Wednesday, 2016-04-06

slogan_rhochmuth: did you work around that devswtack build issue from earlier?00:00
slogan_I have yet to try, pulled away to other matters for the day00:01
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rhochmuthi tried working around it00:19
rhochmuthbut, still not working00:19
rhochmuthactually take that back00:20
rhochmuthat the top of the function install_monasca_grafana00:21
rhochmuthreplace the section of code where it install npm00:22
rhochmuthwith this00:22
rhochmuth    sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties00:22
rhochmuth    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js00:22
rhochmuth    sudo apt-get update00:22
rhochmuth    sudo apt-get install -y wget nodejs00:22
rhochmuththe problem appears to be that nodejs or npm changed between the weekend and today00:23
rhochmuthin new releases of nodejs npm is included00:23
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rhochmuthfunction install_monasca_grafana {00:24
rhochmuth    echo_summary "Install Grafana"00:24
rhochmuth    sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties00:24
rhochmuth    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js00:24
rhochmuth    sudo apt-get update00:24
rhochmuth    sudo apt-get install -y wget nodejs00:24
rhochmuth    cd "${MONASCA_BASE}"00:24
rhochmuth    wget
rhochmuth    sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.5.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz00:24
rhochmuth    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin00:24
rhochmuthsee above for the start of the function00:24
rhochmuthso, clone monasca-api00:24
rhochmuthmodfy code as above00:24
rhochmuththen you might need to do a git commit on master to use00:25
slogan_I've got a bit of a path going here for for other work arounds00:25
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rhochmuthyou might get a big error about rm at the end of the install, but it all came up for me00:26
slogan_the script fails if you ./ and then stack.sh00:26
rhochmuth./ proably doesn't work correctly00:26
slogan_yeah, my approach was to patch - it was mostly just trying to create dirs that already exist00:27
slogan_add users that already exist, easy to fix problems00:27
rhochmuththat is weird00:27
rhochmuththe keystone auth is now working too00:27
rhochmuthno need to supply an auth token00:28
rhochmuthi think the version of npm that was being used had some problem00:28
rhochmutheither that, or ryan updated the code00:28
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slogan_sudo id -u mon-api || sudo useradd mon-api for example is one such change, also mkdir -p and some [[ -d foo ]; tests before doing git clones00:29
rhochmuthi'll try and get a fix up soon00:29
slogan_I can try the above steps after a bit00:29
slogan_one thing I think will be needed is some work to support OFFLINE=True in local.conf, that's a common mode for me00:30
slogan_probably will find some issues when I add that to my config as well00:30
slogan_rbak has done a great job getting things to this point00:31
sloganrhochmuth: trying those changes out now, takes awhile but will let you know00:42
rhochmuthok, thanks00:44
rhochmuthi have another set that i'm trying based on another article at00:44
rhochmuththe directions i sent you were from00:45
slogan_digitalocean usually is spot on00:45
slogan_nodejs is like a weed :-)00:47
rhochmuthso, if the new directions work that is what i'll probably commit for review00:47
slogan_I'd like to get my patch out for others to benefit from (I can't be the only one who does stack/unstack), working on making that happen00:48
rhochmuthdefinitely, want that one too00:49
slogan_I'm not sure yet about my ability to contribute to other projects, taking that up with management. Perhaps it would be expedient to sent it off to you over e-mail?00:50
slogan_er, send00:50
rhochmuthwhatever works for you00:50
slogan_e-mail later tonight then00:51
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sloganrhochmuth: seems like I am past the nodejs issue but I had to (from the command line prompt, not for whatever reason) install nodejs-dev to fullfill a dependency, otherwise it halted.01:28
rhochmuthhmmm, i didn't get that01:29
rhochmuthalso, the directions from digitalocean worked01:29
rhochmuthso, i'm going to go with that01:29
sloganare you on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or something else?01:29
rhochmuthi don't know what is up with the rm errors01:29
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slogancould be my system was a bit different because of previous attempts/runs of stack01:30
rhochmuththis might be my problem01:32
rhochmuthwill try again01:32
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sloganinteresting. We are running as "stack" I suppose during installation, but who is the user at a later time, mon-api or something?01:34
slogannaw, looks like I am running as me, not stack01:36
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sloganack, failed - in fact, still some issue with node.js01:43
slogan2016-04-06 01:42:46.023 |  trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/node.1.gz', which is also in package nodejs-legacy 0.10.25~dfsg2-2ubuntu101:43
sloganok, so, maybe the 14.04 instructions are going to be better idea.01:44
openstackgerritShinya Kawabata proposed openstack/monasca-api: Proposal of adding sort parameter to list notifications
sloganI'm going to blow away node on my host, and anything related, then just do the apt-get install nodejs and see how that works01:48
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openstackgerritShinya Kawabata proposed openstack/monasca-api: Fix alarmdefs multiple sort_by doesn't work correctly
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-agent: Chop value_meta on nagios checks
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openstackgerritShinya Kawabata proposed openstack/monasca-api: Update nodejs and npm packages
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: npm lint jobs are failing due to a problem with npm registry. The problem is under investigation, and we will update once the issue is solved.10:18
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scI'm reading libvirt check, am I correctly understanding dims_customer are the once a tenant can see about his/her VMs while dmis_operations are the one cloud managemenet user can see?12:37
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openstackgerritRyan Bak proposed openstack/monasca-agent: Add configurable units for network metrics
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ukaynar_hello, I setup the libvirt plug in for monasca agent, and when I run it it shows me the following error and then hang. Do you know what might be cause the issue?18:09
ukaynar_ Instance cache missing or corrupt, rebuilding.18:10
ukaynar_2016-04-06 01:58:42 EDT | INFO | collector | requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool( | Starting new HTTP connection (1): 10.x.x.x18:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-api: Update nodejs and npm packages
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ukaynar_ANother thing I would like to ask why the monasca agent needs to access IO counters for specific process such as ovs-vswitchd, neutron-openvsw...etc18:26
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rbrndtukaynar_ the agent reports metrics on process resource usage, but if it doesn't have access it should currently just skip collecting the extra data18:32
ukaynar_Ok I see18:34
ukaynar_Do you think that might be the reason why agent  hangs after "Instance cache missing or corrupt, rebuilding." warning18:37
rbrndtukaynar_ it shouldn't hang there, but that step may take a while depending on environment18:38
ukaynar_ok i see maybe i should just wait and see. also do you think it is critical to access nova-compute IO counters in order to monitor VMs?18:39
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rbrndtI don't believe it is, but that would be a question for someone more familiar with monasca vm monitoring18:57
rbrndtthis is our documentation on vm monitoring right now
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ukaynarThanks rbrndt I will try to get more help from others about VM Monitoring19:27
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sloganwho is looking into this npm lint job issue?20:18
sloganI'm just trying out the latest devstack, if there is some change that someone wants me to try I can work with you to test it out20:19
slogan(I assume this is fallout from the nodejs install changes??)20:20
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ukaynarI am also looking someone to help me about libvirt plugin. Any helps appreciated20:23
openstackgerritJoe Keen proposed openstack/monasca-agent: Kafka plugin no tracking consumer lag
openstackgerritJoe Keen proposed openstack/monasca-agent: Kafka plugin not tracking consumer lag
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openstackgerritJoe Keen proposed openstack/monasca-agent: Kafka plugin not tracking consumer lag
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-api: Proposal of adding sort parameter to list notifications
sloganoh mygosh, it's grafana! Awesome job rbak_!21:39
slogannow I just need to figure out how to use it to display metrics21:40
rbak_Glad you got it working21:40
sloganyeah, this is neat21:40
rbak_Grafana 3.0 just got released, so now we get to redo everything.21:40
sloganremember: it pays the mortgage21:40
sloganand the cable TV bill21:41
* slogan runs21:41
sloganso, is there a quickstart somewhere to showing metrics in grafana?21:41
sloganrecommended tutorials, etc?21:42
rbak_I think I put some docs for that somewhere.  Hang on.21:42
* slogan is beyond estatic21:42
rbak_I think all my docs are internal.  I'll need to put together something for public monasca use at some point.21:44
rbak_The short version is create a Monasca datasource, then use that in your graphs21:44
rbak_The datasource will try to make suggestions, and has some built in documentation.21:45
sloganok, so if I google for how to make a datasource, and how to make a graph, that's a good start?21:45
sloganor is there is something about monasca that this integration knows?21:45
rbak_Grafana has some pretty good docs on getting started21:46
sloganoh, I see "monasca" in the datasource types menu21:46
rbak_The docs won't mention monasca since that's custom, but they'll get you started.21:46
sloganok, great, I'll see how that works out, thanks for the pointers21:47
rbak_Feel free to ping me if you have any questions.21:47
sloganare you going to be in Austin BTW?21:47
rbak_Or if you find any problems21:47
rbak_Yeah, I'll be in Austin.21:48
sloganwill do21:48
sloganyep, just got approval today21:48
rbak_Awesome.  I'm sure I'll see you there then.21:48
sloganhope to see you there21:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-agent: Kafka plugin not tracking consumer lag
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-monascaclient: Allow sorting notifications
openstackgerritJoe Keen proposed openstack/monasca-notification: Retry engine trys to write bad data to Kafka
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sloganrbak: that was a good tutorial. almost have this right, but the URL:port for the datasource has me stuck. I was thinking proxy at port 5000 would work, any suggestions?22:21
rbakYou need the monasca-api port22:21
rbakFor keystone auth it uses the keystone in the grafana config22:22
slogan8070 perhaps, let me try that22:24
sloganI click the keystone checkbox, select proxy (because the UI tells me with keystone I must use grafana as proxy)22:25
rbakThat's correct.22:25
slogan Unknown error is undefined when I hit the "test connection" button.22:26
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rbakI think there may be a bug with the keystone auth option in devstack.22:27
rbakRoland said he got it working at one point, but I haven't managed it.22:27
rbakThe token option should work regardless though.22:28
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sloganso, the token is obtained where?22:30
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rbakIt's just a keystone token, so the cli will work22:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-ui: Fix compiling messages for i18n
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-notification: Retry engine trys to write bad data to Kafka
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sloganrbak: this: + uncheck keystone auth and chage to direct worked22:42
sloganoh wow, it found all my metrics22:46
sloganamazing, graphs are showing - neat!22:53
sloganthis is so freaking nice, good job all22:53
* slogan goes to find people to show 22:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/monasca-common: Invalid kafka check script name
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