Thursday, 2018-08-23

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openstackgerritNguyen Hai proposed openstack/mistral-dashboard stable/ocata: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritNguyen Hai proposed openstack/mistral-dashboard stable/ocata: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritNguyen Hai proposed openstack/mistral-dashboard stable/pike: import zuul job settings from project-config
openstackgerritNguyen Hai proposed openstack/mistral-dashboard stable/pike: import zuul job settings from project-config
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nguyenhaiHi, all the patches related to python3-first goal are ready to be merged.07:00
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apetrichnguyenhai, nice work. I will be going through them soon07:18
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d0ugalapetrich: did you just +1 the dashboard patches because you don't use it?08:47
d0ugalThanks nguyenhai!08:47
apetrichd0ugal, the ones are for older releases08:48
apetrichd0ugal, I can only +2 master08:48
d0ugalapetrich: aha, so they are. Thanks08:48
apetrichd0ugal, it confused me for a bit why were we setting the horizon to pike and I was about to write a comment until I checked the version08:49
d0ugalretro horizon is coming back into fashion08:49
apetrichwhat I didn't vote for was the last one that was created by a script that had True => true08:50
apetrichbut it seems all right08:50
apetrichI just don't like these changes that do nothing08:50
d0ugalbut nevermind :)08:51
d0ugalYAML has many True's unfortunately08:51
d0ugalI think they are only missing "aye" and "naw"08:52
d0ugalapetrich: does mock patching help with concurrent test execution? vs manually patching08:54
d0ugalapetrich: context is and (see the failure)08:54
apetrichd0ugal, yaml when downhill for me when they accepted naah as fasle08:56
d0ugalIt is better to use mock anyway, but I'm not sure if it is enough to help that failure08:56
apetrichit is far cleaner08:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral-dashboard stable/pike: import zuul job settings from project-config
nguyenhaiThanks team, the first step of python3-first goal is going to finish. Please help for the next step.08:58
d0ugalnguyenhai: What is the next step? :)08:59
d0ugalnguyenhai: is there a list of all the steps somewhere?08:59
d0ugal8 steps!08:59
nguyenhaiThat is huge :P09:00
d0ugalYup, I guess we have completed a number of them already09:00
d0ugalWe already do 6, 7 and 8 I believe.09:01
d0ugaloh, no, we have tests under 3.5 not 3.609:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral-dashboard stable/ocata: import zuul job settings from project-config
d0ugalbut that is just merging09:02
d0ugalokay, so we have already completed lots of the 8 steps09:02
d0ugalphew :)09:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral stable/rocky: import zuul job settings from project-config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Explicitly convert X-Target-Insecure to a boolean
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral stable/rocky: Explicitly convert X-Target-Insecure to a boolean
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openstackgerritBob Haddleton proposed openstack/mistral-specs master: Allow Join Success on Partial Tree
openstackgerritBob Haddleton proposed openstack/mistral master: Add py36 to tox and default to python3 for pep8 and venv
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/mistral master: Stop using deprecated keystone_authtoken/auth_uri
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: import zuul job settings from project-config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral stable/rocky: Explicitly convert X-Target-Insecure to a boolean
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