Thursday, 2022-01-06

*** hemna6 is now known as hemna07:37
opendevreviewLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova master: WIP Remove fasteners from lower-constraints.txt
plibeau1lyarwood: Hello, if you have time to review I have some question on patchset 310:23
lyarwoodplibeau1: yup I can take a look today10:24
plibeau1lyarwood: thx :)10:24
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: Make the CellDatabases fixture work with fasteners >= 0.15
melwittdansmith: just a FYI, i.e. not expecting anything immediately after we've been on holiday break for weeks, but the unified limits set is ready for review with green CI. this is the top of the stack where I've enabled unified limits in the nova-next job
dansmithmelwitt: ack, I know it's something I have to get to.. consider myself shamed18:35
melwittnote: in the middle of the stack I have spliced in a fugly DNM change that pulls in yours and my unmerged oslo.limit changes. I put that to let reviewers see things working end-to-end, it will be removed once people are OK with the set and the oslo.limit changes are merged and released. there are Depends-On throughout, so nothing will merge until the deps merge18:35
melwittthat and we have agreed to not merge anything until it's got review over the whole stack18:36
melwittI have tagged all patches including deps with topic
*** artom__ is now known as artom18:55
opendevreviewyuval proposed openstack/nova master: Lightbits LightOS driver
opendevreviewGustavo Santos proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Reattach mdevs to guest on resume
opendevreviewGustavo Santos proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Reattach mdevs to guest on resume

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