Thursday, 2016-05-12

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enikhermatrohon: ping13:34
matrohonenikher : hi13:34
enikherI have a silly question13:34
enikherhow does neutron know that it should read networking_bgpvpn.conf?13:35
enikherI forgot that somehow13:35
enikheris it done through this code:13:35
enikher        service_type_manager.add_provider_configuration(13:35
enikher            constants.BGPVPN,13:35
enikher            pconf.ProviderConfiguration('networking_bgpvpn'))13:35
matrohonenikher, hence you don't have flexibility on the conf file name13:36
enikherok understood13:36
enikhersomehow it is not reading this conf file13:37
matrohonin your setup?13:37
enikherI am working on redhat liberty do you know if there was an issue with that in some liberty version13:37
enikheron stable liberty it just worked :-)13:37
matrohonho! I don't remember when this refactoring occured on the neutron side13:38
matrohonmight not be in redhat liberty, which probably use an older version than the one in stable/liberty13:39
enikherI am on tak 7.0.213:39
enikhertag 7.0.213:39
enikheron this commit 85f72db223a1c5227dee8db5747ea1a0594b8d7f13:40
enikherthat is "long ago"13:40
matrohonthis commit in neutron introduced the service provider addition : 46fc17e88d0bd9f69ffee9798aa1e8f68c1fa1d913:41
enikherok thanks13:42
enikherI will check13:42
matrohonenikher ^13:43
enikherthanks have seen that13:43
enikherI am checking if that commit if before or after the tag13:44
enikherenikher@enikher-VirtualBox:~/workspace/official/neutron$ git log --decorate |grep -E "\(tag:|61121c5f2af27e31092db7ac6947f796198410a8"14:05
enikhercommit b80fa23ac0b292db84df84855141eb16a4e0fec0 (tag: 7.0.4)14:05
enikhercommit 197b188ea8bfdfd023b2da3b7572e9387568c500 (tag: 7.0.3)14:05
enikhercommit 30b53c9cc5d1bc8bce3c5d5cda7856e28098d18b (tag: 7.0.2)14:05
enikhercommit 28961debfbfc906bca2580f37e21870d59ea90df (tag: 7.0.1)14:05
enikhercommit 6dcfe3a9362ae5fcf18e5cfb59663e43446cd59c (tag:, tag: 7.0.0)14:05
enikhercommit 0b07910f33ed26fbdd13530eafbdefd74104424d (tag:
enikhercommit fa2b18c45ae0e7aefa0a0b454c5b7b4e9a05f63a (tag:
enikhercommit 3ce9473bab1c054aa027ca9f84e8a2586e297958 (tag:
enikhercommit 61121c5f2af27e31092db7ac6947f796198410a814:05
enikherso it looks like the commit is in14:06
enikherI am running tag:7.0.214:06
enikherdo you have any idea why it is looking for the file at this location14:32
enikherok putting the file there and it is working14:34
enikhermatrohon: ^14:34
enikherahh sorry I see that is fixed in the RedHatOpenStackPlatfrom14:35
enikherok thanks14:35
matrohonI4m not sure to follow you but I'm glad you figured out what was the issue :)14:36
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