Thursday, 2022-09-29

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songwenpingbauzas: hi, i have some doubt about nova zed highlight, what is the improvement for 'the possibility to rebuild a volume-backed instance'?08:29
gibisongwenping: this is the code we merged to suppot it
songwenpingis this the API imporvement?08:33
songwenpinggibi: i means this feature is not only for API, but include compute modify.08:39
gibiit includes everythin (cinder and nova impacts) that allows reimaging the root volume of a VM booted from that volume08:39
gibiso yes, it is not just an API change08:40
songwenpingthanks, got it. and what's the feature for 'the change to only accept importing a public key but also with an extended name pattern'.08:42
gibithat is actually two features. 1) nova stoped supporting generating ssh keys, we only support importing ssh keys. (it is in a new microversion so old microversions still allow generating ssh keys) 2) we extended the list of allowed chars set for the name of the key. Now both @ and . is allowed in the name 08:44
songwenpingthanks gibi, got it.08:52
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open10k8sHi team, Task_state=deleting VMs don't exist on hypervisors but openstack keeps those list as Active and running. Nova-compute restart solves this but it is only a temporary solution. After delete another machine, same thing happens. I cannot find any error logs from nova services. Is this known issue in a specific condition or any workaround for this?16:01
open10k8sI am running wallaby and never experienced this issue on other clouds with same version16:03
melwittopen10k8s: no, that's not a known issue and it shouldn't be doing that. you are seeing this happen with all delete requests? if the actual VM is gone but the instance still listed, that means that somehow the delete did not reach the DB update to remove the instance record16:09
open10k8syes, all deletion operation16:09
melwittI would expect to see some evidence of why in the nova-compute and or nova-conductor logs. are you running logs with debug=True to diagnose? if there's no message in the logs, it will be difficult to find why it's happening16:10
open10k8si rather tried to find any issues on oslo messaging 16:10
melwittyeah that is a good thing to look for, also the database if there's any issue there when nova-compute attempts to delete the instance record by way of the nova-conductor16:11
melwittbut in both of those cases usually there is an error logged16:12
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/os-vif stable/stein: Fix zuul config error for os-vif
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/os-vif stable/rocky: Fix zuul config error for os-vif
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