Tuesday, 2017-08-22

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openstackgerritint32bit proposed openstack/mistral master: Add project_id to API resources  https://review.openstack.org/49612106:59
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openstackgerritjunbo.li proposed openstack/mistral master: Remove build files before run tox doc builder  https://review.openstack.org/49614708:15
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openstackgerritint32bit proposed openstack/mistral master: Add get cron-trigger by id support  https://review.openstack.org/49615708:49
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openstackgerritMateusz Kowalski proposed openstack/mistral-dashboard master: Expand parameter list for workflow execution  https://review.openstack.org/49622012:28
openstackgerritMateusz Kowalski proposed openstack/mistral-dashboard master: Expand parameter list for workflow execution  https://review.openstack.org/49622012:29
openstackgerritMateusz Kowalski proposed openstack/mistral-dashboard master: Expand parameter list for workflow execution  https://review.openstack.org/49622012:30
openstackgerritMateusz Kowalski proposed openstack/mistral-dashboard master: Expand parameter list for workflow execution  https://review.openstack.org/49622012:30
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thrashlivelace2: I'm still trying to figure out just what is happening. Any progress on your side?12:58
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livelace2thrash, Hello. I have tried a lot of things, but as a temporary solution I chose a intermediate task https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/yPghp77K5W2Kwv9amghmvA14:05
livelace2"fixate" takes all "wrong" things and calls stop correctly14:05
thrashlivelace2: interesting...14:06
thrashd0ugal: you could probably explain that better than I14:07
d0ugalI can try14:09
* d0ugal reads14:09
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d0ugalthrash: no, I'm not sure. I've never had a reason to use "join" actually14:30
d0ugalI should try it out more sometime.14:30
thrashd0ugal: I think I meant more about the usage of on-error vs on-complete14:31
d0ugalI guess I'm not sure I understand the question then14:32
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thrashd0ugal: livelace2 (who is now gone) was having issues with unexpected behavior from his workflow, and I think it stemmed from usage of on-complete vs on-error.14:48
thrashd0ugal: and then how the outcome (error status?) of the a workflow would affect a join call... I'm still trying to figure it out.14:49
thrashd0ugal: if you're curious, this is the workflow I was testing with... http://paste.openstack.org/show/618946/14:50
thrashd0ugal: you should run it. It does not do what you would expect.14:51
d0ugalthrash: okay, you have peaked my interest.14:52
thrashd0ugal: especially since none of the workflows should actually error.14:52
thrashd0ugal: and this was livelace's solution: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/yPghp77K5W2Kwv9amghmvA14:53
d0ugalthrash: interesting, that does seem like a bug14:58
d0ugalno idea what is going on :)14:58
thrashd0ugal: same!14:58
d0ugalI think it must be related to the join mechanic tho'14:58
thrashyou got 'failed because of task1' right?14:58
d0ugalthrash: yup14:58
thrashit's consistent. :D14:59
d0ugalthrash: is it failing because task1 never joins?15:01
d0ugalthrash: but it does lead to it, with on-error15:01
thrashd0ugal: that shouldn't be an error...15:01
thrashd0ugal: if the task is completed, it should just be considered "joined"15:01
d0ugalthrash: adding "stop" to on-success of task1 also fixes it15:02
thrashd0ugal: oooh... that kinda makes sense...15:03
d0ugalthrash: or removing it from on-error also fixes it15:03
thrashd0ugal: hmm... It seems though that it would probably break the logic livelace was aiming for...15:04
thrashIf something errors, then stop15:04
thrashI don't know. :|15:04
d0ugalso, it seems that joining works by looking at any tasks that link to the join15:07
d0ugaland because it links in an on-error it is considered a potential join15:07
d0ugalthe other fix would be to change it to "join: 2"15:07
d0ugaland thus it would wait for at least two joins15:08
d0ugalor maybe "join: 1" if you wanted any error to stop it15:08
d0ugalIf nothing else, the error could be much better.15:08
thrashso, would using on-complete function better?15:10
thrashor put another way, do what is expected?15:10
d0ugalyeah, on-complete would ensure it joins15:10
thrashI just wonder why the workaround (intermediate task) was necessary?15:11
d0ugalthrash: the intermediate task didn't help, AFAICT15:11
d0ugalit is the change from on-error to on-complete15:12
d0ugalbut I have not tested this15:12
thrashyeah... I'll give it a shot in a few.15:12
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apetrichrbrady, cheers15:55
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openstackgerritBob Haddleton proposed openstack/mistral master: Process input defaults and output transforms for nested AdHoc Actions  https://review.openstack.org/49474917:24
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