Wednesday, 2014-06-04

baribalstopping compute and neutron agent and then running ovs cleanup and starting then both of them doesn't work:(00:00
baribalfrom where ovs agent takes those ifaces? Is it possible to trigger creation of them somehow?00:01
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trinathsHi Good Morning all ...00:03
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baribalI am using Icehouse00:03
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baribalAnything I could check?00:09
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Big Switch: fix capabilities retrieval code
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baribalAnyone can advise anything?00:19
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jamespdbaribal: nova creates the qbr bridges using your vif plugin.  Have you looked at nova-compute debug logs?00:24
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baribaljamespd: for new VMs it creates all 4 qbr/qvb/qvo/tap ifaces00:31
baribalbut for old VMs not00:31
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trinathsbaribal: old VMs ?00:33
baribalif nova creates those bridges from where does it take them on restart?00:34
baribalVMs that were running on compute node prior to it is hanged00:34
baribalafter compute node restart qbr/etc. ifaces are created only for newly created VMs00:35
baribalqbrXXX - XXX are the first symbols of the port00:37
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trinathsbaribal: Can you check the nova and Neutron database for these ports00:37
baribalit means it takes them from ovs_neutron DB?00:37
andyshiyeah, but does the ovs agent compalin?00:37
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baribalnope, it is not00:39
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bariballogs from openvswitch agent00:46
baribalI am using ml2 and vlans00:46
baribalwill check ports in nova and ovs_neutron db now00:47
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trinathsbaribal: your ml2 plugin is configured with openvswitch mechanism driver .. ?00:48
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andyshijust check the neutron port list and nova list00:50
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baribalneutron.conf: core_plugin = ml200:51
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baribal| ce5a163b-b56a-41e1-98e0-6ecec00e21c7 |      | fa:16:3e:83:b5:d9 | {"subnet_id": "15789224-6985-4776-97a8-6bc35ff5ccf0", "ip_address": ""}     |00:54
baribal| fe1322f5-f586-4a59-bbed-9791e23ede56 |      | fa:16:3e:a5:ec:bc | {"subnet_id": "d02f7920-1456-499e-8d90-b98c43f91c00", "ip_address": ""} |00:54
baribal| dae518ab-f9ed-48d8-be51-b39e1381d070 | lb01               | SHUTOFF | -          | Shutdown    | BooxdevInternalNetwork=, |00:55
andyshiThese are the old vms ports?00:55
andyshican you reboot the vm?00:56
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baribalit hard/soft?00:57
andyshisoft first00:57
baribalnova reboot lb01  ERROR: Cannot 'reboot' while instance is in vm_state stopped (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: req-c88c2658-38fc-499c-bcdd-6e553ff254fa)00:59
baribalon hard reboot00:59
bariballibvirtError: Cannot get interface MTU on 'qbrfe1322f5-f5': No such device00:59
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baribalas I said there are no any fe1322f5-f5 ifaces01:00
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andyshiI think that port info is out of sync due to the host reboot01:00
andyshiopenstack doesn't have ha01:00
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baribalI don't get - how does it work? On agent restart it is complaining on Agent of sync!01:02
baribalthen after nova compute restart it is starting to create ifaces01:03
baribalit was like that all the time01:03
baribalbut now it doesn't want to01:03
baribalbut when creating the new VMs it does work and creates ifaces01:04
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andyshirun neutron port show on that vm, what is the status of the port?01:05
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andyshiso the port is active yet vm is stopped01:09
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baribalwho is triggering port creation - novacompute or ovs agent? Who is getting info from DB?01:13
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trinath_sBaribal: port data is given by neutron01:18
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trinath_sOvs agent adds flows to ovs01:19
trinath_sNova using libvirt api brings up the vm01:20
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baribalso libvirtError: Cannot get interface MTU on 'qbrfe1322f5-f5': No such device01:22
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baribalon vm hard reboot01:22
baribalthat means that ovs agent does not added flows?01:22
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trinath_sIts not like that01:24
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trinath_sWhat are old vms here01:25
baribalvms which were running on this compute prior to it hanged01:26
baribalafter compute host restart it doesn't want to bring back qbr/qvb/qvo ifaces01:27
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baribalbut when creating new VMs on this compute it creates them01:28
openstackgerritshihanzhang proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Check the validation of 'delay' and 'timeout'
baribalwhat could be done to trigger recreation01:30
jamespdbaribal: are you using kvm?01:34
jamespdIf you check nova/virt/libvirt/, you can see that on a hard reboot, the vif driver is called to plug the instance interfaces.01:38
jamespdI think you need to troubleshoot that nova code.01:38
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jamespdhave you looked for errors in nova-compute.log?01:40
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baribalAn error occurred while trying to launch a defined domain with xml01:42
baribalException during message handling: Cannot get interface MTU on 'qbrfe1322f5-f5': No such device01:43
* gus is a newbie neutron dev. Do people just use devstack for multi-node development, or is there some common alternative for non-trivial topologies?01:43
gus.. or perhaps many people have access to hardware racks for development?01:44
lifelessgus: one suspects many folk just don't test :)01:44
lifelessgus: you can use devstack multi-node, or you can do something like tripleo does and deploy a bunch of vms with openstack deployed on them within your one host01:44
gusthis is also a possibility :)01:44
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jamespdgus: There was a presentation directed towards you at the most recent OpenStack Summit.
jamespdtl;dr: virtualbox + multinode devstack + puppet01:46
gusaha!  if only I had been there :P01:47
gusthanks, I'll watch it.01:47
jamespdthat particular session deployed nova network, but they said that they intended to update it for neutron.01:47
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jamespdbaribal: will you paste the output of 'brctl show' and 'ovs-vsctl show' when executed on the hypervisor that should be hosting the instance with the interface corresponding to qbrfe1322f5-f5?01:50
baribal6613d63e-6fc9-4340-b9f4-0b275d06af98      Bridge "br-eth1"          Port "p2p1"              Interface "p2p1"          Port "br-eth1"              Interface "br-eth1"                  type: internal          Port "phy-br-eth1"              Interface "phy-br-eth1"      Bridge br-int          Port "int-br-eth1"              Interface "int-br-eth1"          Port "qvo7fe08e1f-5a"              tag: 1              Interface "qvo701:50
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jamespd^^ on pastebin or something?01:51
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baribalthose 4 qbXXX ifaces are from the newly created VM01:52
baribalI tried to rest state for old VM, then stop it.So status is stopped/shutoff01:53
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baribalthen tried to start it / hard reboot it- the same issue, comlaining on missing qbrfe1322f5-f501:53
jamespdso it still complains about qbrfe1322f5-f5 even though all those interfaces exist?01:54
baribalthose 4 are for the newly created VM01:54
jamespdhow did you get 'Cannot get interface MTU on 'qbrfe1322f5-f5': No such device' then?01:55
baribalwhen I starting/hard reboot the VM hosted on this compute01:55
baribalwhich was hosted there all the time, prior to compute host hanged01:56
baribalso to start VM qbr should be created first01:57
baribalfor newly created VMs - it is workin (4ifaces created on createVM)01:58
jamespdah, right.  I read the interface name incorrectly.  hmm... not sure what the problem is.01:58
baribalearlier I even didn't have to start/hard reboot for qbr to appear01:58
baribalI just run ovs cleanup, restarted obs agent (Agent out of sync!) and then restart compute service01:59
baribalwhich triggered ifaces creation01:59
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jamespdsorry, I don't know what the problem is.02:01
baribalso I still don't get who triggers and how those initial iface creation02:01
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jamespdThis creates them: the VIF driver.  ./nova/virt/libvirt/vif.py02:02
jamespdwhich is called from the various nova instance 'start' methods.02:02
jamespdand also hard_reboots02:02
jamespdcheck out nova/virt/libvirt/ _hard_reboot()02:03
baribaldoes it create even qbr?02:03
baribalorj ust tap?02:03
jamespdlook for yourself.
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jamespdit creates qbr and qvo/qvb  veth-pair.02:05
baribaland info about ifaces are fetch via neutron-client on compute node from neutron-server from DB?02:06
baribalor from amqp?02:06
baribalI mean that should create exactly qbrfe1322f5-f502:06
jamespdyes... I am not sure how the interface information is passed to nova.02:07
lifelessnova calls the neutron API02:08
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baribalresponse from api02:11
baribalUpdating cache with info02:11
baribalmaybe clean some cache?02:11
openstackgerritmayu proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Ml2 mechanism driver for Huawei SDN controller.
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baribalkvm saved some vm state during compute node restart02:23
jamespdhow did you clear it?02:24
baribalI had to virsh undefine --managed-save/ define02:24
baribalthen hard reboot and it is up02:24
jamespdglad you solved it.  I was stumped.02:24
baribalhmm. interesting that it is now created only 2 ifaces02:25
baribalqbr and tap02:25
baribaltap is bind to br-int02:26
baribalqvo/qvb are missing02:26
baribalbut all is working02:26
baribalany ideas?02:26
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baribalah, wanted to ask one more question: ml2 plugin.ini firewall_driver=neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver02:39
baribalshould it be like that or like in somerecommendations in the internet set to some_dummy_value02:39
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed a change to openstack/neutron: OFAgent: Share codes of l2-population in OVS agent
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openstackgerritLiping Mao proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Allowed address pair rule error when VM without fixed_ip
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otherwiseguyyamamoto_: responded to your comment on 96525 re: ofport returning non-int, but basically it's alway been that way and I'm not refactoring all of the code that uses it in a completely unrelated patch. :)04:29
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trinathsamotoki: With respect to the unit testing how will the MD be itself tested? I think MD will be tested along with Ml2. Kindly help me04:34
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amotokitrinaths: even though *_pre/postcommit methods are called but how can you ensure crdclient is called properly?04:38
amotokitrinaths: this is what I meant in the review comment. I don't have enough time to look for right pointers now. you can check agent-based mech driver tests for example.04:39
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trinathscrd client required CRD server to be running and accessible04:40
trinathsif not test cases fail04:40
trinathsin my CI setup, I have CRD service running and accessible04:40
trinathsso in unit tests, I think i need to mock crdclient and go ahead.04:41
trinathsamotoki: there ..!04:41
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yamamoto_otherwiseguy: sure04:44
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otherwiseguyyamamoto_: a very long-winded and hopefully-not-to-much-ranting reply was just posted. Looking around the ovs_lib code has made me a little crazy. :)04:46
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otherwiseguybasically, since the invalid value is now a constant, there is no more math/numerical comparison needed on the value so it doesn't really matter what type it is since it is just an 'id'. but ovs_lib in general is kind of icky. :)04:48
trinaths[Help] with respect to my code,, CRD client requires CRD service to be running. Can this is set to magic mock. Also, How will ML2 Mechanism Driver itself  be tested in unittesting. any pointers ?04:49
yamamoto_i even remember ovs agent doing int(already_int_port_number) in some place04:50
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otherwiseguyyeah. I was going to clean up the ovs/of agent in a separate patch.04:51
otherwiseguysince it wasn't directly tied to the purpose of this patch and they shouldn't be broken.04:51
otherwiseguyIt's really easy to make a patch bigger and bigger as you find more and more irritating things around the code you are fixing. :D04:52
yamamoto_you can start from “git init”04:53
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otherwiseguyyamamoto_: :)04:53
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otherwiseguyyamamoto_: thanks for the review04:58
otherwiseguyAs it is now around midnight here, I think I will go to sleep.04:58
yamamoto_otherwiseguy: np. thanks for working on this.  good night.04:58
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openstackgerritselvakumar proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: ml2 mechanism driver for hp TOR support
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openstackgerritIsaku Yamahata proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: physical-network-topology extension spec
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritLiping Mao proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Allowed address pair rule error when VM without fixed_ip
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Big Switch: fix capabilities retrieval code
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openstackgerritmayu proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Implement bp/huawei-ml2-mechanism-driver
openstackgerritRossella Sblendido proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Introduce bulk calls for get device details
openstackgerritLiping Mao proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Allowed address pair rule error when VM without fixed_ip
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openstackgerritLiping Mao proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Allowed address pair: Removing check for overlap with fixed ips
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed a change to openstack/neutron: OFAgent: Share codes of l2-population in OVS agent
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openstackgerritTrinath Somanchi proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Freescale SDN Mechanism Driver for ML2 Plugin
trinathsReviewers! Kindly help me with your reviews on my new change at
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Refactor some router-related methods
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Allow L3 base to handle extensions on router creation
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markmcclainihrachyshka: ping08:42
ihrachyshkamarkmcclain: pong08:42
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openstackgerritshihanzhang proposed a change to openstack/python-neutronclient: Add help information of '--router' to 'net-create'
markmcclainihrachyshka: should I start reviewing the series of patches?08:43
openstackgerritijw-ubuntu proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: VLAN trunking networks for NFV
ihrachyshkamarkmcclain: the main 'oslo.messaging port' patch (marked as WIP via workflow) is not ready and failing hard. For other patches, yes, I think preparation steps are more or less ready for review.08:44
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markmcclainihrachyshka: so what is the reason for
markmcclainwe might need to update the commit msg to explain the need08:45
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openstackgerritsean mooney proposed a change to openstack/neutron: changes ovs agent_id init to use hostname instead of mac
openstackgerritijw-ubuntu proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: NFV unaddressed interfaces
ihrachyshkamarkmcclain: yes, I'll do it, was distracted lately by unrelated tasks :| I'll need to spend more time on this to describe the need. Basically, oslo.messaging uses six.iteritems on context object, and it expects .iteritems() method to exist. But maybe we'll be able to do in some other way, I'm going to return to this piece later when splitter patch is mostly settled08:47
openstackgerritJakub Libosvar proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Pass object to policy when finding fields to strip
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ihrachyshkathat's fine to have it -1 for now, I would like to get general comments on the approach atm08:47
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markmcclainihrachyshka: ok that makes sense for the need09:03
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openstackgerritshihanzhang proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Check the validation of 'delay' and 'timeout'
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trinathsReviewers, can I have your time for review of my change at Kindly consider this change for your review.09:21
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openstackgerritTrinath Somanchi proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Freescale SDN Mechanism Driver for ML2 Plugin
trinathsmarkmcclain: thanks for the review. I have updated the same. kindly consider for review.09:30
markmcclaintrinaths: I will take another look in a bit09:32
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trinathsmarkmcclain: okay. thanks09:34
markmcclaintrinaths: may I ask how the FSL CI system can have passing checks?09:34
markmcclainthe driver has not been committed to the tree?09:34
trinathsmarkmcclain: In CI, for every build, for the changes I do with the working CRD service and post to gerrit for review, I'm integrating them into CI along with CRD service.09:36
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markmcclaintrinaths: ok so you're just forcing the fsl driver then?09:42
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openstackgerritYves-Gwenael Bourhis proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Changed DictModel to dict with attribute access
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trinathsmarkmcclain: forcing? When CI gets the fresh code base from git, I'm moving the driver codebase into the neutron code base. Starting the CRD service for each patchset. For every build in Jenkins, CRD service will be freshly started and driver code base will be freshly integrated.09:45
trinathsmarkmcclain: once the driver is commited to the tree, I will remove the driver code integration and go with fresh CRD service for each build09:48
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trinathsmarkmcclain: I have prepared a readme file for CI. please see at
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openstackgerritvikas proposed a change to openstack/neutron: fix for considering vpn objects while clearing
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trinathsReviewers, can I have your time for review of my change at Kindly consider this change for your review.10:21
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openstackgerritshihanzhang proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Check the validation of 'delay' and 'timeout'
HenryGsalv-orlando: ping, about DB migrations10:34
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salv-orlandoHenryG: I’m here10:39
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HenryGsalv-orlando: I assume I should remove auto-generation of schema from models after the healing migration?10:42
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HenryGhmmm, that sentence may be difficult to parse10:42
HenryGShould the switch to migration-only be made after the healing migration?10:43
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salv-orlandoI’m not sure yet. I think they can be done in parallel, but I don’t know if that would affect grenade because some tables which were autogenerate won’t be generated anymore10:45
salv-orlandoI’m think about those metering tables specifically10:45
HenryGAnd quotas10:45
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salv-orlandoYeah quotas too (but I think that was more a problem of migrations being out of sync with models)10:46
salv-orlandonot because of configuration issues needing this healing stuff10:46
HenryGBut if we switch after the healing then we don't have to worry10:47
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HenryGI think10:47
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HenryG(OK you may be right about quotas table, it is missing from folsom_initial.)10:49
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HenryGAll the associated bugs in the BP would be addressed by the healing migration.10:51
HenryGsalv-orlando: PS: did you read my email?10:51
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salv-orlandonot yet henryG. Catching up now10:54
HenryGsalv-orlando: Thanks! Are you at Openstack London?10:55
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salv-orlandoHenryG: nope, I skipped that one.10:57
* HenryG thinks salv-orlando is becoming a recluse10:57
salv-orlandoIt’s just that I had already other committments for today. Indeed I’m technically off ;)10:58
salv-orlandobtw, did you send this email to the dev maling list? can’t find it.10:58
HenryGsalv-orlando: not yet, I sent you a draft directly for editorial comment before broadcasting10:59
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baribalHi again. After we migrated Havana->Icehouse all was working fine. Nova created created 4 ifaces for each VM qbr/qvo/qvb/tap. Then looking into official Openstack install guide manuals I reconfigured controller/neutron/computes to use ml2, nova to use neutron secuity groups:  security_group_api=neutron
baribalml2 plugin.ini: [securitygroup]  enable_security_group = True  firewall_driver=neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver11:07
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baribalso after restart all neutron and nova services VMs now after restart bind TAP device to br-int directly. there is no qbr/qvo/qvb at all. is it supposed to be like thatnow?11:07
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HenryGsalv-orlando: thanks for your editorial comments!11:19
salv-orlandoHenryG: always happy to help11:20
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HenryGsalv-orlando: regarding trunk chasers ... If I use the term "trunk chasers" will the operators know who they are?11:21
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salv-orlandoHenryG: I think they’ll understand… I don’t know if there is an official name ;)11:22
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HenryGsalv-orlando: And I want to say that we will *definitely NOT* support a downgrade unheal migration for trunk chasers. OK?11:22
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Add flat type driver unittests
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salv-orlandobaribal: looks like nova is not doing anymore hybrid plugging. This will cause security groups to not be enforced anymore. it would help you post your nova.conf as well ass ml2_plugini.ini and neutron.conf after stripping all sensitive info11:23
HenryGsalv-orlando: The only options, if the operators insist, will be downgrade to Icehouse or Havana.11:23
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salv-orlandogrizzly is not supported anymore.11:24
salv-orlandofor downgrades it is ok to downgrade only to releases - no need to keep all the intermediate steps.11:25
salv-orlandoso one could just have a single migration to go from icehouse back to havana.11:25
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HenryGsalv-orlando: Am I missing something? What about Juno (post heal) to Icehouse?11:26
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baribalsalv-orlando: This will cause security groups to not be enforced anymore - but I set in nova to use neutron security groups. So neutronnow should handle security itself?11:33
ekarlsois there any smart way to debug connectivity issues between a instance and the dhcp service with vxlan ?11:34
ekarlsothere's connectivity between the compute host and net node vxlan endpoints11:34
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baribalsalv-orlando: I just deleted/created security rules via nova secgroup-del-rule/secgroup-add-rule and on all computes I see11:42
baribal2014-06-04 13:37:06.738 20695 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc [req-50d22952-101c-46d5-b0ab-f46d80fc3ae6 None] Security group rule updated [u'32cbac31-b670-4f60-98ad-98b99d283740']  2014-06-04 13:37:07.606 20695 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc [-] Refresh firewall rules  2014-06-04 13:37:12.092 20695 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc [req-7333131c-2ce2-4907-a2bf-9d3ee131eeca None] Security group rule updated11:42
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baribalso security groups looks like working11:43
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baribalthis might be due to in nova.conf11:44
baribalso it is probably that is why it binds tap to br-int directly?11:44
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salv-orlandobaribal: if you don’t use hybrid plugging security group as iptables rules should not be enforced because packets from ovs internal ports are not sent to netfilter. Looking at your configs now11:55
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yiipianyone know how to resolve problem with dnsmasq-dhcp11:58
yiipi no address available11:59
yiipiit havana on debian 711:59
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Allow neutron-sanity-check to check OVS patch port support
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baribalsalv-porlando: Some other option found which is not set inmy nova.conf libvirt_vif_driver=nova.virt.libvirt.vif.LibvirtHybridOVSBridgeDriver Maybe this one is related?12:04
baribalslav-orlando: sorry, what is the hybrid plugging security group?12:05
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salv-orlandothe hybrid ovs bridge driver has been removed in icehouse afaik12:06
salv-orlandoyour nova_conf should default to generic vif driver, which is capable of doing hybrid plugging too12:06
salv-orlandothis is why I’m surprised that in your deployment interfaces go straight into br-int rather than in a qbr bridge12:06
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yiipianyone know how to resolve problem with dnsmasq-dhcp   no address available on havana on debian 712:07
salv-orlandoyiipi: only thing I can say is that you need to ensure you’r erunning the latest update to havana. This might be cause by missed notifications from the server, and there were patches to address that.12:08
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salv-orlandoFor any other info you should post some logs/conf file (and you might want to use for that)12:08
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yiipisalv-orlando: using these repos for debian : havana-backports main and havana main12:10
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salv-orlandobaribal: you are then running a vif driver capable of doing hybrid plugging, because that’s the default setting for icehouse. You should do a show port with admin credentials on any neutron port and verify that  binding:profile attriubute has ovs_hybrid_plug set to True12:12
yiipiwhen I set manual address to VM I can ping them and everything is OK on integration bridge I can see DHCPREQ and no DHCPREP . In syslog I getting "Jun  4 13:44:38 Neutron dnsmasq-dhcp[2086]: DHCPDISCOVER(tapdfd81399-5c) fa:16:3e:73:b2:79 no address available"12:12
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baribalsalv-orlando: neutron port-show?12:33
baribalor ovs-vsctl?12:33
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baribalsalv-orlando: ovs_neutron ml2_bindings table contain
baribalfor some ports12:35
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baribalfor some of them  vif_details and profile are not set12:36
baribalshould I set it for all ports in this table likein pastbin above?12:36
baribalin this case qbr/qvo/qvb created?12:37
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openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Improve vxlan type driver initialization performance
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baribalslav-orlando: is this one related?12:57
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zzellemestery, hi13:00
mesteryzzelle: morning!13:01
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boris-42markmcclain1 hey there13:11
markmcclain1boris-42: hi13:11
boris-42markmcclain1 how are you?)13:11
markmcclain1boris-42: I'm jetlagged but otherwise fine13:12
boris-42markmcclain1 lol me too=) just came back from us13:13
boris-42markmcclain1 great news for neutron we add rally-dsvm-neutron job13:13
markmcclain1yeah… the large jumps in time take a long time to recover13:13
markmcclain1that's awesome there is a job now13:13
boris-42markmcclain1 so we are able to add rally on every neutron patch13:13
boris-42markmcclain1 like we have in keystone/cinder/glance13:13
boris-42markmcclain1 I would like to explain why it can be useful in gates13:14
boris-42markmcclain1 take a look at results
boris-42markmcclain1 select 2 benchmark (subnet one)13:14
* markmcclain1 looks13:14
boris-42markmcclain1 so list subnets is raising quite straight depending on amount of fetching subnets13:15
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markmcclain1mestery: ^^^13:17
* mestery looks13:17
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mesteryThat's some interesting data boris-42.13:18
markmcclain1boris-42: interesting my guess is we're probably fetching objects that we either a) fetching on sub calls or b) the query is returning too much data because the join relationship is wrong13:18
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boris-42markmcclain1 so lemme just show plain neutron calls13:18
markmcclain1boris-42: it is nice to have numbers13:18
markmcclain1thanks for benchmarking these items13:18
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boris-42markmcclain1 we are just at the begging =)13:19
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boris-42markmcclain1 this is benchmark
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boris-42markmcclain1 these are helpers methods that we are calling
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boris-42markmcclain1 self.clients(neutron) is plain initialized neutron client13:20
boris-42markmcclain1 so these commands should be quite familiar to you=)13:20
boris-42mestery yep there are13:20
markmcclain1boris-42: yes was just noticing13:20
boris-42markmcclain1 and you can run any benchmarks on every of your patches13:20
boris-42mestery ^13:20
boris-42markmcclain1 mestery
mesteryboris-42: That's actually quite cool!13:21
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boris-42markmcclain1 mestery ^ that is sample in keystone13:21
boris-42in keystone.yaml they have benchmark that they are running13:21
boris-42markmcclain1 mestery btw we add support of plugins so you don't need to merge new scenario in rally to run them in neutron gates, you can keep rally benchmarks inside neutron source tree13:22
boris-42markmcclain1 mestery so guys if you would like to add this to neutron just ping me we will make patch in infra13:23
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markmcclain1boris-42: will do… my guess is with the current backlog adding more jobs would not make many infra friends13:24
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mesteryboris-42: I'd also like to point people somewhere to interpret results as well.13:24
boris-42mestery ?13:25
mesteryboris-42: Sorry, my bad. I meant, if we add a job, the output you showed us, that will be in the output of the job right?13:26
boris-42mestery yep there will be job rally-dsvm-neutron-neutron13:26
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boris-42mestery and when you click it you'll get something like
boris-42mestery and in rally-plot you have this html13:27
mesteryboris-42: cool!13:27
armaxboris-42: this is seriously cool stuff13:27
boris-42mestery markmcclain1 btw if you would like to benchmark now13:27
armaxwhich openstack projects currently track rallies, besides keystone?13:27
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boris-42armax glance/cinder13:27
armaxboris-42: what about nova? What’s the plan?13:28
boris-42armax it was blocked13:28
armaxboris-42: blocked how?13:28
boris-42armax it was issue of rally, we were not able to specify names of flavors and images13:28
armaxboris-42: ok13:28
boris-42armax just uuid, and they are always different13:28
boris-42armax but yesterday we merged patch that resolves this13:29
armaxboris-42: cool13:29
armaxso do you expect rally scenarios defined in each project’s tree or in the rally one?13:29
armaxboris-42: I am confused13:29
zzellemestery: morning too !13:29
zzellemestery: it seems Opendaylight CI is broken13:29
boris-42armax so my thoughts are next13:29
mesteryzzelle: I noticed that as well, it's on my list of things to track down. :(13:30
boris-42armax I don't want to block any of projects to run custom thing13:30
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mesteryzzelle: I know the ODL admin gets in this morning, I'll ping them and have them look now.13:30
boris-42armax so there are plugins and you can write plugins in source tree of the project13:30
armaxboris-42: ic13:30
boris-42armax so you don't need to write unit tests / doc strings and wait unit we in rally merge it13:30
boris-42armax to run in gates13:30
armaxboris-42: makes sense13:30
boris-42armax but it will be better if all goods plugins will be moved to rally source tree13:31
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armaxboris-42: the benefit of having scenarios in the same tree as the patch is that a committer can test its patch and the performance impact13:31
boris-42armax yep13:31
armaxwithout having a double hop to pull the rally’s patch13:31
boris-42armax yep if there is no such benchmark in rally, it can make it in the same patch in source tree of project13:32
boris-42armax and safe a lot of his time=)13:32
zzellemestery: could you also have a look to the discussion in ?13:32
mesteryzzelle: Yes, will look13:32
zzellemestery: there are lots of proposal and i have difficulties to find a good trade off13:33
armaxthat’s quite neat, if we could get this integrated sooner rather than later that would be a huge benefit for addressing gate issues13:33
baribalsalv-orlando: any feedback on what I posted above? Thank you13:33
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boris-42armax as for me it's just small patch13:33
baribalI can't ask on - it does not allow me to sign in :(13:34
boris-42armax 15 lines of code adds rally job to neutron13:34
armaxboris-42: I know, but as mark pointed out it’s a matter of makins sure openstack-infra can take it13:34
armaxboris-42: keep me in the loop, if there is anything I can do for you13:35
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boris-42armax mestery  so we can add job13:38
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boris-42armax mestery  and if you +1 I don't think that infra will be against13:38
armaxwhat’s the patch?13:38
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* mestery looks for the patch too13:40
boris-42mestery armax one sec we will add it13:40
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mesterysalv-orlando: I saw your ping from last night, but I never had a chance to chase that one down regarding paramiko.13:43
mesterysalv-orlando: In one of the bug reports for this, the infra folks didn't think paramiko was the problem though.13:43
mesterysalv-orlando: Yesterday, by adding a 30 second timeout before the ping check in the basic op, I was able to get the test passing all the time locally, whereas before it was failing for me all the time (This was with OVS).13:44
mesterysalv-orlando: But then, late last night I removed the timeout and it started passing, so ... meh. :(13:44
mesteryarmax: ^^^13:45
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otherwiseguyzzelle: patch_port check looks good. thanks for all the reviews on the sanity-check stuff.13:46
otherwiseguymestery: thanks to you as well for all of the reviews13:46
armaxmestery: I only managed to reproduce it once out of many times on my local dev env13:46
zzelleotherwiseguy: :)13:46
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* otherwiseguy nervously waits hoping for another +2 on
mesteryotherwiseguy: No problem, this is great work you did, and I'm happy zzelle added on to it with the "patch-port" patch. :)13:47
mesteryarmax: :(13:47
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mesteryarmax: I'm giving it a go again this morning.13:47
armaxmestery: yeah me too13:48
otherwiseguymestery: yeah, it looked like adding tests was pretty straight forward. they're certainly easy to review. so hopefully that means the sanity-check stuff is laid out decently.13:48
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mesteryotherwiseguy: +113:49
matrohonenikanorov : ping13:49
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mesteryarmax: I'm thinking this one is ready to merge:
mesteryarmax: It's the start of all the DVR work I believe, so good to get that one in today if possible. :)13:52
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mesteryarmax: +2/+A to the first DVR patch!13:53
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matrohonarmax, mestery : I think this one should be merged quickly now, no?
mesterymatrohon: +1, in fact, I gave +2 to that already :)13:54
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matrohonarmax already gave a +1 too, waiting for the +2/+A :)13:55
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mesterymatrohon: I'll let armax review one more time and +2/+A this one.13:56
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armaxmestery: on it13:57
armaxmestery: I am adding UT’s to the mother of all the dvr patches13:57
mesteryarmax: :P13:57
mesteryarmax: Just +A the first one, the refactor.13:58
armaxmestery: I should be done soon13:58
mesteryarmax: Nice!13:58
armaxmestery: there are still a few fixme’s13:58
mesteryarmax: Thanks, this is nice work!13:58
armaxbut I would need swami’s help to look into those13:58
mesteryarmax: Looking forward to testing this out in my multi-node devstack setup. :)13:58
armaxanyhoo, back to the hacking...13:58
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mesteryarmax: Can you eyeball matrohon's patch above one more time?13:59
armaxI am on it13:59
mesteryarmax: Ah, ok, thanks. :)13:59
matrohonarmax : thanks13:59
armaxmatrohon: do we have other patches in the gate that need higher priority?13:59
mesteryarmax: The main one I am aware of is your's I just +A'd. :)14:00
armaxthis is ready to go but I’d hate to be the one to cause a gate reset :)14:00
armaxok cool14:00
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armaxI’ll approve it, but the gate queue for neutron jobs is pretty long :(14:01
mesteryarmax: Yes, it's HUGE in fact. :(14:02
mesteryarmax: Maybe we're better waiting a bit? I don't know.14:02
armaxmestery: I’d be tempted to hold off, just based on the fact that matrohon’s patch does not affect functionality14:02
armaxit’s a cosmetic thing more than anything else14:03
matrohonarmax mestery : no problem, it's not prioritary14:03
mesteryarmax: Agreed.14:03
mesteryarmax: Maybe comment when you put a +2 to this effect, and we can merge it once the queue settles down.14:03
armaxI’ll +2 but not approve it, and I’ll add a comment14:03
armaxmestery: you read my mind14:03
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mesteryarmax: Heh, great minds and all. :)14:04
armaxmestery: I suppose :P14:04
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anteayaif anyone sees sukhdev around can you ping me, I need to talk to him, thanks14:09
mesteryanteaya: Will do.14:10
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anteayamestery: thanks14:11
anteayaalso looking for shivharis when he is around14:11
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anteayamestery: who maintains cisco openstack ci robot?14:12
mesteryanteaya: Dane Leblanc, though starting with HenryG (not here at the moment) would be a good starting point.14:13
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anteayamestery: great thanks14:15
anteayawow is my schedule out of sync with everyone else's today14:15
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack/python-neutronclient: added new column binary to the listing of agents
mesteryanteaya: I know the feeling ;)14:15
anteayaHenryG: when you are around, i have to come up with a standard naming format for the automated gerrit accounts, you saw the etherpad for it in the early stages14:17
anteayaHenryG: so  cisco-openstack-ci    Cisco OpenStack CI Robot14:17
anteayaso we have to get rid of the openstack part of the name and the robot bit14:17
anteayaand methinks going with Cisco CI will just cause conflicts with other cisco ci accounts down the road, or currently14:18
anteayawhat does this account test?14:18
anteayasomething like cisco-{what this account tests}-ci14:18
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Improve vxlan type driver initialization performance
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Add config for performance gate job
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack/python-neutronclient: removed usage of '... can be repeated.'
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boris-42mestery armax so here is the patch, if you would like to get it in you should +1 it14:27
openstackgerritTerry Wilson proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Remove run-time version checking for openvswitch features
boris-42 mestery  armax14:28
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mesteryboris-42: Done, and thanks!14:30
boris-42mestery and there will be small patch in neutron14:30
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otherwiseguymestery: zzelle: sorry, had to do another iteration of the patch. jlibosva found a bug (INVALID_OFPORT was defined as -1 instead of '-1').14:30
anteayawho maintains IBM Neutron Testing?14:30
boris-42mestery that adds directory which will contains what benchmarks to run and plugins14:30
anteayais that the only IBM account that tests in neutron?14:31
mesteryanteaya: banix maintains that.14:31
anteayamestery: thanks14:31
anteayahey banix14:31
openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed a change to openstack/neutron: OFAgent: Share codes of l2-population in OVS agent
openstackgerritLiping Mao proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Allowed address pair rule error when VM without fixed_ip
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armaxthanks boris-42: will have a look14:33
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trinathsmestery: its in Zuul pipeline with a job running with jenkins. Let the job complete this will be triggered. Today we many reruns and more commits in pipeline.14:36
mesterytrinaths: got it14:37
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boris-42mestery this is neutron patch (but it should wait infra patch)
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Allow neutron-sanity-check to check OVS patch port support
boris-42mestery and as well I would like to have a sample of plugin14:43
hoangdoI'm implementing a plugin for ceilometer. I have an agent running inside the VMs, and it need to send polling data to ceilometer api. Is there anyway to communicate between VMs and OpenStack control network.14:43
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Add config for performance gate job
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openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Improve vxlan type driver initialization performance
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trinathsmestery: its done now. Can you check gerrit review once.15:03
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trinathsmestery: today we have a heavy load of commits to test with ci.15:03
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openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Improve vxlan type driver initialization performance
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openstackgerritArvind Somya proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Cisco APIC Layer 3 Service plugin
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trinathsReviewers, can I have your time for review of my change at Kindly consider this change for your review.15:39
mesterytrinaths: We will review this, but given the state of the queue, we won't be +A'ing at this time.15:41
mesteryThe queue is backed up. :)15:41
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trinathsmestery: oh! my change cannot go with J-1 ?15:43
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trinathsmestery: I'm working on this from Nov 2013 for Icehouse and now for Juno-1.15:44
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anteayashivharis: let me know when you have a moment please15:45
shivharisanteaya: i have 5 mins, please say..15:46
anteayahas anyone heard of the opencontrail ci account15:46
mesterytrinaths: I didn't say that, we'll see how the queue looks, but right now I'm trying to prioritize changes since the queue is so deep.15:46
anteayashivharis: we are reformating names for ci accounts15:46
anteayashivharis: to standardize them15:46
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anteayabrocade has 3 accounts15:46
shivharisanteaya: that is good...15:46
anteayayou are in charge of brocade_jenkins    Brocade Tempest15:47
anteayashivharis: you can't use jenkins or tempest in the name15:47
anteayawhat does the account test?15:47
anteayaand we have to have ci in there15:47
anteayaso brocade-something-ci15:47
anteayawhat should the something be?15:47
shivharisok, i have no prob in changing the names15:48
anteayashivharis: great, what should we change it to?15:48
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anteayawe have brocade adx ci, brocade oss ci and yours15:48
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shivharisi will need brocade-ml2-ci and brocade-vdx-ci15:48
trinathsmestery: okay.. I understand the load reviewers have. since, I need number of reviews happening. Kindly consider my change in your priority list.  thanking you.15:48
anteayashivharis: which is your system15:49
trinathsmestery: need => see*15:49
anteayabrocade_jenkins Brocade Tempest15:49
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anteayashivharis: which one is that?15:49
anteayaml2 or vdx?15:49
shivharisboth are mine15:49
banixmatrohon: Hi Mathieu; Are you around?15:49
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shivharisbrocade_jenkins in vdx15:49
anteayashivharis: come here:
anteayaline 94, shivharis15:50
anteayashivharis: are the suggested changes I made on line 94 accurate?15:51
shivharisanteaya: yes15:51
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shivharisanteaya: line 94 ok15:51
anteayathank you15:51
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anteayaso you will need to request a new account for brocade-ml2-ci15:52
anteayashivharis: the same way you requested the others15:52
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shivharisanteaya: thx. got to make meeting agenda changes before meeting in 7 mins..ttyl15:52
anteayaSukhdev: will arista ever have more than one ci account?15:52
anteayashivharis: thank15:52
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shivharisanteaya: ok will do.. will you be around in 1 hour...15:53
Sukhdevanteaya: I do not believe so15:53
anteayaSukhdev: okay I will need to suggest that we change Arista Testing to Arista CI then15:53
matrohonbanix : hi15:53
anteayathis is for reformating ci names to a standard15:53
anteayaSukhdev: when it affects you, I will let you know15:54
Sukhdevanteaya: Oh I see…15:54
banixmatrohon: hi; wondering if you will be joing the ml2 meeting starting in 6 minutes15:54
Sukhdevanteaya: in that case, may be I should create a new account and then get rid of the old one -15:54
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anteayaSukhdev: no, no no15:55
anteayaSukhdev: no you shouldn't15:55
anteayaplease don't create new accounts, let me do my job15:55
anteayabanix: are you in charge of cisco-openstack-ci    Cisco OpenStack CI Robot15:55
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Sukhdevanteaya: is it a matter of changing the message that I print - or is it tied to the account name?15:55
banixanteaya: no I am not15:55
anteayabanix: any idea who is?15:56
anteayaSukhdev: it is infra internal changes15:56
banixanteaya: unfortunately no15:56
HenryGanteaya: I can get in touch with the right people15:56
anteayaHenryG: thanks15:56
Sukhdevanteaya: Oh cool - I will take it on the infra channel -15:56
anteayabanix: are you in charge of a gerrit automated account?15:56
SukhdevHenryG: I was typing your name - and you spoke :-):-)15:57
anteayaSukhdev: no, please don't15:57
anteayaSukhdev: please talk to me15:57
anteayaSukhdev: I am doing this15:57
banixanteaya: yes for ibm sdn-ve15:57
Sukhdevanteaya: cool - I will ping you later - after my ML2 meeting15:57
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anteayabanix: which one is ibm sdn-ve?15:57
anteayabanix: is this you?  ibmsdnve    IBM Neutron Testing15:58
banixanteaya: the neutron plugin for IBM SDN-VE controller. Does that answer your question?15:58
banixbanix: yes15:58
anteayaoh okay great, I got you confused15:58
banixanteaya: yes15:58
anteayaso we have to go with IBM-something-CI15:58
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anteayayou want IBM SDN-VE CI?15:59
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banixanteaya: Sure15:59
banixanteaya: IBM Neutron CI wil be ok?16:00
anteayawe need something more specific to what you are testing16:00
otherwiseguymestery: bah to ssh timeout errors in jenkins. you haven't fixed those yet? :p heh16:00
banixanteaya: ok; what you suggested is fine with us16:00
anteayaunless you are and will evermore shall be the only IBM account testing in neutron16:00
anteayaokay thank you16:01
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anteayamestery: OpenDaylight Jenkins will have to become OpenDaylight CI16:01
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anteayaanyone know who maintains the radware account?  radware3rdpartytesting    Radware 3rd Party Testing16:09
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mesteryanteaya: Understood.16:15
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anteayamestery: thanks16:16
anteayasalv-orlando: hey so while I love vmwareminesweeper    VMware Mine Sweeper16:16
anteayait doesn't fit the format16:16
anteayavmware-something-ci is what we have to aim for16:17
anteayasalv-orlando: any suggestions?16:17
salv-orlandoanteaya: works for me.16:17
anteayaha ha ha16:17
anteayaso it shall be, thanks16:17
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anteayaanyone know anything about wherenowjenkins Jenkins CI16:19
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salv-orlandoanteaya: np, do I have to do anything or you guys at openstack-infra will take care of that ?16:20
salv-orlandoI mean for changing the name of the ci bot16:20
anteayafirst infra has to agree16:21
anteayathen we have to create a process and timeline16:21
anteayamaking announcements to the ml will be part of the timeline16:21
anteayathen we have to co-ordinate changes16:21
anteayaonce a date and time has been selected and announced, the gerrit db will change so the credentials for signing in will need to change on your end16:22
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anteayawe will let you know in advance when that time will be16:22
anteayasalv-orlando: sound fair?16:22
salv-orlandosounds fair to me16:23
anteayagreat thanks16:23
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anteayaI'm looking for the maintainer of nicirabot16:33
openstackgerritRossella Sblendido proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Return no active network if the agent has not been learnt yet
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openstackgerritJames Carey  proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Add support for DB2 as a backend database
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openstackgerritPierre Rognant proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Add an option to turn off DF for GRE and VXLAN tunnels
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/neutron: Add 'secret' property for 'connection' option
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shivharismestery: ping17:29
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mesteryshivharis: pong17:29
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shivharismestery: got you added to "neutron bugs" team as admin, sorry did not ask you :-)17:30
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shivharismestery: can you now add me to that team as regular member?17:30
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shivharisptl is added by default as admin.17:31
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mesteryshivharis: I will do that, running Adv. Svcs. meeting in #openstack-meeting-3 now, will do it after that.17:32
shivharisnp, thx17:32
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kbringardanyone running virtio/vhost_net on Ubuntu 12.04?17:48
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busterswtkbringard: yes18:00
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kbringardare you seeing your network getting limited by the vhost-$pid process pegging at 100% on your compute node?18:01
kbringardI'm running virtio on a 10Gbit network, I get the full 10Gbit physical to physical, but VM to Logical router only gets about 3Gbit, and I see the vhost-$pid process peg18:02
kbringardwhen I run a VM to VM test, it only gets to about 500Mbit18:02
kbringardand I see the same vhost-$pid pegging on both compute nodes18:02
carl_baldwindevvesa: ping18:02
kbringardbusterswt: much like this: and this:
busterswtcan't say i've seen that. I have seen poor performance between VMs with OVS that we resolved with a newer kernel, but it was due to this:
kbringardwondering if anyone else is seeing that18:04
kbringardah yes, I remember this bug18:04
kbringardpretty sure I marked that it affected me quite some time ago :-D18:05
kbringardbusterswt: so you upgraded the kernel on your hypervisors?18:06
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busterswtyes. we were on < 3.2.0-60 on many of them, and 61 helped quite a bit. 3.8 and 3.11 were even better, though i can't recall the minor version where the bug was fixed18:07
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kbringardand you made sure the offloading was on?18:08
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kbringardlooks like there's a 3.11 built for precise, can't hurt to give it a try18:10
busterswtkbringard: pretty sure, yes. it's been a while18:10
kbringardcool, thanks for the direction18:10
busterswthere's another thread:
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openstackgerritNachi Ueno proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Action support for security group rule
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anteayashivharis: can you find out who this person is and be sure they don't send test messages to the ml anymore: ramk@Brocade.com18:23
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anteayamestery: do you have the link for the novaparity meetup?18:25
openstackgerritNachi Ueno proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Extension for Network Security Group
anteayamestery: the topic of meetups is being discussed internally for monty's team and we want to ensure we have adequate coverage18:26
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mesterysorry, not nati_uen_ :)18:26
nati_uen_mestery: hi18:26
mesterynati_uen_: Sorry, wrong paste ;)18:26
anteayamestery: thanks18:28
mesteryanteaya: Sure, anytime!18:28
anteayamestery: how are you for qa/infra coverage?18:28
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anteayaa little thin18:29
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kbringardbusterswt: so I upgraded to kernel 3.13 and made sure gso, gro and tso were on for all the interfaces related to both the VM's port(s) and the logical router's ports and there's no improvement18:30
mesteryanteaya: Yes, a little thin I agree.18:30
kbringardso that doesn't seem to be my issue :-/18:30
mesteryanteaya: I know the infra/QA meetup is in germany the next weke, which makes it challenging18:30
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anteayathis is why I ask before I book my flights18:31
mesteryThere's also an LBaaS the week after next.18:31
anteayayeah, I know that18:31
anteayaI might be a bit of help for the parity one18:31
anteayaI will be next to useless on the LBaaS one18:31
anteayakeyword might18:31
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anteayaqa would be better18:31
anteayalet me see if I can scare up some support from sdague or mtreinish18:32
openstackgerritRonak Shah proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Floatingip extension support for nuage plugin
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nati_uen_mestery: how do you think dhcp fix?
mesterynati_uen_: I'd like Brian Haley's comments addressed, otherwise it's good.18:37
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nati_uen_mestery: I think we can't breakline in exisiting format, right?18:39
nati_uen_mestery: so we can't write this with pep8 safe way18:39
mesteryThe UT changes are inconsistent in a few places.18:39
nati_uen_so he breaks like in L757 in new code18:39
mesterynati_uen_: Look at line 780 for comments18:39
nati_uen_yes. but change ins't needed here18:40
mesteryOK, I got it I think.18:40
nati_uen_so your intension is to fix all style in this ut?18:41
mesteryNope, now I see the issue, thanks for pointing it out!18:41
mesteryI will remove my -1 now.18:41
nati_uen_Sure! :)18:41
nati_uen_Thanks TL18:41
busterswtkbringard: what does performance look like between VMs on the same host or between hosts (same network)?18:43
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kbringardone moment18:46
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kbringardbusterswt: hmmm, well that's interesting… the vhost processes still peg, but I'm getting nearly 16Gbit between them18:51
ranger81Can someone point me to all the APIs for service insertion and chaining in Icehouse18:51
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busterswtkbringard: that's two instances on the same host i assume?18:52
kbringardwhich would imply vhost isn't necessarily the issue18:52
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busterswtkbringard: what are you using to test? and what type of tenant networks are these? vxlan, gre, vlan?18:53
kbringardVLAN tenant networks, just using iperf18:53
kbringardon havana18:53
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busterswtkbringard: cool. so the router is vlan on both sides then? what does performance look like from vm to vm on different hosts, same network?18:54
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kbringardabout 500Mbit18:55
kbringardso it definitely seems to be something to do with hitting the physical network18:55
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busterswtkbringard: and the version of OVS?18:56
kbringard1.10.2 to be exact18:56
kbringardI've not tried ovs2 on the compute nodes, but I have tried it on the router nodes18:57
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busterswtkbringard: you've tried the vm to vm test since upgrading both hosts?19:02
kbringardto ovs 2?19:02
kbringardI have not19:02
busterswtkbringard: kernel, sorry. had a colleague upgrade to v2 last night and noticed a nice improvement as well. I don't have a smoking gun for you here, unfortunately. One of my tests included creating namespaces on each node and connecting them to the integration bridge. I tagged them with an existing OVS tag, assigned an IP within the namespace, and performed testing between the namespaces. That took KVM out of the picture19:04
kbringardyea, ovs2 is especially useful on the l3 agent nodes since it has multi-core support for flow management19:04
kbringardbut since in general the compute nodes are just doing L2 and don't generally have a crapton of unique flows being setup and torn down, it was less of an issue19:05
kbringardeither way, I'll keep poking at it, I appreciate your help19:05
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kevinbentonarmax: ping19:14
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armaxkevinbenton: pong19:15
_cjones_Hey guys. Quick neutron question. When does port_bind() get called in the ml2 driver?19:16
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_cjones_I thought this would get hit when a port is attached to an instance, but I'm only getting a port_update()19:16
kevinbentonarmax: i don’t understand why to check for an iterable instead of a list19:16
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rkukura_cjones_: Port binding is triggered by the binding:host_id attribute value being supplied, either in port_create or in port_update.19:17
armaxkevinbenton: it would make your test broader19:18
kevinbentonarmax: and why would i want that?19:18
kevinbentonarmax: if i’m receiving something like a dict there is a problem19:19
kevinbentonarmax: i don’t want to silently coerce it to a set19:19
armaxwhat about a tuple?19:19
kevinbentonarmax: from json.loads?19:20
kevinbentonarmax: poppycock! :-)19:20
armaxkevinbenton: I don’t understand19:20
armaxI am not talking about the example applicable in your exact patch19:21
kevinbentonarmax: but that’s what i’m talking about. why should i adjust the patch?19:21
kevinbentonarmax: what were you talking about?19:21
armaxI don’t understand, I said and I quote “I  wonder if you'd be not better off checking for iterable object instead”19:22
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armaxkevinbenton: if you are absolute certain that what you’re gonna get from rest_call19:22
armaxis only a list, then fine by me19:23
rkukurakbringard, busterswt: For best throughput with GRE, you may need to turn offloading off rather than on. See
armaxkevinbenton: :)19:23
armaxkevinbenton: are you?19:23
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kevinbentonarmax: yes, unless json.loads returns tuples19:24
kbringardrkukura: I'm not using GRE :-)19:25
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* armax thinks kevinbenton is kidding19:25
kbringardbut in the past I have had that problem, the offloading makes the sequencing get all jacked up and the window eventually slows to a crawl19:25
rkukurakbringard: right, and I think that applies to both GRE and VXLAN19:25
kbringardI'm just using regular 'ol VLAN19:26
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kevinbentonarmax: i don’t know if there was some circumstance where json parsing would turn arrays into tuples instead of lists19:27
kevinbentonarmax: that you were hinting at19:27
armaxforget about tuples ;)19:27
armaxkevinbenton: I just wanted to draw your attention to think carefully about what you were checking19:28
armaxkevinbenton: apparently you did, and if you think that isinstance(body, list) is fine19:29
kevinbentonarmax: i did. and that’s why i was concerned that there was a case i was missing when you brought it up19:29
armaxkevinbenton: that’s ok. But you’d be better not file a fix later on relaxing the test to something like not isinstance(body, basestring) :D19:29
kevinbentonarmax: if i do i’ll make sure not to add you as a reviewer ;-)19:30
armaxkevinbenton: assuming you’d be able to get it past my super filter ;)19:30
armaxkevinbenton: btw, what can capabilities be if not a list?19:31
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kevinbentonarmax: an empty string19:31
kevinbentonarmax: if the json fails to decode19:32
* armax is baffled19:32
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armaxso what’s your check for?19:32
armaxyou raise an exception within a try/except19:32
kevinbentonarmax: well sorry, not an empty string but whatever comes back from the server19:32
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armaxkevinbenton: I struggle to see the point of your change now19:33
armaxkevinbenton: but maybe because it’s getting late over here19:33
armaxkevinbenton: whatever being?19:33
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kevinbentonarmax: a string that could’t be parsed as json19:33
armaxbut it couldn’t be as you already did the json.loads below!19:34
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kevinbentonarmax: json.loads can fail19:34
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armaxI quote your commit message: Removes extra call to json.loads that the capabilities19:34
armaxretrieving call was performing. Adds unit tests to cover19:34
armaxthe capabilities retrieval.19:34
armaxso you already perform a json.loads19:34
armaxkevinbenton: ^19:34
kevinbentonarmax: yes, json.loads can fail19:35
kevinbentonarmax: in which case it will just put the body in there19:35
armaxkevinbenton: so you’d be better off fixing the first error19:35
armaxrather than down the chain19:35
armaxkevinbenton: the more I look at the method rest_call, the more I get confused19:36
kevinbentonarmax: what error is that?19:36
armaxthe fact that json.loads can fail19:36
kevinbentonarmax: the problem is that the backend right now will just return empty responses with most 200 OK19:36
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kevinbentonarmax: json.loads isn’t so friendly with an empty string19:37
armaxkevinbenton: right19:37
armaxso you’d be failing on line 19019:37
armaxkevinbenton: no?19:37
kevinbentonarmax: yes19:38
armaxand resp data would be the whole response19:38
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kevinbentonarmax: yeah, it would just be whatever the whole string was19:38
armaxwhich is == to respstr19:38
armaxoh my19:38
armaxI am getting a headache19:38
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armaxwhich is what you’re collecting on line 11419:39
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armaxbut then you’re doing skipping the json.loads19:39
armaxnot knowing whether you failed in the first place19:39
armaxthis code is a disaster waiting to happen19:39
kevinbentonarmax: even if the json successfully parses, i still need to verify this is a list19:40
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kevinbentonarmax: and not some other unexpected dict19:40
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armaxkevinbenton: ok19:41
armaxkevinbenton: but still doesnt buy you anything19:42
armaxkevinbenton: because you raise an exception that you ‘ignore’19:42
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armaxkevinbenton: actually worse off, self.capabilities is possibly undefined19:43
kevinbentonarmax: no it’s not19:43
armaxkevinbenton: yup, I saw19:44
armaxbut still, it’s stale value19:44
kevinbentonarmax: and it does buy me something because it doesn’t assign to capabilities19:44
kevinbentonarmax: which is what i intended to prevent19:44
armaxkevinbenton: as in ‘it does not pollute the value’?19:44
armaxbut that wouldn19:44
armaxkevinbenton: I think this code can do a little make over, but if you want to leave it like this, I can’t force you to19:45
kevinbentonarmax: this is a bug fix that needs to be back-ported19:45
kevinbentonarmax: i can’t refactor here19:45
armaxkevinbenton: I see19:46
armaxkevinbenton: is this really backport material?19:47
dgbaleyHey. I'm looking at my tunnel interface (eth0, not part of br-tun) on a compute node. $(tcpdump -ni eth0 proto gre). For each guest packet I see a GRE packet to each of my other compute nodes. I do not, however see one toward the network node.19:47
kevinbentonarmax: i don’t know what that means19:47
armaxkevinbenton: this is not loss of functionality without it, is it?19:47
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kevinbentonarmax: it is. the capabilities are broken. json.loads() fails when passed a dict and the capabilities get set to []19:48
armaxkevinbenton: ideally backports are fixes for loss of functionality19:48
kevinbentonarmax: i’m aware19:48
armaxkevinbenton: I’d suggest you to go back the bug report and give more context because this is not cler19:49
armaxkevinbenton: you say The capabilities check in the BigSwitch server manager tries to call json.loads on an object that has already been decoded19:49
armaxkevinbenton: so it does not sound that serious19:50
armaxkevinbenton: also, when do you receive a dict?19:51
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kevinbentonarmax: all of the time.19:51
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kevinbentonarmax: the capabilities api has essentially not been working19:51
kevinbentonarmax: sorry, not a dict but a list19:52
armaxkevinbenton: ok, shall we leave it here, I think I lost19:52
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kevinbentonarmax: please elaborate19:53
armaxit’s probably best if we take this on the review itself19:53
armaxas other reviewers can get some context19:53
kevinbentonarmax: that’s a really slow medium.19:53
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armaxin the meantime I suggest you to elaborate on the bug report and commit message so that we can more people can assist you19:53
armaxkevinbenton: you are assuming that I am on irc all the time and I don’t sleep or eat or ..19:54
kevinbentonarmax: but you are here right now. this fix is obviously to convoluted if after a half hour of chatting we haven’t gotten anywhere19:54
kevinbentonarmax: i’m going to redo this just to reference the raw body so it’s a 1 line change19:55
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armaxkevinbenton: I think the problem lies in the fact that the response from rest_call is not consistent19:57
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armaxkevinbenton: a tweak like this is only making the problem grow bigger…that said I am not gonna stop you by19:58
armaxkevinbenton: let’s see what other folks think19:58
kevinbentonarmax: that’s why i will just use the response that is consistent19:58
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Configure agents using neutron.common.config.parse
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Added .iteritems() to Context
armaxkevinbenton: if scope of refactoring is limited because you want to backport this, then there’s very little you can do19:58
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Introduced rpc_compat.create_connection()
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Monkey patch threading module as early as possible
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Introduced transition RPC exception types
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Added RpcProxy class
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Copy-paste RPC Service class for backwards compatibility
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Introduce RpcCallback class
enikanorovoh man19:59
enikanorovi'm writing tons of code!19:59
mesteryenikanorov: Busy guy!19:59
* mestery thinks enikanorov is going for the "most code in Juno-1" award.19:59
enikanorovin fact i've added just one character in the first commit20:00
enikanorovit was just a chain of commits20:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/neutron: ofagent: Add a missing push_vlan action
enikanorov(not mine, btw)20:00
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enikanorovhope to kill one gate failure with that20:00
mesteryenikanorov: bizzare20:00
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mesteryenikanorov: nice!20:00
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Big Switch: fix capabilities retrieval code
anteayamestery: so qa is scarce for MN20:13
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anteayamestery: I'm trying to sell dkranz on the idea of attending, he is thinking about it20:13
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anteayamestery: I'll say I'll go so at least someone from qa/infra is there and then I can start to arrange my flights for July20:13
anteayadon't expect much but I'll do what I can20:14
kevinbentonarmax: can you see if this one looks just as bad to you?
kevinbentonarmax: i dumped the list check because if i can’t trust what’s coming back from the server at that endpoint it doesn’t really matter what i think the capabilities are20:15
_cjones_rkukura: Sorry, stepped out for a bit: So would I not expect this to be called when attaching a port to an instance in nova.20:16
nati_uenoenikanorov: which patch will kill gate failure?20:16
enikanorovnati_ueno: in fact there is a chain of patches (see above) that depend on one patch that has typo in l3 agent, which leads to l3 agent failure20:17
enikanorovso there is a fwaas bug filed on that; like fwaas is failing in the gate20:17
enikanorovbut in fact it's only true for 97505 and patches that depend on it20:17
nati_uenoenikanorov: oslo-messeging related stuff?20:18
enikanorovnati_ueno: yep. in other words, master doesn't have the issue (yet, lol)20:18
nati_uenoenikanorov: kk IMO, spec bp is needed for this20:19
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nati_uenoenikanorov: I'll start review20:19
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armaxkevinbenton: I’ll have a look, thanks20:20
enikanorovnati_ueno: i'm not the owner of oslo.messaging effort anyway, I've just fixed the patch to stop gate failures20:20
nati_uenoenikanorov: ok20:20
nati_uenoenikanorov: so using oslo.messaging fixes the issue?20:20
nati_uenoenikanorov: do you have bug report?20:20
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enikanorovnati_ueno: no, there is no issue in the master20:20
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nati_uenoenikanorov: so stable one is failing, right? Even if so, it is great if we have a bug report for the gating failure20:21
enikanorovnati_ueno: here's relevant bug report20:21
nati_uenoenikanorov: Thanks20:21
nati_uenoenikanorov: Ah, Firewall one20:21
enikanorovnati_ueno: can you point to stable failures? i think it should be different failure20:21
nati_uenoenikanorov: sorry, I'm confused. so could you share some info for " gate failures " ?20:22
openstackgerritSandhya Dasu proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Blueprint for ML2 mechanism driver for Cisco UCS Manager
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Add L3 Extension for Distributed Routers
enikanorovnati_ueno: it's particular gate failure with fwaas API tests.20:22
enikanorovfolks thought it was caused by some issue in the master20:23
enikanorovbut in fact it was caused by the bug in the patch20:23
enikanorovso the patch and all depending patches were experiencing those failures20:23
nati_uenoenikanorov: so the issue in the patch?20:23
enikanorovnati_ueno: correct20:23
nati_uenoI got it now!20:23
nati_uenookey, so it isn't urgent, right?20:24
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enikanorovabsolutely, i've just fixed it and it should be ok now20:24
nati_uenoso you just fix it proactively20:24
enikanorov(fixed by just pushing fixed patchset, no merge needed)20:24
nati_uenokk Thanks!20:24
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aburaschiHi enikanorov, is this issue also related to gate operation? I am not able to reproduce it...20:36
enikanorovaburaschi: right, it is20:37
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Ensure entries in dnsmasq belong to a subnet using DHCP
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Support Subnets that are configured by external RAs
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Fix IPv6 notation in unit test
openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack/neutron: WIP Blah
enikanorovalso, in the gate they're running things on ubuntu20:37
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Ensure entries in dnsmasq belong to a subnet using DHCP
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Support Subnets that are configured by external RAs
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rkukura_cjones_: Yes, nova calls create_port update port to set binding:host_id when you pass in the UUID of an existing port20:43
_cjones_rkukura: Okay. We're getting the update_port call, but not hitting the bind_port()20:44
_cjones_I'm assuming this comes through attach_interface() in the nova vif driver.20:45
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openstackgerritSandhya Dasu proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Blueprint for ML2 mechanism driver for Cisco UCS Manager
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Add L3 Extension for Distributed Routers
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openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack/neutron: WIP Blah
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openstackgerritrcurran proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Provider Segment Support for Cisco Nexus Switches
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openstackgerritEdgar Magana proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Change the LOG level when dnsmasq version is not determined
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pcm_Anyone: Having a problem with a unit test, trying to mock with a side effect. Can anyone advise?21:16
kevinbentonpcm_: yes21:18
pcm_kevinbenton: Awesome.
openstackgerritrcurran proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Layer 3 Service Plugin for Cisco Nexus Switches
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kevinbentonpcm_: looking21:25
pcm_kevinbenton: Sure. I figured that :)21:26
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kevinbentonpcm_: if you set it to an exception does it even raise that?21:30
kevinbentonpcm_: the side_effect21:30
pcm_Let me try...21:30
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pcm_kevinbenton: as expected. No.21:33
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pcm_kevinbenton: I must not be specifying it right.21:33
kevinbentonpcm_: is this code up somewhere where i can check it out and run it?21:34
pcm_NO. I haven't pushed the latest changes up for review.21:34
pcm_though it has the code w/o the mocking...21:34
mesteryanteaya: Great, thanks for the offer of help/assistance here!21:36
mesteryanteaya: And if dkranz can come, that would also be awesome!21:37
pcm_kevinbenton: I could push up the latest (it is WIP)21:37
mesteryanteaya: Our focus will be on nova-network parity items, but that includes tempest/QA items as well.21:37
kevinbentonpcm_: not necessary. i will just check out the current and add the unit test from the paste site21:37
kevinbentonpcm_: that will replicate, right?21:37
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kevinbentonpcm_: which test file should it go in and under what class?21:38
pcm_kevinbenton: Not quite, I changed the argument ordering in the method.21:38
kevinbentonpcm_: oh okay, can you just push the latest as a WIP then?21:38
pcm_kevinbenton: sure...21:39
anteayamestery: yes I am reading the wikipage21:41
anteayamestery: I just got an email from Andrew Grimberg21:41
anteayanoone is being asked to do anything to their third party accounts21:42
mesteryanteaya: He also pinged me, he said he needed some help with regards to changing the name of the CI account21:42
anteayaunder no circumstances create new or more accounts21:42
mesteryanteaya: Ah, ok. Maybe I misinformed him?21:42
anteayayeah, it wasn't for him to do21:42
mesteryanteaya: Ah, ok, so this is on your end?21:42
anteayaor you told him and he filled in the blanks in his head21:42
mesteryanteaya: That's my fault then, sorry for the confiusion!21:42
anteayayes our end21:42
anteayano problem21:42
mesteryanteaya: OK, cool. Can you please update him? Apologies!21:42
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anteayaI don't know why and it isn't just you but for some reason folks think the answers to issues is to create more accounts21:43
anteayaI have never seen that solve anything21:43
mesteryanteaya: :)21:43
anteayaI already have emailed him21:43
openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed a change to openstack/neutron: VPNaaS: Allow vendor extend/override valiadation
anteayaif folks are confused ask me21:43
pcm_kevinbenton: Just pushed up the latest (with debug removed)21:44
anteayabut I get folks saying well I didn't know what to do so created another account, now I have two21:44
anteayaso yeah MN21:44
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anteayawhat do I need to do to prepare do you think?21:44
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pcm_kevinbenton: One of the tests that fails: neutron.tests.unit.db.vpn.test_db_vpnaas.TestVpnaas.test_create_ipsec_site_connection21:45
kevinbentonpcm_: line 456 is the problem, right?21:46
pcm_kevinbenton: yes21:48
mesteryanteaya: Honestly, if you can come prepared to help people with QA/infra questions, that would be best.21:48
mesteryanteaya: We may have some people who are relatively new to the process as well, having your guidance there would be good in additoin.21:48
pcm_kevinbenton: it doesn't seem to be using the side_effect I created.21:48
anteayaso show up21:48
mesteryanteaya: :)21:48
anteayaI can work on showing up21:48
mesteryanteaya: Ha!21:48
anteayaokey dokey then21:49
mesteryanteaya: I'm hoping people show up and are ready to write code, documentation and test. :)21:49
anteayaand I fortunately don't expect to be jet lagged so there's that21:49
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mesteryanteaya: Because we will push hard that week to close gaps for parity during Juno-2.21:49
mesteryanteaya: That's always positive, yes.21:49
anteayawe can always hope, the group looks solid, I recognize most of the names from before21:49
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anteayaI'll show up and figure out the rest as I go21:50
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mesteryanteaya: Great!21:51
* mestery goes back to debugging the "ssh timeout" issues in the gate.21:51
anteayaany headway on that?21:52
anteayathere seems to be much focus and little progress21:52
mesteryanteaya: So far, armax salv-orlando and myself have not found the root cause.21:52
anteayawhat more do you need?21:52
mesteryanteaya: It's a tough one, seems to be a timeout problem which we can't quite trackdown yet.21:53
mesteryanteaya: More time the day :)21:53
anteayamore people, more resources21:53
anteayayeah, that21:53
anteayakk, I keep reading scrollback21:53
anteayago you21:53
mesteryanteaya: The good news is with the 3 of us looking at it, we have coverage.21:53
mesteryanteaya: thanks!21:53
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kevinbentonpcm_: ah, missing a return_value21:55
kevinbentonpcm_: it should be site_conn_driver.return_value.validate_ipsec_site_connection.side_effect = (21:55
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kevinbentonpcm_: since _get_driver_for_ipsec_site_connection is a function that gets called21:55
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pcm_ah. Thanks! I've been beating my head on this.21:56
kevinbentonpcm_: no prob!21:56
pcm_so the driver assignment returns the mock, and we're say that function returns an attribute that has a side effect?21:57
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pcm_kevinbenton: Any idea how I continue that line (which is over 80 chars)?22:01
kevinbentonpcm_: i separate it with another temp variable22:02
kevinbentonpcm_: driver = site_conn_driver.return_value22:03
kevinbentonpcm_: driver.validate_ipsec_site_connection.side_effect = (22:03
pcm_kevinbenton: thanks.22:05
pcm_kevinbenton: Really having a hard time wrapping my head around the side_effect stuff.22:05
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anteayamestery: how safe is the blue line? all my hotel options are downtown22:05
kevinbentonpcm_: it looks like you had it down. the painful part is just when you need to setup stuff on mocks returned from function calls on other mocks22:06
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pcm_kevinbenton: whew! Do I need to use *args, **kwargs on the side effect function, or can I use the signature of the original?22:11
kevinbentonpcm_: you should be able to use the same signature22:11
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dgbaleyUsing ml2 and the ovs plugin. Should my br-tun have a gre port to the network node? Right now it doesn't, but gre ports to all of the other compute nodes are being setup.22:12
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pcm_kevinbenton: I just started stepping through. So driver is a different mock object from ipsec_conn_driver22:12
kevinbentonyeah, when you call a function on a mock it returns a new mock22:12
kevinbentonor request an attribute22:13
kevinbentonand when it’s a mock returned from a function call that you want to customize, you have to go through that return_value22:14
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kevinbentonis anyone familiar with how neutron-client determines whether to use the public URL vs the internal url from keystone for neutron?22:28
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openstackgerritSoheil Eizadi proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Pluggable IPAM Subsystem in Neutron
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openstackgerritPraneet Bachheti proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Opencontrail plug-in implementation for core resources
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openstackgerritSoheil Eizadi proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Pluggable IPAM Subsystem in Neutron
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Add L3 Extension for Distributed Routers
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openstackgerritSoheil Eizadi proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Generic DNS Subsystem
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openstackgerritnlahouti proposed a change to openstack/python-neutronclient: Add API in python-neutronclient for Cisco DFA
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openstackgerritSoheil Eizadi proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Infoblox Plugin for Neutron
openstackgerritPraneet Bachheti proposed a change to openstack/neutron: Opencontrail plug-in implementation for core resources
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openstackgerritSoheil Eizadi proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Fixed problem with "Title underline too short" flagged by tests.
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kevinbentonmestery: ping23:40
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openstackgerritguang-yee proposed a change to openstack/neutron-specs: Spec for keystone V3 Support changes
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