Tuesday, 2015-06-16

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kevinbentonmestery: is it still office hours?00:47
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kevinbentonDB folks, can you take a look at review.openstack.org/#/c/166725/09:58
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dougwigfellow drivers and LTs, opinions on the API ramfications of this one?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/146359418:51
openstackLaunchpad bug 1463594 in neutron "LBaaS drivers can be queried to determine whether they support a feature the API exposes" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:51
mesterydougwig: -1 to that one19:23
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dougwigand his point about flavors?19:27
mesteryI left a comment on that one19:28
bloganmestery: can we discuss taht in here instead of in comments? and then add a comment on the resolution if we come to one?19:30
mesteryblogan: Ack, good idea!19:31
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bloganmestery: alright so are you against that the API would return an error if a particular driver does not support somethign the API does?19:32
bloganerr something the API says it does?19:32
dougwigblogan: i think he's against the notion of different providers supporting different behavior.19:33
mesterydougwig: yeah, that19:33
dougwigthat's why i flagged it for the driver's group to discuss.19:33
mesteryI had a longer reply in progress but I like your tl;dr better19:33
mesterydougwig: What are your thoughts?19:33
blogandoesn't flavors support different behaviors though?19:34
mesteryblogan: To some extent, yes, it could be used to expose different backends via a flavor19:34
bloganso the alternative to this is to do what is currently being done and do something the user doesn't expect, PING monitor for example is actually a TCP monitor, minor issue but obviously not what the user intended19:34
dougwigsuper super fucking torn. on the one hand, not having vendor lock-in on APIs is a big thing with openstack, and can be abused for adding features.  on the other hand, it is fucking reality that even within the lowest common denominator feature set, there will be slight variances.  the a10 drivers doesn't support APP_COOKIE, haproxy doesn't support hm PING's,19:35
dougwigblogan: flavors are under operator control to deviate, not the driver authors.19:35
mesterydougwig: BINGO!19:35
mesteryThat's the big difference19:35
blogandougwig: yeah that is good difference19:35
mesteryThus, flavors > "API query"19:35
dougwigi was going to deny the rfe on that basis, but figured i'd give you a shot with the larger group.  :)19:36
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bloganwell there's gotta be a better alternative than just taking what the user intent is and then doing something else19:36
dougwigideas?  maybe add conflicting items as config toggles?  or?19:37
dougwigi agree that the current behavior is kinda wonky.  like haproxy with PING, if you pass the a10 an APP_COOKIE health monitor, you silently get a HTTP_COOKIE monitor instead.19:38
bloganshouldn't the user be told that something is not exactly what they intended though?19:38
mesterycan the backend return an error for things it doesn't support? But, that may not be different than a query since it exposes this anyways ...19:39
bloganright now its minor things that 99% users won't realize19:39
dougwigyou can raise a not supported exception, but it becomes messy fast with running the same tests for your CI.19:39
dougwigit works well in v1 because the test coverage is lousy.19:39
bloganyeah it could put the object in error status, but then thats not a good UX19:40
dougwigyeah, horizon also doesn't handle the exception backtrace well.19:40
bloganfull transparency, this rfe was something i always thought about doing, but procrastinated, then realize it would solve something wwe need to do at RAX for neutron lbaas, so my procrastination ended19:42
bloganwhich dougwig i've discussed with you a bit before and that is haivng some way decide whether to have the plugin create the vip port or delegate to the drivers19:43
dougwigand the alternative, that is acceptable, it damn close to the same thing.  (that being, just try a new driver interface, and if it doesn't exist, try the old one.)19:46
dougwig /it damn/is damn/19:46
bloganits kind of the same thing but not as it is guaranteed to work all the time since it will try the old one anyway and that should always work19:47
bloganwhereas the rfe in question would fail fast19:48
bloganthis would continue with doing somethign else, and really its not something else as the user's intention would still be upheld19:48
bloganbut its still basically a query to the driver seeing if it supports it, but not in a way that leaks implementation details19:49
bloganmestery: would you be okay with this approach?19:49
blogani think dougwig is19:49
dougwigboth fail fast, since you just query if the new method exists.19:49
mesteryso, we're talking about a query to verify if a backend supports a specific API?19:50
bloganbut why fail fast if the user doesn't care how the vip is created, if the driver doesn't support vip delegation then it would just create it the normal way19:50
bloganmestery: no in this specific case, the neutron lbaas plugin creates the vip port before it even passes control to the driver, so drivers are guaranteed a vip port is created for them19:51
bloganmestery: but in some cases, a driver may want to cotnrol how the vip is atually allocated, it may be accomplished with a different method19:51
dougwigblogan: would you be willing to write up a spec with the specific use cases and a high-level description of the interface you want?19:54
blogandougwig: certainly19:54
dougwiglet's punt to the spec, then.19:55
bloganno implementation details right? just what and why?19:58
bloganlets just say it goes back to the cells and segment support :) as usual in our case20:00
bloganthanks for the discussions though, i can update that rfe with what was decided20:01
bloganactually should i make a new rfe since what we're discussing is quite different?20:01
dougwignah, just morph it.20:01
bloganwas hoping to give you some pleasure by denying one of my rfes, i know how much you'd enjoy it20:02
dougwigyou can get yourself towed in colorado and i'll be good.20:02
bloganoh im not going now20:02
blogani did what was best for clb in this particular instance :( because i'm dummy20:03
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