opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the DHCP agent | 07:31 |
opendevreview | yatin proposed openstack/ovsdbapp master: Added method and command to allow setting 'dns.options' column | 07:50 |
opendevreview | Maor Blaustein proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: [DNM] Fail on purpose for debugging | 08:38 |
opendevreview | Maor Blaustein proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Test verifies BZ#2214566/OSPRH-13533 doesn't regress | 09:09 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/os-ken master: [cmd] Import the correct version variable | 10:26 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Physical network max-bw QoS is applied on the localnet port | 10:35 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: [OVN][QoS] Don't change the input parameter in ``_add_port_qos_rules`` | 11:21 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Physical network max-bw QoS is applied on the localnet port | 12:44 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: Ensure string type in provnet-network-type ext_id | 12:54 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: Fix wrong rejex for [ovs] ovsdb_connection | 13:04 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: WIP == [eventlet-removal] Replace ``eventlet.spawn_n`` usage | 13:17 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/tap-as-a-service master: CLI for Tap Mirrors | 13:17 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/tap-as-a-service master: Documentation for tap-mirrors | 13:17 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Replace ``eventlet.spawn_n`` usage | 13:18 |
opendevreview | Elod Illes proposed openstack/networking-bagpipe unmaintained/2023.1: [CI] Remove periodic stable jobs from unmaintained branch | 13:27 |
opendevreview | yatin proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Add option to allow configuring dns ovn-owned | 13:34 |
opendevreview | Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas master: Use consistent regex to validate ovsdb_connection | 14:28 |
opendevreview | Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron master: Validate ovn_nb/sb_connection in config parser | 14:37 |
opendevreview | Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Validate ovn_nb/sb_connection in config parser | 14:56 |
opendevreview | Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider master: Drop unused environment | 14:57 |
ykarel | #startmeeting neutron_ci | 15:01 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Mon Feb 24 15:01:16 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at | 15:01 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:01 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_ci' | 15:01 |
ykarel | Ping list: bcafarel, lajoskatona, slawek, mlavalle, mtomaska, ralonsoh, ykarel, jlibosva, elvira | 15:01 |
ralonsoh | hello | 15:01 |
bcafarel | o/ | 15:01 |
slaweq | o/ | 15:02 |
mblue | o/ | 15:04 |
ykarel | Hello everyone, let's start with topics from previous week | 15:04 |
ykarel | #topic Actions from previous meetings | 15:04 |
ykarel | ralonsoh to move maintenance test to concurrency 1 | 15:04 |
mtomaska | o/ | 15:04 |
ykarel | #link | 15:05 |
ykarel | already merged | 15:05 |
ykarel | thx ralonsoh | 15:05 |
ralonsoh | yw | 15:05 |
ykarel | ralonsoh to check fullstack issue triggered by patch 937843 or any related eventlet removal patches | 15:05 |
ralonsoh | I didn't see any relation between the merged patch and these errors | 15:05 |
ralonsoh | actually I was able to reproduce some of them (locally) without this patch | 15:05 |
ykarel | ohkk able to consistantly reproduce? | 15:06 |
ralonsoh | no, randomly only | 15:06 |
ykarel | we still seeing these failures | 15:06 |
ykarel | okk | 15:06 |
ykarel | you reported some bug for this already? | 15:06 |
ralonsoh | no, I'm still checking it | 15:06 |
ralonsoh | but I'll do it today | 15:06 |
ykarel | k thx ralonsoh | 15:07 |
ykarel | #topic Stable branches | 15:07 |
ykarel | periodic wise seen one failure in 2024.1 | 15:07 |
ykarel | couple of patches merged last week in stable branches | 15:07 |
lajoskatona | o/ | 15:08 |
ykarel | bcafarel, anything else to add ^ | 15:08 |
bcafarel | yes, overall quiet week, not too many patches and they got in without trouble | 15:08 |
bcafarel | though thanks for catching the periodic one I had not checked that | 15:08 |
ykarel | k thx for the updates | 15:09 |
ykarel | #topic Stadium projects | 15:09 |
ykarel | Finally green after many weeks :) | 15:09 |
ykarel | lajoskatona, anything else to add | 15:09 |
lajoskatona | yes, thanks all for the attention and reviews and help | 15:09 |
lajoskatona | hope this will keep till the release :-) | 15:10 |
ykarel | ++ | 15:10 |
bcafarel | +1 | 15:10 |
ykarel | #topic Rechecks | 15:11 |
ykarel | less activity in master this week, 3 merged with 0 rechecks | 15:11 |
ykarel | bare recheck wise it was bit higher 12/45 | 15:11 |
ykarel | most of the bare rechecks in few patches | 15:12 |
ykarel | let's keep avoiding bare rechecks | 15:12 |
ykarel | Now let's check failures | 15:12 |
ykarel | #topic fullstack/functional | 15:12 |
ykarel | - functional wait_until_true failures as last week | 15:12 |
ykarel | - | 15:12 |
ykarel | - | 15:12 |
ykarel | - | 15:12 |
ykarel | this is same we discussed above and ralonsoh already looking into it | 15:13 |
ralonsoh | I'll check these new ones | 15:13 |
ykarel | - test_securitygroup(ovs-openflow) | 15:13 |
ykarel | - | 15:13 |
ykarel | - | 15:13 |
ykarel | we still not eventlet free yet, right? | 15:14 |
ykarel | as seeing the traces in the failures | 15:14 |
ralonsoh | yes, specially the tests, that are still importing eventlet | 15:14 |
ralonsoh | all of them | 15:14 |
ykarel | ohkk | 15:14 |
lajoskatona | you mean both funvctional and fullstack use eventlet now? | 15:15 |
ralonsoh | YES | 15:15 |
ralonsoh | sorry | 15:15 |
ralonsoh | yes | 15:15 |
lajoskatona | if we have working code without eventlet those test will fail anyway, or shall we have a mixed state where the prod code is eventletless but functional is not for example? | 15:16 |
lajoskatona | this part was out of my horizon till this time sorry for dumb question | 15:16 |
ralonsoh | the point is that the code we are pushing now should work with both | 15:16 |
ralonsoh | but we can start segregating the UTs/FT/fullstack tests | 15:17 |
lajoskatona | ralonsoh: ack, thats what I hopes based on my patch for dhcp for example | 15:17 |
ralonsoh | and create jobs with and without eventlet | 15:17 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, yes, exactly | 15:17 |
ralonsoh | #link | 15:18 |
ykarel | sorry but if we are going to eventlet free, why we need to keep testing both? | 15:18 |
ykarel | or eventlet free will be next release | 15:18 |
ralonsoh | because tests cover parts of the code that are still not migrated | 15:19 |
ralonsoh | for example: L3 agent is still using eventlet pools | 15:19 |
ralonsoh | we also need to refactor some parts of the tests, that are using eventlet methods | 15:19 |
ralonsoh | the amount of work is huge yet... | 15:19 |
lajoskatona | and we are close to the FF date | 15:19 |
ykarel | ok you meant until everything migrated to keep both versions, and drop extra job once migration finishes | 15:19 |
ralonsoh | yes | 15:20 |
ykarel | thx | 15:20 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, yes but we don't need to remove eventlet completely in this release | 15:20 |
lajoskatona | ralonsoh: yes, that was what I wanted to say, thanks | 15:20 |
ykarel | ohk coming back to above failures, anyone willing to check these failures? | 15:21 |
slaweq | which ones? Those related to the fullstack security group tests? | 15:21 |
ralonsoh | yes | 15:22 |
slaweq | I think I was checking some random failures in those tests in the past but I may be mixing it with something else also | 15:23 |
slaweq | and this week I don't think I will have time for it | 15:23 |
ykarel | i will be also out mostly this week | 15:24 |
ykarel | ack let's start with opening a bug for it | 15:24 |
ykarel | i will open that | 15:25 |
ykarel | #action ykarel to open bug for fullstack security group test failures | 15:25 |
ykarel | test_metadata_not_provisioned_on_foreign_additional_chassis_change | 15:26 |
slaweq | I found but this should be fixed | 15:26 |
ykarel | AssertionError: NoDatapathProvision not raised. | 15:26 |
slaweq | so it is probably some different issue now | 15:26 |
ykarel | - | 15:26 |
slaweq | or it wasn't really fixed properly | 15:26 |
ykarel | seen once, anyone recall seeing similar in past? | 15:26 |
ralonsoh | no sorry | 15:27 |
ykarel | slaweq, thx when reporting new one will check that bug too | 15:27 |
ykarel | k can keep a watch on it for now as seen just once | 15:28 |
ykarel | test_trunk_creation_with_subports | 15:29 |
ykarel | failed as oslo_privsep.daemon.FailedToDropPrivileges: privsep helper command exited non-zero (96) | 15:29 |
ykarel | | 15:29 |
ykarel | seen this also once | 15:30 |
ralonsoh | let me check the logs of this one | 15:30 |
ykarel | k thx | 15:31 |
ykarel | #action ralonsoh to check privsep related failure in functional job | 15:31 |
ykarel | #topic Periodic | 15:31 |
ykarel | | 15:32 |
ykarel | some recent change in pyroute2 broke this job | 15:32 |
ralonsoh | I'll check with latest code | 15:33 |
ralonsoh | there are many patches recently in pyroute2 | 15:33 |
ykarel | ralonsoh, so you will also report the lp bug/ pyroute2 issue for this? | 15:33 |
ralonsoh | for sure | 15:33 |
ykarel | yes seems some new branch got merged | 15:33 |
ykarel | or a pr with multiple series of commits, i didn't checked that | 15:34 |
ralonsoh | I' | 15:34 |
ykarel | #action ralonsoh to check pyroute2 functional failures | 15:34 |
ralonsoh | I'll check patch by patch | 15:34 |
ralonsoh | since feb 19, that we have the first error in periodic | 15:34 |
ykarel | k thx | 15:35 |
ykarel | | 15:35 |
ykarel | last 2 runs failed but different test failures | 15:36 |
ralonsoh | yeah... I'll check that manually | 15:36 |
ykarel | thx for this too :) | 15:36 |
ykarel | sorry wrong link | 15:37 |
ykarel | | 15:37 |
ralonsoh | ahhh ok | 15:37 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add scenario tests for the Vlan QinQ feature | 15:37 |
ralonsoh | let me send a testing patch | 15:37 |
ralonsoh | because these errors could be random | 15:38 |
ykarel | ++ yes that should be quick and good | 15:38 |
ralonsoh | I'll confirm that with this patch | 15:38 |
ykarel | #action ralonsoh to confirm failure with oslo master function job | 15:38 |
ykarel | - | 15:38 |
ykarel | last one for stable/2024.1 | 15:39 |
ralonsoh | 2025-02-24 03:01:47.575562 | controller | openstacksdk 4.3.1.dev26 depends on typing-extensions>=4.12.0 | 15:39 |
ralonsoh | 2025-02-24 03:01:47.575584 | controller | The user requested (constraint) typing-extensions===4.9.0 | 15:39 |
ralonsoh | that seems an clash in requirements | 15:39 |
ykarel | yes looks job issue, master openstacksdk not compatible with stable/2024.1 upper-constratints | 15:40 |
ykarel | normally for such cases job is fixed to use stable version of openstacksdk | 15:40 |
ralonsoh | why are we using master? | 15:40 |
ralonsoh | yeah, that was my question | 15:40 |
ykarel | i recall fixing similar in past | 15:40 |
ykarel | i will send a patch for it | 15:40 |
ralonsoh | cool | 15:40 |
ykarel | the sdk team want to use master for stable branches till it could be used | 15:40 |
ralonsoh | ahhh ok | 15:41 |
ykarel | #action ykarel to send fix for openstacksdk job 2024.1 | 15:41 |
ykarel | #topic Grafana | 15:41 |
ykarel | let's also check | 15:41 |
ralonsoh | (is not working for me) | 15:42 |
lajoskatona | there's warnings on the page like "The panel requires angular (deprecated)" it just on my side? | 15:42 |
ralonsoh | same | 15:42 |
slaweq | yeah, I was just going to ask the same about this warning | 15:42 |
slaweq | I see graphs still but there is warning in each of them also on top | 15:43 |
ralonsoh | ok, now is refreshing for me | 15:43 |
ykarel | yes i too just seeing the warning | 15:44 |
ralonsoh | I see high spikes in FTs and fullstack | 15:44 |
ykarel | it was quite week, so less bits in gate queue and no failures | 15:44 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ovsdbapp master: Added method and command to allow setting 'dns.options' column | 15:45 |
ykarel | yes in ft and fullstack from what i saw it was patch specific or similar issues we discussed above | 15:45 |
ralonsoh | right | 15:45 |
slaweq | ralonsoh especially functional has high failure rate, around 50-60% | 15:45 |
ykarel | yes | 15:47 |
ykarel | we should be good once we have current known issues fixed for these | 15:48 |
ykarel | #topic On Demand | 15:49 |
ykarel | anything else you would like to raise? | 15:49 |
ralonsoh | nothing | 15:50 |
lajoskatona | nothing from me | 15:50 |
slaweq | nope | 15:50 |
bcafarel | all good | 15:50 |
ykarel | k in that case let's close early and have everyone 8 minutes back | 15:51 |
ykarel | thx everyone for joining | 15:51 |
ykarel | #endmeeting | 15:51 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Mon Feb 24 15:51:47 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 15:51 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 15:51 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 15:51 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 15:51 |
ralonsoh | bye! ykarel have a nice week | 15:51 |
lajoskatona | Bye | 15:52 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - Test errors in ``neutron-functional-with-oslo-master`` | 16:18 |
opendevreview | mitya-eremeev-2 proposed openstack/neutron master: Fix oslo.log for L3 and DHCP agents | 16:55 |
opendevreview | Jakub Libosvar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Use OS_TEST_PATH evironment variable to define tests location | 17:23 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: Fix some trivial pylint errors in test_utils | 19:59 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2024.2: Handle trimming of vlan interface namings | 21:16 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2024.1: Handle trimming of vlan interface namings | 21:16 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: Handle trimming of vlan interface namings | 21:16 |
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