Monday, 2023-10-02

Continuity__ralonsoh: WRT happy to put you in touch with my engineer, to discuss the issues we are seeing. 08:03
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Continuityor if you have any additional requirements, can get the LP updated08:17
opendevreviewFelix Huettner proposed openstack/neutron master: fix netns deletion of broken namespaces
opendevreviewArkady Shtempler proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Set segmentation ID outside the ranges assigned to project network
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opendevreviewFelix Huettner proposed openstack/neutron master: ovn-l3 scheduler: calculate load of chassis per priority
opendevreviewFelix Huettner proposed openstack/neutron master: ovn-l3: reschedule lower priorities
opendevreviewFelix Huettner proposed openstack/neutron master: ovn-l3: reschedule priorities on new chassis
opendevreviewFelix Huettner proposed openstack/neutron master: ovn-l3 router scheduler: reproduce scheduling issue
opendevreviewFelix Huettner proposed openstack/neutron master: ovn-l3: implement caching for Scheduler
opendevreviewFelix Huettner proposed openstack/neutron master: ovn-l3: try to keep routers at current chassis
opendevreviewFelix Huettner proposed openstack/neutron master: ovn-l3: value the higher priorities when scheduling
bbezakHi - it looks like manual ovn sync removes metadata port when there is already ovn lb health monitor port in the network -
bbezakI'm wondering if ovn octavia provider should use different owner for health monitor port then metadata port12:44
ralonsohfroyo, didn't you change the port type for this ^^^12:45
ralonsoh(maybe I'm wrong)12:45
froyoralonsoh, yeah12:45
froyoralonsoh: you are correct12:45
ralonsohis that backported up to Yoga?12:45
froyosure, until wallaby indeed12:45
ralonsohbbezak, please check the version you are using (of octavia)12:46
froyo^^ 12:47
bbezakyeah, I've seen this bug. let me triple check my octavia version :)12:47
ralonsohslaweq, please, if you have 30 secs:
ralonsohlajoskatona, ^12:51
ralonsohthen I'll backport it up to Wallaby12:51
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: [OVN] Add the default condition check in ``PortBindingChassisEvent``
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/2023.1: [OVN] Add the default condition check in ``PortBindingChassisEvent``
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/zed: [OVN] Add the default condition check in ``PortBindingChassisEvent``
bbezakfroyo: well, my HM port is named ovn-lb-hm-*, so I this patch is already there12:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/os-vif stable/2023.2: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2023.2
froyobbezak yeah that is a good check, so I will take a look to your new launchpad, looks related to neutron-sync tool doing something weird ...12:56
bbezakyeah, thx froyo, last comment in the bug from mnasiadka is useful12:57
ltomasbobbezak, froyo: I think the problem is now different... what ralonsoh was referring to was the patch to avoid using the metadata port for ovn-lb (by creating a different one), now it seems that this different one is not being used properly12:57
lajoskatonaralonsoh: checking12:58
ltomasbobbezak, froyo so, probably the neutron filters need to be updated to not use that port12:58
froyoltomasbo, looks like searching by network:distributed owner, but anyway I will take a look to check it12:59
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/xena: [OVN] Add the default condition check in ``PortBindingChassisEvent``
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/yoga: [OVN] Add the default condition check in ``PortBindingChassisEvent``
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: [OVN] Add the default condition check in ``PortBindingChassisEvent``
mnasiadkafroyo: I don't know if it's not easier to change the device owner in ovn-octavia-provider to something like network:lbaas13:08
froyomnasiadka, yeah it could be a good solution no use the network:distributed, replacing by octavia:XXXX or network:XXXX13:10
mnasiadkafroyo: because most probably the network:distributed is used in dhcp entries for metadata, neutron-metadata-agent itself and the sync ;)13:10
froyoI will push a patch in some minutes13:11
mnasiadkafroyo: thanks :)13:15
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/tap-as-a-service master: docs: Fix releasenote building
opendevreviewArkady Shtempler proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Set segmentation ID outside the ranges assigned to project network
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haleybralonsoh: just wanted to verify we should take mnaser's backport in 2023.2, is one commit out of date14:18
ralonsohhaleyb, which one?14:19
mnaseri would argue trunks should be shipped broken if its not there14:19
haleyb[OVN] Match LSP_TYPE_VIRTUAL in PortBindingUpdateVirtualPortsEvent14:19
haleyblet me find the change14:19
ralonsohyes, let me check the hashes 14:19
ralonsohhaleyb, let me update the releases patch14:21
haleybralonsoh: ack, and i didn't check all the other hashes yet in a meeting will check after14:21
ralonsohI think the other hashes are ok, I've checked them now14:26
ralonsohbut a second pair of eyes is always welcome14:26
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: DNM: test master
opendevreviewMiro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron master: OVN Metadata handle process execeptions
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Set the Neutron port status based on "lsp.up" and "lsp.enabled"
mnaserhas anyone seen issues with port forwarding + ovn over the past little bit?16:50
mnaseri have a case where traffic isnt showing up to the vm tap... load_balancer is there, it's also assigned to the logical_switch at this point too16:50
mnaserbut i dont see a `Logical_Switch_Port` anywhere with the fip that is being forwarded16:53
mnaserhrm, i see it in Logical_Router too17:00
admin1are you able to see it in the flows  mnaser 18:18
mnaseradmin1: yep.  i can see flows for it too18:18
admin1the use case is ovn lb  pointing to backend pools not working ? 18:19
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM: Always stop dhclient in fullstack tests
racosta[OVN LB + ARP issue] maybe this link can help you mnaser:  /
mnaserracosta: interesting, running 22.03.2 here, let me see18:34
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM: Always stop dhclient in fullstack tests
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM: Always stop dhclient in fullstack tests
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM: Always stop dhclient in fullstack tests
opendevreviewTerry Wilson proposed openstack/ovsdbapp master: Handle events with conditions and match_fn

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