Thursday, 2017-06-29

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d0ugalrakhmerov: yay
rakhmerovd0ugal: excellent!07:32
rakhmerovno need to change the release model then )07:32
d0ugalUnless you want to change it :)07:32
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rakhmerovd0ugal: no, I don't for now )07:53
apetrichd0ugal, woot!07:56
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rakhmerovkong: hi08:16
rakhmerovyou here?08:16
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d0ugalrakhmerov: do you understand the "--filter" option on the CLI?08:38
d0ugalHow can I find the list of valid names.08:38
d0ugalrakhmerov: Foudn it, it seems you can't do "mistral task-list --filter execution_id=ID" - that would be useful.08:42
* d0ugal might write a quick patch.08:42
rakhmerovyep, right08:44
rakhmerovd0ugal: but in case of task-list you don't even need to use --filter08:45
rakhmerovjust do: mistral task-list <execution_id>08:45
d0ugaloh, wow08:45
rakhmerovsame with action-execution-list08:45
rakhmerovyou can pass it with a task execution ID08:45
rakhmerovbut yes, --filter can be used for all other fields08:46
rakhmerovname, state etc.08:46
d0ugalright, I have used it before and thought it was weird that it didn't allow execution_id08:46
d0ugalNow I know why :)08:47
d0ugalUntil now I have just grepped08:47
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rakhmerovhaha :)08:51
rakhmerovyou suffered, it's bad )08:52
rakhmerovdocumentation!! We need a good documentation!08:52
d0ugalhaha, yeah09:00
d0ugalrakhmerov: I would like "mistral execution-list EXECUTION_ID"09:16
d0ugalto get the execution and it's sub-workflow executions09:17
d0ugalIs there a relation in the db for sub-workflow to parent workflow?09:17
d0ugalI don't see one :(09:18
rakhmerovd0ugal: actually it's a good idea09:18
rakhmerovbut we can't use EXECUTION_ID09:18
rakhmerovwe rather have to use TASK_EXECUTION_ID09:18
rakhmerovbecause workflow may have multiple subworkflows09:18
rakhmerovyes, the relation is "task_execution_id"09:19
rakhmerovin workflow execution09:19
d0ugalbut they also might have multiple task executions with sub-workflows?09:19
d0ugalThis would be hard to do with one db query :)09:19
rakhmerovnot sure I understood your last question..09:21
d0ugalrakhmerov: so, given this example:
d0ugalI only started one workflow, the others were started by it09:22
rakhmerovooh, you just want to list ALL subworkflows of your original workflow?09:22
d0ugalif there were other workflow executions, how would I find only the executions related to 03fcdef4-1701-4661-9049-c944b8a8776009:22
d0ugalrakhmerov: yeah09:22
rakhmerovyep, I see09:23
rakhmerovit'd be good09:23
d0ugalso at the moment I only have that workflow, because I delete all executions before running to make it easier09:23
d0ugalbut it would be really useful if I could say "mistral execution-list 03fcdef4-1701-4661-9049-c944b8a87760" and it gave me all the sub-workflows (and the sub-sub-workflows etc)09:23
rakhmerovwe can probably have some pseudo filter for this09:23
mgershend0ugal: you can try and run a workflow that gets all tasks of the execution recursively and them get the execution_id from there distinctly using yaql.09:24
d0ugalmgershen: oh, that is a cool idea.09:24
d0ugalit also sounds fun :)09:24
rakhmerovyes, it is there now09:24
d0ugalOkay, I'll try this!09:24
rakhmerovwe can expose it in the API too somehow09:24
rakhmerovthat would be nice09:24
rakhmerovbtw, what Toure is doing can probably help with this too09:25
rakhmerovit should show the structure of workflow/subworkflows09:25
d0ugalyeah, I was just reviewing his patch which is what made me think of it :)09:25
mgershenit will take work to get it done.09:26
mgershenI mean even with the workflow09:27
mgershenI belive something like this will get you the execution IDs: <% tasks(TOP_LVL_EXEC, true).workflow_execution_id.distinct() %>09:31
mgershend0ugal: you using the ?09:34
d0ugalmgershen: no, I use the YAQL repl sometimes.09:34
d0ugalmgershen: I did try it once but it has an old version of YAQL and didn't have the features I wanted09:35
mgershenok, it now has yaql 1.1.0 if you want to try it again. I like it because of the auto-completion based on content.09:39
d0ugalmgershen: oh cool, I don't remember auto-completion. I'll try it again.09:41
mgershend0ugal: maybe you are typing too fast haha. see here:
d0ugalmgershen: very cool :)09:56
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openstackgerritSharat Sharma proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Add pagination options for workflows and actions
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openstackgerritbhavani proposed openstack/mistral-specs master: Remove pbr warnerrors in favor of sphinx check
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openstackgerritbhavani proposed openstack/mistral-specs master: Remove pbr warnerrors in favor of sphinx check
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openstackgerritSharat Sharma proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Add pagination options for workflows and actions
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toured0ugal ping14:01
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d0ugaltoure: hey14:02
tourequestion in regards to the sqlalchemy structure in my proposal14:02
toured0ugal would a join solve that problem14:03
tourecombined with the filter14:03
d0ugaltoure: with sub workflows?14:03
d0ugalno, I don't think do14:03
tourewhat did you have in mind in regards?14:03
d0ugalI don't have a solution :)14:03
toureok, I will play around with the database and see if I can come up with something14:04
toured0ugal would each sub_workflow be considered a unique workflow_Execution with a parent?14:06
d0ugaltoure: I don't think it will be possible with one query14:06
d0ugaltoure: yes14:06
* toure accepts d0ugal's challenge 14:07
d0ugalhaha, good luck14:07
* toure will bend sqlalchemy to his will 14:07
d0ugaltoure: the workflow has a reference to the current task exectution, that task execution links back to the execution of the sub-workflow14:07
touredo you have a quick example of a sub_workflow yaml14:08
d0ugaltoure: baremetal.yaml?14:08
d0ugalin tripleo-common14:08
d0ugal but there it isn't really a feature of the workflow language14:09
d0ugalany workflow can call any other workflow14:09
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toured0ugal I think I got it figured out in my mind at least, so if we take the approach of starting with the parent workflow query then extract the execution id(s) we should capture everything14:15
toureso we can get a count from the parent in regards to execution_id then traverse each id14:16
d0ugalHaving to do N queries is a pain, but getting that working is a good starting point.14:16
* toure sqlalchemy-Fu will be raised a notch 14:16
tourewell you wouldn't have to do N queries as the count returned can load a loop to perform the task14:17
toureif I am thinking clearly :)14:18
d0ugalI'm not sure14:18
d0ugalI'd have to try it and see14:18
toureI am working on it14:19
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openstackgerritAndras Kovi proposed openstack/mistral master: Update docker build
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openstackgerritToure Dunnon proposed openstack/mistral master: Workflow Error Analysis
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openstackgerritMichal Gershenzon proposed openstack/mistral-specs master: Create and run workflows within a namespace
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