Wednesday, 2017-07-26

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dalvarezrussellb, ping re.   does it still make sense after the trunk_driver was introduced in networking-ovn?11:55
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russellbdalvarez: no12:31
russellbdalvarez: that was pre vlan-aware-vms12:31
russellbkept for backwards compat i suppose ...12:32
russellbin fact, i think there's still something that uses it let me check12:32
dalvarezrussellb, ack12:32
russellbyes ... there is a Docker networking plugin shipped with OVN that uses it still12:33
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dalvarezrussellb, ack got it thanks!12:55
dalvarezrussellb, i thought of removing it from networking-ovn tho12:55
* russellb nods12:56
russellbi would support that if it wasn't used12:56
russellbso i'd want to migrate the existing code that uses it first12:56
russellband even then, you've got the past releases of OVS/OVN that still use it12:57
russellbwe're kinda stuck for a while12:57
russellbat least it's small12:57
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dalvarezrussellb, right it's small... i'll be sending a patch to networking-ovn to support the trunk ports, right now we're not transitioning them to ACTIVE since they don't have host_id and plugin doesn't try to bind them13:26
dalvarezfor normal ports, nova sets the binding:host so my plan is, whenever 'up' in Port_Binding table goes from False to True, check if that's a subport and if so, inherit the binding:host from parent13:27
dalvarezrussellb, how does that sound?13:27
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russellbdalvarez: sounds reasonable to me14:18
dalvarezrussellb, ack thanks14:18
dalvarezthat should make subports go ACTIVE14:18
dalvarezwich is needed by kuryr and probably someone else14:19
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openstackgerritTerry Wilson proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: Prepare for using ovsdbapp > 0.4.0
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openstackgerritTerry Wilson proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: Prepare for using ovsdbapp > 0.4.0
otherwiseguyrussellb, dalvarez numans If you have a chance to look at, it's just copying over RowEvent from networking-ovn to ovsdbapp, but it does change from using eventlet to native thread. I run a test with it in the ovn southbound patch and seems to work well.15:07
otherwiseguydalvarez, I seem to remember you using some RowEvents lately. :D15:08
russellbdalvarez: yep, just an oversight really15:08
otherwiseguyalso, I would like to profess my undying love for git bisect. that is all.15:10
russellbha, indeed handy15:10
otherwiseguyWHY U NO WORK WITH NEW OVSDBAPP?! git bisect start;git bisect bad;git bisect good 0.4.0;git bisect run ./ and go work on something else for 10 minutes. :p It's like magic.15:12
* otherwiseguy waits for the machines to replace him15:13
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dalvarezotherwiseguy, lol16:09
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: doc: Add link to tutorial.
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: doc: Fix list and link formatting.
dalvarezotherwiseguy, dumb question... that patch is a part of the "getting rid of eventlet" effort in ovsdbapp right?16:34
dalvarezdoes it enhance performance with native threading?16:34
otherwiseguydalvarez, no idea on performance, just eventlet isn't a dependency of ovsdbapp and didn't want it to be one. figure if someone is monkeypatching eventlet, queues/threads/etc. get patched and will work.16:35
dalvarezotherwiseguy, gotcha16:35
otherwiseguysimilar to how the Connection spawns a thread instead of picking an event loop.16:35
dalvarezrowevent is handy :)16:35
* dalvarez remembers that we dont want to pass in a Connection because it might be not used...16:36
dalvarezbut cant remember really where :p16:36
otherwiseguydalvarez, I use it here to implement a RowEvent that waits for northd to create a Port_Binding. seemed to work pretty well. (line 106)16:37
otherwiseguy(and 25 I suppose)16:37
dalvarezotherwiseguy, yeah i've used it as well16:38
dalvarezotherwiseguy, ah to pick the event loop16:39
dalvarezthat's cool! and with a def timeout of 5s, neat :)16:40
otherwiseguyI still had to stare at the RowEvent stuff a bit before it came back to me how to use it.16:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ovsdbapp master: Add RowEvent mechanism from networking-ovn
openstackgerritboden proposed openstack/networking-ovn master: use qos constants from neutron-lib
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openstackgerritTerry Wilson proposed openstack/ovsdbapp master: Return False when comparing a RowEvent to something else
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ovsdbapp master: Return False when comparing a RowEvent to something else
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openstackgerritTerry Wilson proposed openstack/ovsdbapp master: Add OVN_Southbound API support
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