Thursday, 2020-04-09

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AJaegerwitek, can you help with 717469, please ? ^08:40
AJaegerAlso, please review the monasca changes in - those should go in before the release08:40
AJaegerwitek, could you help, please? ^08:40
witekAJaeger: on it, I've put my -1 on the release change until then08:54
AJaegerthanks, witek !09:01
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k_mouzahello all. I'm installing Monasca stable/stein with kolla-ansible and I'm having a problem with monasca-persister on all the controller nodes. I'm getting InfluxDBClient errors ( )  and the persister container constantly restarts, without sending metrics to InfluxDB. Anyone seen this before? Thanks a lot!10:14
witekthe metric comes apparently from the log-metrics component and cannot be parsed correctly for some reason10:26
witekplease set repositories.ignore_parse_point_error to True in monasca-persister to drop these10:26
witekbrtknr, Wasaac: any hints on this? ^^10:29
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k_mouzawitek: thanks a lot, didn't know that configuration option. I did enable it but I'm still getting these errors about partial writes because it's not able to parse some measurements...13:51
k_mouzais there an option to completely drop "log." metrics?13:52
witekstop log-metrics component13:53
witekdougsz: any idea why this is happening:
witekthat's on stable/stein13:54
dougszThis is Monasca deployed with Kolla Ansible?13:59
dougszk_mouza ^ ?14:00
k_mouzadougsz: yup, correct14:00
k_mouzakolla-ansible stable/stein14:00
dougszI think it is a bug with the supplied log metrics configuration.14:00
dougszToo much information is being included with a metric generated from a log file.14:01
dougszUnfortunately the log-metrics service is dangerous like that, because currently it doesn't post anything back via the Monasca API for validation. So the logstash config which drives it can generate invalid metrics.14:02
dougszTo fix it, you need to override the log-metrics config file (and file a bug in KA please)14:04
dougszBasically you don't want any highly variable dimensions like log message snippets going into InfluxDB, because it will kill the performance.14:06
k_mouzahmm ok, I can have a go at this. Thanks for the info. One more thing. Let's say I want to completely drop the log metrics in monasca. I tried stopping all the monasca-log containers (monasca_log_metrics, monasca_log_persister, monasca_log_transformer and monasca_log_api) and then tried to manually drop the "log.nova-compute.warning" measurement in Influxdb. That measurement came back after a minu14:07
k_mouzate even with all the monasca-log services being down14:07
dougszCool, I think it is buffered in Kafka14:08
dougszIn your monasca persister config, do you have ignore_parse_point_error enabled?14:09
dougszThat should allow the failed write to be ignored and unblock your pipeline.14:10
k_mouzayup, I've set that to "true" after witek suggested it above, but still having same errors14:11
k_mouzaI haven't tried restarting/redeploying kafka though after I've added this in the persister config file14:11
dougszThanks witek, sorry I missed it. Need to set up a bouncer.14:11
dougszYou've restarted all of the persisters though?14:12
dougszmonasca_persister specifically14:12
dougszKafka should not require restarting14:12
k_mouzayeah , all monasca components were restarted14:13
dougszBig hammer in Kolla Ansible is to delete the Kafka + Zookeeper containers, delete the Kafka + Zookeeper Docker volumes and then redeploy Kafka + Zookeeper. You will loose data buffered in Kafka, and break Monasca, but it can be useful sometimes in dev envs.14:13
dougszMonasca should recover after the redeploy14:14
k_mouzayeah, that's  what I'm thinking of doing as my next step14:14
k_mouzahammer time then !14:14
dougszNot something for production :)14:15
dougszJust checking, you definitely included the right section header for ignore_parse_point_error? I'm surprised it didn't help14:16
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k_mouzayeah, the [repositories] one right? I had high hopes for that as well!14:16
dougszyeah :(14:17
dougszk_mouza ^ I've been meaning to tweak the supplied log-metrics config to something more like that, havent' had a chance to formalise it yet14:21
dougszNote that includes some parsing of HAProxy logs for monitoring response time, you will likely want to strip that out, unless you want to do that, and then i can supply the required fluentd config.14:21
k_mouzathanks a lot dougsz! I'll give that a spin after the deploy that's running now14:24
dougszyou're welcome, reach out anytime14:24
k_mouzadougsz: by the way. After deleting kafka, zookeper and influxdb volumes and redeploying, metrics are pushed in the db fine and I can see their measurements with monasca cli :)14:36
dougszGood to hear, k_mouza, hopefully you won't need to do that again!14:37
dougszWe run the stein release (deployed via Kayobe + Kolla Ansible) in quite a few production environments and it's generally pretty stable.14:38
k_mouzagood to know! I'm guessing you're using the ignore config in the persister.conf right? I'll try your log metric config later as well14:39
dougszYeah, generally I don't see many metrics dropped, but without that setting there is a risk of the pipeline freezing as you found out.14:53
k_mouzayup, makes sense!14:54
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