opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Add option to allow configuring dns ovn-owned | 01:45 |
opendevreview | Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/neutron master: ovs: remove the usage of eventlet in the OVS agent | 08:32 |
sahid | o/ | 08:34 |
opendevreview | Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/os-ken master: hub: use native as default implementation | 08:38 |
sahid | guys sorry for pushing a bit more, any chance to have some last reviews regarding this serie? | 08:39 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Execute router commands with admin client (2) | 09:48 |
*** liuxie is now known as liushy | 09:51 | |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - Test errors in ``neutron-functional-with-pyroute2-master`` | 10:33 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - Test errors in ``neutron-functional-with-pyroute2-master`` | 11:56 |
opendevreview | Vasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Prepare to handle ha_chassis_group for LRP | 11:59 |
tkajinam | haleyb, hi ! could you please check my reply in when you have time ? | 12:00 |
opendevreview | Vasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Prepare to handle ha_chassis_group for LRP | 12:06 |
opendevreview | Vasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Prepare to handle ha_chassis_group for LRP | 12:30 |
opendevreview | Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard master: Bump hacking | 13:03 |
opendevreview | Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas-dashboard master: Bump hacking | 13:06 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - Test errors in ``neutron-functional-with-pyroute2-master`` | 13:38 |
haleyb | tkajinam: sure, will look after meeting | 13:59 |
haleyb | #startmeeting networking | 14:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Tue Mar 4 14:00:28 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is haleyb. Information about MeetBot at | 14:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'networking' | 14:00 |
haleyb | Ping list: bcafarel, elvira, frickler, mlavalle, mtomaska, obondarev, slaweq, tobias-urdin, ykarel, lajoskatona, jlibosva, averdagu, haleyb, ralonsoh | 14:00 |
slaweq | o/ | 14:00 |
obondarev | o/ | 14:00 |
mlavalle | \o | 14:00 |
rubasov | o/ | 14:01 |
ralonsoh | hello | 14:01 |
frickler | \o | 14:01 |
haleyb | #announcements | 14:01 |
haleyb | hi everyone | 14:01 |
jlibosva | o/ | 14:01 |
haleyb | We are currently in week R-4 of Epoxy | 14:01 |
cbuggy | o/ | 14:01 |
haleyb | 2025.1 Epoxy release requirements are now frozen | 14:02 |
haleyb | Focus should be on finding and fixing release-critical bugs | 14:02 |
haleyb | stable/2025.1 branches should be created soon for all not-already-branched libraries | 14:02 |
sahid | o/ | 14:02 |
lajoskatona | o/ | 14:02 |
haleyb | RC1 deadline: March 14th, 2025 (R-3 week) | 14:02 |
haleyb | I was just pinged for Epoxy cycle highlights, please send me anything you think is significant, or put it here | 14:03 |
elvira | bit late but o/ | 14:04 |
haleyb | in summary of all that, we should focus on getting important things merged, like the eventlet patches | 14:04 |
haleyb | and a reminder to check the neutron priority dashboard for things ready to merge, there are a few things there | 14:05 |
bcafarel | late o/ | 14:05 |
haleyb | the PTG sign-up is open | 14:05 |
haleyb | | 14:05 |
haleyb | April 7-11 | 14:06 |
haleyb | i will get an etherpad created and sign-up for timeslots | 14:06 |
haleyb | and finally, Reminder: If you have a topic for the drivers meeting on Friday, please add it to the wiki @ | 14:07 |
haleyb | i will not be able to chair this week as I'm out Friday, we can either postpone or someone else can take over | 14:07 |
haleyb | at this point, it almost seems like we can wait since we should be getting things done, and fixing any bugs | 14:08 |
ralonsoh | I can chair the drivers meeting | 14:08 |
ralonsoh | there is agenda | 14:08 |
slaweq | IMO we can wait a week as new RFEs will be for new cycle for sure | 14:08 |
ralonsoh | as you decide | 14:09 |
haleyb | let's wait a week and fix the bugz | 14:10 |
haleyb | any other announcements? | 14:10 |
haleyb | #topic bugs | 14:12 |
haleyb | i was the deputy last week | 14:12 |
haleyb | report is at | 14:12 |
haleyb | #link | 14:12 |
haleyb | there were quite a few :( | 14:12 |
haleyb | #link | 14:13 |
haleyb | [ovn] Adding an IPv6 subnet to public network breaks all FIPs | 14:13 |
haleyb | i wasn't able to reproduce this in my stack, but noonedeadpunk has multiple times, so it's something i'm doing | 14:13 |
haleyb | i will try again to see as i wanted to see if it was neutron or OVN by trying different versions | 14:14 |
haleyb | he also filed two seemingly related issues | 14:15 |
haleyb | #link | 14:15 |
haleyb | #link | 14:15 |
haleyb | once i can trigger the first i will test the others, but likely related | 14:15 |
haleyb | if i'm remembering correctly | 14:15 |
ralonsoh | ping me if you need help on these ones | 14:16 |
ralonsoh | will you take them? | 14:16 |
haleyb | i'll ping you as i might not be able to take them all, and i am out friday and monday so am time-limited on getting fixes out | 14:17 |
ralonsoh | sure | 14:18 |
noonedeadpunk | feeel free to ping me if any extra info is needed :) | 14:18 |
haleyb | noonedeadpunk: ack, thanks | 14:19 |
haleyb | next bug is | 14:19 |
haleyb | #link | 14:19 |
haleyb | Castellan as config source fails with "greenlet.error: cannot switch to a different thread" | 14:19 |
ralonsoh | DHCP agent is no longer using eventlet | 14:20 |
haleyb | i asked submittor to test with latest master branch to see if it helps | 14:20 |
ralonsoh | the L3 agent is, but this error usually happens if we don't monkey patch on time | 14:20 |
haleyb | right, and i don't know which version this was | 14:21 |
ralonsoh | that means, at the beginning | 14:21 |
haleyb | they had proposed a patch but it was adding config.setup_logging(fix_eventlet=True) so i -1'd it | 14:21 |
ralonsoh | how is possible to reproduce this? | 14:22 |
ralonsoh | I don't know what is "Setup Castellan as config source" | 14:22 |
haleyb | i don't either, which is why i asked them to try later code, but will ask | 14:23 |
haleyb | and it's deployed via kolla with l3-ha | 14:24 |
ralonsoh | in any case, as soon as we remove eventlet from L3, we'll be safe here too | 14:24 |
haleyb | right, i'd rather finish that and have then retry | 14:25 |
haleyb | next bug | 14:25 |
haleyb | #link | 14:25 |
haleyb | Neutron OVN external ports creation change HA chassis group master | 14:26 |
haleyb | ralonsoh: you confirmed this was a bug | 14:26 |
ralonsoh | yes, I'll push a patch this week | 14:26 |
ralonsoh | and I'll ask this folk to test it | 14:26 |
haleyb | ack, thanks | 14:26 |
haleyb | #link Neutron OVN external ports creation change HA chassis group master | 14:27 |
haleyb | [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the Metadata agent | 14:27 |
haleyb | ralonsoh: you picked that up as well, thanks | 14:27 |
ralonsoh | there is a patch | 14:28 |
ralonsoh | | 14:28 |
ralonsoh | CI is passing (on ml2/ovs jobs, using this agent) | 14:28 |
haleyb | perfect, will review after meeting | 14:28 |
ralonsoh | there is a tech debt | 14:28 |
haleyb | #link ? | 14:28 |
ralonsoh | I opened another bug to unify the metadata code | 14:28 |
ralonsoh | exactly | 14:29 |
ralonsoh | but this can wait | 14:29 |
haleyb | ack, we can work on that in F | 14:29 |
haleyb | i'll see if i can pick up, i like those kinds of refactors | 14:29 |
haleyb | and the last bug i had... | 14:30 |
haleyb | #link | 14:30 |
haleyb | wishlist to remove the cli from os-ken | 14:30 |
slaweq | that one should be probably easy to do, just require time to delete things properly :) | 14:31 |
ralonsoh | (a way to avoid new bugs related to the CLI) | 14:31 |
haleyb | but let's wait until after RC1 to work on it | 14:32 |
haleyb | that's all the bugs i had, any others to discuss? | 14:32 |
sahid | haleyb: | 14:32 |
sahid | may be the one related ml2/ovs? | 14:32 |
sahid | removal evetnthread | 14:33 |
haleyb | link? did i miss it? | 14:33 |
sahid | | 14:33 |
ralonsoh | that belongs to the community goals | 14:34 |
haleyb | oh, let's talk about eventlet removal in community topic | 14:34 |
sahid | oh sorry :-) | 14:34 |
ralonsoh | I have one | 14:34 |
ralonsoh | #link | 14:34 |
ralonsoh | please check it after the meeting | 14:34 |
ralonsoh | just to know if the current behaviour is expected or not | 14:35 |
ralonsoh | because I don't see reasonable that rules of different directions should interfere | 14:35 |
rubasov | to me it looks like a proper bug | 14:35 |
slaweq | rubasov I agree | 14:36 |
haleyb | rubasov: i'll let you decide as you're bug deputy this week :) | 14:36 |
rubasov | slaweq: thanks :-) | 14:36 |
ralonsoh | perfect then, thanks for the confirmation! | 14:36 |
haleyb | and mlavalle is deputy next week, ok with that? | 14:37 |
haleyb | we did creep up a little on bug count, probably just due to past two weeks increase in bugs - currently 774 | 14:37 |
haleyb | and as i mentioned last week, please check the bug deputy list on the wiki for dates as they moved one week | 14:38 |
haleyb | #link | 14:38 |
haleyb | alright, think we can move on | 14:39 |
haleyb | #topic community goals | 14:39 |
haleyb | lajoskatona: any update on neutronclient/horizon changes? i saw one was close | 14:39 |
lajoskatona | slow reviews, had to ping them again :-) | 14:40 |
haleyb | ack, they are ready to merge at least | 14:41 |
haleyb | #link is the dashboard | 14:41 |
haleyb | ok, onto the main eventlet :) | 14:41 |
ralonsoh | so we have sahid's patches for OVS agent | 14:42 |
mlavalle | haleyb: ack no problem | 14:42 |
ralonsoh | #link | 14:42 |
ralonsoh | (I still need to review the latest ones) | 14:42 |
ralonsoh | sahid, something to add here? | 14:42 |
sahid | no no thank you | 14:43 |
ralonsoh | and we have the other active LP, the metadata agent | 14:43 |
ralonsoh | #link | 14:43 |
ralonsoh | that's all for now | 14:43 |
lajoskatona | There 's a wip for sriov agent also: | 14:44 |
ralonsoh | next week I'll start (continue) with the L3 agent | 14:44 |
ralonsoh | ahh yes | 14:44 |
ralonsoh | the SR-IOV agent one | 14:44 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, did you try with the VM with SR-IOV ports? | 14:44 |
lajoskatona | I still have issues with my env, but I am on it | 14:45 |
ralonsoh | if not, I'll try to borrow a sriov capable env in my company | 14:45 |
lajoskatona | if anybody has an sriov capable environment close to hands, please try it | 14:45 |
lajoskatona | ralonsoh: thanks | 14:46 |
ralonsoh | that's all | 14:47 |
MengyangZhang[m] | Hi, I have a question about the neutron qos. | 14:47 |
haleyb | ralonsoh: so do you think we can claim eventlet removal as a cycle highlight? or maybe you have a sentence to use? | 14:47 |
ralonsoh | haleyb, this is more a community goal | 14:48 |
haleyb | i mean, i will claim it as a highlight anyways with all the work that is done | 14:48 |
ralonsoh | I don't think this is a feature | 14:48 |
haleyb | true, not a feature | 14:48 |
ralonsoh | open a gerrit with the highlights to allow anyone to comment there | 14:48 |
haleyb | yes, will do that this week | 14:49 |
lajoskatona | +1 | 14:49 |
slaweq | cycle highlights are things for the marketing/adverts more | 14:49 |
slaweq | so eventlet removal I am not sure is good fit there | 14:49 |
slaweq | it should IMO be highlighted in the release notes but not in the highlights maybe | 14:49 |
haleyb | sure, i'll take a look through things that merged | 14:50 |
haleyb | #topic on-demand | 14:51 |
haleyb | MengyangZhang[m]: you had a question about qos? | 14:51 |
MengyangZhang[m] | yes, As I was reading the doc(, I see this "Each project can have at most one default QoS policy, although it is not mandatory. If a default QoS policy is defined, all new networks created within this project will have this policy assigned, as long as no other QoS policy is explicitly attached during the creation process. If the default QoS policy is unset, no | 14:51 |
MengyangZhang[m] | change to existing networks will be made." | 14:51 |
MengyangZhang[m] | I was wondering if the qos policy is applied to all nova instances under the project or can only be applied to new networks created under that project. Basically, how would instances under the project receive the qos policy? Any help on this would be much appreciated. | 14:51 |
ralonsoh | MengyangZhang[m], we can talk about this after the meeting | 14:52 |
MengyangZhang[m] | sure | 14:52 |
haleyb | anything else to discuss? i don't see anything on the agenda | 14:53 |
haleyb | ok, have a good week everyone. remember to try and focus on getting eventlet changes merged, and add things to the priority dashboard (and check the dashboard :) | 14:54 |
haleyb | #endmeeting | 14:54 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Tue Mar 4 14:54:18 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 14:54 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 14:54 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 14:54 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 14:54 |
slaweq | o/ | 14:54 |
lajoskatona | o/ | 14:54 |
ralonsoh | bye | 14:54 |
ralonsoh | MengyangZhang[m], so each project can define a default QoS policy | 14:54 |
ralonsoh | each new network created under this project, will receive this QoS policy | 14:55 |
ralonsoh | if you create a VM and provide one of these networks, the new port will inherit the QoS policy | 14:55 |
ralonsoh | it doesn't matter if the VM is created by other project with access to this network | 14:55 |
ralonsoh | this is just a network with a QoS policy: any new port on this network will inherit the QoS policy assigned to the network | 14:56 |
ralonsoh | right? | 14:56 |
mlavalle | \o | 14:56 |
MengyangZhang[m] | understood, would the community be interested in supporting of applying the qos policy to all instances under a project without creating new network? Basically, we need a way to apply network limit to all vms under a nova project. I proposed similar ideas to cinder and nova and received positive feedbacks. | 15:02 |
haleyb | mlavalle: hey, while you're here, can you look at ? thanks | 15:03 |
lajoskatona | sahid: I added a functional test for the OVS privilieged change: please check if you have some time | 15:11 |
sahid | ah cool thanks lajoskatona, give me a moment and i check that :-) | 15:17 |
lajoskatona | sahid: thanks | 15:33 |
opendevreview | Vasyl Saienko proposed openstack/neutron master: Enable atop by for dsvm jobs | 15:56 |
opendevreview | Elod Illes proposed openstack/networking-bagpipe unmaintained/zed: [CI] Remove periodic stable jobs from unmaintained branch | 16:36 |
mlavalle | haleyb: done | 17:42 |
haleyb | mlavalle: thanks! | 18:04 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron stable/2024.1: Support nested SNAT for ml2/ovn | 19:49 |
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