Friday, 2018-11-09

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openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Add description of custom resource classes
openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Fix a help string in nova-manage
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Harden placement init under wsgi
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Use SleepFixture instead of mocking _ThreadingEvent.wait
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openstackgerrit98k proposed openstack/os-traits master: Add python 3.6 unit test job
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openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Fix server query examples
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openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Remove mox in unit/network/ (6)
openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Remove mox in unit/network/ (7)
openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Remove mox in unit/network/ (8)
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openstackgerritBrin Zhang proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Support admin to specify project to create snapshot
gibimelwitt: I think there is only one patch left from use-nested-allocation-candidates that handles allocations that only use nested RPs and not the root RP
gibimelwitt: that happen to be lower prio to me as that does not needed for GPU and Bandwidth work. It would be needed for the NUMA work though07:58
gibimelwitt: so I think we can pull use-nested-allocation-candidates from runway08:01
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gibimelwitt: I did pull that from the runway now on the etherpad08:03
melwittgibi: got it, thank you. great work on all of that btw. it is exciting08:05
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/nova master: Add feature to flatten the volume from glance image snapshort
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gibimelwitt: thanks for looking at the bandwidth patches. It was motivating for me to see them moving forward.08:07
gibimelwitt: this week I finally resumed to work on that series08:08
melwittnp, it is really cool to see it all coming together now08:08
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openstackgerritzhouxinyong proposed openstack/nova master: delete unavailable links
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Make _instances_cores_ram_count() be smart about cells
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Make _instances_cores_ram_count() be smart about cells
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openstackgerritzhouxinyong proposed openstack/nova master: delete unavailable links
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openstackgerritzhouxinyong proposed openstack/nova master: modify the avaliable link
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openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova master: DNM WIP zuul: Add a lioadm based multiattach job
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openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Calculate port_id rp_uuid mapping for binding
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Pass allocations and traits to neturonv2 api
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Send RP uuid  in the port binding
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Test boot with more ports with bandwidth request
openstackgerritIvaylo Mitev proposed openstack/nova master: VMware: Attach volumes using adapter type from instance
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: change "Ignoring supplied device name" warning to info
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mriedemaspiers: done
mriedemi'm really not thrilled at the amount of technical debt we'll be taking on if we add this15:43
mriedembut such is life i suppose15:43
mriedemby technical debt i mean "oh i can create and destroy a sev-enabled vm, but that's all i can do with it"15:43
openstackgerritJack Ding proposed openstack/nova master: Add cache=none option for qemu-img convert
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spatelsean-k-mooney: Howdy!!!15:50
openstackLaunchpad bug 1792763 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "tap TX packet drops during high cpu load " [Undecided,Invalid]15:50
spatelYes this could be resolved or close.. because its design question ( i won't say its BUG )15:51
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sean-k-mooneyya the drops you were seeing were a limitation of linux bridge as you said so this is not something nova can fix15:53
sean-k-mooneyspatel: the kernel can only handel about 1.4mpps on a 3.4GHz cpu and generally its less then that15:54
sean-k-mooneyonce you exceed that level you get drops.15:54
spatelIn my test after 50kpps i was seeing TX drop on tap interface15:55
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spatelI think this is issue of tap interface design, it run on kernel space which is overhead on kernel15:56
spatelvirtio i meant15:56
sean-k-mooneyto get to 1.4 you need kernel ovs with kernel vhost module to acclerate it15:56
sean-k-mooneyspatel: yes so its not something openstack can remedy15:57
spatelIn my case i am using linuxbridge (not ovs)15:57
spateldo you think OVS is better in performance compare to linuxbridge ?15:58
sean-k-mooneyyes it is15:58
sean-k-mooneybar multicast tunnelling15:58
sean-k-mooneyif you have a multicast hevey workload use linux bridge as ovs falls back to unicast15:58
sean-k-mooneybut in gereral ovs out performes linux bridge in vm based workloads15:59
spatelwhen you say multicast what is the relation here?15:59
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sean-k-mooneylinux bridge support using multicast endpoint for teant networks meaning it can more efficetly handel tenatn traffic with a high proportion of broadcase or multicast traffic16:00
sean-k-mooneyovs does not and has to fall back to a unicast mesh toplogy for vxlan16:01
sean-k-mooneybut for typical workloads ovs will out perfrom linux bridge16:01
dansmithmriedem: I threw a comment in there about using sysmeta to let virt drivers declare some ops as invalid for an instance. is there some reason that's not reasonable?16:04
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dansmithpresumably 403 is allowed for pretty much any operation on any microversion, so I would think it'd be not a huge deal, and immediately applies to existing operations in certain situations16:04
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mriedemdansmith: yeah, replied16:09
mriedemit really goes back to the capabilities thing we've discussed several times before16:09
mriedemi'm mostly concerned about snapshot, because if you can't move the instance, users are at least going to want to be able to snapshot it i'd think before it has to be destroyed and recreated elsewhere because the compute it's on is going away16:11
mriedemof course this is where someone says, "just attach a data volume and rewrite the application to use that"16:12
spatelsean-k-mooney: thanks for clear that point.. :) i have all unicast workload16:12
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dansmithmriedem: did he say snapshot wasn't supported? I would think it would be16:15
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dansmiththe airplane wifi is sucking too hard for me to even open it again16:16
mriedemit wasn't mentioned16:16
mriedemthat's why i asked, because it sure seems like a lot can't be supported16:16
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mriedemwe got a bug b/c of the limit of tenant ids for the aggregate multitenancy isolation filter, that's resolved with the placement request filter, but doesn't look like the docs for the placement filter mention you can namespace the metadata so you can add as many tenants as you want16:18
dansmithmriedem: the suspend/resume and live migration are about in-memory state, which is why they're hard to support I think16:18
dansmithsnapshot, reboot, cold migrate should all be fine I would think16:18
dansmithbased on my reading and assumptions about how this works16:18
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dansmithmriedem: hmm, I was sure I put that in there16:19
mriedemdon't see it, i can push up something for that16:19
mriedemand i'll probably update the docs for the old filter to mention the limitation (and link to the bug) and say the placement one is a better replacement16:20
dansmithdid I have it in the commit message or something?16:21
dansmithI was sure I wrote words about this16:21
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mriedem "This also allows making this filter advisory but not required, and supports multiple tenants per aggregate, unlike the original filter."16:22
mriedemmaybe that16:22
dansmithnova with the ``filter_tenant_id`` key (optionally suffixed with any string for16:24
dansmith    multiple tenants,16:24
dansmithin the reno not hte docs16:24
dansmiththa's mah bad16:25
mriedemk, i'll copy that16:25
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openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Calculate port_id rp_uuid mapping for binding
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Pass allocations and traits to neturonv2 api
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Send RP uuid  in the port binding
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Test boot with more ports with bandwidth request
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Mention meta key suffix in tenant isolation with placement docs
mriedemsean-k-mooney: is it just me or is NeutronLinuxBridgeInterfaceDriver completely replaced with os-vif now?16:38
sean-k-mooneyill need to check but probably16:41
mriedemi think it would only be used via the linuxnet_interface_driver config option, but i don't see anything with neutron in nova using the code path that hits that option16:42
mriedemonly the nova-network l3 stuff16:42
sean-k-mooneywe can likely kill it when we kill nova networks16:42
mriedemsure but this is a neutron-specific driver16:42
sean-k-mooneymriedem: ill look into it next week while and see what its actully used for but your right16:43
sean-k-mooney* while ye are at the summit16:44
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cfriesenstephenfin: question about your commit   One of our guys says he ran into a scenario in pike where "image_chunks" itself was None due to things like firewall breakage or server-side problems.  Does that get handled properly currently?16:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/pike: Fix the request context in ServiceFixture
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/pike: Add functional test for affinity with multiple cells
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Delete NeutronLinuxBridgeInterfaceDriver
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cfriesenmriedem: regarding the disk sector size issue...are you aware of any 8K sector disks or did you suggest it for future expansion?17:03
stephenfincfriesen: Based on that as-is, it would not17:03
stephenfincfriesen: Though I'd have expected to see an exception raised by the client, more so than anything else17:04
mriedemcfriesen: was just suggesting based on what was noted in the bug report17:06
sean-k-mooneyim not aware of any 8k sector discs but i belive we can also diskcover the sector size by querying the disk via sysfs so we proably dont need to hardcode it17:07
sean-k-mooneythat said 4k and 512 are the most common17:07
cfriesenI thought that 4K was still the highest supported physical sector size (since you'd want to be able to read a whole disk sector into a memory page)17:07
dansmithnot everyone uses 4k pages :)17:08
sean-k-mooneypower pc i think is 16k17:08
dansmithI thought there were some SAN types that used larger sector sizes just because of the network optimization,17:08
dansmitheven if not backed by actual 8k17:08
cfriesenas far as I know the block size can be different from the sector size17:09
dansmithalso, netapp I think uses some super odd sizes, even to the point of having weirdly low-level-formatted drives for them17:09
sean-k-mooneyi know some raid controls can be configured to exposed larger sector sizes but i dont know how common that is anymore17:09
sean-k-mooneymriedem:  i think one of the things you suggested was just making a config  option correct17:10
sean-k-mooneysomething like directio_sector_sizes=512,409617:11
dansmithah, but it's hidden to the LUN:
cfriesenthe goal here is to figure out if the filesystem supports O_DIRECT.  according to the man page, this should be set to the logical block size of the underlying storage, which can be determined using the ioctl() BLKSSZGET operation or by calling "blockdev --getss"17:14
sean-k-mooneycfriesen:  i think part of the issue is that on older kernel < 2.4 O_DIRECT required alinged access17:16
sean-k-mooneybut on bsd and newer linux kernel O_DIRECT did not reuqire alinged acess17:16
sean-k-mooneycfriesen: im not actully sure of we need to do the alignment check we are doing anymore17:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/queens: fixtures: Track volume attachments within CinderFixtureNewAttachFlow
cfriesenthe man page says: Under Linux 2.4, transfer sizes, and the alignment of the user buffer17:17
cfriesen       and the file offset must all be multiples of the logical block size17:17
cfriesen       of the filesystem.  Since Linux 2.6.0, alignment to the logical block17:17
cfriesen       size of the underlying storage (typically 512 bytes) suffices.17:17
cfriesenoh, ick. sorry17:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/queens: Add regression test for bug#1784353
sean-k-mooneycfriesen: ok so we still need aligned acess but the function is ment to determin if directio is possibel what its currently doing is determing if direct 512B aligned acess is possible with is a different thing17:19
cfriesenagreed.  I think switching to 4K would cover 95% of the cases.17:19
cfriesendoing it totally correctly woudl require querying the block size from the OS for that specific device17:19
mriedemsean-k-mooney: i suggested a config option as an option because this sounds very hit or miss17:20
sean-k-mooneywell the backing store for libvirt instance is only going to be on one mountpoint17:21
mriedemthis is definitely not something i've got a lot of experience in though17:21
sean-k-mooneypresumable it will all have the same alignment/sector size so we could jsut have a single valus and defualt it to 512 and they could set it to 4k or 8k if they have something else17:22
sean-k-mooneythe other option is just super over align to like a 64K bondary17:23
sean-k-mooneythat said im sure someone will have a 128K lun now that i have said that17:23
cfriesenso guaranteed setting it to 4K will work for both 4K and 512b disks, so I think 4K should be the default17:24
sean-k-mooneycfriesen: its also the most common sector size on most new disks so ya that should work17:24
dansmithfor years now17:25
cfriesenI'd be okay with a config option if someone has weird hardware17:25
sean-k-mooneycfriesen: so your going to submit a patch :)_17:26
cfriesenthere's already a patch in progress17:26
cfriesenby someone else17:26
openstackLaunchpad bug 1798688 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "AllocationUpdateFailed_Remote: Failed to update allocations for consumer. Error: another process changed the consumer after the report client read the consumer state during the claim" [Undecided,Triaged]17:27
mriedemlooks like our scheduler allocation claim races have shot up since nov 417:27
cfriesenmriedem: did you want to get the person to update the 4K patch to add a config option?  or change the hardcoded number to 4K (which is still an improvement) and add the config option later if someone complains?17:28
dansmithmriedem: what does that mean exactly? just the scheduler having to retry the allocation part?17:29
mriedemdansmith: we already retry on PUT allocations in the scheduler17:29
mriedemmaybe the error message changed and we're not retrying properly now?17:29
mriedemi haven't dug in yet17:29
mriedemcfriesen: the patch already just changes 512 to 4k right?17:29
mriedemcfriesen: i believe i just said we might want a 'fixes' release note for it17:30
mriedemas a heads up17:30
melwittcfriesen: this is the method we have to checking for directio, if that's the same thing you mentioned earlier
dansmithmriedem: I know we do, I'm wondering if you mean it's just having to retry more lately or if it's failing17:30
mriedemhaven't dug into the logs yet17:30
mriedemhopefully we log if we are retrying17:30
sean-k-mooneymriedem: ya i was under teh impression we had planned at least to retry in this case which is why we have the generation on the resouce providers in the first place17:30
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dansmithsean-k-mooney: we do retry17:31
mriedemthe scheduler doesn't do anything with generations for this as far as i know17:31
mriedemjust duplicated another bug in triage to this if someone is looking for work
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783338 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Unexpected exception in API method: ValueError: year is out of range" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Ghanshyam Mann (ghanshyammann)17:31
mriedemsomething in the simple tenant usage code17:31
cfriesenmriedem: in irc you were talking about a config option I thought.  but yeah, I'd be cool with just a release note for now.17:32
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mriedemgmann: looks like was due to bad data in the db? you're probably traveling, but if you don't plan on handling this we should unassign you
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783338 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Unexpected exception in API method: ValueError: year is out of range" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Ghanshyam Mann (ghanshyammann)17:32
cfriesenmelwitt: yes, that's the one.  there's a patch in review to change the 512 to 4096 in there.  which is good, but maybe not sufficient for exotic hardware17:32
mriedemi'm mriedem17:33
melwittI said something to him earlier17:33
melwittcfriesen: ok, cool. *looks for the patch*17:34
mriedemoh missed that17:34
melwittprobably because our nicks blend together. maybe I need to be jgwentworth all the time17:34
mriedemdansmith: looks like, from the logs, that we're not retrying17:35
dansmithmriedem: maybe something changed recently then?17:36
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melwittcfriesen: ok, so looks like trying to decide which value to use for the check17:39
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mriedemdansmith: my guess would be
mriedembecause the scheduler logs are saying we're doing a double up allocation17:40
mriedemNov 06 19:48:36.969356 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0000379614 nova-scheduler[12154]: DEBUG [None req-f266a0ff-2840-413d-9877-4500e61512f5 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048] Doubling-up allocation_request for move operation. {{(pid=13677) _move_operation_alloc_request /opt/stack/nova/nova/scheduler/client/}}17:40
mriedembut in this test, we're just unshelving a shelved offloaded server17:41
mriedemso that shouldn't really double up any allocatoins17:41
cfriesenmelwitt: basically, yes.  4096 would work for the vast majority of systems17:42
mriedemNov 06 19:48:36.969659 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0000379614 nova-scheduler[12154]: DEBUG [None req-f266a0ff-2840-413d-9877-4500e61512f5 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048] New allocation_request containing both source and destination hosts in move operation: {'allocations': {u'3ceb7eab-549c-40ba-a70c-320822c310ab': {'resources': {u'VCPU': 2, u'MEMORY17:42
mriedem: 128}}}} {{(pid=13677) _move_operation_alloc_request /opt/stack/nova/nova/scheduler/client/}}17:42
dansmithmriedem: it also touches the code near where we raise retry...17:42
mriedem^ is definitely wrong17:42
mriedemthere is only one provider in that log17:43
dansmithmriedem: it seems to specifically exclude the consumer generation conflict from the case where we retry17:43
dansmithmriedem: do you see "another process changed the consumer" in the log?17:46
dansmiththen it's hitting that consumer case and not retrying17:46
mriedemthat's why we don't retry17:46
mriedemi also don't know why it thinks we're starting with existing allocations for a shelved offloaded server17:47
dansmithand that's causing it to try to double?17:47
mriedemwell, it goes into _move_operation_alloc_request but doesn't actually double anything17:48
mriedemNov 06 19:48:36.969659 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0000379614 nova-scheduler[12154]: DEBUG [None req-f266a0ff-2840-413d-9877-4500e61512f5 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048] New allocation_request containing both source and destination hosts in move operation: {'allocations': {u'3ceb7eab-549c-40ba-a70c-320822c310ab': {'resources': {u'VCPU': 2, u'MEMORY17:48
mriedem: 128}}}} {{(pid=13677) _move_operation_alloc_request /opt/stack/nova/nova/scheduler/client/}}17:48
mriedemthere is only one provider in that body17:48
mriedemthis is the error from placement17:51
mriedemNov 06 19:48:37.013780 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0000379614 nova-scheduler[12154]: WARNING [None req-f266a0ff-2840-413d-9877-4500e61512f5 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048] Failed to save allocation for 6665f00a-dcf1-4286-b075-d7dcd7c37487. Got HTTP 409: {"errors": [{"status": 409, "request_id": "req-c9ba6cbd-3b6e-4e5d-b550-9588be8a49d2", "code": "p17:51
mriedemment.concurrent_update", "detail": "There was a conflict when trying to complete your request.\n\n consumer generation conflict - expected null but got 1  ", "title": "Conflict"}]}17:51
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mriedemidk wtf is going on, but i see 3 different PUT allocations in the placement logs for that consumer17:58
mriedemfirst is probably for the initial scheduler, and then we offload and remove allocations17:58
mriedem2nd is for the unshelve17:59
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mriedemthe allocatoin delete on unshelve changed with this patch
mriedemso we no longer actually delete allocations, we PUT {}18:07
sean-k-mooneyquick question. in what cases does nova update the network info cache?18:07
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sean-k-mooneyi know it does it in respconce to neutron notification. there is also a periodic heal task right18:08
sean-k-mooneyis that it?18:08
mriedemin all cases18:08
mriedemattach vifs18:08
mriedemdansmith: yeah so there are 3 PUTs for allocations, 1st for initial schedule, 2nd for shelve offload (PUT /allocations with {}) and then the 3rd is scheduling during unshelve18:08
mriedemsince the allocations aren't deleted on shelve offload, the consumer must persist in placement with it's existing consumer generation18:09
mriedemwhich the sheduler in the 3rd PUT doesn't account for18:09
dansmiththe scheduler assumes that the consumer is gone?18:09
dansmithI'm surprised it would care,18:09
dansmithbecause it doesn't know if we're doing an initial boot or a move right?18:10
mriedemit would know if we're doing a move if the consumer already has allocations elsewhere18:10
dansmithright, but otherwise it doesn't,18:10
dansmithand in this case there are no remaining allocations right?18:11
dansmithor are you saying it assumes that if you have no allocations the consumer can't exist?18:11
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mriedemthat's not what the scheduler thinks, because it goes down that _move_operation_alloc_request path18:11
mriedemmaybe the tempest test isn't really waiting for the instance be fully shelved offloaded before it unshelves18:11
mriedemah indeed,18:11
mriedemwe set the instance vm_state to SHELVED_OFFLOADED *before* we remove allocations18:12
dansmithI guess I'm still surprised it cares18:12
mriedemwhich is definitely a race18:12
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dansmithjust because it signals to tempest that it's done?18:16
dansmithif we didn't,18:17
dansmithand we crashed right between deleting the allocations and makring it as offloaded we'd have lost some information I would think18:17
mriedemwell, this also doesn't seem right18:17
mriedem"# removing all resources from the allocation will auto delete the18:17
mriedem        # consumer in placement"18:17
dansmithI guess maybe your point is that it's a race between starting the unshelve and there still being allocations...18:18
mriedemmaybe that is happening, i'm not sure18:18
mriedemb/c i'm seeing this being true during unshelve
dansmithnot sure that's better either way18:18
mriedemwhich shouldn't be the case18:18
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dansmithit's certainly possible that the move to PUT{} from DELETE didn't bring over some "and delete the consumer" part18:19
dansmithbut again, I'm not sure why it should matter to the scheduler that it exists18:20
dansmithwe have no api for looking at the consumer to get the generation if it already exists, IIRC18:20
dansmithso maybe without seeing an allocation, and not being able to see the consumer directly, we have no alternative?18:20
mriedemright, it's supposed to  come back on the GET /allocations/{consumer} call18:20
dansmithI expect jaypipes to pop in here any second and say "ah hah!"18:20
mriedemjaypipes is busy chefing it up18:21
dansmithhis fave18:21
mriedemand getting ready to sleep for a week while the rest of us are in berlin18:21
dansmithlucky bastard18:21
dansmithI'm going to be landing pretty soon, FYI18:21
mriedemi'm overdue for lunch as well18:22
mriedemso, can't claim_resources in the scheduler still just retry if it hits that consumer generatoin conflict?18:22
dansmithnot if it doesn't know what the generation is18:23
dansmiththat's what I was saying.. it might not be able to find out what it is,18:23
dansmithwith no consumer api and no existing allocation to look at18:23
mriedemi would expect GET /allocations/{consumer_uuid} to return the consumer generation18:23
mriedemeven if allocations are {}18:23
dansmithwith no alloc records?18:24
dansmithI dunno18:24
mriedembut i guess i'd have to dig into the placement code18:24
dansmithI would expect that code returns 404 if none come back,18:24
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mriedemshould probably also log in placement when the consumer is deleted b/c allocations went to 018:24
dansmithbecause it would only get the consume through the join, or afterwards I would expect18:24
mriedemno it doesn't 404, you get {"allocations": {}}18:24
mriedemif there are no allocations for the consumer18:24
mriedemyeah it's confusing18:24
dansmiththat seems supremely weird to me, but okay18:25
mriedemwhat does taylor think about all this?18:25
dansmithshe's busy with her own work18:26
jaypipesmriedem: fuck chef. fuck ansible. fuck docker. it's all a bunch of complete assbaggery.18:26
dansmithmy little mobile wifi router lets us share the same crappy airline wifi, so after that came online, I might as well not be sitting next to her18:26
mriedemjaypipes: but salt?!18:26
* jaypipes reads back to see something about consumers.18:26
dansmithjaypipes: you're gonna love it18:27
sean-k-mooneymriedem: i think jaypipes has enough salt in his life right now18:27
mriedemjaypipes: notes are in
openstackLaunchpad bug 1798688 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "AllocationUpdateFailed_Remote: Failed to update allocations for consumer. Error: another process changed the consumer after the report client read the consumer state during the claim" [Undecided,Triaged]18:27
dansmithjaypipes: question.. should placement have a consumers endpoint?18:27
mriedemlooks like we're racing between shelve offload (allocation removal) and unshelve (put new allocations) and hitting a consumer generation conflict18:27
sean-k-mooneyjaypipes: at least you dont have to use tripplo where we use yaml to drive heat to drive puppet to drive ansible to deploy docker containers ...18:28
sean-k-mooneyor maybe the ansible drives puppet its hard to keep track of18:28
dansmithsean-k-mooney: it drives ... me insane18:29
mriedemso, i see in placement handler code where it handles the "allocations are being removed on PUT" case, and it ensures a consumer exists, but then i don't see where that consumer is deleted18:30
mriedemlike the note in the compute code18:30
mriedemoh i guess it should happen here
mriedem might be broken18:36
mriedemin the same way that ensure was broken
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/queens: conductor: Recreate volume attachments during a reschedule
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Update the description to make it more accuracy
mriedemi can't really tell where delete_consumers_if_no_allocations is tested though...18:39
mriedemsome gabbit i'm sure18:40
dansmithseems easily unit testable,18:41
dansmithand I definitely can't look at that and tell that it works18:41
dansmithsince it's joining on consume id and asserting that it's none in one case18:41
mriedemyeah i can't do anything with the sql w/o testing it18:42
dansmithtime to pack up, back later18:42
mriedemoh i guess DeleteConsumerIfNoAllocsTestCase18:42
mriedemi'll tweak that after lunch18:43
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Add debug logs when doubling-up allocations during scheduling
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Log consumers_to_check when calling delete_consumers_if_no_allocations
mriedemjaypipes: debug logging needed for this gate bug ^18:53
jaypipesstill reading back, sorry18:54
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jaypipesdansmith, mriedem_hangry: there is a check at the end of the server-side of PUT /allocations that will auto-delete the consumer record if there are no allocations still referring to it.19:04
jaypipesdansmith: and yes, I've said for a long time that we should have a GET /consumers endpoint. There are placement devs that vehemently disagreed with that.19:07
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sean-k-mooneymriedem_hangry: would you have any objection to backporting to newton? im pretty sure we have a customer that is hitting this as they reported instance restarting after a host reboot missing interfaces that show up in nova interface-list19:27
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sean-k-mooneymriedem_hangry: actullly i just realised newton is way older then i remembered and is eol19:34
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mriedemjaypipes: yup found that, and the related functional test19:34
mriedemsean-k-mooney: not to mention that isn't even approved on master19:35
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sean-k-mooneymriedem: yes :) im aware. i was more asking do you think this is something that can be backported in general upstream19:35
sean-k-mooneyonce it lands in master19:36
mriedemit seems to be pretty controversial19:37
mriedemlike my david bowie costume on halloween19:37
sean-k-mooneyim waiting on more logs for the downstream bug to confirm this is actully the issue19:38
sean-k-mooneymriedem: ill try to review and digest these chagnes more on monday19:40
sean-k-mooneymriedem: are you flying out to berlin today/tomorow?19:41
mriedemthe problem the huawei ops team ran into was policy changed on the neutron side which started returning an empty list of ports, which was then saved into the info cache in the nova db,19:41
mriedemand the heal periodic relies on the info cache rather than the source of truth to fix the cache19:41
mriedemthere are other ways to simply rebuild the cache if that's what is needed, e.g.
sean-k-mooneyright. i think we discussed this in the past at some point too it feels familar but i have not reviewd this before19:42
mriedemit came up at the ptg i think19:42
mriedemand the public cloud sig has brought it up before (OVH obviously)19:42
sean-k-mooneymriedem: perhaps. oh so we can force a rebuild via the nova client today?19:42
* sean-k-mooney clicks19:42
mriedemit doesn't rebuild from neutron19:43
mriedemi don't think anyway19:43
mriedemit just sends a network-changed event to the compute19:43
sean-k-mooney oh it rebuilds form the vif table in the nova db?19:43
mriedemfrom the info cache19:43
sean-k-mooneyok but if the info cache got currpted when the host rebooted your still stuck19:44
mriedemthe network-changed event and _heal_instance_info_cache periodic do the same thing today19:44
mriedemhence the reason for making the periodic actually "heal" from the source of truth, which is neutron19:44
mriedemand not our potentially corrupted cache19:44
sean-k-mooneyso i suggested they detach the missing interfaces and reattach them as a workaround for now to try and force nova and neutron to resync19:45
sean-k-mooneyi think that would work in this case but its not ideal19:45
sean-k-mooneymriedem: anyway thanks. i was sraching my head for the last day or so trying to parse what was going on from incomplete logs but im 98% sure this is it.19:47
sean-k-mooneymriedem: have a safe trip.19:47
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dansmithmriedem: so you found a test that confirmed the behavior of that thing?20:58
dansmithmriedem: that deletes the consumer?20:58
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mriedemDeleteConsumerIfNoAllocsTestCase is the functional test that covers that case,21:02
mriedemand it looks like a correct test to me,21:02
mriedemcreates 2 consumers each with 2 allocations on different resource classes,21:03
mriedemclears the allocations for one of them and asserts the consumer is gone21:03
mriedemi think we're just hitting a race with the shelve offloaded status change before we cleanup the allocations21:03
mriedembut i've posted a couple of patches to add debug logs to help determine if that's the case21:03
dansmithokay I'm not sure how we could race and see no allocations but a consumer and get that generation conflict21:04
dansmithit'd be one thing if we thought the consumer was there and then disappeared out from under us21:05
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mriedemduring unshelve the scheduler does see allocations21:17
mriedemand it thinks we're doing a move21:17
dansmithokay I thought you pasted a line showing that there was only one allocation going back to placement21:17
mriedemthere are 3 PUTs for allocations21:18
mriedem1. create the server - initial21:18
mriedem2. shelve offload - wipe the allocations to {} - which should delete the consumer21:18
mriedem3. unshelve - scheduler claims resources with the wrong consumer generation21:18
mriedemand when 3 happens, the scheduler gets allocations for hte consumer and they are there,21:18
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mriedemso it uses the consumer generation (1) from those allocations21:18
mriedemthen i think what happens is,21:19
dansmithoh, so it passes generation=1 instead of generation=0, meaning new consumer?21:19
mriedemplacement recreates the consumer which will have generation null21:19
dansmithokay I see21:19
dansmithI thought you were seeing consumer generation was null or zero or whatever in the third put, but still getting a conflict21:19
dansmithbut that makes sense now21:19
mriedemNov 06 19:48:37.013780 ubuntu-xenial-inap-mtl01-0000379614 nova-scheduler[12154]: WARNING [None req-f266a0ff-2840-413d-9877-4500e61512f5 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048 tempest-ServersNegativeTestJSON-477704048] Failed to save allocation for 6665f00a-dcf1-4286-b075-d7dcd7c37487. Got HTTP 409: {"errors": [{"status": 409, "request_id": "req-c9ba6cbd-3b6e-4e5d-b550-9588be8a49d2", "code": "p21:20
mriedemment.concurrent_update",  "detail": "There was a conflict when trying to complete your  request.\n\n consumer generation conflict - expected null but got 1  ",  "title": "Conflict"}]}21:20
mriedemconsumer generation conflict - expected null but got 121:20
mriedemyup - so new consumer but we're passing a generation of 121:20
mriedemfrom the old, now deleted consumer21:20
dansmithI wish there was something better to communicate that, but any time we get "expected null" in that case, we should be able to re-try but as a non-move sort of thing21:21
mriedemwe can paper over this by deleting the allocations before marking the instance as shelved offloaded, but that's whack-a-moley21:21
mriedemright we need to retry from claim_resources but i'm not sure what's the best way to do that21:22
dansmithand like I said, I think it's not really any better, it just changes the problem21:22
mriedemif we do retry that method, the next get for allocations will see there are none and we should be good21:22
mriedemb/c we'll pass consumer_generation=None21:22
mriedemi think i know what we can do21:22
mriedemif we hit21:23
mriedemif 'consumer generation conflict' in err['detail']:21:23
mriedemwe get the allocs again, and if empty,21:23
mriedemwe retry21:23
mriedemeasy peasy21:23
mriedemit's a double get but meh?21:23
dansmithyeah, it's just that it takes us an extra op,21:23
dansmithwhen "expected null" should be enough21:23
mriedemi can parse that out of the message if we want..21:23
dansmithI know we can, it's just icky and unfortunate21:23
mriedemwith a TODO for more granular error codes later21:23
dansmithlike all the other cases in there21:24
mriedemi haven't even started packing yet21:24
mriedemlaura is starting to check in on me every 30 minutes21:24
mriedem"this is what i'm wearing all week! god!"21:24
mriedemplus my mother in law is here,21:25
mriedemso lots of teenage angst memories coming back right now21:25
mriedemthe coffee and metallica doesn't hel[p21:25
dansmithisn't that a good reason to pack and get out?21:25
mriedemi've just holed up in my office21:26
mriedemi'll crank out a patch for this bug and be off21:26
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openstackgerritJack Ding proposed openstack/nova master: Use virt.images.convert_image for qemu-img convert
fried_ricemriedem: Sanity check, please. The compute manager has a report client via the scheduler client, that's *not* the same as the report client the resource tracker has.21:52
fried_ricewhich means my current SIGHUP doesn't do shit to the RT's cache21:53
fried_riceI need to make the report client a singleton.21:53
mriedemwe have report clients all over the place21:53
mriedemapi, conductor, scheduler21:53
fried_ricethat's a scroo21:54
fried_ricemriedem: So - make the report client a singleton (per process), or just diddle the compute manager's reset to hit the rt's reportclient instead.21:54
fried_ricef, without knowing what the various ones in the compute manager are used for, is it really safe to make them a singleton?21:55
mriedemthe latter would be a smaller blast area21:56
fried_riceI think I may have actually done this to myself, by removing that LazyLoader21:57
fried_riceI suspect that guy was incidentally singleton-ing.21:57
* fried_rice looks...21:57
fried_ricenah, that should still have been creating separate instances per scheduler client.21:58
dansmithfried_rice: yeah I thought that was making it a singleton a month ago when I was looking at it22:03
dansmitha lot of stuff in nova used to be lazy loaded because.. um, terrible reasons22:04
dansmithlazy loaded or pluggable22:04
fried_ricedansmith: In this case it was supposedly because of a circular import. Whether that was ever really an issue, it isn't now, so I ripped it out. But having just looked, I still don't think it was making the report client a singleton. Care to confirm?22:04
dansmithI think I confirmed that a month ago when I was looking into a seemingly recent memory leak22:05
dansmithso I think it's fine that it's gone22:05
dansmithI agree that randomly making it a singleton now should be done with care22:06
dansmithbut I don't really know how to convince myself that it's okay once its done, tbh22:06
openstackgerritJack Ding proposed openstack/nova master: Use virt.images.convert_image for qemu-img convert
fried_ricewell, using the RT's report client fixed the problem I was having. So maybe I pretend singleton was never suggested.22:07
fried_riceoh, f, this is gonna break all over the place. I can't see a reason why the compute manager would possibly want or need to use separate report clients. I'd really like to put 'em together. If not making it a singleton, at least using only one of them from the compute manager.22:10
* dansmith ->plane22:10
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mriedemfried_rice: the compute manager / RT using the same report client is probably fine,22:15
mriedema lot of that compute manager / RT code was cleaned up way back in ocata i think when jaypipes made the RT a singleton that tracked multiple compute nodes,22:16
fried_ricemriedem: Ima put up an independent patch for that22:16
mriedemwhereas before it was 1 RT per compute node22:16
mriedemthey are very tightly coupled, like how the compute manager passes the virt driver into the RT22:16
openstackgerritJack Ding proposed openstack/nova master: Use virt.images.convert_image for qemu-img convert
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: SIGHUP n-cpu to refresh provider tree cache
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Reduce calls to placement from _ensure
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Consolidate inventory refresh
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Commonize _update code path
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Turn off rp association refresh in nova-next
fried_ricelet's see how that goes22:18
fried_ricemriedem: Oh, my removal of lazyload probably reinstated "lockutils spam" mentioned in nova/compute/
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Retry on consumer delete race in claim_resources
mriedemdansmith: jaypipes: fried_rice: ^ bingo bango22:25
mriedemgibi: you too ^22:25
mriedemthe commit message is longer than the code22:25
mriedemand with that i'm off22:29
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Rip the report client out of SchedulerClient
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Rip the report client out of SchedulerClient
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openstackgerritVlad Gusev proposed openstack/nova stable/pike: libvirt: Reduce calls to qemu-img during update_available_resource
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/pike: Make scheduler.utils.setup_instance_group query all cells
openstackgerritVlad Gusev proposed openstack/nova stable/pike: libvirt: Reduce calls to qemu-img during update_available_resource
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Add recreate test for bug 1799892
openstackbug 1799892 in OpenStack Compute (nova) rocky "Placement API crashes with 500s in Rocky upgrade with downed compute nodes" [Medium,Triaged]
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aspiersmriedem: thanks for the review! Regarding technical debt, my understanding is that the intention is very much for SUSE/AMD to carry on working to flesh out the functionality after implementation of the MVP described in the initial spec, rather than just to dump some half-baked implementation upstream and then vanish ;-) This would include adding support for attestation, migration etc.23:25
aspiersah, he's gone23:26
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openstackgerritVlad Gusev proposed openstack/nova stable/pike: libvirt: Use os.stat and os.path.getsize for RAW disk inspection
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Mention meta key suffix in tenant isolation with placement docs
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/nova master: api-ref: Add a description about sort order
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