Monday, 2021-09-27

opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/victoria: Populate self.floating_ips_dict using "ip rule" information
lajoskatonaslaweq, ralonsoh: Good morning, could you please check these 2 backports: & ?07:06
ralonsohlajoskatona, sure, let me check07:08
lajoskatonaralonsoh: thanks07:08
slaweqlajoskatona: sure, I'm in the meeting now07:12
slaweqbut will do when I will have few minutes07:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing master: Drop dsvm-functional tox env and related files
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/rocky: Add extra logs to the network update callback in L3 agent
zigoslaweq: ralonsoh: FYI, neutron-tempest-plugin cannot be built for me with Tempest 27, I had to force Build-Depends-Indep: tempest >= 29.0.009:58
zigoSomeone may want to adjust this in your upstream code too.09:58
ralonsohdo you have the logs? just to open a bug to justify this change10:00
ralonsohif you have time10:59
slaweqralonsoh: sure11:00
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN][Placement] Add a SB Chassis event to track changes in BW config
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add new indexes to RBAC DB models
gibineutrinok: Do you have a hint why the tempest.conf [network-feature-enabled]api_extensions config changed from listing the extensions explicitly to simply stating 'all' ?11:57
gibithe nova-grenade-multinode job fails as tempest sees 'all' and therefore try to run the trunk tests, but the trunk service_plugin is not loaded 11:59
gibion stable/wallaby the api_extensions config had an explicit list without the trunk so the test was skipped there12:00
lajoskatonagibi: here we have api_extensions=all as well:
lajoskatonawhich is strange12:06
gibiit seems on master you get 'all' everywhere (I checked nova-next)12:06
gibion stable/wallaby I get an explicit list of extensions and in case of grenade I get that list without trunk, which then makes tempest skipping trunk testing12:07
gibifyi, lyarwood trying to unblock our gate by enabling trunk in grenade
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lajoskatonagibi: what I see is that we have different tempest.conf for ovn and ovs based runs and for ovn the list is filled for ovs it is all, after wallaby, but no idea what is the source of that13:20
lajoskatonagibi: at least I can't see any changes that can be related  to this difference13:20
gibilajoskatona: I also wasn't able to find what change caused that we now see 'all' on master13:21
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/xena: Execute the quota reservation removal in an isolated DB txn
ralonsohslaweq, ^^13:25
ralonsohmaybe I could merge
ralonsohand then push this patch commenting the differences13:26
lajoskatonaslaweq: Could you please check these vpnaas eoling related patches:*-eol-remove-periodic-job%2522+(status:open+OR+status:merged)  when you have few minutes?13:28
slaweqlajoskatona: sure13:29
slaweqralonsoh: like cherry-pick but changed, right?13:30
ralonsohslaweq, yes, the patch for Xena needs some bits missing in the master branch patch13:30
ralonsohso maybe we could wait until the master branch patch is merged13:30
ralonsohand then push the xena one13:31
ralonsoh(we'll need, for the master one, a new n-lib release, so I need to wait until releases create the Y branch)13:31
ralonsohslaweq, do you have time for this?13:31
slaweqralonsoh: do I have time to wait for the fix? or for what?13:32
ralonsohfor the master patch to be merged (including the new n-lib version)13:33
ralonsohand then wait for the xena patch based on the master one13:33
slaweqralonsoh: I'm not sure how critical this issue may be in the xena13:35
lajoskatonaralonsoh, slaweq: sorry for jumping in :P , do we need this for xena rc2 ?13:38
ralonsohlajoskatona, I think we need. The workaround is failing in out CI13:40
lajoskatonaralonsoh: ok, thanks13:41
ralonsohlajoskatona, I can't share with you the link of our internal CI13:42
ralonsohbut I can share with you the logs13:42
ralonsohone sec13:42
lajoskatonaralonsoh: it's deleted14:20
ralonsohlajoskatona, what is deleted?14:23
ralonsohah sorry14:24
ralonsohI don't know why14:24
ralonsohone sec14:24
ralonsohtry now14:24
ralonsoh(I think they delete the files in just a few minutes)14:24
ralonsohsearch for status: 500 14:26
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/xena: Add retry when executing OF commands if "InvalidDatapath"
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: [Docs] Ovn backend now supports FIP QoS bandwdith limiting
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/rocky: [L3] Use processing queue for network update events
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN][Placement] Add a SB Chassis event to track changes in BW config
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Remove "_get_network_lock_id" compatibility method
lajoskatonabcafarel: Hi, regarding (and its group on other branches)14:54
lajoskatonabcafarel: I considered again You comment to remove the jobs or jsut making them nonvoting14:55
bcafarellajoskatona: it was mostly to have a nice and tidy list, but for a pending EOL it does not change a lot14:57
bcafarellajoskatona: also have you seen last comments on ? If I got it correctly the jobs defined in these repos will be dropped anyway when the branches are deleted14:58
lajoskatonabcafarel: what's in my mind is what will be in the periodic execution, the whole goal is to not execute any of these in periodic runs14:58
lajoskatonabcafarel: thanks, I read it again carefully, and finally got it :-)14:59
lajoskatonabcafarel: ok, so we have to quickly merged these, or abandon to make the deletion of the branch possible15:00
bcafarellajoskatona: exactly :)15:01
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fricklerslaweq: lajoskatona: I pushed a patch to update the n-d-r grafana panel, please have a look
fricklerthis also got me thinking whether we should update the list of periodic jobs and if yes, how
lajoskatonafrickler: checking15:16
lajoskatonafrickler: regarding periodic jobs, perhaps we can check that on tomorrow's team meeting or CI meeting, what do you think?15:17
bcafarelfrickler: for neutron I drop the -master jobs (neutron-lib os-ken/ryu) in stable branches as we don't check old branches running against master libs - that would clean a few off that list (and they are in the "periodic:" parts of .zuul.yaml in their respective branches)15:18
fricklerbcafarel: ah, so those were just relics from branching, I was wondering what the intention might have been there15:19
fricklerlajoskatona: this week I'm not sure I can make it to either meeting, but I'll read up on it if you want to discuss15:20
lajoskatonafrickler: ok, I think I will make pariodic as topic for one of the meetings15:26
opendevreviewBernard Cafarelli proposed openstack/neutron stable/xena: [stable/xena] Drop -master jobs
bcafarelthat reminded me to do some xena cleanup ^15:40
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/victoria: [L3] Use processing queue for network update events
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/queens: [L3] Use processing queue for network update events
erlondalvarez: hey Daniel, I ahve have a question a bout this patch[1] of yours. Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but couldn't find you on #openvswitch@libera, so let me know if there's a better place. The question is if you also had in mind fixing that for the case were the arp is not gratuitous. I ask that because I can reproduce the problem in an ovn version with the backported fix (v20.03.2), but only if I ping the 17:56
erloninternal port address or arping it.17:56
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit and Zuul services are being restarted briefly for configuration and code updates but should return to service momentarily20:10
sdanniHi all! I'm using a system scoped admin to run 'openstack port create' command and it returns error 'BadRequestException: 400: ... Running without keystone AuthN requires that tenant_id is specified.' I wonder if this is an issue resulting from secure rbac?20:24
spatelI am seeing this error - Launch Instance Fails with "Failed to allocate the network(s), not rescheduling."21:05
spatelwhat could be wrong?21:05
opendevreviewHang Yang proposed openstack/neutron master: Add shared field to SG API response and filter

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