Wednesday, 2022-05-25

opendevreviewAndrew Bogott proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: add the purge_rbd_snaps_on_delete config option
opendevreviewAndrew Bogott proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: add the purge_rbd_snaps_on_delete config option
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add a workaround to skip compareCPU() on destination
gibistephenfin: when you are around, can we discuss the config option open questions in ?09:01
stephenfingibi: Sure, on the review?09:09
gibiwe can talk here :)09:10
gibithat is probably quicker09:10
gibiso my first question is09:10
gibiwhat is the reason behind you suggest no to rename the whitelist but add a totally new conf option?09:11
stephenfinOh, I thought that was what you were proposing at the beginning09:12
stephenfin...of the spec09:12
* stephenfin looks again09:13
stephenfin"The ``[pci]passthrough_whitelist`` config option will be deprecated for eventual removal and replaced with the new ``[pci]device_list`` config option."!09:13
stephenfin^ that threw me09:14
gibiOK so we want to deprecate the old name09:14
gibibut keep the same config opt definition09:14
gibi(+ extend it with resource_class and traits)09:14
stephenfinOkay, gotcha. I misunderstood. Please ignore that comment so09:15
gibithe other is about the naming of the new option09:15
gibiIf I understand correctly you would like a singular name09:15
gibibut probably neither singular nor plural is fully correct09:15
gibias a single entry in the device_list can match to zero, one, or multiple devices09:16
gibiOR we could try to name the option not from the matched device(s) perspective but from the filtering / matching perspective09:16
gibii.e. device_spec device_filter09:17
stephenfinYeah, I forgot that it would accept a list. That's a really awful option09:17
stephenfindevice_spec or device_filter both wfm09:18
stephenfinso long as it's not device_list really :)09:18
gibisean-k-mooney[m]: ^^ how do you feel about naming the device_list to [pci]device_spec or [pci]device_filter ?09:18
gibistephenfin: thanks.09:19
sean-k-mooney1i think device_filter was what i used in an older version09:31
sean-k-mooney1so im ok with either device_spec or device_filter09:31
gibisean-k-mooney1, bauzas: the last thing is the CUSTOM_ prefix. I will keep the normalization and prefixing in the spec as is and we can re-discuss that during code / doc review if needed.09:34
*** sean-k-mooney1 is now known as sean-k-mooney09:34
sean-k-mooneygibi: ya im ok to defer that to the code review since bauzas's main ask was to document it properly09:35
gibiyepp, and also bauzas is on PTO for the rest of the week :)09:39
gibiI will update the config naming in the spec today09:39
gibiand then I will ask you and stephenfin to approve it:)09:40
sean-k-mooneyack :)09:42
sean-k-mooneyone question09:42
sean-k-mooneydo we want to add the json list support to the alas09:42
sean-k-mooneyto have partity with the device_filter09:42
* sean-k-mooney had just build up the finger memory for device_list09:43
sean-k-mooneyi personally woudl really like to not have to deal with the multiopt syntax but you dont have to fix that its just on my wishlist for some day09:44
gibiI think it is a better direction to get rid of the multiopt09:44
gibibut that is definitely something that is not in scope now09:45
sean-k-mooneyright so not suggesting geting rid of the multiopt just allowing alias=[{...},{...}]09:46
sean-k-mooneybut ok i can propose that as a specless blueprint some time09:46
gibiOK, I think the list part can be a separate small thing09:47
stephenfinIf we got rid of MultiStrOpt, IMO we should look at what we did for the NUMA network affinity spec, where we dynamically generated configuration sections/options and flattened the list09:48
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: no i dont really like that either09:49
sean-k-mooneywe could09:49
sean-k-mooneybut it woudl be non trivial to do09:49
sean-k-mooneywe dont have a name for thses to key off09:49
sean-k-mooneythey are already json strings09:50
gibididn't we had some race condition issues with dynamic opts?09:50
stephenfin[pci] device_specs = foo, bar09:50
sean-k-mooneyjust supproting json lists simes simpel09:50
stephenfin[device_spec_foo] vendor_id = ffff product_id = ffff09:50
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: right we dont have the foo and bar names today09:50
stephenfinah yeah, you'd invent them09:50
sean-k-mooneywe would have to just add them for the sake fo the option09:50
sean-k-mooneyfor the alias that totally works09:51
stephenfinJust arbitrary identifiers. Very easy to script09:51
stephenfinAnyway, nothing to do with this spec09:51
sean-k-mooneyyou know it will end up being 001 002 003]09:51
sean-k-mooney#but ya09:51
stephenfinchanging the topic, why does the vIOMMU model have to be configurable?09:51
stephenfinother than MOAR PWR!!!?!09:51
sean-k-mooneyits simpler then dealing with having to doublel escape them in the local.conf for sure09:52
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: because i think it changes the kernel driver in the guest09:52
sean-k-mooneythe same way virtio vs e1000 does for nics or cirrus vs qxl for video_model09:52
sean-k-mooneyif it was next year i would porbaly have said just use virtio and be done with it09:53
stephenfinand we're thinking someone would want to use != virtio nowadays09:53
sean-k-mooneywell no distro i know of ships with virtio suppoprt09:53
stephenfinas in libvirt version?09:53
sean-k-mooneyas in qemu version but ya09:54
sean-k-mooneyi would have to check 22.04 and rhel 9 09:54
sean-k-mooneybut that is very new09:54
stephenfinlibvirt *and* qemu version09:54
sean-k-mooneylibvirt 8.3.009:55
sean-k-mooneynot sure about the qemu version09:55
stephenfinpity :(09:55
sean-k-mooneyinitally i was also just hoping for hw:viommu=True|False09:55
stephenfinwould it be crazy to at least set a sane default (i.e. virtio if libvirt >= 8.3.0)?09:55
stephenfinyeah, me too09:56
sean-k-mooneyif you want we coudl add hw:viommue=True|False and have it set it automatically09:56
stephenfinalso, do we want an extra spec for this. We don't traditionally do extra specs for hardware stuff09:56
sean-k-mooneybut we likely need a way to override09:56
stephenfinI'd rather 'hw:viommu_model=auto'09:56
sean-k-mooneyim fine with that09:57
stephenfinif we go that route and we are not turning on vIOMMU by default09:57
stephenfin(why are we not doing that too btw?)09:57
sean-k-mooneywell ya i dont think we shoudl trun it on by default09:57
sean-k-mooneyturning it on by defaul?09:57
sean-k-mooneyi think it has negitive performance impact if you are using pci passthough09:57
sean-k-mooneyand it also increase memory usagein the guest09:58
sean-k-mooneyso it can break things09:58
stephenfinSo not quite a free lunch. Pity. It would be good to note that in the spec09:58
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: to be clear our virt team told us not to bother enableing it because of the perfroamce impact of the intel viommu for sriov09:59
stephenfinTIL. Yeah, definitely one to note on the spec09:59
stephenfinLast one, do we actually want an extra spec for this? We don't traditionally do extra specs for hardware stuff10:00
sean-k-mooneyright normlaly it hsould be image only10:01
sean-k-mooneywe have broken that a few times now with the vtpm and vpmu extra specs10:01
sean-k-mooneyso at this point im kind of ok with it10:01
sean-k-mooneyif the guest does not have the driver the iommu will just not get used by the kernel in the guest i belive10:02
sean-k-mooneybut i have not tested that10:02
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Accept both 1 and Y as AMD SEV KVM kernel param value
gibisean-k-mooney: this is a fix for what James saw the other day downstream ^^10:04
sean-k-mooneyah nice10:09
sean-k-mooneygibi: can we not use the oslo stringutils str to bool function10:11
sean-k-mooneyi think that woudl be better10:11
gibisure, why not10:13
sean-k-mooney bool_from_string10:13
sean-k-mooneybasiclaly whhen it becomes YES or true10:13
sean-k-mooneyi dont want to have to fix it again10:13
gibigood point10:16
gibiI will respin in a sec10:16
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Accept both 1 and Y as AMD SEV KVM kernel param value
sean-k-mooneyby the way i noticed this change on more recent kernels10:18
sean-k-mooneyit seam all module parmater changed form 1 to y somewhwer around 5.10 ish10:18
gibiI just checked mine and there it was Y10:18
sean-k-mooneynot sure exacatly where but i noticed it for say nested_vert for example10:18
gibihum in 5.4 it is still 1/010:19
sean-k-mooneyso i think the kernel made this change globally at some poitn10:19
sean-k-mooney1/0 still works10:19
sean-k-mooneyit just now reports y/n10:19
sean-k-mooneyin sysfs10:20
sean-k-mooneyi guess libvirt is just doing a raw passthough and not normalising10:20
gibihm, it is module dependent, I see modules reporting 0 on 5.1710:20
sean-k-mooneyoh ok10:20
sean-k-mooneymaybe a style change10:20
gibiOK , switched thet patch to strutils, thanks for noticing it10:22
sean-k-mooneyill review it shortly just updating the iommu spec 10:22
sean-k-mooney+2 by the way we will need to backport this to whenever we added sev support right10:33
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: if you want to propsoe adding auto as a model please do i have no real objection to that 10:35
stephenfinwill do10:35
sean-k-mooneydid you have any other outstanding questions 10:35
sean-k-mooneywe are agreed on useign 48 for the bit with right10:36
sean-k-mooneyif libvirt is knew enough10:36
sean-k-mooneyi think that was the only other thing pending on the spec10:36
sean-k-mooneywell the last version was updated to say we would10:37
gibisean-k-mooney: sure I will do the backports10:37
opendevreviewRajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova master: Fix typos
sean-k-mooneyi feel philosophically oblidged to not review ^ :)11:33
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova-specs master: PCI device tracking in Placement
gibistephenfin, sean-k-mooney, bauzas: I think all the open questions are resolved now ^^11:50
sean-k-mooneyack im currntly truning some wifi setting so i might loose connectivity for a bit but ill take a look later today11:54
sean-k-mooneyok that might have stablised.11:57
sean-k-mooneyit was till repovisioning11:57
opendevreviewAde Lee proposed openstack/nova master: Test setting the nova job to centos-9-stream
kashyapgibi: This can be interesting:  I can reproduce that too; on a fresh checkout  on F36, re-run (not the first run) `tox -v pep8` is taking 3 *minutes*13:12
sean-k-mooneykashyap: im not sure this is really a valid nova bug13:14
sean-k-mooneythis seams like its more a tox/pip issue13:15
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Apparently this can be fixed in Nova, see Miguel's comment there:13:15
kashyapDoing this means slightly refactoring how requirements are defined in the project. I'm working on a draft patch to show what that would look like and will create a review soon.13:15
kashyapHe used 'pip-compile' to sort this out 13:15
sean-k-mooneyright there fix is not really valid13:15
sean-k-mooneyit change how we test13:15
sean-k-mooneyand what we are testing13:16
gibistill I guess somewhere we have some problems in the transitive dependencies as pip get stuck, while normally pip does not get stuck on a simple pep8 setup13:16
gibiI agree with sean-k-mooney not to blindly alter our test process by pinning requirements. I suggest to try to find the offending dependency and try to figure out what makes it hard for pip to resolve the deps13:17
sean-k-mooneyif we were to fix this in nova we woudl have to delete and recreate the pinned deps every time we run tox13:17
kashyapsean-k-mooney: I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the fix without actually looking at the problem and properly understanding it.13:17
sean-k-mooneyand we would have to ensure that pip-compile follows UC and test-requirement properly13:17
kashyapgibi: Yeah, I think I should have a trace of one of the offending deps ... lemme check13:18
sean-k-mooneykashyap: im not im pointing out that they probaly dont fully understand how we test and what13:18
sean-k-mooneywe require form a pti point of view13:18
sean-k-mooneyso we need to actully see if its pti compleint and test wat we want ti to test13:18
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Ah, sure.  I don't deny that.  (Aside, what is "pti"?)13:19
sean-k-mooneyproject testing interface13:19
sean-k-mooneykashyap: specificly 13:19
kashyapgibi: E.g. for me it got stuck at this "decorator" thing:
sean-k-mooneydefien how all offical python project must do there testing 13:20
sean-k-mooneykashyap: it likely will not be stable in all caes13:20
sean-k-mooneybasicaly as release happen you might see that change13:21
gibikashyap: so the next step would be to compare the pip run on f35/36 with a non-stuck pip run on ubuntu 200413:21
gibimaybe with a run from our gate13:21
sean-k-mooneyits porbaly python3.10 vs 3.9 really13:21
kashyapgibi: But it's also non-deterministic for me; "eventually" it went ahead and succeeded13:21
kashyapsean-k-mooney: You're using 3.9?13:21
gibisean-k-mooney: stilly p310 not stuck on my debian13:21
sean-k-mooneythe odd thing is im pretty sure it work for me on 3.9 and 3.1013:21
sean-k-mooneyya i think 3.10 worked for me too13:22
sean-k-mooneykashyap: i have 3.8 3.9 and 3.1013:22
gibiso this can be pip cache (need a clean VM to reproduce) already globally installed python deps13:22
sean-k-mooneyi normlaly use 3.8 since its supported on the most set of branches13:22
kashyap(I'm using 3.10 too; FWIW)13:22
sean-k-mooneykashyap: just so you know 3.10 is not supported yet13:22
sean-k-mooneyas in its experimental for zed13:23
kashyapgibi: sean-k-mooney: Sorry, I was lying!  I was using 3.8.13, actually13:23
sean-k-mooneyso its nice that you are using it but we do not expect it to work in all cases.13:24
sean-k-mooneykashyap: you are gettign that failure on 3.813:24
sean-k-mooneyhum maybe its related to the distro packages then13:24
kashyapIt's not deterministic.  So I don't want to take your time much on it.13:24
sean-k-mooneyour your pip version13:24
sean-k-mooneywhat version of pip have you installed13:24
kashyapsean-k-mooney: It's in a tox env.  And I'm using "pip 22.1.1"13:24
kashyapBut for now, it's "magically resolved" after a couple of runs.  I haven't even recreated 3.8 tox env.13:25
sean-k-mooneypip 22.0.4 from /home/sean/repos/openstack/nova/.tox/py3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pip (python 3.10)13:25
sean-k-mooneyit could be reelated to the version of setuptool/pip that is bundeled in vitrualenv13:26
sean-k-mooneythat is where the version used by tox come form by default13:26
sean-k-mooneyi belive you can specify the version when creating the tox env13:26
opendevreviewAndrew Bogott proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: add the purge_rbd_snaps_on_delete config option
sean-k-mooneyyou might be able to pass tox -e py3 --force-dep pip\<22.113:30
sean-k-mooneykashyap: can you try ^13:31
sean-k-mooneythere is also a plugin for this apprently but dont know if it work but it would be interesting to see if that helps13:31
sean-k-mooneykashyap: do you install tox form pypi by the way13:32
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Is that verbatim syntax correct?  "\<"13:32
sean-k-mooneyor are you using it form fedora13:32
sean-k-mooney\< was to escape the <13:32
sean-k-mooneyso it shoudl be pip<22.113:32
sean-k-mooneybut i think you need to escape it on a bash cli13:32
kashyapIn this case both versions are same: 3.25.  And I've used 'tox' from system in this case13:33
sean-k-mooneyok i always use it form pypi to normalise behavior between the distors im using13:33
* kashyap nods13:33
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Also, did you mean "py3" there?13:34
sean-k-mooneypy3 uses your default python 313:34
sean-k-mooneyso i use that to not have to care which python3 that is13:34
kashyapNod; /me tries13:34
sean-k-mooneyhehe well this seams to be disto specific so not sure its entirly fair13:36
sean-k-mooneyat least its not nodejs13:37
sean-k-mooneynpm is just awfull13:37
sean-k-mooneyits like javascript libs compeet to see how many other libs they can use before they create a cycle13:37
dansmiththe js community is insane :)13:38
dansmithI've never had problems resolving deps with npm, but probably just haven't done it enough13:38
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Still, I hate this system pkgs vs PyPi interaction hell.  It's been behind me for years; I keep hoping it gets better :D13:38
kashyapdansmith: You're a brave man; this chanel is recorded, you know that, right :D13:38
sean-k-mooneydansmith: depresovling is fine but packaging that as a distro is just not really possible13:38
dansmithkashyap: I think they know they have a problem :)13:38
dansmithsean-k-mooney: yeah totally13:39
sean-k-mooneyhonestly the best that disto can do is provde a way to install npm and then let it do the rest13:39
dansmithyup and I kinda expect that's where we're headed with python too13:40
sean-k-mooneyya perhaps. go too for what its worth13:40
dansmithI'm sure13:40
sean-k-mooneyin the past lanauges did not have a packagem manager but now its the default for them too13:40
sean-k-mooneythey had been always thrid party in c/c++/java13:41
sean-k-mooneyit does make cve much harder to manage but on the other hand if you fix it in the "comunity/language" package manage you fix it for all distos that use that13:42
dansmithit totally makes the security landscape a disaster,13:42
dansmithbut I think npm integrates vulnerability tagging with the package manager itself, which is probably good13:43
sean-k-mooneykashyap: by the way if this is blocking you crrently you might want to use a podman contianer or vm temporaly to workaround it13:46
sean-k-mooneyyou could also try the pip-compile approch 13:46
kashyapsean-k-mooney: It's not quite blocking me; but annoying.  Right, for now I'm resorting to a clean container approach.  I'll check 'pip-compile' later13:47
sean-k-mooneyand perphaps protoype a tox change13:47
kashyapFor now, I'm just not using Py3.10.  I have a row of yaks to shave before I head out for the long PTO 13:50
kashyapThx for your debugging help.13:50
erlonHi folks, can you please give a push on these 2 patches? They are clean cherry-picks and just need 1 mode +2:14:08
sean-k-mooneybauzas: dansmith ^ can you take a look at those or add me/gibi to the stable group wand we can. the backport is valid in my view and melwitt is +2 on both 14:12
sean-k-mooneyactully elodilles if you are about you might be abel to help with those stabel reviews14:15
elodillessean-k-mooney: looking14:19
elodilleserlon: they look good to me, +2+W'd them14:28
erlonelodilles: thanks!14:29
elodilleserlon: thanks for proposing the backport!14:29
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: skeleton for asserting PCI resources in Placement
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: DNM: Testing live migration with local attach
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/ussuri: Define new functional test tox env for placement gate to run
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/xena: Adds regression test for bug LP#1944619
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova stable/victoria: DNM: testing Tempest pin in stable/victoria
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova stable/xena: Fix pre_live_migration rollback
stephenfingibi: +2 on the PCI spec. Nice work16:33
sean-k-mooneymelwitt: im doing a fully review fo the pci spec which is why its taking a while not just the detals17:15
sean-k-mooneyso far all good17:15
sean-k-mooneybut  do you want me to levae the +w to you or will i send it on its way assuming im happy with it when i get to the end17:16
melwittsean-k-mooney: no feel free to +W :)17:16
sean-k-mooneyack it shoudl be sitting in the zuul pipeline now17:26
sean-k-mooneyok im going to swap to my personal laptop and  work on some minor patch updates so ill be off irc for the rest or the day. ill leave my client open but ill chat to people tomrrow17:28
opendevreviewMiguel Lavalle proposed openstack/os-vif master: Delete trunk bridges to avoid race with Neutron
opendevreviewErlon R. Cruz proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Adds regression test for bug LP#1944619
opendevreviewErlon R. Cruz proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Adds regression test for bug LP#1944619
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova-specs master: PCI device tracking in Placement
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova stable/ussuri: DNM: Testing stable/ussuri with tempest fix for constraints mismatch
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Reproduce live migration rollback w/o multi port bindings error
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Fix LM rollback w/o multi port bindings extension
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Reproduce live migration rollback w/o multi port bindings error
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Fix LM rollback w/o multi port bindings extension
opendevreviewMiguel Lavalle proposed openstack/os-vif master: Delete trunk bridges to avoid race with Neutron
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