Friday, 2017-11-24

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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Revert "zuul: update tripleo zuul v3 jobs"
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Revert "Updated from global requirements"
openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: [DNM] What is the token
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: [DNM] Heat debug output
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therved0ugal, Looks like you're scratching for something12:31
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d0ugaltherve: aye12:42
d0ugaltherve: I am so confused :)12:42
therved0ugal, What's going on?12:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1733345 in tripleo "Master promotion: error creating the default Deployment Plan overcloud" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to wes hayutin (weshayutin)12:43
d0ugaltherve: see my last comment12:43
therved0ugal, So the session fix wasn't enough?12:44
d0ugaltherve: no, that done nothing.12:44
d0ugalsome clients use sessions now, some don't12:44
d0ugalbut they are all broken AFAICT12:44
d0ugaltherve: it passes in normal CI but fails in tripleo promotion and mistrals tempest tests12:45
d0ugalso there is something different in the envs, but I don't know waht12:45
therved0ugal, What is "normal CI" ?12:45
d0ugaltherve: tripleo's non-promotion jobs12:45
therved0ugal, Which uses a "old" version of... stuff?12:45
d0ugaltherve: I guess, but I'm not sure what exactly.12:47
d0ugaltherve: Mistral's tempest shouldn't use old stuff tho'12:48
* d0ugal finds an example12:48
d0ugaltherve: - passes tripleo but devstack has auth errors.12:49
d0ugalthe auth errors there are very similar to what we are seeing in the tripleo promotion12:49
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d0ugalI was trying to get the keystone token so I could manually check it works (not sure how you do that bit yet)12:50
d0ugalbut I wasn't able to get the token.12:50
d0ugalWe have an env with the issue that you can access if you want to dig in :)12:50
d0ugalI am about to go out for a bit for lunch tho' - but apetrich can add your keys.12:50
d0ugaltherve: when I tried to get the token it appeared to be a string "***" - I am not sure if there is fancy masking going on or if somehow we have a masked vrsion of the token that we are trying to use12:52
d0ugalanyway, I need a break.12:52
d0ugalback in a bit12:52
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therved0ugal, OK, I'll try to have a look :)13:00
therveOh those jobs are non-voting :/13:01
therved0ugal, Think I've found :)13:23
therveIt's jaosorior's fault13:26
therved0ugal, and
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therve'This method is not named "to_dict"' to avoid recursive call.' What? This is all kind of wrong...13:38
jaosoriortherve: oh; should probably not use that function13:39
jaosorioras discussed with the oslo folks13:39
thervejaosorior, Probably, right? :)13:39
jaosoriorit's ONLY for logging13:39
jaosorioruse to_dict if you want to use the actual token and such13:39
jaosoriorafterwards you can use that function if you want to log the value.13:40
jaosoriorbut yeah, sorry for breaking you guys; wasn't intentional13:40
thervejaosorior, Yeah I'm just teasing  you, this code is horribly broken13:40
jaosoriortherve: well, oslo could have better docs13:41
therveSure. get_logging_values is somewhat self documenting though :)13:42
jaosoriortherve: how is convert_to_dict used?13:46
thervejaosorior, Serialize context between mistral components13:46
jaosoriortherve: serialize it for what? is it being copied around?13:46
thervejaosorior, Yeah it's passed through Rabbit13:46
jaosoriortherve: oh13:47
jaosoriortherve: does heat have the same issue?13:48
jaosoriortherve: how does heat handle user credentials in the engine?13:48
thervejaosorior, No we don't call get_logging_values, we call to_dict as expected :)13:48
jaosoriortherve: that makes sense13:49
jaosoriortherve: The only issue of course is logging.13:49
jaosoriortherve: do you set the context in the thread's environment?13:49
thervejaosorior, I guess? Not sure I follow13:50
jaosoriortherve: nevermind :) nothing you have to worry about13:50
jaosoriorI'll get to check out heat's logging soon enough13:50
therveAh yeah13:50
therveIt's possible it's horrib le13:50
jaosoriortherve: I was working on some logging stuff at some point. And I want to move everything in tripleo (optionally) to output json logs directly13:50
jaosoriortherve: using json logs, you see EVERYTHING; so that's where you notice when projects are not providing enough info for the logs, or have funky practices for handling contexts13:51
jaosoriortherve: used to be the case that if anybody used the JSON formatter, or the fluentd formatter it would leak keystone tokens; hence that change I did for oslo.context13:51
jaosoriortherve: it seems to me that nobody used those though. Because the code that actually put the token in the JSON structure didn't work either :D13:52
therveAh I see13:52
jaosorior* the code that actually put the context in the JSON structure13:52
jaosoriorso, there was no vulnerability, because it never actually worked13:52
jaosoriorwhich is nice, but sad13:52
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/mistral master: Don't use oslo context get_logging_values
therveMostly sad :)13:54
jaosorioranyway, now it works :D, and it doesn't leak.13:54
openstackgerritIstvan Imre proposed openstack/mistral master: Wrong handling of is_system flag at workbooks causes DB error with MySQL 5.7
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jpichNice debugging work therve !!14:09
thervejpich, Let's see if it works first :)14:11
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jpichFair enough :)14:11
apetrichtherve, oh I see14:32
apetrichtherve, testing now.14:32
apetrichtherve, it works14:35
apetrich mistral run-action heat.stacks_list14:35
apetrich{"result": []}14:35
d0ugalThat is me just back15:04
* d0ugal reads up15:04
apetrichgood news is good news15:05
d0ugaltherve: thanks for the help.15:07
d0ugalThat had been driving me mad15:07
apetrichthat makes two of us15:07
d0ugalI might use this approach again. Get stuck on a problem, tell therve about it and then go and eat pizza for a while.15:07
d0ugalokay, now to find another reviewer.15:08
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d0ugalSo I guess in the places that it did work, an old oslo context was in use.15:12
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therved0ugal, Should we take the opportunity to make those tempest tests voting?15:53
therve(seems like my connection is flaky)15:53
d0ugaltherve: yes, we should.15:59
d0ugaltherve: somehow tripleo stopped being voting too15:59
therveMaybe in the zuul migration16:01
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Make more CI jobs voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Don't use oslo context get_logging_values
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Make more CI jobs voting

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