Tuesday, 2018-09-11

openstackgerritMerged openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: Drop nose dependencies  https://review.openstack.org/59267201:22
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doudehi tmorin08:26
doudeabout https://review.openstack.org/#/c/600731, why is it unstable?08:26
doudefor https://review.openstack.org/#/c/600957 I don't knwo what it does. I never write a playbook and don't know how OpenStack infra works...08:28
tmorinhi doude11:51
tmorintest_router_association_update is just a unit test11:51
tmorinwhether you run it locally or via openstack CI playbooks does not really matter11:52
tmorintox -epy27 ...11:52
tmorinI don't know exactly why it is not stable (or I would fix it), but it looks like a concurrency issue11:52
tmorinI suspect seomthing like if multiple parallel runs register/unregister the advertise_extra_routes, in an inconsistent way11:54
tmorinand this parameters ends up being unrecognized even though the bgpvpn-routes-control extension (that defines it) is loaded11:55
tmorinor perhaps the extension is unloaded11:55
doudehmm interesting issue tmorin but not easy to tackle11:57
doudeso for the moment you prefer to keep it unstable to not block CI?11:58
tmorindoude: yep, exactly13:00
tmorinwhen it fails, we'll still see it (if we look at skipped tests), but it won't block merges13:01
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