Monday, 2021-11-15

opendevreviewJun Chen proposed openstack/nova master: Catch an exception in power off procedure
*** ricolin_ is now known as ricolin04:18
*** bauwser is now known as bauzas08:31
bauzasgood morning Nova08:31
elodillesgood morning bauzas o/ i've replied to your comment here:
elodillesso if you'll have time... o:)08:58
*** giblet is now known as gibi09:02
bauzaselodilles: ack, saw your ping on Friday09:14
bauzaselodilles: mmm, look at the last comment I just provided in
opendevreviewBrin Zhang proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Cyborg suspend/resume support
kashyapsean-k-mooney[m]: giblet: Hi, when you're about: can we move this forward? - (libvirt: Switch the default video model from 'cirrus' to 'virtio')10:29
songwenping_bauzas: i install nvidia-smi driver(470.82.00) for my vgpu ubuntu vm(20.04) and run nvidia-smi, but get the error NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. from the dmesg |grep -i nvidia, i found the error: probe of 0000:00:06.0 failed with error -1.10:30
songwenping_hava you met before and is there some solutions?10:30
kashyapsean-k-mooney[m]: I have answered all the questions there.  Please re-adjust your -1.  I don't see any technical obstacles here10:31
gibikashyap: sure, I will re-read the patch10:37
gibikashyap: but you should get the bp approved
kashyapThank you10:37
kashyapOhh, right10:37
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Deprecate [wsgi] secure_proxy_ssl_header
kashyapgibi: It's a tiny patch; also see my summary of testing from 04 Aug.10:38
gibibauzas: ^^ 10:38
kashyap(I've got some real live migration tests done by Red Hat QE folks to have Windows + Linux guests - and it all works as expected.)10:39
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Deprecate [wsgi] secure_proxy_ssl_header
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Deprecate [wsgi] secure_proxy_ssl_header
kashyapgibi: Unrelated: Oddly, this simple class addition is failing only in the CI, not locally here.  You see what I'm missing here? -
bauzassongwenping_: sorry I was afk10:46
bauzassongwenping_: honestly, I don't know, it looks like a nvidia driver issue10:46
bauzasgibi: what do you want me to look ?10:47
songwenping_bauzas:ok, thanks.10:47
gibibauzas: kashyap: would like to get a specless bp approved10:58
kashyapbauzas: This one -
bauzasgibi: ok, let's discuss this during tomorrow's meeting10:59
bauzaskashyap: add it to the meeting agenda10:59
bauzasand please be around tomorrow during the meeting :)10:59
kashyapYes, I'll be around10:59
kashyapYea; thx10:59
gibiack, I will be on the meeting11:02
elodillesbauzas: (sorry for the late reply) thanks, i've created the python-novaclient release:
elodillesand rebased the ussuri-em patch on top of this11:18
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Deprecate [wsgi] secure_proxy_ssl_header
sean-k-mooneygibi: so technially the guest abi is mostly maintained when goign form cirrus to virtio as virtio has a vga compatiable interface that is compatiable with cirrus. it would be a guest visabel change12:22
sean-k-mooneyit apparently is not a harmful guest visable change12:22
sean-k-mooneyif we are ok with the change in default affectign existing instnace the kasahyap patch is workable if not then i would like him to adress the comments i left in the patch12:25
kashyapYep, this is a benign case.12:27
kashyapsean-k-mooney[m]: What else comments? I addressed what you (incorrectly) thought was a problem12:27
kashyapI don't see any outstanding questions there.12:27
kashyapAlso, recall:12:28
sean-k-mooneyyou ignored all the other comment i made and you have not12:28
kashyapIn the patch comments, I've also outlined the integration tests (Windows + Linux) done by Red Hat QE as well12:28
sean-k-mooneywhat i sated as a probelm is that the xml would change for existign instace after a hard reboot12:28
sean-k-mooneyit still will for vms create before the patch12:29
kashyapI need to evaluate the merits of the other comments and see if they make sense.12:29
kashyapSome of them maybe non-problems12:29
sean-k-mooneykashyap: the disconenct is that when we discussed this with dan and other before we said you should follow the patteren we used for machine type and recorerd the current video model for all instnace and just change the behavior for new ones12:31
sean-k-mooneynow you have shown that changing the behaivor for new isntnace should be safe12:31
sean-k-mooneythat is great it does not change the fact that we had previously agreed not too12:31
kashyapWe should revisit previous "agreements" if they don't make sense in light of new info12:32
sean-k-mooneyif people are ok with makeing the change we can but we should at least disucss that12:32
kashyapYes, but I hope it won't become a big drag.12:32
* gibi realized that his irc notification was broken, reading back12:33
gibikashyap, sean-k-mooney: OK, so the cirros -> virtio change is considered harmless during a hard reboot, then I'm OK with the direction of the patch12:35
kashyapCool; yes.  And that is proved by the tests.  Thanks.12:35
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Wait: what is still not correct in the broader direction?  On hard-reboot, we  recreate the XML, and yes, it *will* change from CirrOS to virtio - the QEMU folks confirmed that harmless ABI change is okay12:44
kashyapsean-k-mooney: So what is still "not correct in this patch"?12:44
kashyapPlease keep the explanation short.12:44
* kashyap goes to comment on the patch12:44
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Integration With Off-path Network Backends
sean-k-mooneykashyap: gibi has just now indicated he is ok with the change in direction. other have not bar perhaps stephen. the patch as written assumed that change in direction would happen without disucssing it12:54
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Okay, for that part - I'll explicitly state it in the commit message; and as a comment somewhere.12:54
sean-k-mooneythe other comment i left tell you how to modify the patch to confrom to what we had previosuly agreed. e.g. record the current used video model 12:54
kashyapsean-k-mooney: What is the use-case for still recording the used video model?12:55
kashyapWhen we know that changing it even for existing instances on hard-reboot is benign and harmless?12:56
sean-k-mooneyconsitency with the change fo default of machine type12:56
kashyapSorry, that's not a valid use-case.   (While I agree in general to be consistent where it makes sense)12:57
sean-k-mooneyin this case you are instead following what we did for the rng which is ok 12:57
kashyapWe should not add needless extra code for "consistency" if it is not solving any problem or improving maintainability12:58
kashyapYep; like for RNG indeed12:58
dmitriissean-k-mooney, gibi: updated the spec This comment may need further discussion during the implementation (I added code references and the actual log to give an impression of what I am talking about). I13:03
dmitriisagree about the need to extend has_bind_time_event (which I added to the spec) but, from what I can see, this won't help with the actual problem of the virt driver code trying to wait for the `network-vif-plugged` event that gets discarded by Nova in the absence of a waiter.13:03
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: the wait in the virt driver shoudl be filtered by the bindtyime/plugtime event fucntions13:05
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: if we know that a backend only sends bind time event reliably its oke to ignore events sent at other times13:09
dmitriissean-k-mooney: so you are proposing that _get_neutron_events calls get_bind_time_events for filtering, right?13:10
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: if you modify has_bind_time_event to account for the new vnic type13:10
sean-k-mooney shoudl return an empty []13:11
opendevreviewKashyap Chamarthy proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Introduce config class for QEMU's "tb-cache"
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Deprecate [wsgi] secure_proxy_ssl_header
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: yes more or less13:12
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Deprecate [wsgi] secure_proxy_ssl_header
sean-k-mooneyi belive that shoudl eb using the plugtime event funciton13:12
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: since we have already passed binding the port13:12
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: currently it is
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: effectvly it s implementaiton shoudl be like this
sean-k-mooneyi suspect that is a latent bug actully13:15
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: db: Remove use of 'bind' arguments
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: db: Remove unnecessary warning filters
sean-k-mooneyactully dmitriis :) this might be the cause of our revert resize issue13:17
dmitriissean-k-mooney: the VIF object itself has has_bind_time_event actually . So I can extend it to accept `None` for the migration object and add handling for VNIC_TYPE since that's available in the VIF itself.13:17
dmitriissean-k-mooney: oh well, good thing we looked at this code then :^)13:17
sean-k-mooneyyes i would extend the vif class 13:18
sean-k-mooneyartom has a repoducer patch up for the resize bug i think13:20
sean-k-mooneyso we might fix that issue for you in a seperate patch so we can backport it13:20
sean-k-mooneythis is where we repoduced our downstream bug 13:22
sean-k-mooneythe revert resize test fail in a very specific situation whic i think is basially the same thing you are seeing 13:23
dmitriissean-k-mooney: ok, I'll fix it in my WIP spec implementation proposal and try it out on the actual test environment. We can have a separate patch to fix the issue and that will leave my patch with an extension to has_bind_time_event to handle VNIC_TYPE_SMARTNIC.13:24
sean-k-mooneyyep that makes sense to me13:25
sean-k-mooneyhum actully for the revert case we pass in the filtered events list13:29
opendevreviewKashyap Chamarthy proposed openstack/nova master: Deprecate support for floppy drives
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: but this is still broken for your usecase13:30
sean-k-mooneyso we should still fix it13:30
dmitriissean-k-mooney: yes, it looks like the "active" state check might be there for that case but it doesn't help in my case13:31
sean-k-mooneythe active state chagne on the neutron port?13:31
dmitriissean-k-mooney: yes, on this line
dmitriisthis state gets updated via the info cache from what I understand13:32
sean-k-mooneynot quite13:33
sean-k-mooneyit will but that is not related13:33
sean-k-mooneythis is the admin state13:33
dmitriisI see13:33
sean-k-mooneywe skip port that have been marked as down13:34
dmitriissean-k-mooney: is it OK if I extend has_bind_time_event to accept `None` for the `migration` argument?
dmitriisI don't have it in _get_neutron_events and I'd rather not try to instantiate one there13:35
sean-k-mooney i think so i have been trying to figure out what that should look like and or if you should jsut replace migration with same_host=True/False13:35
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Hmm, this page should also list "bochs" as an option, right? -
kashyapI think I forgot to updte the docs for that :-( I'm going to do that now13:36
sean-k-mooneyyes eventually and you should update the glance metadefs if you have not already done so13:36
kashyapFor hw_video_model, I mean13:36
* kashyap goes to check13:36
sean-k-mooneythat used to generate the horizon and heat dropdown menues13:37
sean-k-mooneyyou should be able to do both in the same patch13:38
kashyapRight; I updated this file: etc/metadefs/compute-libvirt-image.json and also this file: doc/source/admin/useful-image-properties.rst13:39
dmitriissean-k-mooney: yes, making `has_bind_time_event` accept a boolean seems cleaner than passing None. There aren't any other migration attributes used so far in it.13:39
kashyapsean-k-mooney: I wonder if I should add a belated release note to the Glance docs?13:40
dmitriissean-k-mooney: I've put generic wording into the spec for now I think it encompasses whatever we decide implementation-wise.13:41
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: right it also an encapsulation thing e.g. pass the minium it need rather then large objects13:41
dmitriissean-k-mooney: yes, agreed13:41
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: Deprecate [wsgi] secure_proxy_ssl_header
sean-k-mooneydmitriis: something like this i think woudl make sense
sean-k-mooneyactuly  result &= self['vnic_type'] != 'smartnic' shoudl be  result |= self['vnic_type'] == 'smartnic'13:46
kashyapPosted the docs: (Add "bochs" as a possible video model)13:46
* kashyap backports it to the Glance's Xena branch13:46
sean-k-mooneyi.e. if the vnic_type is smartnic then we know the vif has bind time events13:47
dmitriissean-k-mooney: yeah, that's certainly better than my original workaround
kashyapsean-k-mooney: Thank you for the quick review13:52
Zer0Bytehey guys15:37
Zer0Byteim having a issue with nova for one reason i can't live migrate vms from one node to a specific node im getting this error while im trying to move to these node Failed to retrieve allocations for consumer d9f8c2ed-74b0-4eb9-8b1d-30f397ec2102: Expected to find allocations for source node resource provider f7751b40-7f22-4b2f-8d40-b1479a369969. Retry the operation without forcing a destination host.15:39
Zer0Bytechecking openstack resource provider 15:39
Zer0Bytedon't show the specifc node15:39
Zer0Bytewho should create on openstack resource provider these record?15:39
sean-k-mooneyZer0Byte: nova15:43
sean-k-mooneyare you upgrading form a deployment without placement to one with placment15:44
sean-k-mooneyif so there are some specific steps you need to do to enusre the allcoation are created15:44
Zer0Byteno was runinng perfect i notice some performance degradation to keystone because switft that make me belive that nova can't communicate with placement on these moment15:45
sean-k-mooneyhum you suspect that the keystone authention some how did not work when it was trying to retive the allcoations15:46
sean-k-mooneyhave you check the instnace in quetion to see if it has allcoation manually15:46
Zer0Bytewhen the node was registered i suspect keystone was unavailable15:46
Zer0Bytei see the node registered on nova service15:47
Zer0Bytebut not on resource provider15:47
sean-k-mooneyis the node in "openstack hypervisor list"15:47
sean-k-mooneybut if you do a openstack resouce provider show <compute node uuid> 15:48
sean-k-mooneyit does not find the RP15:48
EugenMayerwhat is the right way to segment an network into 2 subnets and let those instances reach eachother? (OVN) do i really need an router, a gateway in both subnets and the add a port of each subnet to that router?15:49
Zer0Bytedont listed on resource provider list15:49
sean-k-mooneyEugenMayer: you need a neutorn router to interconnect the subnets15:49
Zer0Bytedon't appears on resource provider list15:50
sean-k-mooneyEugenMayer: unless you are using provider networking which you wont be if your using OVN15:50
EugenMayersean-k-mooney ok so that is the only option. 15:50
sean-k-mooneyEugenMayer: more or less yes. if they are on the same neutron network with ovn technically they should have l2 conenctivty and be able to comunicate using the mac adress only15:51
sean-k-mooneybut arp for a non local subnet will always be sent to the current subnets routeer and the network stack withotuh a static route will assume a upstream reouter can interconnect the subnets15:52
EugenMayersean-k-mooney: i have an issue with the fact that i can only add a router with those 2 interfaces, if a gateway is presnet. I have a network A (sub1/sub2) and network B (sub1/sub2). I want an instance to be in A sub1 with the default gateway of Asub1, while this instnace is also in Bsub1. The problem is, if Bsub1 also has a gateway (which i need to15:52
EugenMayercreate the router so Bsub1 can reach Bsub2) the gateway of Bsub1 is pushed15:52
EugenMayer(default gateway)15:52
sean-k-mooneyso in generall you will create a tenant network and a rounter to connect the tenant network to the external network15:53
sean-k-mooneyand if you want to have 2 subnets on that tenant network you just add a second interface to the existing router for the second subnet15:53
sean-k-mooneyZer0Byte: ok if it does not appear in the RP list then if you check the compaute agent log on that host it should have an error15:54
sean-k-mooneyZer0Byte: in the logs o fthe update_avaiable_resouces periodic task if not earlier15:55
EugenMayersean-k-mooney my problem is with the default gateway pushed, if an instance has 2 interfaces which both have a gateway15:56
sean-k-mooneyright that is a common problem15:56
sean-k-mooneyyou can disable the gateway on the subnet 15:56
sean-k-mooneywhich should prevent that15:57
sean-k-mooneyEugenMayer: i think you do "openstack subnet unset --gateway <subnet>"15:58
EugenMayersean-k-mooney yes, that is what i did, then i cannot route Bsub1 to Bsub2 - you cannot add the interface15:59
EugenMayerif a subnet has not gateway, it cannot be added to the router to route to the subnets15:59
sean-k-mooneyyou can add the interface but you have to specify the ip manually to be what would be the normal gateway ip15:59
EugenMayerso you mean override the gateway via cloud-init?15:59
sean-k-mooneyso when adding the router interface you will need to give it the .1 address or whatever adress is correct for the cidr16:00
sean-k-mooneydo openstack subnet unset --gateway <subnet b>16:00
Zer0ByteRROR [req-4d4167be-e58d-42eb-bf49-ffeb0a21d42c - - - - -] [req-6400ff72-11e0-4953-9980-463cfacf7df1] Failed to retrieve resource provider tree from placement API for UUID 1c684ec9-6ab2-4ef7-8451-c989a0b90f45. Got 503: {"message": "The server is currently unavailable. Please try again at a later time.<br /><br />\nThe Keystone service is temporarily unavailable.\n\n", "code": "503 Service Unavailable",16:00
Zer0Byte "title": "Service Unavailable"}.16:00
Zer0Byteis exactly what i suspect16:00
Zer0Bytenow my question is how i force the node to populate on placement16:00
sean-k-mooneythen do "openstack port create --network <my net> --fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address= router_subnet_b_port"16:03
EugenMayersean-k-mooney sorry i'am confused. Let met try to explain my dilemma more clearly, maybe you can point me to my mistake. Network A(sub1) and Network B(sub1,sub2) exist. Now i have to options. I disable the gw on B-sub1 so if my instance is in A-sub1 and B-sub1, the default gateway of A-sub1 is used. If i disable that gw, i'am no longer able to16:03
EugenMayercreate a neutron router to bridge between B-sub1 and B-sub2, since a gateway in B-sub1 seems to be required for that16:03
sean-k-mooneythen do openstack router add port <router> <port uuid for router_subnet_b_port> 16:04
sean-k-mooneyEugenMayer: if the gateway is disable i think you have to manually create the port rather then addign the subnet to the router a is descibed above ^16:05
sean-k-mooneyZer0Byte: i think you jsut need to restart the compute agent16:05
sean-k-mooneyit should try again the next time the perodic runs if your keystone issues are resovled16:05
EugenMayerso i should stick to B sub1/sub2 with gw disabled on sub1 and try to workarround the issue to bridge Bsub1 to Bsub216:06
sean-k-mooneyso your real issue is that dhcp is going to fight with the default router right16:08
sean-k-mooneynormally i fix this with cloud-init manually and set the metic16:08
sean-k-mooneywhat sound like would be useful would be some way to configure the metric per subnet16:08
sean-k-mooneyif you never needed to have two port on the same vm (from both subnets) this woudl not normlay be an issue16:09
EugenMayerwell i need that in my case. It is an kubernetes control-plane while A is its 'intranet' for others to access apps internally and also get routed to a floating IP. B is the cluster internal network16:11
EugenMayersean-k-mooney i'am not sure what your advice is. Try to go with disabling the gw and try adding the port manually or try to use cloud-init to somehow change the metric for DHCP16:12
Zer0Byte@sean-k-mooney restarning the compute agent don;t work also no error on logs :(16:14
Zer0Bytefor understand the flow nova-agent (the service isntaled on the  compute node) will contact placement directly right16:15
hyang[m]Hi Nova core reviewers, can someone help to check the patch It can resolve a bug that affects both Nova and Neutron.16:39
sean-k-mooneyhyang[m]: that is partly a feature and partly a bug16:55
sean-k-mooneyi say its partly a feature as support for neutron rbac in nova is a new feature16:55
sean-k-mooneyits partly a bug in that that should have been part of the development of security group shareing in neutorn16:56
sean-k-mooneythere shoudl have been a sibligh spec to cover the nova changes16:56
sean-k-mooneyactully is this a new neutron featfure this cycle16:56
sean-k-mooneyif so then you shoudl convert that patch to a blueprint16:57
Zer0Byteis very weird i ssue16:59
Zer0Bytei put the agent  on debug16:59
Zer0ByteFinal resource view: name=tc-m2mem-compute2-1210  is registering on placement16:59
Zer0Bytebut don;t show as a resource16:59
sean-k-mooneyhyang[m]: actully this should have a spec or specless bluerpint its a new feature not a bug16:59
sean-k-mooneyhyang[m]:this si not something that should be backported 17:00
bauzasfolks, gentle reminder that tomorrow is spec review day17:05
bauzassharpen your pens17:05
gibibauzas: good reminder17:06
bauzasgibi: you can thank sean-k-mooney for ringing me a bell in my empty closet that's called "a brain"17:07
gibisean-k-mooney: thanks17:07
sean-k-mooneyas i said downstream the only reason i rememebred is i tought i missed it last week so i checked :)17:08
* bauzas notes he'll mark his agenda for next review day in 1 month17:08
gibibauzas: I think you can abandon these as all of them are heavily outdated17:09
gibijust to have a clean spec list for tomorrow17:10
Zer0Byteany another idea @sean-k-mooney ?17:11
sean-k-mooneyZer0Byte: have you tried openstack resource provider list --name tc-m2mem-compute2-121017:16
Zer0Bytegot a empty response17:16
sean-k-mooneyZer0Byte: assuming this is libvirt what does virsh hostname return17:16
sean-k-mooneydoes it have a domain appended to it?17:17
Zer0Byteim using juju to install the compute nodes17:17
Zer0Byteso the configuration is always persistent 17:17
sean-k-mooneyok libvirt via the python bindign provides the hostname to nova which we use for the RP name17:18
Zer0Bytein this case we should have a empty record with id right?17:18
sean-k-mooneywell we should have a resouce provider with the hostname as the name and the compute node uuid( not the compute service uuid) as the uuid17:19
sean-k-mooneyand then if you do an inventory list you shoudl see the reouces that are tracked17:19
sean-k-mooneyso cpu ram disk ectra17:19
sean-k-mooneyZer0Byte: if you are not seeing the RP in placment then you should be sing an error in the compute agent log trying to create the RP at some point17:20
Zer0Byteyeah from the other nodes yes17:20
Zer0Bytei can see the usage form inventory17:21
Zer0Bytemy doubt here is how nova is "reporting allocations" to placement without a RP uuid17:23
Zer0Byteor to a non visible RP17:23
Zer0ByteInstance 21a17b74-400f-4dce-99ed-555e1ae80512 actively managed on this compute host and has allocations in placement: {'resources': {'VCPU': 8, 'MEMORY_MB': 65536}}. _remove_deleted_instances_allocations /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nova/compute/
EugenMayersean-k-mooney thank you for that metric trick with cloud-init. Surely not perfect since it makes the entire instance very topology aware, but i guess that info leaked into it never the less17:25
sean-k-mooneywell normally the netowrks routers and isntance are created by the tenant17:27
sean-k-mooneyso they are creating that toplogy themselves17:28
sean-k-mooneyin your case its sligly different since you are migrating/addpoting workload form your previous enviornment17:28
sean-k-mooneyi wonder if dhcp has the concept of a metiric it can pass17:28
sean-k-mooneyif so it might be worth wile asking neutron to support setting that via the subnet17:29
Zer0Bytei will try something @sean-k-mooney the uuid from RP is auto generated or is from the ocmpute host?17:29
sean-k-mooneyit would be nice if you could jsut declare that via the subnet and not need to do it per instance17:29
sean-k-mooneyZer0Byte: its autogenerate when the compute agent first connect to the db17:29
sean-k-mooneyZer0Byte: you can fined it if you have access to the db by looking at the compute_nodes table in the cell db 17:30
Zer0Byteok i wil try that17:30
sean-k-mooneyor you can get it via the rest api vai the hyperviors api17:30
Zer0Byterecreate manually the rp17:30
Zer0Byteto see if after i generate it i can get the allocations that the compute node is reporting17:31
EugenMayeri'll try sean-k-mooney17:31
sean-k-mooneyto create the allocation i think you whould have to run the allcoation audit or heal allocation nova/placment manage commands17:33
*** jgwentworth is now known as melwitt17:34
EugenMayerinteresting, there is extra_dhcp_option on the port17:38
EugenMayeralso here17:41
daspquestion: if I want to make a constant hardcoded in nova a configurable value instead, would tha require a spec or not?17:41
dmitriissean-k-mooney, gibi: I'll be around tomorrow for the spec review day in case you don't have time for a re-review until then (I resubmitted the spec so the approvals are gone)17:47
Zer0Bytewell recreted the record but still n data on it17:48
hyang[m]sean-k-mooney: got it, thanks for your review. I'll add a blueprint for Regarding your comment do you think the additional request in nova is acceptable given the current Neutron API behavior or the Neutron API behavior must be changed first (I'm not sure if it is possible)?17:48
Zer0Byte@sean-k-mooney if the node appears as service in nova service probably will don't try to register on placement?17:57
opendevreviewDaniel Speichert proposed openstack/nova master: conf: add [libvirt]/no_compression_image_types = qcow2
Zer0Bytei see what happening17:59
Zer0Bytechecking on placement database17:59
Zer0Byteas resouce_provider_id  i have id 117:59
Zer0Byteand the instance reported by the affected node is saving as ID 118:00
sean-k-mooneyhyang[m]: the addtional request is proably workabole but really since this is a new exttion being added this cycle i woudl jsut change it now before addign the nova support18:34
sean-k-mooneyhyang[m]:without another exteion we wont be abel to detech support for usign a signel query18:34
sean-k-mooneyhyang[m]: im going to call it a day. tl;dr if this api had already shipped in an upstream release of neutron (not neutron-lib) then i would ahve suggested addign ascond extention for the more effeicnt query but since it has not shipped yet i think we shoudl just fix it and hold the neutorn-lib release until that is done18:48
hyang[m]sean-k-mooney: the neutron api extension and related server code is already released in both neutron-lib and neutron Since the behavior using shared=true for SGs is same as other existing resources in Neutron like networks, I'm not sure if Neutron team will want to change it (and change for all the resources apis).19:11
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Integration With Off-path Network Backends
opendevreviewDmitrii Shcherbakov proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Integration With Off-path Network Backends
Zer0Bytei found the issue19:50
Zer0Byte@sean-k-mooney i have two regions and by mistake someone when provisioning put placement on the second region  as regionone19:51
Zer0Bytenow the issue is solved19:51
Zer0Bytealso changed the endpoints url19:51
Zer0Bytebut nova-agent is still trying to connect to second region placement19:52
Zer0Bytefound the bug20:09
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/nova master: api-ref: server rescue adminPass injection is conf-dependant
opendevreviewDaniel Speichert proposed openstack/nova master: conf: add [libvirt]/no_compression_image_types = qcow2
opendevreviewDaniel Speichert proposed openstack/nova master: conf: add [libvirt]/no_compression_image_types = qcow2

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