Monday, 2015-06-08

*** kevinbenton has joined #openstack-neutron-release02:27
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*** mestery has joined #openstack-neutron-release03:28
mesteryhi kevinbenton!13:40
*** amuller has joined #openstack-neutron-release15:36
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*** amuller has joined #openstack-neutron-release19:57
kevinbentonmestery: maybe this would be a good channel to bring up bug triage?22:10
*** amuller has quit IRC22:16
mesterykevinbenton: Yes sir!22:20
mesteryFYI: I'll be in and out tonight now22:20
kevinbentonl love in-n-out22:24
dougwigkevinbenton: welcome to the secret core channel.23:50
kevinbentondougwig: not sure i see what all of the fuss was about23:51

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