Friday, 2019-05-10

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openstackgerritMichaƂ Piotrowski proposed openstack/monasca-thresh master: Create Docker image and build in Zuul
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mohankumarhi , does monasca/kafka docker image support kafka in cluster mode ?10:43
mohankumaranyone tried , any reference ?10:43
dougszSorry mohankumar, haven't tried, but it works well in Kolla-Ansible10:45
dougszIs anyone aware of any issue which would prevent upgrading InfluxDB to the latest release (1.7)?10:45
dougszI've just tried it, and it seems to have gone smoothly upgrading from 1.3.710:46
witekdougsz: API has changed, haven't investigated though what exactly10:46
dougszThanks witek10:47
dougszI will pick up the task for the upgrade10:47
witekgreat, thanks10:48
witekdo you have a story for this already? I'll add to the board10:48
dougszWas just taking a look for it and couldn't find one, would be great if you could10:48
dougszI've been working on this ticket so far:!/story/200564410:49
mohankumarthanks for the reply dougsz !10:51
witekmohankumar: here documentation:
witekyou can rename the first generic task10:56
mohankumarwitek : i just had a look , There is no reference for kafka cluster10:56
mohankumardougsz: Kolla-Ansible deploy kafka in cluster mode ?10:57
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openstackgerritDoug Szumski proposed openstack/monasca-api master: WIP: Try upgrading InfluxDB to latest release
dougszmohankumar: yes, everything in HA except for InfluxDB10:59
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mohankumardougsz: I believe kolla-ansible pull docker images from dockerhub to create containers right ?11:02
dougszmohankumar: Yeah, you can do that, or build them yourself11:02
mohankumardougsz : does it using image ?11:02
dougszNo, it uses the Kolla Kafka image11:03
dougsz^ You can search for that var to see how clustered kafka is set up in config files11:04
mohankumardougsz : thanks much !11:07
dougszthanks witek11:11
witekadded to board!/board/14111:13
schi all, is there someone that is already looking at the error in our testing?12:35
scwe are using a class that was deprecated and now is no more present in falcon12:36
dougszsc: `AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TestBase'` ?12:39
dougszYeah, just hit it as well, I will have a look12:40
scTestBase does not exist any more, TestCase is the suggested replacement12:40
scI was trying to figure out the impact of using TestCase12:41
dougszHopefully we can just pin the library for now12:42
scbut I,m on holiday and wife has priority12:42
dougszhaha, go back to holiday :)12:42
scdougsz: this is a good idea to unlock all tests12:43
scI'll dig into it tomorrow (wife back to Italy)12:44
openstackgerritDoug Szumski proposed openstack/monasca-api master: WIP: Try upgrading InfluxDB to latest release
openstackgerritDoug Szumski proposed openstack/monasca-api master: Constrain Falcon library to fix unit tests
dougszsc: That fixes it for me locally at least ^12:56
dougszNeed to check monasca-common as well12:56
dougszNo excuse for not enjoying your weekend now :)12:57
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openstackgerritDoug Szumski proposed openstack/monasca-log-api master: Constrain Falcon library to fix unit tests
openstackgerritDoug Szumski proposed openstack/monasca-api master: Upgrade Storm to 1.2.2
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joadavisPictures from our Monasca community dinner at the Summit/PTG -
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