Monday, 2022-02-21

opendevreviewZhouHeng proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Revert "Retire neutron-fwaas project"
opendevreviewMiguel Lavalle proposed openstack/os-vif master: Fix race with DPDK and vhostuserclient mode
opendevreviewMiguel Lavalle proposed openstack/neutron master: More robust fix to trunk deletion race condition
opendevreviewZhouHeng proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Revert "Retire neutron-fwaas project"
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opendevreviewZhouHeng proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Revert "Retire neutron-fwaas project"
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opendevreviewZhouHeng proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Revert "Retire neutron-fwaas project"
opendevreviewshanyunfan33 proposed openstack/neutron master: change skydive source to skydive-project
zhouhenglcralonsoh, slaweq revive the neutron-fwaas patch, has fixed the problem of functional test. Can  patch be merged first and then fix other problems?06:41
zhouhenglcpatch is
opendevreviewZhouHeng proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Readd jobs for neutron-fwaas master branch
slaweqzhouhenglc hi, done07:19
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/victoria: DNM Revert "Use Port_Binding up column to set Neutron port status"
zhouhenglcslaweq: sorry, disturb you again. I replied to you
ralonsohzhouhenglc, replied to the reply08:52
zhouhenglcralonsoh, got it, thanks, I need to understand09:00
zhouhenglc for a while09:00
opendevreviewZhouHeng proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Revert "Retire neutron-fwaas project"
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron stable/victoria: Ensure subports status is aligned with parent port
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: Ensure subports status is aligned with parent port
opendevreviewZhouHeng proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Revert "Retire neutron-fwaas project"
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron stable/victoria: Ensure subports status is aligned with parent port
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: Ensure subports status is aligned with parent port
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/networking-ovn stable/train: Ensure subports status is aligned with parent port
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/networking-ovn stable/train: Ensure subports status is aligned with parent port
opendevreviewZhouHeng proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas master: Revert "Retire neutron-fwaas project"
opendevreviewMaor Blaustein proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Fix dependencies and PEP 8 new comments.
slaweqralonsoh hi, if You will have some time, can You take a look at my last comment in ? Maybe that will ring a bell for You somehow :)11:44
slaweqthx in advance11:44
ralonsohslaweq, sure11:45
slaweqlajoskatona hi, qq about and whole series related to that, do You think we will merge all this week before feature freeze?11:48
slaweqor maybe should we simply wait with all those patches to the Zed release?11:48
slaweqlajoskatona nvm, I just noticed that most patches have at least one +2 already11:49
slaweqso I will review them and we should be good to go with it this week hopefully11:49
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: Allow ovn_db_sync to continue on duplicate normalised CIDR
slaweqralonsoh lajoskatona please also check when You will have some time, we have now new bug reported for that issue11:58
slaweqthx a lot11:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Doc: Due to recent grafana upgrade change urls in doc
lajoskatonaslaweq: Hi, you are right, this week is feature freeze, the pps limitation stayed under radar for too long time... 12:02
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-specs master: smartnic-dpu: Update implementation details
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/ussuri: Allow to create ovn loadbalancer on dual-stack provider networks
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/networking-ovn stable/train: Allow to create ovn loadbalancer on dual-stack provider networks
sean-k-mooneyslaweq: ralonsoh, lajoskatona im sure ye are aware of from the last irc meeting but this looks to be in reasonably good shape if ye have time to review. context is sriov PF mac change on move operations12:47
ralonsohsean-k-mooney, let me check after lunch12:47
sean-k-mooneyas a bug fix its not directly impacted by feature freeze but still nice to have12:47
lajoskatonasean-k-mooney:  thanks, it is in front of me :-)12:47
sean-k-mooney:) one thing i spoke to gibi about and just wanted to confirm. we should be able to backport this upstream correct. downstream we have customers that have requested we adress this uscae in osp and i hate doing downstream only backports so if we think this has backport potentil it might be nice to mark the bug as such12:49
sean-k-mooneyim fine with defering that desiion to the sable team but i think there should not be an issue backporting it12:50
sean-k-mooneyanyway thanks in advance12:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/xena: Allow to create ovn loadbalancer on dual-stack provider networks
opendevreviewLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: [OVN] Migrate "reside-on-redirect-chassis" for distributed FIP
opendevreviewLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/neutron stable/victoria: [OVN] Migrate "reside-on-redirect-chassis" for distributed FIP
opendevreviewLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: [OVN] Migrate "reside-on-redirect-chassis" for distributed FIP
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/wallaby: Allow to create ovn loadbalancer on dual-stack provider networks
lucasagomesbcafarel, ralonsoh ^ I had to fix a merge conflict in those stable branch patches there13:20
lucasagomesI know u had reviewed/approved those already sorry for the inconvenience there13:21
ralonsohlucasagomes, sure, let me check13:30
lucasagomesno rush! Thanks a lot ralonsoh 13:30
bcafarellucasagomes: sure, looking13:35
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/xena: Wait longer before deleting DPDK vhu trunk bridges
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: Wait longer before deleting DPDK vhu trunk bridges
mlavalleralonsoh, slaweq, njohnston: when you have a chance (no rush) please look at: and
njohnstonmlavalle: will do14:06
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Fix test_port_resource_request_inherited_policy test
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Test port.resource_request format with min bw and min pps rules
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/victoria: Allow to create ovn loadbalancer on dual-stack provider networks
ralonsohsean-k-mooney, I'm not sure about
ralonsohplease, read my comment15:24
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Allow ovn_db_sync to continue on duplicate normalised CIDR
sean-k-mooneyralonsoh: ah so its incompelete its not commitign the port update?15:39
ralonsohsean-k-mooney, I'll check it again (faking the value)15:40
ralonsohbut no, the DB port is not updated15:40
ralonsohsean-k-mooney, let me check that again15:40
sean-k-mooneyim not super familar with this but i would have assuemd it was saved here
sean-k-mooneyor here
sean-k-mooneybut yes its not clear that it will propegate to there15:46
ralonsohsean-k-mooney, is just to update the port dict15:52
ralonsoh calls the driver precommit method15:52
ralonsohbut this is after any DB update15:53
ralonsohin other words: the port register is updated before15:53
ralonsohbut let me confirm that15:53
sean-k-mooneyi guess in either case there is a testing gap15:58
sean-k-mooneyas we should be able to assert that with the tests15:58
sean-k-mooneywith that said the unit test is trying to get teh port info via a port show15:59
sean-k-mooney_get_port_mac does16:00
sean-k-mooney  port = self._show('ports', port_id)['port']16:00
sean-k-mooneyso that imples the unit test are mocking too much16:00
sean-k-mooneyfrom the testign that was written its resonable to expect that the port update was done to the db16:01
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ralonsohsean-k-mooney, if, for example, I do this in this method16:06
ralonsoh            if port['id'] == "1fe3f264-10ed-42a6-9cee-f3690ced2ff6":16:06
ralonsoh                port[port_def.PORT_MAC_ADDRESS] = "ca:fe:ca:fe:ca:fe"16:06
ralonsohthis port ID is one port created manually16:06
ralonsohevery time I retrieve this port (show, list, binding, etc)16:06
ralonsohthe neutron server will return the new MAC address16:07
ralonsohI've created a VM with this port16:07
ralonsohthe MAC of this port is16:07
ralonsohroot@server1:~# ip l show dev ens316:07
ralonsoh2: ens3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100016:07
ralonsoh    link/ether ca:fe:ca:fe:ca:fe brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff16:07
ralonsohbut in the neutron DB16:07
ralonsoh(the original one, never modified)16:08
sean-k-mooneyralonsoh: hum ok so it sound like for all intents the update has worked but the db is never updated17:14
ralonsohsean-k-mooney, correct. In Nova you receive the json from the Neutron API17:21
ralonsohthis is built with the port dict17:21
ralonsohthat is updated in this method17:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: [OVN] Migrate "reside-on-redirect-chassis" for distributed FIP
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: [OVN] Migrate "reside-on-redirect-chassis" for distributed FIP
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/victoria: [OVN] Migrate "reside-on-redirect-chassis" for distributed FIP
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/victoria: Ensure subports status is aligned with parent port
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: Ensure subports status is aligned with parent port
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-ovn stable/train: Ensure subports status is aligned with parent port

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