Wednesday, 2015-01-21

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LeanReoxHi everyone, getting some issues with the libvirt plugin for monasca agent, im getting {"forbidden":{"code":403,"message":"Project d2b33fed2be34e7d8b5388107c3eaf16 cannot POST cross tenant metrics","details":"","internal_code":"4d74a071f83f544f"}}13:25
LeanReoxthe user has monitoring-delegate role configured, and its admin13:25
LeanReoxreading the code i saw that this exception is thrown when crossTenantId is not found13:25
LeanReoxif (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(crossTenantId))13:25
LeanReoxbut its actually there ...
LeanReoxany clues ?13:25
LeanReoxsandywalsh, maybe you have a pinpoint here :)13:27
sandywalshLeanReox: sorry, I'm not a monasca expert :) But it sounds like your agent is trying to post to a different tenant ID than the credentials13:28
LeanReoxyes it is, but it should, the libvirt plugin should poss cross-tenants metrics13:29
sandywalshany way to see what the actual POST is sending?13:30
LeanReoxyes let me dump on the monasca-api server13:31
sandywalshseems fine ... definitely something wonky server-side / permissions. Anything in the logs?13:38
LeanReoxsandywalsh, besides the 403 forbidden nothing at all, but debuggin the code, the 403 is cached by an exception if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(crossTenantId))13:42
LeanReoxand that variable is defined like this @QueryParam("tenant_id") String crossTenantId,13:43
LeanReoxand the querystring param, its actually there ...13:43
LeanReoxi can see it on the POST13:43
LeanReoxso thats odd, sandywalsh13:43
LeanReoxhere sandywalsh ,
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sandywalshand there's the X-Tenant-Id expected in the header, which I don't see13:46
LeanReoxyes sandywalsh , but for that one it should crash on the service.create line+13:48
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LeanReoxif its missing, should go throug the 403 one13:49
sandywalshah, hang on13:49
sandywalshProject d2b33fed2be34e7d8b5388107c3eaf16 cannot POST cross tenant13:50
sandywalshbut the tenant_id on the POST is 10d575812bf74c2086f549846f1687a613:50
LeanReoxyes, cause its a cross-tenant post, a user is postingm etrics from another tenant vm13:50
LeanReoxtenant_id =  @QueryParam("tenant_id")13:51
sandywalshoh, right ... trying to find out where it got the tenantID since the header isn't present13:51
LeanReoxand tenantId =  @HeaderParam("X-Tenant-Id")13:51
LeanReoxsandywalsh, if you see the line that logs the 40313:52
LeanReoxit uses tenantId13:52
LeanReoxso @HeaderParam("X-Tenant-Id") its there13:52
sandywalshright, but X-Tenant-Id isn't in the curl13:52
sandywalshso it's defaulting it13:52
LeanReoxweird cause its actually the tenantiD from the user trying to do the post, but im going to create a new tenant and assign monitoring-delegate role to it, to see if the logs changes13:54
LeanReoxbetter ill try to add the header to the request13:54
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sandywalshand there's no X-Roles, so isDelegate will be False, which gets it into that code block at line 7713:55
sandywalshno idea why crossTenantId should be Null13:56
sandywalshoh ... wait13:57
sandywalshif ! empty13:57
sandywalshand crossTenantID is not empty13:57
sandywalshso, I think the problem is that X-Roles is not being included13:58
sandywalshif you include X-Roles to the post it should work13:58
LeanReoxill try that one13:58
sandywalsh(and it has the MONITORING_DELEGATE_ROLE)13:58
LeanReoxyup the user has the role13:59
sandywalshnot in the curl13:59
LeanReoxyep, thats monasca-agent13:59
LeanReoxso maybe its a bug13:59
sandywalsh@HeaderParam("X-Roles") String roles,13:59
sandywalshnot seeing that in the paste13:59
LeanReoxif its not there, the pyton monasca client its not included14:00
LeanReoxincluding it14:00
sandywalshright, and that's the problem14:00
sandywalsh(I think :)14:00
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LeanReoxweird, still the same, added both headers14:13
sandywalshok, that's just weird14:13
sandywalshah, wrong tenant_id14:14
sandywalshoh, nm14:14
sandywalshshould be ?tenant_id=10d575812bf74c2086f549846f1687a614:15
LeanReoxsandywalsh, yes should be that one14:16
LeanReox| 10d575812bf74c2086f549846f1687a6 | tour_tenant |   True  |14:17
LeanReoxthats the owner of the vm14:17
LeanReoxand the other tenant is from the user that its posting the cross-tenant metric14:17
sandywalshok, but it doesn't match the first paste14:17
sandywalshfirst POST POST /v2.0/metrics?tenant_id=10d575812bf74c2086f549846f1687a614:18
LeanReoxtrue i grabbed antoher curl,  but thats worst because its the same tenant owner of the vm14:19
LeanReoxso in that case its not cross-tenant metric14:19
LeanReoxill try the first one with the x-roles header14:19
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sandywalshI don't see any actual role checks ... just the presence or lack of the parameters14:25
sandywalshexists or not14:25
LeanReoxsandywalsh, tried adding the headers to the original curl, same thing14:27
sandywalshhmm, I think we're in the right church, but the wrong pew :)14:28
sandywalshbetter wait until the proper monasca crew get in14:28
sandywalshthere's some magic going on14:28
LeanReoxhaha ok sandywalsh thanks for the support anyway14:29
sandywalshnp, I'll have another peek and will let you know if anything jumps out14:29
LeanReoxthanks, i appreciate that, ill wait for Tim or craig to jump in14:30
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sandywalshwith 'X-Roles: monitoring-delegate' all that code should be bypassed, so I don't know what's going on14:31
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LeanReoxyup, i thought the same, but
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openstackgerritCraig Bryant proposed stackforge/monasca-api: Distribute messages better among the Kafka partitions
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stackedsaxrhochmuth: wait, wait, come back!16:33
sandywalshrhochmuth: fujitsu is online ... can you rejoin?16:34
stackedsaxrhochmuth: we're going to chat with them for a bit, join if you can16:36
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openstackgerritJoe Keen proposed stackforge/monasca-notification: Refactored notification engine types
openstackgerritGary Hessler proposed stackforge/monasca-agent: Updated dimension processing for service and component
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robbybbCould anyone provide a pointer to info on the mid-cycle meet-up for Monasca?17:28
LeanReoxcraigbr, hi Craig can i bother with a couple of questions about cross-tenant metrics, and ceilometer-monasca integration ?17:29
craigbrI know some stuff about cross-tenant metrics. What do you need?17:30
LeanReoxcraigbr, great17:30
LeanReoxfirst of all i found a bug on monasca-ceilometer, iss missing from "ceilometer.i18n import _ " on monclient.py17:31
LeanReoxcausing the LOG.debug(_("somethin") to fail , saying that "_" is not defined17:31
craigbrOk. I'll take a look at that17:32
LeanReoxadded the missing import fixed the issue but dont know where to report it17:32
LeanReoxthats the first one17:32
craigbrThe easy thing is just to submit the fix17:32
craigbrIt will get reviewed and merged17:32
LeanReoxgreat thanks17:33
LeanReoxim keep getting "403" forbidden when libvirt module for monasca agent tries to put metrics17:33
LeanReoxdoesnt matter if its the same tenant17:33
LeanReoxor on behalf of another tenant17:33
LeanReoxthe user has the role "monitoring-delegate"17:34
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craigbrLet me get somebody else on to help with that17:34
craigbrIt might be a little while, many people are in a meeting right now17:34
LeanReoxand, the second one its , on the monasca-ceilometer integration, on the monclient.py17:34
LeanReoxno matter what i put on the kwargs dict to authtenticate to keystone17:35
LeanReoxthat just simply doesnt work and the publisher gets always an unathorized17:35
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craigbrI will have to do some research on that one17:36
LeanReoxi tried adding the keystone admin token + admin user and pass combination17:36
rhochmuthrobbybb We haven't decided on a Monasca mid-cycle meetup17:37
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rhochmuthWe had wanted to do one after the operators meetup at that location17:37
rhochmuthbut, as that is hosted by comcast, logistics are difficult17:37
rhochmuthI could easily host it in Fort Collins17:37
rhochmuthbut hosting at other locations where no one is involved with Monasca is a problem17:38
rhochmuthWe have lot's of involvement with TWC though, but the Comcast/TWC merger hasnt' happened17:38
LeanReoxcraigbr, several combinations, and the python-monasca-agent always tries to auth with "curl -i -X POST -H 'X-Auth-Key: xxxx' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Url:' -H 'X-Auth-User: xxx' -H 'User-Agent: python-monascaclient'"17:38
LeanReoxbut fails with Bad Request: Token not found in the request17:39
craigbrOk. I will take a look when our meeting is done17:39
LeanReoxthanks craigbr let me know when you have a couple of minutes17:39
robbybbrhochmuth Thanks, I will look for updates17:39
LeanReoxsorry to interrupt _)17:39
craigbrNo problem. I just have to actually talk now17:40
LeanReoxcraigbr, haha great, let me know, being couple of days trying to figure it out and its getting frustrating :)17:42
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dschroederHi LeanReox, I'm looking into this problem now.18:24
craigbrLeanReox: Looks like needs to be updated to work with keystone authentication. I'll take a look at it but may take a while18:25
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LeanReoxdschroeder, thanks18:30
LeanReoxcraigbr, hmmm i was afraid of that18:31
craigbrI could be wrong, though. Just need to look at it18:31
LeanReoxdschroeder, youre taking a look to the cross-tenant issue ?18:32
LeanReoxthanks dschroeder let me know if you need more info18:32
dschroederLeanReox: Please help me understand your test environment.  Are you using monasca-vagrant with the mini-mon and devstack VMs, or have you installed the Agent elsewhere (like on baremetal)?18:34
LeanReoxa distributed baremetal install 1 controller 2 computes18:35
LeanReoxon the controller the monasca-api is running18:35
LeanReoxthen the agent on the computes18:35
LeanReoxthat run machines from several tenants18:35
LeanReoxthe metrics for the physical host are getting posted just fine18:35
LeanReoxbut the libvirt vm metrics18:35
LeanReoxare getting 40318:36
LeanReoxcraigbr, its weird that has the "auth_url" as part of the kwargs dictionary18:36
LeanReoxcraigbr, the monclient.py18:36
LeanReoxcraigbr, but it seems that is not doing anything with it18:37
dschroederLeonReox: On a compute note, please run this command:  sudo -u monasca-agent monasca-collector check libvirt18:37
LeanReoxdschroeder, roger18:40
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dschroederLeonReox, great, that looks good.  Now, you said you get the 403 error when the agent is posting those metrics, do you see that in /var/log/monsaca/agent/forwarder.log?18:49
LeanReoxdschroeder, thats correct18:50
LeanReoxdschroeder, here you have the request, responses, tenants users and roles18:51
dschroederLeanReox, very helpful, thanks.  Can you please confirm the username and project_name specified in /etc/monasca/agent/agent.conf ?19:18
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LeanReoxuser = monascauser19:41
LeanReoxpass = 12345619:42
LeanReoxim seeing that the configured in the livirt plugin19:42
LeanReoxits not used to post the metrics19:42
LeanReoxshould work like that ?19:42
LeanReoxdschroeder, ?19:42
LeanReoxdschroeder, i fix it ...19:57
LeanReoxdschroeder, added monitoring-delegate role to the user that its on the agent19:57
LeanReoxbut im wondering why its not using the user that its on libvirt.yaml19:57
LeanReoxto post the metrics (that already has monitoring-delegate) role19:57
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LeanReoxcause if the user its not admin, it cannot sort all the instances from nova19:58
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dschroederLeanReox, yes, that's the fix.  The simplest explanation for this behavior is that the user specified in the libvirt plugin's config is responsible for gathering the metrics, and the user in the Agent's config is responsible for posting the metrics, and both processes are fairly separate.  I see where the documentation is insufficient/misleading in this regard, and will update it now.20:34
LeanReoxdschroeder, yes thats why i get it working when assigned monitoring-delegate all over the world, and when i did i fresh install "supposing" all that, it failed again20:36
LeanReoxcraigbr, ill try to get a version of that supports keystone, and i get back to you20:37
LeanReoxdschroeder, i got an existencial question, the thing that its keeping me with ceilometer its the heat integration for autoscaling purposes, it will be an extension to do this?20:40
LeanReoxcause i see a lot of interesting features comming in on monasca (abnormaly detectrion, log correlation, etc)20:41
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dschroederLeonReox, yes, Heat integration is something we are planning on adding to Monasca.  I don't have a firm timeframe on this yet, though.20:56
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openstackgerritDavid Schroeder proposed stackforge/monasca-agent: Clarify Libvirt documentation
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