Friday, 2021-12-10

opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova stable/xena: Ignore plug_vifs on the ironic driver
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Ignore plug_vifs on the ironic driver
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova stable/victoria: Ignore plug_vifs on the ironic driver
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova stable/ussuri: Ignore plug_vifs on the ironic driver
opendevreviewmelanie witt proposed openstack/nova stable/train: Ignore plug_vifs on the ironic driver
opendevreviewWenping Song proposed openstack/nova master: Fill the AcceleratorRequestBindingFailed exception msg info
opendevreviewWenping Song proposed openstack/nova master: Generate cyborgclient when there is device_prfoile in instance
opendevreviewWenping Song proposed openstack/nova master: Cleanup guest process when vm evacuate failed and then deleted
nautikIf anyone wants to review this MR you are welcome:
nautikThere are a few "build failed" messages but I think they are just temporary / testing infra issues08:15
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opendevreviewSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Repropose boot a vm with unaddressed port
opendevreviewPierre Libeau proposed openstack/nova master: Nova resize don't extend disk in one specific case
opendevreviewWenping Song proposed openstack/nova master: Fill the exception msg
opendevreviewPierre-Samuel Le Stang proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Implements: blueprint soft-delete-instance-actions
kashyappslestang: Most ppl (at least in the West) might be off due to the year-end PTO.  So expect delayed responses10:57
*** sean-k-mooney1 is now known as sean-k-mooney11:31
gibifyi, it seems that the nova-ceph-multistore job is broken on master I will file a bug 11:31
gibiexample ^^11:31
sean-k-mooneyROR: Cannot uninstall 'logutils'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.11:32
gibiyepp that one11:32
gibithe last 4 build hit the same 11:32
sean-k-mooneyya so that will proably break other things11:32
sean-k-mooneyi guess we just need to update devstack11:32
sean-k-mooneyto remove that package or mask it11:32
sean-k-mooneylooks like its packaged for openstack in debian11:34
sean-k-mooneyso i guess it should be safe to remove11:35
gibifiled a bug
sean-k-mooneynot sure if that will work but we can see if it fixes it11:41
gibisean-k-mooney: awesome, I was still searching for the place in devstack to fix it11:41
sean-k-mooneythat might be too early11:42
sean-k-mooneylookign at the  logs its installed as part of installing ceph11:42
sean-k-mooneyso i might need to fix this in the ceph plugin instead11:42
sean-k-mooneyits pulled in by ++ functions-common:apt_get:1207            :   sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes install ceph libnss3-tools python3-rados python3-rbd11:42
gibithat can explain why we only see this breaking the ceph job only11:43
sean-k-mooneyill quickly add the same to the ceph plugin11:43
gibithis is what I call teamwork :)11:43
sean-k-mooneyim going to push a patch that may not work as it might unistalll ceph again but if that is what happens we can just remove the egg infor files to work aroudn it as we do in teh fixup fucntion11:49
sean-k-mooneyim hoping its just a recommended package rather then a required one for those packages11:52
sean-k-mooneyactully no it looks like its required11:52
sean-k-mooneyit snot in the suggested or recommeded section so ill have to do it the other way11:53
sean-k-mooneyok ill try and check back on that leater but hopfully that will fix it12:01
sean-k-mooneygibi: i pushed the first draft of the healthcheck spec yesterday evenign by the way if you are interested. it defnitly need to be reworked since half of it i wrote 3 weeks ago and i just finished off the other section last night but most of the contrent is at least there12:03
gibisean-k-mooney: ack, I will read it today12:03
sean-k-mooneycool im going to start POCing the code next week and ill use that to also help inform the design 12:04
opendevreviewmitya-eremeev-2 proposed openstack/nova master: Delete bogus attachments.
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opendevreviewPierre-Samuel Le Stang proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Implements: blueprint soft-delete-instance-actions
AlexShishebarovHello. I wanted to ask a question about the bug I reported.13:40
AlexShishebarov This bug is that during live migration of a VM with a disabled port (to a neutron), the migration stopes with the error Timed out waiting for events “network-vif-plugged” (for disabled port).  Will the change fix this problem?13:41
sean-k-mooneyAlexShishebarov: this is currently being fixed14:06
sean-k-mooneyAlexShishebarov: shoudl correct the issue14:06
sean-k-mooney will not14:08
AlexShishebarovsean-k-mooney: According to the code does not resolve this bug (in my opinion).  Nova will continue to wait for events from the neutron. But events from a neutron will not come for disabled port. nova/network/ 556) method get_live_migration_plug_time_events14:38
sean-k-mooneywe shoudl be waiting for events for live migration14:43
sean-k-mooneyfor cold migration the even moved 14:43
sean-k-mooneyit went form bind time to plug tiem on revert14:44
sean-k-mooneyyou are correct that we shoudl skip disabeld ports14:45
sean-k-mooneywell kind of14:46
sean-k-mooneyit shoudl not actully be required as neuton shoudl be sending the event but they dont currntly14:46
sean-k-mooneywe can skip them to work around the neutron bug but neutron shold be send network-vif-plugged event even for disabled ports14:46
sean-k-mooney for now we shoudl be checking the vif status here
AlexShishebarovI tried to solve the problem this way, but the nova saves the port state as "active" even if it is turned off to a neutron.
AlexShishebarovin neutron14:55
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: functional: Add reproducer for #1907775
gibistephenfin: I hope you are OK that I refreshed ^^15:33
gibiI would like to add the rejection to the aggregate API to fix the bug15:33
gibibut I figured out that we have more cases to handle15:34
gibiso I added extra tests15:34
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add spec for external cpu power managment
sean-k-mooneygibi: it looks like works17:06
gibisean-k-mooney: awesome17:06
sean-k-mooneythere are some test failerues in the non voting jobs but they are unrelated17:07
sean-k-mooneywho normally reivews that repo? do you know?17:07
sean-k-mooneyi might check on the qa channel17:08
gibiI don't. lyarwood might know but he is already on PTO17:10
sean-k-mooneyya i just left a message on #openstack-qa17:13
sean-k-mooneyhonestly it proably wont be seen until moday at this point17:14
gibigmann: ^^ 17:14
gibigmann: I think you have +2 rights in devstack-plugin-ceph17:14
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: functional: Add reproducer for #1907775
opendevreviewBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Reject AZ changes during aggregate add / remove host
sean-k-mooneyya anyone in devstack-core or qa-release or cinder-core17:17
sean-k-mooneyon one hand its a gate blocker on the ohter hand its friday evening and its not near a milestone so it can proably wait till monday without it being a major problem17:19
sean-k-mooneyi can send a mail to the list just to keep everyone in the loop17:20
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: DNM: Debug whitebox RBD direct download test failures
gmannsean-k-mooney: gibi checking17:22
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being quickly restarted for a configuration adjustment, and should return momentarily17:27
gibisean-k-mooney: left initial feedback on the healtcheck spec17:32
gibiand that I will end my week17:32
gibisee you next week o/17:33
gmanngibi: sean-k-mooney did not get why it started failing now? is there any recent change triggered this?17:35
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: DNM: testing nova-ceph-multistore fix
sean-k-mooneygmann: not that i know if i suspect either neutron started requrieing a new version of python3-logging or there was a cpeh package update upstream17:47
gmanni can see only in l-c requirements which should not be installed by devstack17:54
sean-k-mooneyya i was checking on codeasearch17:56
sean-k-mooneynot sure what is pulling it in to be honest17:56
sean-k-mooneysean@cloud:~$ apt-cache rdepends python3-logutils17:59
sean-k-mooneyReverse Depends:17:59
sean-k-mooney  python3-pecan17:59
sean-k-mooney  changeme17:59
sean-k-mooneyso its comiy for either python3-pecan or changeme17:59
sean-k-mooneylikely python3-pecan17:59
sean-k-mooneyya so thye had a release 2 days ago18:02
sean-k-mooneyand its used by neturon18:02
sean-k-mooneygmann: and we udpated the upper constratints this morning
gmannhumm, it was there in pecan 1.4.1 which constraints updated in requirement  yesterday
sean-k-mooneyso that is likely what broke it18:03
gmannyeah but there is no change in previous version of pecan on logutils18:03
sean-k-mooneythe require logutile >=318:03
gmannyeah that is there in old version too
sean-k-mooneyya 8 years18:04
sean-k-mooneyim not sure but that is the best i can come up with the version that is shipped in ubuntu is 0.3.4 i think18:04
sean-k-mooneyso ghatt should work18:05
gmannI am trying to check the passing nova-ceph-multistore job and it was not pulled there somwhoe
sean-k-mooneyits likely a ubuntu or cpeh packageing change 18:07
sean-k-mooneyto we use the disto ceph or ceph form ceph.com18:07
sean-k-mooneythe ceph pcakages changed18:08
sean-k-mooney CEPH_PACKAGES='ceph libnss3-tools python3-rados python3-rbd'18:08
sean-k-mooneyon passin g18:08
sean-k-mooneyactully they end up being the same 18:10
sean-k-mooney CEPH_PACKAGES='ceph libnss3-tools python3-rados python3-rbd'18:10
gmannyeah its same18:10
sean-k-mooneyet:20 focal/main amd64 python3-rbd amd64 16.2.7-1focal [386 kB]18:12
sean-k-mooneyvs 18:12
sean-k-mooney021-12-10 10:37:05.265864 | controller | Get:48 focal/main amd64 python3-rbd amd64 16.2.7-1focal [386 kB]18:12
sean-k-mooneyso i guess the same version of ceph too18:12
gmannsean-k-mooney: commented about commit msg to add these info and then i am +2 as it is gate blocker
gmanni cannot find root cause but it is clear it is pulling it recently so removing it is no issue18:22
gmannI can try to ping other core if they are around 18:23
sean-k-mooneygibi: thanks yes ill spellcheck it with gramerly on monday18:32
sean-k-mooneygmann: am  if tis ok with you ill update teh commit on monday i was just about to leave for the day18:33
gmannsean-k-mooney: ok, or i can update for you if it is ok? and try to get other core if they are around gouthamr or so. so that we can get gate unblocked 18:34
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/nova stable/wallaby: Ensure MAC addresses characters are in the same case
* gouthamr is around18:37
* gouthamr looks18:38
jamesbensonCan anyone help with refstack tests failing due to additional-properties?20:06
jamesbensonThese are, for example this test: tempest.api.compute.servers.test_instance_actions.InstanceActionsTestJSON.test_get_instance_action20:10
jamesbensonGives me a: jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: Additional properties are not allowed ('updated_at' was unexpected)20:11
gmannjamesbenson: hi20:12
gmannjamesbenson: is it with upstream code or modified API? 20:13
gmannIn tempest, we have strict validation on API response on additional-properties and t will fail if any API return any additional field in response without microversion or in downstream20:13
jamesbensonokay, so I need to add the microversions to my tempest.conf then?  Currently I don't have those.20:15
jamesbensonIt with a local deployment20:15
jamesbenson@gmann We do regular testing and only ran into this issue with Victoria on.  Ussuri wasn't giving any issues. But we haven't merged code for Victoria, Wallaby, or Xena yet because of these issues.20:17
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted again for a plugin change, and should be back shortly20:17
gmannjamesbenson: i see, please cap the max version for victoria in tempest conf as 2.87   max_microversion
jamesbenson@gmann, Yeah, these are version locks we have:
jamesbensonWe need to specify both min and max version, correct?20:21
gmannjamesbenson: min version can be None as Nova has not bumped the min version and its 2.1 only. min_microversion as None in tempest conf means nova 2.120:22
gmannjamesbenson: so you are getting error with these cap version right?20:22
jamesbenson@gmann, currently we don't have these caps used in our testing and are getting the errors.20:23
gmannjamesbenson: so basically with your current configuration, tempest will request nova microversion 2.80 for victoria 20:24
jamesbensonWe did use them at some point, but I think we were getting additional errors, so we stopped.  But I'm running tests now, so I should know in a couple of hours.20:24
gmannjamesbenson: make min_microversion as None and max_microversion as you have currently in
jamesbensonYes, these are what would get put into the tempest.conf file20:24
jamesbensonokay, will do!20:25
gmannjamesbenson: because tempest might fail with min_microversion as 2.80 because few tests might need modification on asserts/schema 20:25
jamesbensongotcha, should I set them all to "None"?20:26
jamesbensonXena I have a max of: 2.9020:26
gmannyeah, that's correct
jamesbensonDoes the tempest version or other things matter?20:27
jamesbenson(And any thoughts on the project, feel free to share, we love input)20:27
gmannjamesbenson: for victoria no. Tempest master works for ussuri - current openstack master20:27
gmannthat is what we test at upstream also, tempest master to test ussuri, victoria, wallaby, xena and current yoga20:28
jamesbensonokay, cool. I'll update tempest u->x to 29.1.020:28
gmann+1, please let me know if tempest fail in victoria as min_microversion=None and max_microversion='2.87'20:29
jamesbensonsure will do20:30
jamesbensonone other thing fails too20:31
jamesbensonwe use cirros as our test image, and gocubsgo works, but then some tests use random passwords, and those fail20:31
jamesbensonAny ideas on that?20:31
jamesbensonmicroversion issue too?20:31
gmannjamesbenson: cirros is one we use in upstream too and password is configurable in tempest config. But tempest is not ready to run for all combination of micrversion.  20:33
gmannI will say try with min_microversion=None and max_microversion='2.87' and then we can see if they still fail then its tempest issue20:33
jamesbensonok, sounds good.  These are our setups for tempest.conf20:34
gmannyeah, that seems correct image_ssh_password  but there might be some test issue, if you face issue ping me on #openstack-qa or file bug in tempest i can fix that20:36
jamesbensonyou are a life saver!  Thank you!20:36
jamesbensonI do have one re-occuring bug, it always happens in ussuri up in the tearDownClass (tempest.api.compute.servers.test_multiple_create.MultipleCreateTestJSON). Details: {'type': 'SubnetInUse', 'message': 'Unable to complete operation on subnet 5be11612-2a84-4723-b683-3cf06e3567d4: One or more ports have an IP allocation from this subnet.', 'detail': ''}20:39
jamesbensonIt can't destroy the subnet it creates....20:40
gmannjamesbenson: can you please log bug in tempest for that, I will check on Monday20:41
jamesbensonsure thing20:42
gmannthanks 20:42
jamesbensonAny special logs you need or just the output from Refstack on that?20:44
gmannyou can add tempest log also20:44
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jamesbenson@gmann, 'None' had issues so I changed it to 2.1 for the min. I'm rerunning it now, I'll report back on Monday.  Thanks again and have a great weekend!23:05
gmannjamesbenson: sure, you too.23:07

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