Monday, 2017-06-19

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openstackgerritTovin Seven proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Make --profile load from environment variables
openstackgerritTovin Seven proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Make --profile load from environment variables
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d0ugalrakhmerov: thanks :)07:30
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rakhmerovd0ugal: once you have time:
rakhmerovnot sure if you are going to agree with the solution but I can elaborate on it07:32
rakhmerovthat's seemingly the best what I could do for now07:32
d0ugalI'll look in a min07:36
d0ugalrakhmerov: I don't really understand why 32 bytes more helps.07:45
rakhmerovwell, some number helps. I just took the closes round number07:45
rakhmerovbecause cut_dict is not precise enough07:46
rakhmerovit has a mistake to approximately one string representation of a number07:46
d0ugalI guess I need to read the cut_dict code to understand fully07:47
rakhmerovit's just for how this algo works internally, it's pretty tricky07:47
rakhmerovyeah, good luck )07:47
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rakhmerovmy point though is: yes, we can probably fix cut_dict() and we may do it later (although its original intention was to be used for logging where precision is not so critical)07:48
d0ugalmakes sense07:48
rakhmerovbut that's the simples and practical fix that will help us with "state_info"07:48
d0ugalso cut_dict is usually longer than the length you ask for07:49
d0ugalit is a bit messy, but I guess this will do for now :)07:50
rakhmerovyes, I think I'll get to this algo later and fix it more properly07:51
d0ugalMaybe worth opening a bug?07:51
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rakhmerovyes, just a minute07:55
rakhmerovyou're right07:55
apetrichrakhmerov, d0ugal if you folks have a moment I've moved more stuff into mistral lib here I wanted to check with you if you think it is the correct approach07:55
openstackLaunchpad bug 1698754 in Mistral "Fix utils.cut_dict() so that it trims more accurately" [Medium,Confirmed]07:58
rakhmerovapetrich: yeah, I was gonna look at it shortly07:58
apetrichrakhmerov, cheers07:59
gongysh| State info    | Failed to initialize action tacker.nfvo.workflows.vim_monitor.vim_ping_action.PingVimAction.       |08:02
gongysh|               | Action init params = ['count', 'targetip', 'vim_id', 'interval', 'timeout']. Actual init params =  |08:02
gongysh|               | [u'count', u'targetip', u'vim_id', u'interval', u'timeout']. More info:08:03
gongyshwhat is the problem?08:03
gongyshcould anyone help?08:03
d0ugalapetrich: yup, I'll take a look too08:08
gongyshd0ugal, could you help me?08:09
d0ugalgongysh: I don't know what that means, I've not seen it before. The only difference seems to be that one is unicode strings and the other isnt'08:11
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d0ugalgongysh: do you have an exception tracebacks in the logs?08:17
gongyshd0ugal, the log is the same: root@ubuntu64:~# journalctl -n 200 -u devstack@mistral-executor.service | grep mistral.executors.default_executor08:20
gongyshJun 19 16:14:14 ubuntu64 mistral-server[106222]: 2017-06-19 16:14:14.991 WARNING mistral.executors.default_executor [-] Failed to initialize action tacker.nfvo.workflows.vim_monitor.vim_ping_action.PingVimAction. Action init params = ['count', 'targetip', 'vim_id', 'interval', 'timeout']. Actual init params = [u'count', u'targetip', u'vim_id', u'interval', u'timeout']. More info: : AssertionError08:20
rakhmerovapetrich: just reviewed, see my comments08:21
rakhmerovgongysh: please use, it'll be more convenient08:22
gongyshrakhmerov, I think it is short, so paste it in place.08:22
gongyshI will use paste later.08:22
rakhmerovok, np08:23
rakhmerovyeah, maybe unicode is the reason, it's hard to tell08:23
rakhmerovneed to experiment08:23
rakhmerovis there anything in the engine log?08:23
apetrichrakhmerov, thanks08:24
rakhmerovbut I believe it's not unicode, I assume there's an assertion inside this action that checks some preconditions08:25
rakhmerovotherwise, why would we get AssertionError ?08:25
rakhmerovlook at the action implementation and see what's happening there, maybe some of the parameter values that you pass are not compliant with preconditions08:25
rakhmerovgongysh: ^08:26
gongyshrakhmerov, I am trying to reproduce it, and then I can give you the url of review, thanks08:27
rakhmerovok, np08:27
rakhmerovshare with us what was it08:27
rakhmerovd0ugal: how is that requirement problem going?08:28
rakhmerovhas it been solved?08:28
d0ugalrakhmerov: no, not yet.08:29
rakhmerovI see08:29
d0ugalrakhmerov: rbrady-afk was looking into breaking out link on the keystone utils. I am not sure if he made any progress, I'll ask him later08:29
d0ugalI've been tied up with other tasks.08:29
rakhmerovI hate this keystone stuff :)08:30
rakhmerovcan't wait to fix it all out08:30
d0ugalhaha, yeah08:30
d0ugalI never really understand it08:30
rakhmerovyeah, well, it was mostly OK a couple of years ago08:30
rakhmerovbut then tens of people fixed something in it, something has changed in Keystone itself and eventually it turned to a mess08:31
d0ugaljust keeping up with the OpenStack projects you use is a big task.08:31
gongyshd0ugal, rakhmerov
gongyshthe paste url is at
gongyshI have frustrated by it half day.08:40
rakhmerovgongysh: what's the value of "count" for this action?08:49
rakhmerovcan you set a breakpoint inside this action and see what happens there?08:49
rakhmerovor log statements, doesn't matter..08:49
rakhmerovis the problem happening inside action or in Mistral somewhere?08:50
rakhmerovif in Mistral can you point to the line?08:51
rakhmerovtry to debug it please08:51
rakhmerovone more question: what version of Mistral are you on?08:51
gongyshyou can see via workflow definition.08:53
gongyshjust a value, 108:54
gongyshI am using the master branch, using devstack.08:54
rakhmerovas far as I can see, it's "1", a string, not a number08:55
rakhmerovcan this be a problem?08:55
rakhmerovok, probably not..08:55
rakhmerovan assumption: you call start_rpc_listeners() from within an initializer08:57
rakhmerovif it fails the action won't be created08:57
rakhmerovmay be it fails because some of the actual parameters you pass are not valid08:57
rakhmerovI don't know, you need to debug it08:58
gongyshrakhmerov, do we have a way for action to listen to an event from outside?09:22
rakhmerovbuilt-in? no, it's purely up to a concrete action09:22
gongyshrakhmerov,  after removing start_rpc_listeners, it works.09:23
rakhmerovif you need, you can create a class hierarchy for actions that require it09:23
rakhmerovyep, ok09:23
gongyshI am starting a amqp server so that outsider can notify action something09:24
rakhmerovgongysh: btw, be careful about creating RPC endpoints out of action instances. Once the action has completed you need to make sure to reliably clean things up09:24
rakhmerovremove this endpoint etc.09:24
rakhmerovothwerise you'll be creating them endlessly09:24
rakhmerovI think it can be an implicit memory leak09:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Make sure that the field "state_info" trimmed as expected
rakhmerovyes, i saw the code.. I think the approach is ok, but just be careful09:25
gongyshso what is the other choice for it to work?09:25
rakhmerovgongysh: another option, create an asynchronous action but in this case some 3rd party needs to call Mistral API back to notify about the result09:26
rakhmerovwell, I think it's ok, just design this RPC code reliably first09:26
rakhmerovit probably just has a mistake somewhere09:26
gongyshrakhmerov, thanks, I will let my colleague to fix the rpc first.09:27
rakhmerovyes, that's the way to go in you case I believe09:28
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rakhmerovapetrich: please rebase
apetrichrakhmerov, I will10:09
apetrichI saw that thanks :)10:09
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rakhmerovapetrich, d0ugal: do you think we need to backport mistral_lib related changes to Ocata? Do you need it in TripleO maybe?10:55
d0ugalrakhmerov: no, we only need it for Pike10:56
apetrichrakhmerov, I don't think so. but not sure. it will ship with mistral lib 0.2.010:56
rakhmerovI'm just trying to backport and it fails because I already changed mistral.actions.base to mistral_lib.actions.base in one tasks10:56
rakhmerovbut other changes were not backported10:56
rakhmerovso for now I'll just change this patch in Ocata manually10:56
d0ugalI doubt that mistral_lib would quality for backporting10:56
rakhmerovw/o backporting other changes10:56
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rakhmerovd0ugal: agree on quality10:57
d0ugaloops, except I meant qualify :)10:57
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apetrichrakhmerov, say I want to remove the serialization.register(Result, ResultSerializer) from mistral/workflow/ where would you think would be a good place to register it?12:01
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack/mistral master: Add the baremetal_introspection action for aborting
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openstackgerritMichal Gershenzon proposed openstack/mistral-specs master: Create and run workflows within a namespace
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rakhmerovmeeting at #openstack-meeting-315:02
rakhmerovapetrich: let me think, good question15:02
rakhmerovmaybe something like a launch script15:03
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rakhmerovor engine initialization15:03
rakhmerovbut executor actually needs it too..15:03
rakhmerovok, let me think..15:03
apetrichharder question than I thought15:04
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/mistral master: Updated from global requirements
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