Thursday, 2022-07-14

opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Configurable instance domains
auniyaltox -e <test> don't always runs same07:38
auniyaltox -re functional-py38 -- regressions.test_bug_1857306.py07:38
auniyalThe specified regex doesn't match with anythingERROR: InvocationError for command /opt/stack/nova/.tox/functional-py38/bin/stestr --test-path=./nova/tests/functional run (exited with code 1)07:38
auniyalsometime -re works to recreate testing venv, but not always07:39
auniyaltried giving full path as well - nova.tests.functional.regressions.test_bug_1857306.py07:41
gibiauniyal: you don't need the '--' also you should try without the '.py' suffix07:45
auniyaloh yes, removed .py and -- it ran, thanks gibi 07:48
gibithe name you give at the end of the tox command is actually a regex matching for the fully qualified name of the test function07:49
sean-k-mooney[m]there is a flag you can pass to use file paths i think08:29
sean-k-mooney[m]but ya by default its a regex of the fully qualified  function/module name08:29
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: etc: Highlight absence of packages from config gen
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opendevreviewManuel Bentele proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add configuration options to set SPICE compression settings
sean-k-mooneygibi: if your about i think this is a fairly simple spec related to ^12:09
stephenfinsean-k-mooney: gibi: specless BP?
stephenfinsee my comment in there. Personally I'd rather turn on sensible defaults and leave it at that, but perhaps Manuel has a good reason for why we can't do that12:21
* stephenfin hates unnecessary knobs and dials12:21
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: they have a spec proposed and it looked good to me so specless or approve the one they have12:24
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: apprently the compression algortiom depends on teh buidl of spice used12:24
sean-k-mooneythem mentioned that in the spec comment12:25
stephenfinOh, nice. I hadn't seen that12:25
* stephenfin looks12:25
sean-k-mooneyif there are default that work for most/everyone im also ok to implemnt those and review that in the code patch12:25
sean-k-mooneyah they have auto for most of them as a default12:26
* sean-k-mooney is sad we are removing spice downstream because its much better for vdi12:27
stephenfinagreed :(12:31
stephenfinoh well12:31
stephenfinleft comments on the spec12:31
sean-k-mooneywhen you say enable by default12:32
sean-k-mooneyits really only enabled by "default" if there is a way to enable something else12:32
sean-k-mooneyare you suggesting we hardcode something12:32
sean-k-mooneysince i think they had a sane default for basially all the config optiosn12:33
stephenfinsean-k-mooney: Yeah, basically hardcode the defaults they've proposed and don't bother with the knobs12:35
stephenfinunless we have a good reason to add them (e.g. someone would have a good reason to disable that compression)12:35
sean-k-mooneyim not really that pushed eitehr way. i assume there is a tradeoff between bandwith and cpu12:36
sean-k-mooneyas there almost always is for compression12:36
sean-k-mooneyso it might be somthign that an operator wants to optimise for differently depenidn on there usecase12:36
sean-k-mooneylibvirt apprently has default for this too and that is what they are using12:38
sean-k-mooneyas the defalt so hardcoding what they propsoed would be the same as doing nothing12:38
stephenfinhmm, it looks like libvirt's defaults are pretty sane, no?12:39
stephenfinI wonder why they're not good enough12:39
sean-k-mooneyagain i would guess this comes done to wanting to optimise for wan vs lan vs edge vdi deployments12:40
sean-k-mooneyin some cases bandwith might be the costly case in other cpu12:40
sean-k-mooneyim really not stongly opionated on this but that is what i was assuming when reviewing12:41
stephenfinOkay, makes sense. I suspect adding these knobs is the correct decision in that case. I'll just wait for Manuel to pipe up and defend themselves :)12:41
stephenfinIf nothing else, we'll get better docs on the advantages/disadvantages of configuring these things12:41
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: by the way artom  copy pasted your --hostname spec to add --domain and im mostly ok with it but care to have a look at
* stephenfin prepares plagiarism suit12:43
sean-k-mooneythis is related to the whole fqdn in displayname mess12:43
stephenfinactually, let me have a look through some of the other specs. I missed the spec review day12:53
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* gibi reads back12:58
gibiI have no hard opinion about spice compression. I agree with you to see if we really need this. But if there is a solid use case then I'm OK with having this.13:01
gibifor a spec we are a bit late but I think if this is close then bauzas will not be against landing it next week13:02
sean-k-mooneyso we just want to defer the details fo the config options to the code review13:03
sean-k-mooney*do we13:04
gibiIf I understand correctly the current default is sane and if we decide not to add knobs then there is nothing to implement. So I think this needs to be decided before the codereview13:09
sean-k-mooneyack that is my understanidng too13:10
gibiso hope Manuel can come back this week or early next week13:10
sean-k-mooneyi assuem they wanted to make this change because they had limitation with the current defaults but those are not captured in teh spec13:10
gibiyeah, and if they have then I think we will not block them to add the knob13:11
gibiwe just need to know those limitations :)13:11
sean-k-mooneyfor something this small i would be supportive of a spec freeze excption13:11
sean-k-mooneyif they can document why they need this feature next week13:11
gibiI will be supporting for the exception too13:12
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replaces tenant_id with project_id from List/Update Servers APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replace all_tenants with all_projects in List Server APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replaces tenant_id with project_id from Rebuild Server API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replaces tenant_id with project_id from List SG API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replaces tenant_id with project_id from Flavor Access APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replaces tenant_id with project_id from List/Show usage APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replace os-simple-tenant-usage with os-simple-project-usage
artomstephenfin, your proposed changes section as just *so* well written ;)13:30
artomThanks for the reviews, I'll push a new rev soon13:31
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Configurable instance domains
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replace tenant_id with project_id in os-quota-sets path
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replace tenant_id with project_id in Limits API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replace tenants* with projects* of policies
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Replace tenant* with project* in codes
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Remove use of pkg_resources
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: Fix compatibility with jsonschema 4.x
stephenfingibi: sean-k-mooney: trivial changes there  to fix jsonschema 4.x compat and make nova _slightly_ faster by avoiding use of pkg_resources (which is slooooow) ^14:48
gibistephenfin: I will check it14:49
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: remove default cputune shares value
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/nova master: Add a proper schema version to network_data.json
artomsean-k-mooney, stephenfin, any chance we can finalize the domain spec before EOD?17:09
sean-k-mooneyill take a look at it again shortly so yes?17:40
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opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Configurable instance domains
sean-k-mooneyartom: +2 on ^ stephenfin melwitt gibi incase ye are still about18:15
sean-k-mooneyartom: on other commit is something we add examples of the updatead api payload or psudo api requests18:15
sean-k-mooneyin this case i dont think you need to do that18:16
artomWhich other commit?18:16
artomOh, if I respin this spec?18:16
sean-k-mooneysorry other specs18:16
artomstephenfin didn't do it, and this is just plagiarizing his domain spec ;)18:16
sean-k-mooneyso somethinmes we add example post/put payloads18:16
sean-k-mooneybut i think thats overkill for a this18:17
sean-k-mooneyi.e his spec was hostname yours is domain18:17
sean-k-mooneyanyway i didnt see anything  worth another respin but im happy to rereview if others do18:18
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Remove use of pkg_resources
gibisean-k-mooney, artom: I'm +2+Ad the domain spec18:22
artomThat was fast18:22
gibiI read fast :)18:22
sean-k-mooneyand the content was familar :P18:23
artomYeah, it's not like we kept rehashing it every second tech call for the past 4 months18:23
artomOh wiat18:23
gibiI could swear I read this before somewher18:23
sean-k-mooneyartom: implementaiton wil be ready by tueseday yes18:24
gibiartom: so  will you abandon ?18:25
sean-k-mooneyits not mutually exclucive but i would at least punt it to AA18:25
artomIt's not mutually exclusive, but there isn't much point to it18:25
artomLike, what would use those per-NIC domain fields?18:26
artomIf we care about cloud-init, then it's only --domain18:26
sean-k-mooneywell linux support FQDNs per interface18:26
sean-k-mooneyso technially you chould have a script that called systemd-resolved to configure that or network manager18:27
sean-k-mooneybut its nice ot have rather then required18:27
sean-k-mooneyso for now lets focus on --domain18:27
sean-k-mooneyand if people ask for the metadata we can add that in AA18:27
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Keep legacy admin behaviour in new RBAC
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova-specs master: Configurable instance domains
opendevreviewRico Lin proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Ignore LibvirtConfigObject kwargs
opendevreviewRico Lin proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Remove unnecessary TODO
opendevreviewRico Lin proposed openstack/nova master: add locked_memory extra spec and image property
opendevreviewRico Lin proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add vIOMMU device to guest
opendevreviewRico Lin proposed openstack/nova master: Add traits for viommu model
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