Thursday, 2023-11-16

opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Add support at NB BGP Driver for exposing tenant IPs
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Add support at NB BGP Driver for exposing OVN LBs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/xena: Ensure ovn loadbalancer FIPs are centralized upon neutron restarts
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: Ensure ovn loadbalancer FIPs are centralized upon neutron restarts
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: Fix [EVPN-Driver] Cannot remove routes
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: Devstack plugin
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: Add initial support for local OVN cluster instead of kernel-networking
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Add support at NB BGP Driver for exposing subnets
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Add support at NB BGP Driver for exposing tenant IPs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Add support at NB BGP Driver for exposing OVN LBs
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM: test bug/2042941
lajoskatonaykarel: Hi, -----^ and
lajoskatonaykarel: I try to keep myself far from devstack code changes so please consider that ;)10:42
ykarellajoskatona, looking10:46
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM: test bug/2042941
ykarellajoskatona, looks good, just updated test patch to have results just from the related jobs10:49
lajoskatonaykarel: thanks12:07
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM: test bug/2042941
zigohaleyb: No need to do a backport, I'll just carry the patch in the Debian Bobcat version of neutron-lib.12:52
zigoThough if the team feels like it's nice to have in Bobcat, your call ... :)12:52
lajoskatonaykarel: there's some trick which is over my limits :-(13:44
lajoskatonaykarel: die 611 'ERROR_ON_CLONE is set to True so cloning not allowed in this configuration' , even if I explicitly set it to false in zuul.yaml13:44
ykarellajoskatona, ohkk seems need to set some vars to get it work13:49
ykareli will check and update that patch13:49
ykarelwith the vars i meant GITREPO, GITDIR, GITBRANCH etc13:51
ykarelbut need to check if those repos are also copied to /opt/stack/ like other openstack repos13:52
lajoskatonaykarel: thanks14:02
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM: test bug/2042941
haleybzigo: ack, and i don't think it's necessary since it was just a test14:32
opendevreviewFernando Royo proposed openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: Add constant to identify OVN LB HM ports
haleybotherwiseguy: hey terry, let me know if anything else on is ready to merge, i was going to update the release hash in later to get it updated for C-1. thanks :)14:45
otherwiseguy@haleyb: I'll take a look. Thanks for the heads-up.14:46
haleybthat was why i bugged you about that other change14:46
otherwiseguy@haleyb:  on that ovn-ic spec, I really think that should just be a bug "ovn-db-sync deletes objects neutron doesn't own" and doesn't really have anything specifically to do with ovn-ic.14:49
* otherwiseguy is splitting his attention with a meeting right now14:50
opendevreviewFernando Royo proposed openstack/neutron stable/2023.1: Add constant to identify OVN LB HM ports
haleybotherwiseguy: yeah, i keep meaning to comment in that change, i think you're probably right14:51
otherwiseguybut after the meeting, I'll make a pass through the outstanding ovsdbapp patches, approve what is approvable, and if there are minor tweaks left to do, just make the changes.14:51
racostaHey Terry, I didn't know your IRC nickname was otherwiseguy. Thanks for proposing the discussion about ovn-ic RFE to make it generic and not use specific names to match external_ids register. 14:54
otherwiseguyNeutron pretending it owns ports:
racostaI would be happy to change the spec if it's ok for everyone. 14:55
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otherwiseguy@racosta: hi! I'm not in charge, but sounds good to me. :D Feedback kind of stalled. @haleyb is this something that we need to treat as a spec/blueprint, or is a LP bug sufficient? If it is a bug and not a feature, I presume it would theoretically make it backportable? Anyone have opinions on that?15:01
otherwiseguySociety seems to treat it as a bug when I set things I don't own on fire.15:02
haleybI thought we were an autonomous collective, but we could be a narco-syndicous commune /s15:03
otherwiseguyNot a "let's plan to improve terry with a feature where he doesn't go around setting other people's things on fire" situation.15:03
otherwiseguy@haleyb: lol15:03
racostaIt would be nice to get feedback from Neutron core members on Terry's comment:
otherwiseguyThere are plenty of people I can poke at Red Hat for comments, but that doesn't seem like the healthiest way to get input.15:07
haleybracosta: it's been on my list it's just always out of reach... i did bring it up at the weekly meeting so others are aware15:08
haleybas far as bug or feature, i'd have to look through the meeting notes when it was approved, assuming there was more than just making ovn-db-sync-util play nicer15:09
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: Add initial support for local OVN cluster instead of kernel-networking
racostahaleyb, it's not a bug, it's Neutron's current behavior. So changing this behavior is a feature, and that is why an RFE was proposed.15:11
otherwiseguyNeutron has lots of current behaviors that are bugs. :)15:12
racostafair enough ;) let's get better then15:13
otherwiseguy"We didn't think of this edge case" can sometimes be treated as a bug, sometimes not. Sometimes it's hard to decide which.15:13
otherwiseguyIn this case, I think it'd come down to whether it was something we think would be bad to backport.15:14
otherwiseguyI can see arguments either way.15:15
otherwiseguyBut ultimately, I'm having trouble imagining a scenario where someone is relying on neutron to delete objects that it doesn't own in the OVN DBs.15:15
otherwiseguyBut sometimes my imagination isn't that good. So I invite other people to imagine as well. :D15:16
haleybracosta: i guess it depends on perspective as terry said. if the change is to make the tool better detect neutron things, as opposed to ignore ovn-ic things, it solves the same problem. it's almost an implementation detail so feels like i'm getting ahead of myself15:17
otherwiseguyalso neutron:
racostayah, regardless of the way of treating resources not managed by neutron, it solves the ovn-ic problem, but if it is implemented in a generic way to only look at what has a neutron signature, 'it could solve the problem for many other people'... 15:20
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron stable/zed: Catch non-existent entry failures better in ip_lib
otherwiseguy@racosta: I'm also interested into looking at using ovn-ic with neutron. I haven't played with it at all though. Could be interesting to work on actual support in neutron for AZs.15:22
otherwiseguyI don't know much about it, but I'm trying to learn. Your spec actually helps me understand it better. :)15:24
haleybracosta: right, it's opt-in versus opt-out, for when ovn-xyz comes along and we don't have to add another filter15:25
otherwiseguyracosta: Do you plan eventually to work actual integration of ovn-ic into neutron? Or is it better to handle that stuff outside of neutron?15:26
* otherwiseguy notices he has another meeting in 3 mins15:28
racostaFelix is planning to integrate TS into Neutron to use the existing gw_port chassis scheduler, etc. 15:28
racostaBut that's for the future, for now the implementation basis would be to not remove OVN interconnection resources15:29
racostaBy the way, canonical is investing in LXD -  microcloud uses LXD for Virtualisation and orchestration... the cool part is that the base is OVN, so it would be technically viable to interconnect this cloud with openstack ;)15:31
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otherwiseguyracosta: sounds cool. If anyone wants any extra hands working on the ovn-ic stuff in the future, I'm available. ;)15:33
otherwiseguyI at least plan on knowing more about it very shortly. \15:33
racostaotherwiseguy, good to know! I will ping you15:37
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: Devstack plugin
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: Fix [EVPN-Driver] Cannot remove routes
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-bgp-agent stable/2023.2: Add initial support for local OVN cluster instead of kernel-networking
opendevreviewFernando Royo proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/2023.2: Change device_owner used for OVN LB HM port
opendevreviewFernando Royo proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/2023.2: Add maintenance task to update entities on component start
opendevreviewFernando Royo proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/2023.1: Change device_owner used for OVN LB HM port
opendevreviewFernando Royo proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/2023.1: Add maintenance task to update entities on component start
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron stable/zed: Catch non-existent entry failures better in ip_lib
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Fix importing security group tests
*** Continuity__ is now known as Continuity17:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovsdbapp master: nb: allow to add route even if learned route exists
haleybotherwiseguy: so is ready to go? the comments are unclear, unless you want to refactor later19:39
otherwiseguy@jlibosva: and I are currently discussing the finer details of readability. :D19:39
jlibosvaI'm not opposing, it's a very minor nit. I +2ed current patch as is19:40
otherwiseguybut it's so easy to be like "but we could make it even better!" Even I'm jumping on little changes. :p19:41
otherwiseguyhaleyb: but yeah, from a functionality standpoint it's good.19:41
haleybshave that yak!19:42
otherwiseguyGoing through another test cycle to move where we define the timeout is probably not worth it with release stuff waiting.19:42
otherwiseguyfor a class that's only used once in a test. :D19:42
haleybwell, that patch probably isn't critical, there's always C-219:42
* otherwiseguy is sometimes exhausting19:44
haleybmlavalle: i'm going to cancel the drivers meeting as i see nothing on the agenda and no new rfe bugs19:47
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron stable/yoga: Catch non-existent entry failures better in ip_lib
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron stable/yoga: Catch non-existent entry failures better in ip_lib
otherwiseguyhaleyb: I'm looking at It's the last one that I think could be ready for being included. I hate sleep() calls with a passion and never saw vtep tests failing as it was locally or in CI, but I don't ever do anything with vtep myself so...20:00
otherwiseguyI've run w/ and w/o the patch and same tests pass. And I've run with the patch, but with the wat_db_rows method commented out, and it still passes.20:02
haleybotherwiseguy: let me know and i can look later, taking off early today and off tomorrow20:02
otherwiseguyhave a good weekend!20:03
haleybthanks, you too!20:05
mlavallehaleyb: LOL, I was about to ping you. Thanks for letting me know. Enjoy your day off20:09
opendevreviewBodo Petermann proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas master: VPNaaS support for OVN
opendevreviewBodo Petermann proposed openstack/neutron-vpnaas master: VPNaaS support for OVN: documentation
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovsdbapp master: TAAS: Add commands for creating Mirrors
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovsdbapp master: Handle events with conditions and match_fn

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