integrated tests on that not just grenade small set of tests17:40
sean-k-mooneyi disagree17:41
sean-k-mooneyyour are correct on the tests that are run https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/.zuul.yaml#L51217:41
sean-k-mooney"""In this release, we are adding the testing of Ubuntu new version 22.04. For smooth upgrade, we will continue the minimum testing for previously supported Ubuntu version in this release."""17:41
sean-k-mooneyit specificaly say we will continue the minium testing for previous supported ubuntu verions17:42
sean-k-mooneythat is not tempest-full17:42
gmannminimum testing means at least single job running the tests and we knew grenade job is there but adding this explicitly to make sure things does not get broken on old distro17:42
gmannnot all the  jobs17:42
gmann"run all jobs on latest distro, have at least one job to run on old distro"17:43
sean-k-mooneyare we going to have to do the same for debian 11 when 12 comes out17:43
gmannwe should do but we will see where all we are running debian jobs and there we should make sure there same17:44
gmannthe same17:44
sean-k-mooneywe dont have ci capsity for that17:44
sean-k-mooneyfine lets just stick with this for now but i dont think we can reasonable run all LTS distros for 2 releases17:45
gmanndebian jobs are not run on projects side (there might be few) but say if devstack run it then we should do both when we change the debian version in testing17:45
sean-k-mooneyin the B cycle we shoudl drop the job17:45
sean-k-mooneyand only test with 22.0417:46
gmannsean-k-mooney: true, that will be removed in next cycle of change in distro version, so for Focal yes in B17:46
gmannit is only the cycle changing the testing to new version will make sure old version is also tested.17:46
gmannwe can do a lot of upgrade testing with distro things but we cannot do as per our CI capacity so this single job for changing version cycle is good way to accommodate something and make sure upgrade will be more smooth17:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/wallaby: [stable-only] Use os-brick from source in wallaby  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86513418:18
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Update gate jobs as per the 2023.1 cycle testing runtime  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86111119:44
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/osc-placement master: Update gate jobs as per the 2023.1 cycle testing runtime  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/86147019:47
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/os-traits master: Update python classifier for python 3.10  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-traits/+/86146619:48
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/python-novaclient master: Update python classifier for python 3.10  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-novaclient/+/86146919:48
gmannsean-k-mooney: os-vif functional sudo job failing on Jammy, I think you mentioned you have some idea to fix that?, https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/b40811601a614064a480a02e368c2f7219:54
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sean-k-mooneygmann: i looked at it breifly but did not try to fix it yet20:41
sean-k-mooneygmann: debian used to have a pathced version of distutils that did weired things with the python path20:42
sean-k-mooneythe funtional tests use sudo and we use -E to preserve teh env20:42
sean-k-mooneythere is a weired interaction between sudo and virutalenv and -E20:42
sean-k-mooneyso my guess was that has changed on 22.0420:43
sean-k-mooneyand the pythonpath in a sudo context is not finding os-vif20:43
sean-k-mooneypossibly because it might be doing a user install or similar20:43
sean-k-mooneyill need to try and repoduce it locally to figure out whats going on exactly i just have not had time to look at it20:44
sean-k-mooneybut thats what i think is happening we are runnign privsep with sudo -E and its not finding the installed os-vif for some reason20:44
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: refactor: remove duplicated logic  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86533420:59
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Detect port-resource-request-groups neutron API extension  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86533520:59
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Record SRIOV PF MAC in the binding profile  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86533620:59
opendevreviewAnton Kurbatov proposed openstack/nova master: Fix VMs sorting fail in case of comparison with None  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/86503721:08
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