Friday, 2016-02-12

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* carl_baldwin here02:40
HenryGarmax: join us?02:41
armaxHenryG: we have beer02:41
HenryGwhat?! where?02:41
armaxright now the create_subnet API02:42
armaxcan figure out the default subnet pool if no cidr is specified02:42
armaxwhat if we added another arg, like default=True02:43
armaxlike here:02:43
carl_baldwinSo, like:  neutron subnet-create --default-subnet-pool ... ?02:44
armaxcarl_baldwin: yes02:44
armaxthat would imply a tweak to the extension02:44
armaxnot 100% convinced yet02:45
carl_baldwinOne thing to consider is that the default subnet pool option was originally added so that operators could turn on prefix delegation for everyone automatically.  They did this by specifying a special subnet pool for PD.02:45
carl_baldwinI liked that PD subnets showed like they were in a subnet pool.  It will make them address scope compatible.02:46
armaxic so the route to explicitly ask for a default subnet-pool is not really viable02:47
carl_baldwinNot sure yet.02:47
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carl_baldwinMy idea to change the tempest tests to pass None for subnetpools may not be viable either until tempest tests no longer have to work for Juno.02:48
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armaxwe hit the failure when a cidr is indeed specified02:49
armaxwouldn’t that imply subnetpool=None?02:50
armaxperhaps that’s our answer02:50
armaxI mean02:50
armaxif the user does specify a cidr and no subnetpool02:50
carl_baldwinJohn Davidge (I think) proposed that and I shot it down at the time.02:51
armaxwouldn’t we assume subnetpool=None02:51
carl_baldwinI didn't like that the presence of the cidr in the API changed the subnetpool that was used (or not)02:51
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carl_baldwinIt seemed a really odd side-effect to me.02:51
HenryGCouldn't that allow one tenant to mess up routing for other tenants?02:52
carl_baldwinHenryG: How?02:52
armaxcarl_baldwin: it depends on how you look at it02:52
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armaxI can still do subnet-create cidr —subnetpool=None and that would have the same effects of subnet-create cidr with the revised semantic02:53
armaxbut it is a bit odd02:53
armaxwe could have a validator that makes that more explicit for us02:53
armaxmaybe not02:55
carl_baldwinI expect that if I add --cidr <something> to any subnet create command that the subnet I get is from the same pool as if I didn't add it.02:55
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armaxassuming that02:56
armaxI may have subnets already associated to a subnet pool02:56
armaxbut i see what you’re saying02:56
armaxthere’s a danger that the behavior of the API changes based on the order of the request02:57
carl_baldwinThe presence or lack thereof of --cidr on the command line to me say whether I want to try to choose something or accept what the system allocates.  It would be a surprise if it also affected what pool the subnet is associated with.02:57
carl_baldwinAnd, since address scopes are based on subnet pools, it would also affect the address scope that the subnet is in.02:58
armaxtoday if I specify just the cidr and I don’t have default subnet pools02:58
armaxwhat happens?02:58
armax(but I have more than one)02:58
carl_baldwinMore than one what?02:59
carl_baldwinBut none of the pools is default?02:59
carl_baldwinYou get a subnet from the old pool.  The legacy pool.  Whatever you want to call it.  The one that allows overlaps and arbitrary usage of addresses.03:00
carl_baldwinYou get the old behavior.03:00
armaxso the call is equivalent to passing subnetpool=None03:01
carl_baldwinBasically, the code looks up the default subnet pool which returns None.  So, they are exactly equivalent.03:01
armaxI see03:02
armaxI can’t think of anything right now03:03
armaxthe other not ideal solution would be t03:03
carl_baldwinIt was that realization that led me to propose having existing tempest tests pass None by default.03:03
armaxto have an explicit config for gman that tells me what pool I should pick from03:03
armaxbut I don’t even wanna go there03:04
armaxtrue, but this isn’t just about tests03:04
carl_baldwinDo tempest tests need to support Juno or earlier now?03:04
armaxI think juno was droppe03:04
carl_baldwinI know it isn't just about tests.  But, if we can figure out the right way to test it, that might lead us to the right solution.  Or, vice-versa.03:05
armaxdunno if it’s on some periodic queue though03:05
armaxthere’s some bit-rot set of jobs that run periodically I believe03:05
carl_baldwinI can chase that down if we think this option is worth considering.03:06
armaxnot sure it is03:06
armaxnot yet anyway03:07
carl_baldwinI think there is a fundamental problem that makes it hard.03:08
carl_baldwinWe're trying to provide a path for people to transition to the wild-wild-west of addressing where tenants supply whatever they want to a more controlled form of addressing where operators provision pools.03:09
carl_baldwin... while supporting the wild-wild-west way of doing things.03:09
carl_baldwinI'm not saying that we shouldn't support both ways.  I think we have to.03:09
armaxthe hard part is to figure out how the two co-exist03:09
carl_baldwinBoth must be supported.03:09
armaxI can’t imagine that one supplants the other03:10
carl_baldwinBut, it makes for some awkward stuff like that.03:10
armaxbecause overlapping IP’s a is a great selling proposition to net-virt03:10
carl_baldwinI didn't quite understand that last sentence.03:10
armaxoverlapping IPs is synomous of true multi-tenancy and network virtualization03:11
carl_baldwinWell, subnetpools supports overlapping IPs in a much better way, IMO.  Use more than one pool.03:12
armaxthe problem stems from the default one03:13
armaxso perhaps03:14
HenryGThat bans all wild west activities?03:14
carl_baldwinIt was never my intention to prevent address overlap altogether.  Just to control where it is allow to happen.d03:14
carl_baldwinHenryG: No, not bans.03:14
carl_baldwinHenryG: It just makes you explicitly request the wild-wild-west by passing --subnetpool=None03:14
armaxI can’t create overlapping subnetpools by any chance?03:15
carl_baldwinI think my little brain might be brewing another option.03:15
carl_baldwinDefine overlapping subnetpools03:15
carl_baldwinTwo subnet pools with overlapping addresses?  Or, a subnet pool that allows overlap within it?03:16
carl_baldwinHere is the new option.  We blow away the global default subnet pool and we add a default subnet pool to the external network.03:17
armaxI could do this03:17
carl_baldwinMy new option might need some more baking.03:17
armaxnot sure I follow03:18
armaxbut it looks like I can create overlapping subnetpools03:18
armaxI could do03:18
armaxneutron subnetpool-create --default-prefixlen 24 --pool-prefix test-pool03:18
armaxa number of times03:18
armaxwithin the context of the same tenant or across tenants03:18
armaxcarl_baldwin: do you concur?03:18
carl_baldwinYes, that was always in the design.  Like I said, I never wanted to prevent overlapping addresses.03:18
armaxI can also have a default subnetpool03:19
* carl_baldwin not seeing how it helps yet.03:19
armaxhang on03:19
armaxI may have just brainfarted03:19
armaxhow would the default subnetpool on the external network help?03:20
carl_baldwinI'm not sure that works either.03:21
armaxI think we have to sleep on it03:21
armaxif we had an answer, a good one, we’d have it by now03:22
carl_baldwinI agree.  My favorite is still changing tempest to be explicit about testing the wild-wild-west.  That's really what it is doing with all the tests that aren't explicitly testing subnet pools.03:23
carl_baldwinLet's talk again later.03:23
carl_baldwinEven though its my favorite, I'm not totally sold on it myself.03:24
armaxthat won’t tackle the non-backward compatible of creating subnets03:24
carl_baldwinRight (I think I know what you mean)03:25
armaxand that really breaks with default subnetpools, does it not?03:25
armaxI mean in presence of03:26
carl_baldwinIt does.  I was just hoping to provide a way for an operator to break free from the wild-wild-west without having to carry around an extra option to subnet-create everywhere.03:27
armaxso I am just have gonna have you elaborate more why falling back on subnetpool=None in presence of a cidr03:27
armaxbut I think I am halfway there03:27
carl_baldwinHow about next time?03:28
carl_baldwinIt is 8:30 here and I've got to say goodnight to the kids.03:28
armaxI am drained anyway03:28
carl_baldwinMe too.03:29
carl_baldwinGood discussions today.  Thanks.03:29
armaxand it’s even later for HenryG if he hasn’t fallen asleep on the keyboard03:29
armaxcarl_baldwin: tahnks!03:29
HenryGThanks guys, I'll ping you tomorrow03:29
armaxnite HenryG03:29
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