Friday, 2019-01-04

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d0ugalpgaxatte: because when you delete the root execution the child executions are deleted automatically10:16
pgaxattehi d0ugal :)10:17
d0ugalpgaxatte: so only the completed root executions need to be explicitly deleted10:17
pgaxattethanks for the answer I was feeling rather lonely here!10:17
d0ugalhaha, sorry for the delay!10:17
d0ugalI believe rakhmerov is back next week.10:18
pgaxatteI understand the tasks and action executions are deleted via cascade delete on the db10:18
d0ugaloh okay :)10:18
pgaxatte(let me read the code again to check what suprised me :D)10:19
pgaxatteok reading this:
pgaxattetask_execution_id is not root_exec10:21
d0ugalwell, it kind of is :)10:21
pgaxatteit's set to null when the workflow has run everything, right?10:21
d0ugaltask_execution_id refers to the task in the parent execution that started the workflow10:22
pgaxattei understand it like a pointer to the current task running10:22
d0ugalso if it is null, then it is a root execution10:22
pgaxatteok so we start the expiration from the root of the exec10:23
d0ugalThis code could be updated to use the new root_execution_id field, then it might be easier to read10:23
pgaxattebut in my opinion it does not clean the subworkflows10:23
d0ugalIt does for me :-D10:23
pgaxattewe had to turn it off on our side10:23
pgaxatteit caused a lot of deadlocks10:23
d0ugalIf it didn't - databases would be very full and we would get many complaints10:24
d0ugalso I wonder why your setup is different10:24
pgaxattei'm not sure either10:24
pgaxattewe have a lot of executions10:24
pgaxattewe can run like 100 thousands actions per day10:24
pgaxatteso action_executions is growing fast10:25
pgaxatteand we did not activate expiration from the start10:25
d0ugalI believe rakhmerov is working at a similar scale, so it would be worth checking with him10:25
pgaxatteand the expiration on large set is creating deadlocks10:25
pgaxattebecause the db is a bit sluggish too but i think the expiration itself is not optimizes10:26
pgaxatte(if i may)10:26
pgaxattefrom what i understand of it10:27
pgaxatteit seems to delete line by line10:27
pgaxatteeach workflow exec10:27
d0ugalYup, I think so10:28
pgaxattebecause we check the auth context and use _secure_query10:28
pgaxatteBUT i don't see why we need to10:28
d0ugalIt was changed to delete like that because of timeouts deleting many executions in one query iirc10:28
pgaxattehmmmm do you use postgres or mysql?10:29
d0ugalmysql, unfortunately :-D10:29
pgaxattebecause i could see the reason why with different locking schemes10:29
pgaxatteyeah so table locks everywhere :D10:29
d0ugalBut we have many small Mistral deploys, not one big one10:29
d0ugalSo we don't usually hit this problem10:30
pgaxatteand because of the cascade it locks like 3 or 4 tables10:30
pgaxatteeven if we did not remove all the lines at once but in batches it would be beneficial10:31
pgaxatteand i don't see why we need _secure_query10:31
d0ugalNo, I don't understand that part tbh10:31
d0ugalbbiab, coffee and snack required :)10:31
pgaxatteit seems useful for deleting resources that could be shared between projects10:31
pgaxatted0ugal: no problem :D10:31
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: fix typo mistakes
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Replace tripleo-scenario003-multinode with scenario003-standalone
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Update mailinglist from dev to discuss
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Amend the spelling error of a word
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Remove those copy words occured twice times in wf_lang_v2.rst
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Remove the deprecated json_pp YAQL/Jinja2 function
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Fix input, params, output, published filters
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Gate fix for failing at openstack-tox-docs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Remove those copy words occured twice times in wf_lang_v2.rst
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Amend the spelling error of a word
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Update mailinglist from dev to discuss
openstackgerritzhulingjie proposed openstack/mistral master: Update hacking version to latest
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openstackgerritzhulingjie proposed openstack/mistral-specs master: Update hacking version to latest
openstackgerritzhulingjie proposed openstack/mistral-extra master: Update hacking version to latest
openstackgerritzhulingjie proposed openstack/mistral-tempest-plugin master: Update hacking version to latest
openstackgerritzhulingjie proposed openstack/mistral-lib master: Update hacking version to latest
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Update mailinglist from dev to discuss
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