Thursday, 2016-01-07

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doudeHi tmorin !08:27
tmorinhi doude !08:31
doudetmorin: finally, I have to remove the bagpipe driver for the Juno backport08:31
doudethe ovs agent used the callback mechanism of Neutron that appeard in release Kilo08:32
tmorindo you mean: the bagpipe driver uses de neutron registry callback ?08:34
tmorin(it's not the ovs agent directly)08:34
doudeI mean the ovs agent in the bagpipe service driver08:35
tmorinI'm not sure I understand then: which callbacks ?08:35
doudetmorin: oops, yes sorry, not the bagpipe ovs agent but the bagpipe driver08:36
tmorinin fact, even for Kilo, the registry callback was not usable for bagpipe bgpvpn driver, because the notification we needed were not implemented08:37
doudeha ok08:38
tmorinso for Kilo we use an ML2 mech_driver to feed the right events into bagpipe driver08:38
doudebut in the case of Juni the pep8 tests fail08:38
tmorinthis is what does08:38
tmorinwith the bagpipe driver does not use the registry callback at all08:39
doudeok I missed that fix08:39
doudeso normally I just have to backport it08:39
doudeno, I've it with the rebase kilo on juno08:41
doudebut  still uses the callback mechanism ?08:42
tmorinsorry, afk for a few minutes09:01
tmorinno, in this kilo version, the bagpipe driver does not use the callback registry09:02
tmorinthe function function in the driver are the same than the ones used as callbacks for the liberty version09:03
tmorinbut the driver does not try to import the callback registry to register them09:03
tmorinthey will be called by the code in the bgpvpn_notify mech_driver09:03
tmorinI see what you mean09:04
tmorinto keep the  function calls as close as possible the mech_driver imports a few constants from the registry callbacks09:04
tmorinbut this is not necessary in fact09:05
tmorinlines 55,56,68,69,80 and 81 can be replaced by "None,"09:05
tmorinthese parameters are not used by the callbacks in the driver09:06
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doudetmorin: ok, so do you want I try to remove that callback dependance by replacing parameter by none ?09:48
tmorinyes, I think that would be a simple right solution10:24
tmorinanother is to redefine the constants we use from the callback registry in ml2_mech_driver.py10:25
doudetmorin: re10:59
tmorinyep ?10:59
doudethat works for bagpipe10:59
doudebut now I'm facing lot of issues with UT10:59
tmorinwhat kind ?10:59
doudewhich depends on Neutron UT framework that did not exist in juno11:00
doudelike: neutron.tests.unit.db.test_db_base_plugin_v211:00
tmorinI see11:00
doudeor: neutron.tests.unit.api.v2.test_base11:00
tmorinI was kindof expecting this kind of issue11:00
tmorinhence my comment yesterday11:01
tmorinI have to go for lunch11:01
doudeyou're right11:01
tmorinright now I don't have any better idea than "let's accept having less UT for this backport"11:01
doudeall right I do that11:01
tmorinbecause a backport is probably not worth investing time in UTs11:02
tmorinlet's take this option11:02
tmorinI have to go11:02
tmorinsee you later today11:02
doudeenjoy your meal tmorin11:03
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doudetmorin: re15:09
doudeI've got issue to push all commit in review on the backport/juno branch15:10
tmorinwhich issue ?15:10
doudewhen I try to push reviews, git-review wants to push all commits of bgpvpn in review15:14
doudeit does not start after the last commit of the backport/juno branch15:16
tmorinthen you probably should try to do one "git review" for each commit15:16
tmorinassuming you have commits c1,c2,c3,c4, I think you should do:15:16
tmoringit checkout -b juno_backport (from current backport/juno HEAD)15:17
tmoringit cherry-pick c115:17
tmoringit review backport/juno15:17
tmoringit cherry-pick c215:17
doudeI remark the branch backport/juno branch on the repo review.openstack.org15:17
tmoringit review backport/juno15:17
doudeif I do 'git review backport/juno'15:18
doudeI get 'The branch 'backport/juno' does not exist on the given remote'15:18
tmorinhmm surprising15:19
tmorinwhat does "git branch -a" say ?15:19
tmorindid you do a fresh "git fetch gerrit" ?15:19
tmorinassuming gerrit is the name of your remote for review.openstack.org15:20
doudetmorin: oops, I just released my remote gerrit pointed to neutron repo :(15:22
doudesorry for the noise15:22
tmorinah, ok15:22
tmorinall good then :)15:22
doudetmorin: sorry, seems good now15:24
doudeI'll pussh 23 review15:24
tmorindoude: about
openstackLaunchpad bug 1531905 in bgpvpn "juno: Cannot load the BaGPipe driver" [Undecided,New]16:18
tmorinis this bug here simply to explain the additional change you will had to to use None instead of the constants from the callback registry module ?16:19
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