Monday, 2022-03-21

tkajinamapetrich_, hi. do you mind reviewing this ?
tkajinamstable/yoga is currently broken and we need to backport this to fix the gate12:40
apetrich_tkajinam, not at all. give me a min12:58
tkajinamapetrich_, thx12:58
tkajinamthe version of PrettyTable required in yoga is conflicting with current python-glareclient12:59
apetrich_tkajinam, new end of line on here I will +2 +w it but if we need to rework it could you take it out, please?13:00
tkajinamapetrich_, ack. hmmm it seems vim added eol mark which is detected by git strangely. I could not find any newline actually.13:07
apetrich_weird. 13:07
apetrich_anyway it is +Wed13:07
tkajinamI'll submit yoga backport once it's merged and request a requirement freeze exception13:09
tkajinamafaik we have nothing dependent on mistral-extras but it's better to requires it as the repo is marked as a library13:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/mistral-extra master: Remove support for unmaintained Glare
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/mistral-extra stable/yoga: Remove support for unmaintained Glare
tkajinamah, it seems mistral-extra is not part of requirements13:19
tkajinamso I think creating a new yoga release is just enough13:19
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/mistral-extra stable/yoga: Update .gitreview for stable/yoga
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/mistral-extra stable/yoga: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/yoga
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/mistral-extra master: Update master for stable/yoga

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