Friday, 2020-09-04

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dougszmkarpiarz: To be honest, I don't understand why those options aren't part of the libvirt plugin config.07:47
dougszYou could set them via the [DEFAULT] section?07:48
dougszStatsd has a section in there because the Monasca Agent hosts a statsd server for things like application monitoring, and self monitoring of some Monasca components.07:50
dougszGood working digging into it!07:57
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mkarpiarzAh, but Monasca Agent config is a yaml with dicts like "Main" and "Logging", not an ini file.09:38
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mkarpiarzSee here:
mkarpiarzOr for the config file used by the libvirt agent:
mkarpiarzDo you want me to add these options to the API config file?09:40
mkarpiarzBear in mind that kolla-ansible only mounts the agent-collector.yml and yamls for plugins in the collector container.09:42
mkarpiarzIt feels to me like 'libvirt_uri' belongs to the main agent's yaml in a separate dict (like for statsd) or in the libvirt plugin config.09:45
dougszmkarpiarz: I agree, I think all configuration for the libvirt plugin should be in the libvirt plugin config file.09:50
dougszYou have confirmed that the libvirt plugin will read those options (libvirt_uri etc) from agent-collector.yml [DEFAULT] section?09:52
dougszWithout looking in close detail it would seem reasonable to deprecate those options and add support for reading them from the libvirt plugin config.09:53
mkarpiarzThere is no [DEFAULT] section in agent-collector.yml. Do you mean the "Main" dict?09:53
dougszyeah, sorry09:53
mkarpiarzI can definitely see the agent-collector.yaml is read by the main monasca-agent code.09:59
mkarpiarzThis agent config is the passed to the constructor of the libvirt check collector.10:00
mkarpiarzBoth "agent_config" (agent-collector.yml) and "init_config" (the "init_config" section of plugins/libvirt.yaml) should be available to this check then.10:03
dougszNo mention of those oslo config options in:
mkarpiarzHowever the 'libvirt_uri' parameter is registered in this "inspector" module, not in the check itself.10:08
dougszYeah - just looking at some of the other inspector components - for Xen they at least use an opt group when registering the conf options: opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='xenapi')10:10
mkarpiarzSo I'm assuming either agent_config or init_config would have to be passed to monasca_agent.collector.virt.inspector or monasca_agent.collector.virt.libvirt.inspector first.10:10
mkarpiarzAh, OK, so maybe the same should be done for the libvirt inspector.10:12
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