Monday, 2018-05-14

openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: Django 2.0 support
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pjrusakhi @tmorin11:54
pjrusakso to understand your mail correctly you recommend to use ovs as dataplane driver for IPVPN and EVPN11:55
tmorinhi pjrusak !12:17
tmorinif you want to interop with something doing only MPLS/GRE or MPLS/UDP for IPVPN, then yes, you should use the OVS driver for IPVPN12:19
tmorinyou'll have things to do to support MPLS/GRE though: use a recent OVS with the openvswitch module provided with OVS, and configure bagpipe-bgp so that MPLS/GRE is used in an interoperable way12:20
tmorinfor E-VPN, both the linuxbrigde and ovs drivers will allow to do VXLAN in a way that will interop12:21
tmorinif you want to do IPVPN MPLS/GRE with linuxbridge and you are ready to test work-in-progress code, I can try to push the work I have locally, to let you test it12:22
openstackgerritAndrzej Denisiewicz proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: Add a test test_bgpvpn_loopback_port_association_create_and_update to test many loopbacks (default 100).
pjrusakfor now I think I will go for supported path, but later definitely will give a try to linuxbrigde12:24
pjrusakso need to check what version of ovs I have12:25
pjrusakI got 2.8.1 so I need to switch to 2.9.0 to make mpls forwarding work12:27
tmorinI don't have the exact release in mind, but 2.8.1 should be fine12:35
tmorinI think MPLS/GRE was in 2.8.012:35
tmorinyes, you just need >=2.8.012:36
tmorinbe careful to use the openvswitch module shipping with OVS (usually compiled with DKMS), rather than the module shipping with the kernel12:37
tmorinand you will need "gre_tunnel_options = packet_type=legacy_l3" in the [DATAPLANE_DRIVER_IPVPN] section of /etc/bagpipe/bgp.conf12:38
pjrusakok, great than I don't need to upgrade version12:38
pjrusakdo i have to setup gre_tunnel and mpls_interface as well?12:39
pjrusakwhat about those kernel modules? is it only performance issue or stock one missing anything?12:40
tmorinusing "mpls_interface=*gre*" is sufficient12:42
tmorinin fact it depends also on your kernel release, some older kernels have an openvswitch module that does not have what is needed for packet_type=xxx12:43
tmorinif you have a very recent kernel, then using the openvswitch module shipping with the kernel possibly would work, but I'm not sure12:44
tmorinI haven't followed in which kernels the datapath OVS->kernel backports have landed12:45
pjrusakis it any further step other than defining VPN as l3 and accociate that network to correct VPN under project, is needed to advertise network using BGP by bagpipe-bgp12:45
tmorinno, that should be sufficient12:46
tmorinif you have the associations in the neutron API, and nothing showing up under "bagpipe-looking-glass vpns instances", then the problem is probably somewhere in the neutron agent or its config12:47
tmorinif you have the VPN definitions in "bagpipe-looking-glass vpns instances" and nothing advertise, then the problem is somewhere in the BGP peering, or in bagpipe-bgp, or on the neighbor12:47
pjrusakgot it. I'm going to adjust my config using this information and will get back if it won't work12:48
pjrusakthanks a lot12:49
tmorindon't hesitate to send me logs or "bagpipe-looking-glass -r" dumps if you run into issues12:52
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pjrusakI don't see anything under "bagpipe-looking-glass vpns instances" or "bgp adv_routes". Will gather logs and sent you via email13:13
pjrusakI might be missing something in my devstack "local.conf"13:13
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tmorinI've just had a look at your conf and dump13:57
tmorinif you don't have any VPN instance defined in bagpipe-bgp, it means that the problem is around neutron agent and (likely) more specifically the bagpipe_bgpvpn agent extension13:58
tmorincan you send (or the neutron agent logs ?  (journalctl -u devstack@neutron-agent) ?13:59
tmorinalso, as background information:  the OVS driver for IPVPN has been here for a while and has CI tempest tests, so I'm confident you can have it running ok,   but the OVS driver for EVPN is much younger (and does not yet have a tempest CI job)14:01
tmorinso if you want to try the simpler things first, try with IPVPN14:01
tmorinanother thing: I've seen "Exception while initializing dataplane state: Exit code 1 when running 'ovs-vsctl add-port br-mpls mpls_gre -- set Interface mpls_gre type=gre options:local_ip= options:remote_ip=flow options:options:layer3=true' " in your dump14:02
tmorincan you send me your bgp.conf file please ?14:04
tmorinpjrusak: replies above ^^14:04
pjrusakSure, I will collect that additional logs and config files and sent you via email14:05
tmorinpjrusak: for the bgp.conf issue, I think I know what happened: bgp.conf previously had a wrong suggested line, which you probably uncommented, instead of using the one I proposed, right ?14:15
tmorin(the misleading suggestion has been fixed in master, but not in stable/queens)14:16
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: unit test fix: fix api_extension_path being overriden
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rusakptmorin, you are correct. Originally the line with "gre_tunnel_options" was commented out. Later I uncommented it and restarted BGP service17:20
rusakpoh, I got it now. Just checked configuration file bgp.conf and that's right the suggested "gre_tunnel_options" line is different than the one you told me17:24
rusakpafter correcting this option and restarting b-bgp service this problem was solved. now the route is listed among "bgp routes"17:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: unit test fix: fix api_extension_path being overriden

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