Friday, 2016-02-19

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/networking-bgpvpn: remove neutron-client@liberty dependency
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openstackgerritNikolas Hermanns proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn: Initialize Heat plugin
matrohonenikher, hi08:58
matrohontmorin, hi09:01
tmorinhi matrohon !09:02
matrohontmorin, i was wondering why we're not moving experimental job to the check queue?09:02
tmorinmatrohon: we could do it for "stable/liberty" and for "master", but for the other branches, we can't (because the CI jobs can't behave to use the right branches for Neutron)09:09
tmorinmatrohon: so we can do it, and we should, but we need to tweak the job so that it is fired only for stable/liberty and master09:09
matrohontmorin, got it. I'll take a look at this asap09:10
enikhermatrohon: hy09:18
matrohonenikher : hi09:18
matrohonenikher, I'm having some troubles running your patch :(09:18
enikherdo you think it is related to my patch?09:18
matrohonenikher, without it, it runs fine09:19
enikherI don't change anything related to br-tun09:19
enikhermmmhhh ok interesting09:19
enikherahh do you have heat enabled in your devstack config?09:19
matrohonno, don't pay too much attention to the bridge errors reported by devstack09:20
matrohonenikher, heat is enabled yep09:20
matrohonenikher, bridge error are chown in other unrelated failure09:20
enikhercan you check if heat config is there and if bgpvpn is added to the section plugin dirs?09:20
matrohonenikher, I should have a [plugin_dirs] section in my heat config file?09:22
enikherthats what: "iniadd $HEAT_CONFIG plugin_dirs $NETWORKING_BGPVPN_DIR/networking_bgpvpn_heat" is doing09:25
enikhercan you send me your heat.config09:26
enikhermy be they changed something when it comes to latest master. I tested on a pre liberty release.09:26
matrohonenikher, humm, actually, even without your patch I have the error....09:26
matrohonenikher, I'll debug it loccally, sorry for the burden09:27
matrohonI experimental job is running correctly, I think we can merge your patch09:27
enikherbut the experimental does not have heat enabled or?09:28
matrohonenikher, that what I was looking at :)09:29
matrohonenikher, heat is not enabled by default?09:29
matrohonenikher, not it is not!09:32
matrohontmorin, enikher : we should change those job to make them run the heat plugin and the tempest plugin09:34
matrohonenikher, can you give me the devstack commit you're using?09:35
tmorinmatrohon: +109:35
tmorinmatrohon: I thought we had already enabled tempest in the CI jobs09:35
matrohontmorin, I only looked at your latest patch, did not check the current upstream config09:36
matrohontmorin, maybe you merged a latest patch to enable tempest?09:37
tmorinI think that was done in a patch by enikher09:38
tmorinah no09:39
tmorinit hasn't been merged09:39
tmorinenikher: ^^ what are you plans wrt. the change above to enable tempest in our CI jobs ?09:39
enikherI would like to finish it but I don't find any time09:40
enikhermatrohon: I will sind you the config09:40
enikhersorry guys something urgent poped up I have to concentrate on that now. I will come back to you soon09:41
matrohonenikher, np, thanks09:42
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michchaptmorin: hello :)09:45
tmorinhi michchap !09:45
michchaptmorin: I'm based in Sydney so I'm pretty much done for the week, but I thought I'd say hi09:45
tmorinnice of you09:46
michchaptmorin: I think our RPM is built from trunk, so I'll need to rebuild it from stable/liberty09:46
tmorinyou mean the rpm for networking-bgpvpn ?09:46
michchapyep, we just wrote a quick spec for it this week09:46
tmorinour current master is not too different from our stable/liberty branch09:46
tmorinat least I don't see anything obvious related to db management or which conf files are read for service_providers09:47
tmorinwould it be possible that it would build from backport/kilo ?09:47
tmorindoesn't seem likely, since the neutron-db-manage is not in our kilo branch...09:48
tmorinbut I'm really wondering what may cause the issues you see09:48
michchaptmorin: how would I normally create the tables?09:48
tmorinfor Liberty, the command you are using is the correct one as far as I know09:49
tmorinneutron-db-manage --subproject       networking-bgpvpn --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf       --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini upgrade head09:49
tmorinWhat does "neutron-db-manage --subproject networking-bgpvpn     --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file     /etc/neutron/plugin.ini heads" give you ?09:49
michchapso if --subprojcet is omitted, it will do it for all neutron projects, right?09:49
michchapie. it should be included in our normal neutron db sync process as long as the service_provider is ser correctly?09:50
michchapI'm rebuilding the environment atm, I can run commands against it in an hour or so when it's done.09:50
michchapI'll reply to the email thread09:50
tmorinmichchap: "if --subprojcet is omitted, it will do it for all neutron projects, right?" --> yes, I think09:51
tmorinbut no, this is, AFAICT, unrelated to service_provider declaration09:52
tmorinthis is a different hook09:52
michchapah, how does neutron determine which subprojects to set up db tables for?09:52
michchapsorry if these are pretty basic neutron questions...09:52
tmorinthe declaration of the networking-bgpvpn subproject for neutron-db-manage is done with a setuptools entry point09:52
tmorinmichchap: np09:52
michchapis that done in the .egg?09:53
tmorinin networking_bgpvpn.egg-info/entry_points.txt:09:54
tmorinnetworking-bgpvpn = networking_bgpvpn.neutron.db.migration:alembic_migrations09:54
tmorinmichchap: yes, in the eff09:54
michchapright that makes sense09:54
michchapwe originally lft out the egg by accident in the rpm and nothing worked :) but I fixed that yesterday09:54
michchapI guess I'll just wait until I have an environment and check back, thanks for your help09:57
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