Wednesday, 2017-08-16

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sapdHi ajo. I installed ovn multinode by using your vagrant repository. But The install still can't go to the internet.04:27
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openstackgerritvenkata anil proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: Support for L3 gateway HA
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openstackgerritvenkata anil proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: Support for L3 gateway HA
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ajosapd which one?, yes I think I didn't make it to go to the external interface with internet, I'll check in a minute07:59
ajodo you mean the devstack based vagrant, right?07:59
sapdyes ajo07:59
sapdI'm using this Vagrantfile
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ajosapd, right, they're configured to have access to the floating network
ajowhich each node has an IP address on
ajoWe could go and configure another layer of SNAT to the external network on gw1/gw208:09
ajoso your instances could access the external world08:09
ajobut from your instances you may be able to ping  any of the 172. on that list08:09
sapdI think the instance can go to the internet without set floating for it. because The router was set gateway on network.08:10
sapdajo when I use ovs-vsctl show. The output show on br-<external_interface>  bridge has path port with br-int bridge08:11
ajosapd , so yes, you may have access to ,08:12
ajobut not to everything else outside of your nodes08:12
ajoI mean, if you want to download anything from the internet, that won't work08:12
ajoI thought that was your issue08:13
sapdlet me check again. :( I don't think the instance can't ping right now08:18
ajosapd correct, I mean, that it may not be able in the current configuration08:23
ajosapd what I mean, is that the current configuration gives access to the space only08:24
ajoand if we wanted something different we need to configure an extra SNAT layer on gw1 and gw208:24
ajovia iptables08:24
ajoor... connect an interface with real external connectivity08:24
sapdWhen I configured on VMware lab, I used an interface with real external connectivity (, and add this interface to br-ex (which was configured with option ovn-bridge-mappings=public:br-ex), After that, I configure IP address for br-ex interface, But The instance can't ping space, evenly gateway IP on Router08:32
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ajoyeah, with the default vagrant files you still need to tell the system to do nat again08:43
ajoif you want to get to that net08:43
ajoin this case I believe that you need to replace "eth0" with whatever interface in your system has external connectivity08:44
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sapdI will check it again.09:56
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openstackgerritNuman Siddique proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: Sync neutron db with OVN southbound db
openstackgerritMerged openstack/networking-ovn master: Support for L3 gateway HA
numanslucas-hungry, russellb some love for this patch -
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lucasagomesnumans, will take a look11:59
numanslucasagomes, ++ thanks11:59
lucasagomesnumans, pretty straight forward +a12:02
numanslucasagomes, ++12:03
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openstackgerritvenkata anil proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: Support ACL name and severity columns
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openstackgerritDaniel Alvarez proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: Rename networking-ovn metadata agent config file
dalvarezlucasagomes, russellb ^ some cosmetic before rc final cut14:11
lucasagomesdalvarez, cool, looking now14:11
dalvarezlucasagomes, thanks a lot!14:11
lucasagomesdalvarez, pretty simple :-)14:12
dalvarezlucasagomes, yes... i'm running into some minor things like this that i want to complete before the release :P14:12
dalvarezthanks guys14:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/networking-ovn master: Sync neutron db with OVN southbound db
openstackgerritvenkata anil proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: schedule gateway on chassis with external connectivity
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