Tuesday, 2022-05-10

opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed openstack/nova master: Fix race condition in _get_pci_passthrough_devices  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/84099300:14
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/osc-placement master: Remove six  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/84118100:18
opendevreviewJorhson Deng proposed openstack/nova master: Clear the ignore_hosts before starting evacuate  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/84108901:03
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/placement stable/ussuri: Use 'functional-without-sample-db-tests' tox env for placement nova job  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/84077305:34
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/placement stable/ussuri: placement-status: check only consumers in allocation table  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/84070305:34
UgglaHello nova o/07:39
gibiUggla: o/07:41
gibihappy spec review day :)07:41
sean-k-mooneyah yes08:14
sean-k-mooneywell i guess i know what im doing today then08:14
bauzasgibi: indeed, thanks for explaining it08:14
bauzasstarting out loud with https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/840217 for people 08:16
sean-k-mooneyopened in a tab ill get to it after i do a pass on the pci spec and the manilla shares spec.08:17
sean-k-mooneyjust an fyi for people my arbiter spec need a respin with some largeish changes so you can ignore it for now. i might push it back up later today08:18
opendevreviewJorhson Deng proposed openstack/nova master: Clear the ignore_hosts before starting evacuate  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/84108908:18
* bauzas looks at https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/831506/2..3/specs/zed/approved/unshelve-to-host.rst08:23
bauzasUggla: I'm afraid that unshelve modifies the RequestSpec.az field :(08:24
bauzasit shouldn't I think08:24
bauzasbut this is a bug 08:24
bauzasnot your spec 08:24
Ugglabauzas, hum no from what I checked it seems the behavior is fine. Or I may miss what you mean.08:26
UgglaI had some tests here maybe it will clarify: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/831507/7/nova/tests/functional/test_availability_zones.py08:29
Ugglabauzas, BTW I added tests to unshelve to an az that were missing.08:30
bauzasUggla: added my comments 08:32
bauzasnow, I see why a lof of our customers prefer unshelve...08:33
bauzasbecause of the open bug08:33
bauzasI'm saying this is a bug, as this *shouldn't*08:33
bauzasbe possible to move an instance out of AZ1 if the user asked AZ1 when creating the instance08:33
bauzasas a reminder, availability zones are seen by end users08:34
bauzasUggla: sean-k-mooney: for example, say I'm a enduser and I want to create an instance in some OVH SBG4 AZ :)08:35
bauzas(where only hosts within the SBG4 datacenter are within this AZ)08:36
bauzasthen, I see some problems with SBG408:36
sean-k-mooneybauzas: unshelve intentionally allwos you to chagne AZ08:36
bauzasbut magically, now I look at my instance and I see it in RBX108:37
bauzasI wonder why08:37
sean-k-mooneyunshleve wont change az by default08:37
sean-k-mooneyit only change az if you specify an az08:37
bauzassean-k-mooney: I don't see why this is intentional08:37
bauzasthis is rather a bug08:37
sean-k-mooneyno its not08:37
sean-k-mooneyits deffinelty a feature08:37
bauzasI strongly disagree08:37
bauzasI know customers use it 08:38
bauzasbecause of this bug08:38
bauzasbut I dislike this behaviour because it tramples our endusers08:38
sean-k-mooneyunshelve is the only operation that is safe to use to move between azs08:38
sean-k-mooneybauzas: rembere that unshelve is an end user operation not an admin one08:38
bauzasunshelve was created by Rackspace08:38
sean-k-mooneyso its the same use that spefifed it on but and unshelve08:38
bauzasbut originally we just offloaded resources with keeping quotas08:39
sean-k-mooneyso they know there constratits and are able to determin if they want to move between azs08:39
bauzasas this was a public cloud need08:39
sean-k-mooneybauzas: yes and then later we extended the api to add unshleve to AZ08:39
bauzasas a public cloud, they wanted their endusers to keep their quotas08:39
bauzassean-k-mooney: that's when we confused things08:39
sean-k-mooneywe did it because operatores and customers wanted a way to move vms between regions/az08:40
bauzastake the SBG and RBX datacenter examples08:40
sean-k-mooneye.g. form dev to prod08:40
bauzassean-k-mooney: when we accepted this, we did put the users under the bus08:40
sean-k-mooneyno we dont08:40
sean-k-mooneythat woudl only be an issue if and only if we have cinder voluems and dont allow cross az attach08:41
sean-k-mooneyin which case it will fail to unshelve08:41
bauzaswe change what end users see08:41
sean-k-mooneyat there request08:41
sean-k-mooneyits ok to change what az they see if they explictly ask you to change that08:42
bauzasand we changed what they originally requested08:42
sean-k-mooneyyes because they ask us too08:42
sean-k-mooneyfor unshelve to host we have 3 options08:42
sean-k-mooney1 make it an error if the az of the host does not match the current az08:42
sean-k-mooney2 allow both az an host to be passed and ensure the host is in the az that is pass but allow the az to change08:43
sean-k-mooney3 accpet az or host mutlally exclusivly and implictly update the az if the host is in a different az08:43
sean-k-mooneythe spec currelty sates option 308:43
sean-k-mooneygibi: ^ this is the az issue i mentioned yesterday by the way08:44
gibiyepp, so I'm OK with option 308:44
sean-k-mooneybauzas: all 3 of those behavior are valid i woudl argue that 1 is rather unfrendly ux 2 and 3 are actully my preference08:44
bauzassean-k-mooney: problem with option 3 is that we're changing the constraints08:45
bauzassean-k-mooney: correct me if I'm wrong 08:45
bauzasuser created inst1 with 'sbg4' az08:46
bauzassbg4 went on fire08:46
bauzas(or rather bad example08:46
bauzasuser shelved inst108:46
bauzasnow, op wants inst1 in hostB which is on rbx1 AZ08:47
bauzashe will unshelve to hostB08:47
bauzasinst1 will now have requestspec.az to be None08:47
bauzaswhich means that inst1 could be later moved to any AZ, including rbx2 for example08:48
bauzasthat's the problem I see08:48
kashyapCan anyone please post the output of this in a pastebin?  08:50
kashyap    virsh domcapabilities | xmllint --xpath "//cpu/mode[@name='host-model']" -08:50
sean-k-mooneybauzas: yep you miss understand what we are proposing08:50
kashyap(I'm assuming your host is not a Leonov T470s)08:50
bauzassean-k-mooney: perhaps, I need to understand then more your point08:50
Ugglabauzas, I think so as well. But specifying the az in a unshelve to host request spec may fix this problem but I have not tested it yet.08:50
sean-k-mooneybauzas: when we change az the requestspec.az will be set to rbx1 if and only if the requestspec.az was previously not None08:51
bauzassean-k-mooney: then this is a breaking change too08:51
sean-k-mooneybauzas: that what we do with unshleve pasing an az08:51
bauzassean-k-mooney: if ReqSpec.az was None before, instance was able to float across AZs08:51
sean-k-mooneybauzas: right so we only upsate requestspec.az if it was not None08:52
gibikashyap: https://paste.opendev.org/show/bxPqOPQm7kvKqNhDcdp6/08:52
bauzasI'm confused08:52
sean-k-mooneyif its None we leave it none 08:52
sean-k-mooneybauzas: ok maybe we need a worked example in the spec.08:52
sean-k-mooneylet me create an etherpad quickly and add one08:53
bauzassean-k-mooney: there are only two cases we need to consider08:53
bauzas1/ reqspec.az was nonez08:53
kashyapgibi: Thank you!  (I'm curious, what is your host?)08:53
bauzas2/ reqspec.az != Nonz08:53
gibikashyap: https://paste.opendev.org/show/boLIfNJaksQMBL4ArQNs/08:54
bauzasfor 1/, this is a simple scenario : instance can float, hence we don't care and we shouldn't change it08:54
bauzassince the user didn't specific a AZ, we're free to pick any host08:54
bauzasfor 2/, reqspec.az = 'sbg4' for example08:55
bauzasthen, op transfers it to hostB which is 'rbx'08:55
bauzaswhat assumtion should we do ?08:55
kashyapgibi: Thanks :)08:56
bauzassean-k-mooney: I see you writing09:06
bauzasUggla: don't be afraid, but we're possibly redesigning the whole API 09:07
bauzassean-k-mooney: I like the idea to use the AZ parameter to specify whether you want the instance to stick with that AZ09:07
bauzassean-k-mooney: but I'm afraid this could be errorprone 09:07
bauzasthis is about to be a confusing API09:08
sean-k-mooneybauzas: so i think Uggla went with option 3 or case 2.3 to avoid that confusion09:09
sean-k-mooneyby makeing the az update we fulfile there request by moving the instance to the requested host and make the az consitnet if the vm was previously pinned09:09
bauzassean-k-mooney: maybe, I just feel we need to be super-explicit on what will happen to the instance09:09
sean-k-mooneyyes we do09:10
sean-k-mooneyits should be agreed in the spec.09:10
sean-k-mooneyso of the 3 options which is your preference09:10
bauzasI turned to -1 unfortunately09:10
bauzassean-k-mooney: I like the KISS principle for our APIs09:11
sean-k-mooneybauzas: the shelve api is the supported way to move between AZs today09:11
bauzasand I don't want us to do a lof of conditionals based on parameters values09:11
bauzassean-k-mooney: I got your point, I just want us to agree on what would be the RequestSpec.AZ value once the unshelve is made09:12
bauzassean-k-mooney: I was +2 on the fact we were breaking the AZ contract when unshelving09:12
sean-k-mooneywe had asked for that to be added to the spec in a previous revision09:12
bauzassean-k-mooney: I'm -1 on the fact we don't explain what will happen to the instance for the next move operations after the unshelve09:13
sean-k-mooneybauzas: Uggla updated the spec but did not explcitly state it. there was a -1 form dansmith on this topic previously09:13
sean-k-mooneybauzas: not i have not review th latest revision so i assume it is still missing if so then -1 is totally fair since this is still unadressed09:14
bauzassean-k-mooney: new revision only says the instance will be moved to the host, whatever the current AZ is.09:17
bauzasbut I guess Uggla didn't know the whole semantics of this RequestSpec.AZ field 09:17
sean-k-mooneybauzas: yep i revived the previous comment thread09:17
bauzassean-k-mooney: Uggla said the existing method unpins the AZ09:18
bauzasleaving the instance freefloating09:18
sean-k-mooneywhen you do unshelve --az az2 it sets requestspec.az to None?09:19
sean-k-mooneyoh when you do --host09:19
sean-k-mooneyit set it to noe09:19
bauzasthe latter09:19
sean-k-mooneyya so that is not right in my view09:19
bauzasfor --az, we currently pin it to the target AZ AFAICR09:19
sean-k-mooneyits ok for the schduling request but the AZ should not get nuked in the request spec09:20
bauzasbut this is also debatable09:20
bauzasunshelve --az shouldn't pin to the target AZ if the instance was formerly freefloating09:20
sean-k-mooneyit should maintain the sematics it was booted with09:20
sean-k-mooneyhence the "only update if it was not already None" mechanic09:21
bauzasthat's why I feel brave enough to tell we can be opinionated and imply that if an instance was pinned to an AZ and we unshelve to another AZ, we *should* pin this instance to that new AZ09:22
bauzasand Gosh, customers who want the instance to freefloat after an unshelve...09:22
sean-k-mooneybauzas: yes that is what i want to do doo09:22
sean-k-mooneyif it was pinned before we pin to the new az09:23
gibiI tried to collect my view: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/RiWsCJFEI1LP80-niWho09:23
bauzassean-k-mooney: I just count the days before we would have a RFE saying 'I want to unpin my instance from any AZ"09:23
gibiwe could use the explicit AZ:none in the unshelve to trigger unpin09:24
gibiif we want09:25
Ugglagibi, +109:25
gibican we try to collect a similar table in the spec after we agreed on the semantic?09:26
gibiawesome that you comment directly the etherpad it makes a lot easier to track the argument for different cases09:28
sean-k-mooneybauzas: unshleve --AZ None :P09:29
bauzasgibi: yep, we could profit from that microversion to allow AZ to be None09:29
sean-k-mooneyreject it if it does not contain the :P09:29
bauzas(if we don't support it *yet*)09:29
bauzasI'll have to disappear son09:32
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bauzasbut I captured my thoughts and I feel we're on the same page between gibi, sean-k-mooney and me09:33
gibiyes I think so too09:33
gibilets figure out how the no AZ -> AZ case behaves today09:33
gibithen we can settle the whole thing09:34
sean-k-mooneyi have a multi node devstack09:35
sean-k-mooneyill quickly create some azs and boot some vms09:36
bauzasme too but I have gym09:36
sean-k-mooneyill update the etherpad09:38
gibiI quickly checked if booted without AZ then unshelved to nova AZ then the RequestSpec was updated from null to nova09:44
bauzasI like gibi's etherpad, short to read09:44
bauzasgibi: :/09:44
* bauzas disappears for outside activities and then lunch09:50
sean-k-mooneygibi: just confirming my self but ok i guess we need to decied if we also want to change unshelve to az as part fo this micoverion09:56
sean-k-mooneyUggla: so assuming we all agree that we should change the behavior for unshleve to az with no az in boot the request spec initally10:10
sean-k-mooneycan you add 2 tables to the spec10:10
sean-k-mooney1 with the existing behavior for all the cases in gibis etherpad and then a second with the new behaiovr 10:10
Ugglasean-k-mooney, yep based on the etherpad table it is clear. Of course I will change the specs with previous and new behavior.10:11
sean-k-mooneyi have copied it to my other etherpad and created the updated tables10:13
sean-k-mooneygibi: ^10:14
Ugglasean-k-mooney, I think table is fine10:19
sean-k-mooneyactully there is a conflict10:22
sean-k-mooneyso we cant supprot unshlve to any az without a new paramater10:22
sean-k-mooneyill just strick though those lines ot note that we can ignore it10:26
sean-k-mooneyif that works for you10:26
gibisean-k-mooney: so the conflict is that we cannot distinguish between {availability=null} and the {} request?10:28
sean-k-mooneywell more how to store that delta in the python object10:29
sean-k-mooneyas in the request_spec used by the schduler10:29
sean-k-mooneysince both woudl have AZ=None10:30
gibiahh yes10:30
gibibut wait10:30
sean-k-mooneywould they10:30
gibido we need to differentiate in the request spec object? not just in the request itself?10:30
sean-k-mooneyya im thinking about that again10:31
sean-k-mooneycan we tell the difference between {availability=null} and the {}10:31
sean-k-mooneythe the reqested destination object that caries this i guess10:31
gibithe request_spec contains None means no restriction. if the API request contains az=null that means reset what is in the request spec, if the API request contains {} then that means dont change the what is in the request_spec10:32
sean-k-mooneygibi: ya that proably would work10:32
sean-k-mooneyok maybe we can add that back10:32
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Retry in CellDatabases fixture when global DB state changes  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/84094910:34
sean-k-mooneygibi: Uggla updated the etherpad hopefully that is now correct10:38
gibisean-k-mooney: yep it looks good to me 10:38
gibithanks for trying out all the legacy cases I was sloppy10:38
sean-k-mooneywe dont have a way to pin an unpinned guest in this caes10:39
sean-k-mooneyunless you use the old microverion10:39
sean-k-mooneyis that an issue10:39
sean-k-mooneyim going to take a break form this spec for a while but ill come back to it after Uggla has updated it10:41
gibisean-k-mooney: I agree that pinnin is not possible now but I think that is OK10:43
gibiI remember a lot more questions about unpinning than pinning in the past10:44
sean-k-mooneyya we could always add it later if needed. i think we have enough to update the spec and then we can get bauzas's and dansmith's input to see if they agree10:44
gibiI agree10:46
gibibauzas: left feedback in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/84021711:53
gibibauzas: fyi I cannot attend the today's nova meeting 12:03
gibiI will read back12:03
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sean-k-mooneyartom: are you plannign to adress gibi's nits in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/841170/3/nova/tests/functional/libvirt/test_evacuate.py or adress them in the follow up change that adressed the issue12:26
gibiartom: left feedback in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/84097412:35
opendevreviewAndre Aranha proposed openstack/nova master: Test setting the nova job to centos-9-stream  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/83184412:35
bauzasgibi: ack, thanks for the spec review and ack for missing the meeting12:39
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova-specs master: Re-propose allow Project admin to list allowed hypervisors  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/83316512:47
gibibauzas: have you thought about abandoning open specs that was not re-proposed to the zed directory yet? It would clean up the open spec query a bit12:53
bauzasgibi: we can do this12:53
bauzasbut let's discuss this on the next meeting as you're not there for today12:54
gibifine by me12:54
sean-k-mooneyim ok with abandoing them by the way12:54
sean-k-mooneythe owner can unabandone them12:55
sean-k-mooneyif they repopose them12:55
sean-k-mooneybut we are also not in a rush12:55
sean-k-mooneyso im fine to wait to make that desision12:55
gibiit was just a sudden urge to close out the spec bottom third of the https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack%252Fnova-specs+status:open12:57
sean-k-mooney :)12:58
* bauzas is about to sharpen his pen for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/79104713:05
bauzasbut I'll respin https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/840974 first13:06
gibibauzas: thanks, take an extra coffee :)13:06
bauzasoh wait, wrong link13:06
gibisean-k-mooney: also thanks for the feedback on that one I will go through it13:06
artomgibi, much thanks! So, with that spec, I'd really like for the original customer requesting it to weigh in13:20
artomSince I'm not sure that in its current form it's of any use to them13:21
artomsean-k-mooney, yeah, I can address the nits, I'll need to figure out a fix regardless and push that13:21
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Allow unshelve to a specific host  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/83150713:26
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opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Proposes to remove keypair generation  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/84021713:35
gibiartom: ack, does the original requested aware of that we are discussing this in the spec?13:36
artomgibi, yeah, sent them an email13:36
gibiartom: cool then13:36
artomAnd they previously commented on the Neutron bug13:36
sean-k-mooneygibi:  i think to adress the orginaly requester usecase we would need to add a --domain parmater to nova boot13:37
gibisean-k-mooney: is it about having one single domain per instance or domain per port?13:37
sean-k-mooneyand then updated hostname and local_hostname to be the full fQDN in the metadata13:37
sean-k-mooneythey want /etc/hostname to end up with the FQDN13:37
sean-k-mooneyso single per vm13:38
gibiOK, I see, so one single domain per instance13:38
gibithen I agree that the current spec is going to a different direction 13:38
sean-k-mooneyso to me if we want to do that we need to have that be a paramter to the nova boot command13:38
sean-k-mooneygibi: the issue is they wanted use to backport this which we obvioulsy cant do13:38
sean-k-mooneyif its a new api parmater13:39
sean-k-mooneyso what i would like to see is as folows. we add --domain, when passed we set hostname to instnace.hostname+instance.domain when not set instance.hostname is the sanadised hostname as we have today13:40
sean-k-mooneyin addtion to that we generate the per port host name using the values from neutron13:40
sean-k-mooneywhen we pass --domain  if neutron has the per-domain extension13:40
sean-k-mooneythen if nova creates a port then we should set the port domain to the value they passed13:41
sean-k-mooneyif we do that then you can set a default domain for an instance as part of nova boot for any ports created by nova and that will propaget via the metadta api and be sent to neutron/designate13:41
sean-k-mooneyif you precreate the ports then we will use the value of the domain form the network or port in the metadta13:42
gibiI see13:42
sean-k-mooneyand neuton/desginsate will also advertise teh hostname/fqdn infor via dhcp13:42
sean-k-mooney and if you have designate it woudl also configure the domains properly in dns13:43
artomI keep coming back to the fact that the metadata stuff is just as a safety net to make sure cloud-init doesn't clobber what the instance gets from DHCP, once Neutron actually implements that13:43
sean-k-mooneywell the proably is that hostnames form dhcp are by defintion consider trasient hostnames13:43
sean-k-mooneywith a lower priortiy then static hostnames configured by /etc/hostname13:44
artomSo if we can't figure out a way to make sure cloud-init gets the correct FQDN from the metadata (because of multiple ports or other reason), then the whole spec is kinda useless13:44
sean-k-mooneyso its not clobbering it13:44
sean-k-mooneynot really i think it makes sense to pass the dns info via metadata13:44
sean-k-mooneyas the application in the vm may not have access to neutron api13:44
sean-k-mooneyand if you readd the api cahnge for --domain then you can also cater for updating the static hostname via cloud-init13:45
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova-specs master: update userdata  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/81654214:49
bauzasman, what a PCI spec :)14:57
gibisean-k-mooney: replied to some of your the deeper comments in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/791047 14:57
* bauzas needs to upgrade his brain :p14:58
gibibut I will disappear now and might return a last review round for today after 20:00 CEST14:58
sean-k-mooneygibi: cool ill take a look im still take a first pass over some of the specs14:59
bauzasreminder: nova meeting in 1 hour here14:59
* bauzas needs to also update the agenda14:59
bauzassean-k-mooney: you had a point about https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/837595 15:22
bauzassean-k-mooney: I don't see in the agenda, do you want me to add it ?15:22
sean-k-mooneyoh ya sure15:22
bauzasI'll briefly mention it in the right topic15:23
sean-k-mooneyjust are we good to proceed with that15:23
bauzasI'll call out for reviews and summarize the namings15:23
bauzasshall be quick hopefully15:23
erlonhey folks, can someone else +2 this patch so I can continue the backporting?15:37
bauzasnova meeting in 2 mins here15:57
bauzas#startmeeting nova16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue May 10 16:00:12 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'nova'16:00
bauzashello everyone16:00
bauzas#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova#Agenda_for_next_meeting16:00
bauzasok, let's start, people can join16:01
bauzas#topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 16:01
bauzas#info No Critical bug16:02
bauzas#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 19 new untriaged bugs (-3 since the last meeting)16:02
bauzasthanks artom et al. for the triage16:02
artom\o/ a net minus!16:02
bauzasartom created an etherpad for bugs he looks https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bug-triage-2022050316:02
bauzasartom: nothing to tell about those ?16:03
artomNot really, just the evacuation one that's really funky16:03
artomgibi and sean-k-mooney already looked at the reproducer func test16:03
bauzasokay thanks16:03
bauzascontinuing then16:03
sean-k-mooneybecause it inovled data loss im oke with it being a bug16:03
bauzas#link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/placement 26 open stories (0 since the last meeting) in Storyboard for Placement 16:04
sean-k-mooneybut otherwise i woudl consider it a small specless blueprint16:04
bauzassean-k-mooney: artom: bug link ?16:04
bauzasok, don't want to overdiscuss this bug in large, so I trust you, folks16:07
bauzaslet's say Valid and we can nitpick on whether it's requiring a BP or not during the code review16:07
sean-k-mooneyi think we can proceed as a bug16:07
sean-k-mooneybut its borderline16:08
sean-k-mooneyso we can move on i think16:08
bauzasmy first thoughts wonder whether this should be supported or not16:08
bauzasbut I need to look at other comments16:08
bauzasbut I agree, evacuate should work even if the compute is definitely gone16:09
bauzasthat's actually why we have evacuate :)16:09
bauzasbut let's not bikeshid this by noxw16:09
bauzasnext point16:09
bauzas#info Add yourself in the team bug roster if you want to help https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bug-triage-roster16:10
kashyapbauzas: On bugs ...16:10
bauzaswhich leads me to the next point,16:10
bauzas#info Next bug baton is passed to Uggla16:10
bauzasUggla: you're ok with this ?16:10
bauzasreminder : this is best-effort16:10
bauzasmetrics are cool, but that's not important16:11
bauzasany effort counts, even the lowest16:11
kashyapHaving dedicated days of public bug triage would be nice.  We did it in the distant past (here and also for RDO)16:11
bauzashmmmm, looks like Uggla is gone for today16:11
kashyapBut doing it off alone quietly ... it's hard to sustain16:11
sean-k-mooneykashyap: i think that is the reason to have it rotate16:12
bauzaskashyap: we can discuss the opportunity of a Bug Triage day later if you wish16:12
bauzasbut this is exceptional by nature16:12
* artom did it yesterday afternoon16:12
bauzasrotation helps with the triage fatigue16:12
kashyapRight.  A small idea:16:13
kashyapWhen we were bootstrapping the RDO community, I used to do these public reports to the mailing list:16:13
bauzasI don't want people to mark their agendas with a triage day, we're upstream here and I don't want to order people16:13
kashyap_With_ the title of the bug in the mail; so people could skim it via email ... 16:13
kashyap(I'm not sure if that'll work here, to send them to the -discuss list.  Once every month?  I don't know)16:14
kashyapbauzas: No, you're misunderstanding me :)16:14
bauzaskashyap: again I don't want to force any formalization of things16:14
kashyapbauzas: We're not "ordering" anyoone on anything.16:14
sean-k-mooneythat feels a bit heavy wait but proably workable i would be less enclined to do it if i had to send a main however16:14
kashyapbauzas: We've done this countless times before when doing upstream RDO community work:16:14
bauzassean-k-mooney: even the triage etherpad has to be kept *optional*16:15
kashyapYou simply mark a day ahead of time, note it on the list, as an announce to let people know.  If people have time, thye'll join16:15
bauzasthis is nice artom, melwitt and gibi created one16:15
bauzasbut this hasn't to be mandatory16:15
kashyapbauzas: This is standard proceduce that's also done in much bigger communities like Fedora 16:15
sean-k-mooneyok take me off the triage list then16:15
sean-k-mooneythis is getting more compliated then i want16:16
bauzassean-k-mooney: again, no, I want to keep it simple16:16
bauzasno triage etherpad, no mailing lists16:16
kashyapSure, I know people also have lesser "will power", with shorter teams and bandwidth. 16:16
sean-k-mooneyack i was happen to skim hte new bugs a few time a week during my week16:16
kashyapbauzas: That's fine, we can actually move on.16:16
sean-k-mooneybut dont really want to have to add more paperwork16:17
bauzassean-k-mooney: I'm fully on the same page, see my previous comments16:17
kashyapbauzas: The mail list is an "announce".  People won't magically suddenly think: "Yay!  I'm going to dedicate this morning for bug triage"16:17
kashyapIt's a rare thing unless one has a habit, and good filters for it.16:17
bauzaskashyap: about the mailing-list reminder email once per month, that's maybe something a PTL *could* do16:17
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Sure, I'm the last one to suggest adding "paperwork" (yikes)16:18
Ugglabauzas, sorry was out 16:18
bauzaskashyap: but I don't want to enforce any rules16:18
kashyapsean-k-mooney: The point I'm making is: sharing experiences from other communities how public bug triage used to be sustained.16:18
kashyapbauzas: Sigh, you keep saying that.  I'm saying to "enforce" any rules :)16:18
Ugglabauzas, ok for the bug baton16:18
bauzaskashyap: proposing to send an email is a rule :)16:18
kashyapIt's not; it's a suggestion.  "Proposal" != "rule"16:19
bauzaskashyap: sorry about the confusion, I just wanted to explain the bug triage rotation upstream is necessarly something people opt-in on their free time with their own things16:20
kashyapbauzas: We can move on; really.  I've done community bug triages with much larger groups in the past (Fedora test days, RDO, CentOS, etc).  Just sharing what worked. 16:20
kashyap(There isn't possibility, given the thinness of the community here.)16:20
kashyapOf course, everything is "opt-in" upstream.16:20
bauzaskashyap: noted, I just wanted to clarify that triage etherpads *are* optional16:21
kashyapbauzas: (I missed a word earlier: I'm saying NOT to "enforce" any riles)16:21
kashyapSure.  Just as a general point: in upstreams I never suggest anything as a "rule".  Everything _is_ optional.  As you can't "demand" community time.16:22
bauzaskashyap: that's why emails are difficult, because operators and consumers of this perodic email are in demand with more16:22
bauzaseither the email is read and people ask for a new one16:23
bauzasor the email isn't read and then the sake of sending such email is meaningless16:23
bauzasthat's why I can only propose myself to send such periodic emails16:23
kashyapSure.  It doesn't have to be.  We've tried everything in the past, "bug czars", etc.16:24
bauzas... with a short period of life :)16:24
bauzasanyway, I guess we can move on16:24
bauzasUggla: thanks for offering your time, again, no rush16:25
bauzasnext topic16:27
bauzas#topic Gate status 16:27
bauzas#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure Nova gate bugs 16:27
bauzas#link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Fplacement&pipeline=periodic-weekly Placement periodic job status 16:27
bauzas#link https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=nova-emulation&pipeline=periodic-weekly&skip=0 Emulation periodic job runs16:27
bauzasthings look good, AFAICS16:27
bauzaswe have tho a new gate bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/197064216:28
bauzasnothing to tell tho16:28
bauzasmoving on16:28
bauzas#info Please look at the gate failures and file a bug report with the gate-failure tag.16:28
bauzas#info STOP DOING BLIND RECHECKS aka. 'recheck' https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/testing.html#how-to-handle-test-failures16:29
bauzasnext topic,16:29
bauzas#topic Release Planning 16:29
bauzas#link https://releases.openstack.org/zed/schedule.html16:29
bauzas#info Zed-1 is due in 1 week16:29
bauzaswell, 9 days tbc16:29
bauzasthere is no deadline about this milestone in terms of code or spec review tbc16:30
bauzas#info Spec review day happens today on May 10th16:30
bauzasI've seen good efforts from a couple of people here16:30
sean-k-mooneyfor m1 we should try and land any traits for approved specs16:30
bauzasthanks to all who played this game today16:30
sean-k-mooneyso that they can be inlcuded in the m1 release16:30
bauzasthis will continue until end of our day, depending on your TZ of course :)16:30
bauzassean-k-mooney: good call16:31
bauzassean-k-mooney: I guess you meant https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/osc-placement/+/828545 ?16:32
bauzaslink then ?16:34
sean-k-mooney things like this https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-traits/+/83276916:35
sean-k-mooneythat is not appoved yet16:35
sean-k-mooneybut for our unit tests to pass traits need to be in a release version of os-traits16:35
bauzasfor the library release on zed-1, gotcha16:35
bauzassurely, we can make it16:36
bauzassean-k-mooney: let's coordinate tomorrow for some review effort on the libs changes then16:36
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: Reproduce bug 1952745  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/84117016:36
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: Move evacuated instance destruction to new post_start_hook  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/84130816:36
sean-k-mooneysure its not the end of the world if we dont have them merge by m116:37
sean-k-mooneyi just blocks us mergin the nova code until we do an os-triats release whihc is cheap16:37
bauzassean-k-mooney: the only problem with the change you just proposed is that it depends on a spec which hasn't been approved yet :)16:37
bauzassean-k-mooney: yup, we had that problem in the past16:37
sean-k-mooneyso we may have approves specs today that added traits. not sure we did16:38
bauzasmaybe let's focus on reviewing specs that have library dependencies16:38
sean-k-mooneyjsut wanted to highlight for peopel if you own one fo those spec then please submit a os-tirat patch if it had traits and ill be happy to review16:38
bauzassean-k-mooney: no, but I can personnally focus my effort on such specs16:38
bauzasmoving on tho, time flies16:38
bauzas#topic Review priorities 16:39
bauzas#link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+(project:openstack/nova+OR+project:openstack/placement+OR+project:openstack/os-traits+OR+project:openstack/os-resource-classes+OR+project:openstack/os-vif+OR+project:openstack/python-novaclient+OR+project:openstack/osc-placement)+label:Review-Priority%252B116:39
bauzas#link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/837595 Gerrit policy for Review-prio contributors flag. Naming bikeshed in there.16:39
bauzas#link https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/contributor/process.html#what-the-review-priority-label-in-gerrit-are-use-for Documentation we already have16:39
bauzassean-k-mooney: I just noticed we allow any contributor to flag with +116:39
bauzasbut the doc says we should not allow the owner to do it directly16:39
sean-k-mooneywe cant make that distinction16:40
sean-k-mooneyi tried with chanve_owner:016:40
bauzasok, then we'll need to have a smarter Gerrit query16:40
sean-k-mooneybut that will not override registered owner16:40
sean-k-mooneyor we can just discuage it when we see it16:40
sean-k-mooneythe doc still says they should not flag there own change16:41
bauzasyup, educational enforcement :)16:41
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Domain names in metadata  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/84097416:41
sean-k-mooneyif it ends up being a proablem we can revaluate16:41
bauzasok, let's bikeshed on the names in the gerrit change itself16:41
bauzasI don't wanna drag this meeting's time by us disagreeing on how we would label those rights16:42
sean-k-mooneyok if there are no objection to the names as written i think we could ask infra to review16:42
bauzasbut if people care about naming such things, they should review the change16:42
bauzassean-k-mooney: gibi had an objection, but let's continue off this meeting16:43
sean-k-mooneyah ok16:43
bauzas(about the +2 naming)16:43
bauzas#topic Stable Branches 16:43
bauzaselodilles: are you around N?16:43
* bauzas drops mic16:43
elodillesi did not update the page, though, as there's no news unfortunately,16:44
elodillesfrom yoga till victoria the gate looks OK afaik16:44
bauzasok, then16:44
bauzas#info ussuri and older branches are blocked until 'l-c drop' patches merge - https://review.opendev.org/q/I514f6b337ffefef90a0ce9ab0b4afd083caa277e16:45
bauzas#info other branches are OK16:45
elodillesyepp, still valid ^^^16:45
elodillesdid not get there to investigate more on ussuri16:45
bauzass/should be/are for the last item :)16:45
bauzasthanks elodilles16:46
bauzaslast topic16:46
bauzas#topic Open discussion 16:46
bauzas(sean-k-mooney) VDPA  16:46
bauzassean-k-mooney: we're listening to you16:46
sean-k-mooneyso short version is as agreed at the ptg i filed a bug for the move operation that were blocked but actully working 16:47
sean-k-mooneyand i have a patch to adress it16:47
sean-k-mooneyi then have 3 patches that follow up adding the remaining life cycle operations16:47
sean-k-mooneyi would like to proceed with those as a specless blueprint16:48
sean-k-mooneythose are inteface detach16:48
sean-k-mooneysuspend which need detach16:48
sean-k-mooneyand hotplug live migration which just need detach and adding vdpa to a list16:48
sean-k-mooneyand a compute version bump+ conductor check16:48
sean-k-mooneyidential to sriov hotplug migraiton16:49
sean-k-mooneyhow do people feel about that16:49
sean-k-mooneyi have the code writen for everything excpot the compute service bump16:49
sean-k-mooneytest code is still need so patches are WIP16:49
bauzassean-k-mooney: no RPC changes on the compute service, just a version bump for API check ?16:50
sean-k-mooneyyep like this https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/conductor/tasks/live_migrate.py#L34-L44=16:50
sean-k-mooneythe sriov live migration code works for vdpa too16:51
bauzasI'd say a specless BP seems OK to me16:51
sean-k-mooneyjust need to tell it to hot unplug the interface as we do for direct passthough16:51
bauzasfor exposing the new lifecycle ops16:51
sean-k-mooneythe compute service bump is just need for rooling upgrades16:51
bauzasI know16:52
bauzasbut this means there is an upgrade impact16:52
bauzasseamless for ops tho16:52
bauzasbut I don't see any controversial requiring a spec16:52
sean-k-mooneyyep so the api block will move form the api to conductor baseed on compute service version16:52
bauzasso, looks like a feature, but less paper-ish16:52
bauzassean-k-mooney: this will be explained in a feature relnote, so definitely a blueprint16:53
bauzaslike 'now, nova supports this, only if you have your whole cloud uptodate'16:53
sean-k-mooneyok we can continue to discuss in gerrit https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vdpa-suspend-detach-and-live-migrate is the blueprint16:53
sean-k-mooneybut yes i can detial this in the release note16:54
bauzaswe have 5 mins for officially blessing it16:54
bauzasdo you want to propose https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vdpa-suspend-detach-and-live-migrate as a specless BP ?16:54
bauzasokay, then anyone DISAGREEING with this ?16:55
bauzaslooks not,16:56
bauzas#agreed https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vdpa-suspend-detach-and-live-migrate approved for Zed release as a specless BP, no objections so far be seen16:56
bauzassean-k-mooney: a short summary and a better title may help16:57
bauzasbut I'll approve your BP16:57
bauzasthat's it for today, any other lastminute item to discuss ?16:58
bauzasapparently not16:58
bauzasthanks all16:58
bauzasproductive meeting again16:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue May 10 16:59:06 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)16:59
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2022/nova.2022-05-10-16.00.html16:59
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2022/nova.2022-05-10-16.00.txt16:59
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/nova/2022/nova.2022-05-10-16.00.log.html16:59
elodillesthanks bauzas o/16:59
bauzasas a side note, I just remembered I'll be on PTO tomorrow /o\16:59
bauzassean-k-mooney: I made false promises16:59
sean-k-mooneyif you forgot about PTO you likely need it17:00
elodillesbauzas: i know it's spec review day, but... o:) maybe these worth some quick reviews (perhaps tomorrow :)): https://review.opendev.org/q/Ieba7daf39fa3323e8c9a7396747449f24189fcd517:00
bauzasjoys of May and my number of PTO days which is too high for the end of the paperwork year17:00
elodillesbauzas: or if you'll be on PTO then the day after your PTO :X17:00
bauzasI may have to take more PTO days before end of May, but I'll restrict myself to one per week17:01
sean-k-mooney i can hit the master patch17:01
elodillessean-k-mooney: awesome, thanks! \o/17:01
elodillesthanks \o/17:02
sean-k-mooneyelodilles: are there any other "nova" repos these are still pending for17:03
sean-k-mooneyi think we already did some of them17:03
elodillessean-k-mooney: to tell you the truth i don't know. maybe os-vif also have l-c?17:03
sean-k-mooneyit did but i think i approve the removal already17:04
sean-k-mooneyyep if anyone want to be the second +2 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-vif/+/84002017:04
sean-k-mooneyor i can just merge this with a singel +2 if peopel dont revew by the end of the week17:04
sean-k-mooneyah nova itself17:05
elodillesyepp, in nova i started with stable-only patches as stable branches were blocked17:06
elodillesso, nice catch sean-k-mooney :)17:07
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: ^ care to take a look at the nova and os-vif lc patches17:07
elodillesthose are still waiting for some reviews :X17:07
sean-k-mooneyok im going to call it a day17:17
* gibi just back for a short review round17:19
gibiartom: thanks for the bug triage! 17:19
* gibi is happy that the numbers are decreasing17:20
*** artom_ is now known as artom17:24
artomgibi, happy to help :)17:24
*** dasm is now known as dasm|bbl17:27
melwittbauzas: I added a note about optionalness of etherpads/docs https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bug-triage-roster feel free to change it or remove it or whatever17:28
opendevreviewMerged openstack/placement master: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/84001818:15
donnyHi everyone I recently joined the project and would like to contribute....can someone please help me on how to go about understanding the codebase18:44
opendevreviewMerged openstack/placement stable/yoga: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/84072819:55
opendevreviewMerged openstack/placement stable/xena: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/placement/+/84075621:48
opendevreviewMiguel Lavalle proposed openstack/os-vif master: Revert "Fix race with DPDK and vhostuserclient mode"  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-vif/+/84127622:14
opendevreviewMiguel Lavalle proposed openstack/os-vif master: Revert "Fix race with DPDK and vhostuserclient mode"  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/os-vif/+/84127622:18

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