Monday, 2021-06-28

fungiapetrich_: did you have any luck getting rakhmerov's attention last week? there's a private report of a suspected security vulnerability for one of mistral's deliverables which i'm hoping someone will be able to take a look at. he still hasn't replied to my e-mail nor acknowledged the bug report... i hope everything's okay with him!16:56
apetrich_fungi, sorry no success. 17:27
fungiapetrich_: to continue as a part of openstack, mistral needs a security liaison. if there are volunteers to take up that role, i'm happy to subscribe them to the current private bug report17:31
apetrich_fungi, were you trying to reach him on his gmail account?17:33
fungiapetrich_: i contacted the e-mail address he lists with his liaison record in openstack governance:
fungiso, yes, gmail17:35
apetrich_yeah. That's the one I tried too17:35
fungion a related note, any idea if vgvoleg is still involved? (listed as an infra liaison)17:37
fungiit might be necessary to get new liaison volunteers and update governance17:37
apetrich_aye. The freenode fiasco kind of messed up the bit tenuous communication that we had.17:43
apetrich_fungi, talked to rakhemerov. 18:38
fungiapetrich_: if we can get regular communication reestablished with rakhemerov, it would be a good idea to adjust so it's owner is
fungithat would allow me and others to assist in configuring the lp project or with leadership transitions to make sure future mistral leaders don't lose access to things like private bug reports19:13
fungi(that's how most of the other openstack projects on lp are set up)19:13

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